Help understanding LINQ expression - sql

Hi i'm try to debug some code but can't work out what it's doing.
// For reference, the following is roughly equivalent to:
// select p.*
// from CTBEquitiesFiles as o inner join CTBEquitiesDetailStaging as p
// on o.ID = p.CTBEquitiesFiles.ID
// where o.SEFileDate = fileDate and o.SEFileType = 'W'
mdovar depositRows = fileRepo.Query(o => o.SEFileDate == fileDate && o.SEFileType.Equals("D"))
.Join<SE.TradeDetailFile, SE.TradeDetailStaging, int, SE.TradeDetailStaging>(
o => o.ID,
p => p.CTBEquitiesFiles.ID,
(o, p) => p);
I'm fairly sure it's not doing what I want. I want to get all the rows from CTBEquitiesFilesDetailsStaging where the SEFileID column is the same as the ID column in CTBEquitiesFiles.
Thank you

If you want to see what queries are being issued to the database, you can use the sql profiler, or set the DataContext.Log property.


How to write join query with multiple column - LINQ

I have a situation where two tables should be joined with multiple columns with or condition. Here, I have a sample of sql query but i was not able to convert it into linq query.
select cm.* from Customer cm
inner join #temp tmp
on cm.CustomerCode = tmp.NewNLKNo or cm.OldAcNo = tmp.OldNLKNo
This is how i have write linq query
await (from cm in Context.CustomerMaster
join li in list.PortalCustomerDetailViewModel
on new { OldNLKNo = cm.OldAcNo, NewNLKNo = cm.CustomerCode } equals new { OldNLKNo = li.OldNLKNo, NewNLKNo = li.NewNLKNo }
select new CustomerInfoViewModel
CustomerId = cm.Id,
CustomerCode = cm.CustomerCode,
CustomerFullName = cm.CustomerFullName,
OldCustomerCode = cm.OldCustomerCode,
IsCorporateCustomer = cm.IsCorporateCustomer
But this query doesn't returns as expected. How do I convert this sql query into linq.
Thank you
You didn't tell if list.PortalCustomerDetailViewModel is some information in the database, or in your local process. It seems that this is in your local process, your query will have to transfer it to the database (maybe that is why it is Tmp in your SQL?)
Requirement: give me all properties of a CustomerMaster for all CustomerMasters where exists at least one PortalCustomerDetailViewModel where
customerMaster.CustomerCode == portalCustomerDetailViewModel.NewNLKNo
|| customerMaster.OldAcNo == portalCustomerDetailViewModel.OldNLKNo
You can't use a normal Join, because a Join works with an AND, you want to work with OR
What you could do, is Select all CustomerMasters where there is any PortalCustomerDetailViewModel that fulfills the provided OR:
I only transfer those properties of list.PortalCustomerDetailViewModel to the database that I need to use in the OR expression:
var checkProperties = list.PortalCustomerDetailViewModel
.Select(portalCustomerDetail => new
NewNlkNo = portalCustomerDetail.NewNlkNo,
OldNLKNo = portalCustomerDetail.OldNLKNo,
var result = dbContext.CustomerMasters.Where(customerMaster =>
checkProperties.Where(checkProperty =>
customerMaster.CustomerCode == checkProperty.NewNLKNo
|| customerMaster.OldAcNo == checkProperty.OldNLKNo)).Any()))
.Select(customerMaster => new CustomerInfoViewModel
Id = customerMaster.Id,
Name = customerMaster.Name,
In words: from each portalCustomerDetail in list.PortalCustomerDetailViewModel, extract the properties NewNKLNo and OldNLKNo.
Then from the table of CustomerMasters, keep only those customerMasters that have at least one portalCustomerDetail with the properties as described in the OR statement.
From every remaining CustomerMasters, create one new CustomerInfoViewModel containing properties ...
select cm.* from Customer cm
inner join #temp tmp
on cm.CustomerCode = tmp.NewNLKNo or cm.OldAcNo = tmp.OldNLKNo
You don't have to use the join syntax. Adding the predicates in a where clause could get the same result. Try to use the following code:
await (from cm in Context.CustomerMaster
from li in list.PortalCustomerDetailViewModel
where cm.CustomerCode == li.NewNLKNo || cm.OldAcNo = li.OldNLKNo
select new CustomerInfoViewModel
CustomerId = cm.Id,
CustomerCode = cm.CustomerCode,
CustomerFullName = cm.CustomerFullName,
OldCustomerCode = cm.OldCustomerCode,
IsCorporateCustomer = cm.IsCorporateCustomer
var result=_db.Customer
.groupjoin(_db.#temp ,jc=>jc.CustomerCode,c=> c.NewNLKNo,(jc,c)=>{jc,c=c.firstordefault()})
.groupjoin(_db.#temp ,jc2=>jc2.OldAcNo,c2=> c2.OldNLKNo,(jc2,c2)=>{jc2,c2=c2.firstordefault()})
.select(x=> new{
//as you want

