Have hudson compile a repo with maven - maven-2

I'm trying to have Hudson compile a Java project of mine, but it keeps failing.
I've started a new job, with "build a free-style software project"
I've set the SCM to Mercurial, added a build step "mvn compile" and had it publish Junit and JDepend results. JUnit test report simple named "*.xml"
The cloning of the repo works, but the repo refuses to compile. I get this error message:
[workspace] $ /usr/local/bin/hg log --rev . --template {node}
[workspace] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/hudson1162267116265588070.sh
+ mvn compile
/tmp/hudson1162267116265588070.sh: line 2: mvn: command not found
Recording test results
[JDepend] JDepend plugin is ready
[JDepend] Starting JDepend file, outputting to /tmp/jdepend6348540211061861772.xml
[JDepend] Found 2 classes in 1 packages
Finished: FAILURE
EDIT: result of mvn -ver
Java version: 1.6.0_21
Java home: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux" version: "2.6.32-25-generic" arch: "i386" Family: "unix"
Also, what I added to my /etc/bash.bashrc file.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21
export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-2.2.1
export M2=$M2_HOME/bin
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m"
export PATH=$M2:$PATH
export MAVEN_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-2.2.1
export MAVEN=$MAVEN_HOME/bin
And the $PATH echo.

The essential part of John V's answer and its comments.
It can't find maven, because it is not in the path. If you set the path in Hudson's .profile you are out of luck. The profile will only be executed for login shells. AFAIK, Hudson opens a non-interactive shell to execute the build steps and therefore, the .profile will not be executed.
When you login using the Hudson user account and run the maven command you will not have any problems, since the profile is correctly executed.


Conan WSL install: option 'pybind' doesn't exist

I decided to build the makefiles to build the libraries by hand. That worked. I am leaving this up in case someone has a suggestion as to how to get conan to work.
I am trying to install some libraries in WSL Linux using conan.
One of the libraries is here: https://github.com/Aquaveo/xmscore
I have installed conan, cmake, and xmsconan (see Building-Libraries below).
I am installing xmscore using these instructions:
When I run the command:
conan install -pr ../dev/xmsprofile_debug ..
I get the following error message:
*: pybind11/2.10.0
ERROR: /home/stboerne/Programming/ThirdParty/xmscore/conanfile.py: Error while initializing options. option 'pybind' doesn't exist
Possible options are []
I tried some of the options from here (Cmake: using conan pybind11 package), but nothing here seems to work, and I am too much of a novice to conan.
The command:
conan search pybind11 -r=all
produces the following output:
Existing package recipes:
Remote 'conancenter':
Any suggestions?

How to compile ClickHouse in CLion?

I'm trying to build ClickHouse in CLion.
I follow the official documentation. I was able to build ClickHouse from the command line, however, I would also like to be able to build it in CLion.
The documentation doesn't give out much information on how to do that, only implies that it's possible. ClickHouse's GitHub Issues search by 'CLion' also do not offer much advice.
ClickHouse uses CMake and Ninja. The documentation mentions that one can use either Ninja or make instead of Ninja to compile in CLion.
I tried both and got many errors. For example, when running with CMake settings set to -G Ninja, I was able to build the target common but I get the following error when building the target clickhouse-client:
====================[ Build | clickhouse-client | Debug ]=======================
/usr/bin/cmake --build /tmp/tmp.CAA3nJhi8z/cmake-build-debug --target clickhouse-client
[1/7338] Generating lber-version.c
FAILED: contrib/openldap-cmake/lber-version.c
cd /tmp/tmp.CAA3nJhi8z/contrib/openldap && /usr/bin/cmake -E env bash -c "/tmp/tmp.CAA3nJhi8z/contrib/openldap/build/mkversion -v '2.5.X' liblber.la > \"/tmp/tmp.CAA3nJhi8z/cmake-build-debug/contrib/openldap-cmake/lber-version.c\""
bash: /tmp/tmp.CAA3nJhi8z/contrib/openldap/build/mkversion: Permission denied
[18/7338] Building CXX object contrib/..._/icu/icu4c/source/i18n/calendar.cpp.o
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
I also use a remote toolchain in CLion to build on a server, not my laptop. Since it's a permission issue, I assume I have to run the build from sudo but I'm not sure how to do that, and searching only offers a guide on How to debug as root in CLion.
Question #2. Is it OK that after CMake loaded in CLion, I don't see any green arrows in the CMakeLists.txt in the root of the ClickHouse project? I can only see targets in the top right corner dropdown (screenshot).
Question #3. I'm also unsure how to build all the binaries in CLion. E.g. in the command line, I would just run ninja but in CLion there are so many targets, and none of them is named like build all.
Any pointers to a solution are much appreciated.
It might be helpful to someone to answer your first question.
Since you are using a remote build, the Clion first copies all source files to the remote machine. And if the option
Settings -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Deployment -> Options -> Preserve original file permissions
is not enabled, it does not save the executable permissions to run some scripts. Which breaks the build.
Therefore, you can either enable this option and re-upload the files or set permission x manually to the files that will be logged in the error message.

Mkbundle doesn't work for simple program

What am I missing here...?
I'm running some sanity tests after installing mono on an Ubuntu server (14.04.3 LTS), and hitting some problems when trying to mkbundle a simple test app that I got from the mono site.
The test app looks like this:
using System;
public class HelloWorld
static public void Main ()
Console.WriteLine ("Hello Mono World");
It compiles into hello.exe fine when I use mcs.
However, when I subsequently run mkbundle -o hello hello.exe --deps, this step fails. The resulting message reads:
OS is: Linux
Sources: 1 Auto-dependencies: True
embedding: /home/admin64/mono-test/hello.exe
embedding: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/mscorlib.dll
as -o temp.o temp.s
sh: 1: as: not found
ERROR: [Fail]
This is my first time working with mkbundle so I wouldn't be surprised if I missed some critical step. Does anyone have any ideas to this puzzler?
I'm running with the mono-complete package installed.
sh: 1: as: not found
mkbundle is trying to invoke the GNU assembler (as) on generated assembly code, after that it will invoke cc on generated C code and thus expect to find GCC installed and in your path. I assume you have not installed any other devel packages on that server, otherwise you would have those dependancies installed.
I believe just installing the gcc package will give you everything that it needs.
mkbundle env vars:
AS Assembler command. The default is "as".
CC C compiler command. The default is "cc" under Linux and "gcc" under

Build failing on Travis CI for simple Spring MVC app

I have created a simple Spring MVC app and built and deployed using apache tomcat 7 on my localhost. The build for the same app is failing on Travis CI and the build log reads :
$ git clone --depth=50 --branch=master git://github.com/swarup-donepudi/BidToBuy.git swarup-donepudi/BidToBuy
Cloning into 'swarup-donepudi/BidToBuy'...
remote: Counting objects: 32, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (25/25), done.
remote: Total 32 (delta 7), reused 28 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (32/32), 5.35 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (7/7), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd swarup-donepudi/BidToBuy
$ git checkout -qf 4faeebe46b78137ea5676f49e2bf5224a8ffcb90
This job is running on container-based infrastructure, which does not allow use of 'sudo', setuid and setguid executables.
If you require sudo, add 'sudo: required' to your .travis.yml
See http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/workers/container-based-infrastructure/ for details.
$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_76"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_76-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.76-b04, mixed mode)
$ javac -version
javac 1.7.0_76
0.92s$ ant deps
Buildfile: /home/travis/build/swarup-donepudi/BidToBuy/build.xml
/home/travis/build/swarup-donepudi/BidToBuy/build.xml:87: /home/travis/build/swarup-donepudi/BidToBuy/C:/tomcat/lib does not exist.
Total time: 0 seconds
The command "ant deps" failed and exited with 1 during .
Your build has been stopped.
The build.properties file :
# Ant properties for building the springapp
# for Tomcat 5 use $appserver.home}/server/lib
# for Tomcat 6 use $appserver.home}/lib
Contents of .travis.yml file:
language: java
sudo: false
install: ant deps
I am assuming that the possible reason could be the path of the tomcat lib folder.
How does travis ci handle builds configured for tomcat server? I tried to find the answer but only to find none. Please help
I guess that the path you have given is not valid for the Travis CI environment:
/home/travis/build/swarup-donepudi/BidToBuy/C:/tomcat/lib does not exist
As you are stating this in your properties file:
Take into account that Travis CI runs the build within a Linux Container, so you will have to explore other ways to deploy your application.
As you are using Spring, perhaps you should try Spring Boot, as it comes with an embedded Tomcat server, therefore freeing you from the build script.

Maven: Trouble deploying third party JAR to a remote repository

I'm using Maven 3. I'm trying to deploy a third party artifact to a remote repository but am getting a strange error. The command I'm using to deploy is
mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=com.myco.util.ant \
-DartifactId=selenium-ant-task \
-Dversion=1.4 \
-Dpackaging=jar \
-Dfile=/Users/davea/.m2/repository/com/myco/util/ant/selenium-ant-task/1.4/selenium-ant-task-1.4.jar \
-DrepositoryId=sonatype-nexus \
And the error I get when I run this command is
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.5:deploy-file (default-cli) on project maven-selenium-plugin: The parameters 'url' for goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.5:deploy-file are missing or invalid -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
What's going on here? I have defined my repositoryId, "ssonatype-nexus" in my ~/.m2/settings.xml file and verified the credentials in there are correct.
Thanks for any help, - Dave
deploy:deploy-file is not intended to be run in a directory with a pom.xml file - you should run it somewhere else. If you want a specific POM uploaded with it, don't forget the -DpomFile argument as the default is to generate a basic one.
However, I notice that you're deploying a file from the local repository - if this was placed there by a Maven build you are certainly better to have that project do the deployment, using the <distributionManagement> element and deploy lifecycle phase.
Seems like your url is formatted incorrectly.
See here for more.
Edit: Note, the URL is for the local repo in this case. Maven should deploy to a Nexus based on the POM and -DrepositoryId.