Convert SQL to LINQ with group by

I'm stumped trying to convert the following sql to linq:
SELECT t.* FROM(SELECT mwfieldid,MAX([TimeStamp]) AS MaxValue, BatchDocumentID
FROM mw_BatchField
GROUP BY mwfieldid,BatchDocumentID) x
JOIN mw_BatchField t ON x.mwfieldid = t.mwfieldid
AND x.MaxValue = t.TimeStamp
and x.BatchDocumentID = t.BatchDocumentID
So far I had to convert it to a stored proc to get it to work. I'd rather know how to write this correctly in linq. I tried using a sql to linq converter ( which produced this code that had errors in it: (Are these converters any good? It didn't seem to produce anything useful with a few tries.)
From x In (
(From mw_BatchFields In db.mw_BatchFields
Group mw_BatchFields By
Into g = Group
MaxValue = CType(g.Max(Function(p) p.TimeStamp),DateTime?),
Join t In db.mw_BatchFields
On New With { .MWFieldID = CInt(x.MWFieldID), .MaxValue = CDate(x.MaxValue), .BatchDocumentID = CInt(x.BatchDocumentID) }
Equals New With { .MWFieldID = t.MWFieldID, .MaxValue = t.TimeStamp, .BatchDocumentID = t.BatchDocumentID }
BatchFieldID = t.BatchFieldID,
BatchDocumentID = t.BatchDocumentID,
MWFieldID = t.MWFieldID,
TimeStamp = t.TimeStamp,
value = t.value,
DictionaryValue = t.DictionaryValue,
AutoFilled = t.AutoFilled,
employeeID = t.employeeID
Seems like a lot of code for such a simple query, and it doesn't compile.
So for every combination of mwfieldid and BatchDocumentID you want all columns of the row with the highest TimeStamp? This is something which is much easier to express in LINQ than SQL so I'm not surprised that an automated converter is making a meal of it.
You should be able to do:
Mw_BatchFields.GroupBy(x => new { x.Mwfieldid, x.BatchDocumentId })
.SelectMany(x => x.Where(y => y.TimeStamp == x.Max(z => z.TimeStamp)))
This (like your SQL) will return multiple rows per grouping key if there is more than one row in the group that shares the same maximum TimeStamp. If you only want row per key, you could use:
Mw_BatchFields.GroupBy(x => new { x.Mwfieldid, x.BatchDocumentId })
.Select(x => x.OrderByDescending(y => y.TimeStamp).First())
Sorry, just twigged that you're working in VB, not C#, so not quite what you were looking for, but if you can live with the lambda syntax style, I think the above can be translated as:
Mw_BatchFields.GroupBy(Function(x) New With {x.Mwfieldid, x.BatchDocumentId}).Select(Function(x) x.OrderByDescending(Function(y) y.TimeStamp).First())
Mw_BatchFields.GroupBy(Function(x) New With {x.Mwfieldid, x.BatchDocumentId}).SelectMany(Function(x) x.Where(Function(y) y.TimeStamp = x.Max(Function(z) z.TimeStamp)))

I need help re-writing a SQL query into LINQ format

I'm not good with LINQ yet and could use some help with the syntax.
The below query needs to be written in LINQ for C#.
SELECT Galleries.GalleryTitle, Media.*
FROM Galleries
INNER JOIN Media ON Galleries.GalleryID = Media.GalleryID
WHERE (Galleries.GalleryID = 150)
Or with query syntax:
var query = from g in db.Galleries
join m in db.Media on g.GalleryID equals m.GalleryID
where g.GalleryID == 150
orderby m.MediaDate descending, m.MediaID descending
select new { g.GalleryTitle, Media = m };
Something like this:
var query = db.Galleries
.Join(db.Media, g => g.GalleryID, m => m.GalleryID, (g, m) => new {g, m})
.Where(r.g.GalleryID == 150)
.Select(res => new {res.g.GalleryTitle, Media = res.m}
.OrderByDescending(o => o.Media.MediaDate)
.ThenByDescending(o => o.Media.MediaID);

Entity Framework and dynamic order by statements

I have been struggling to get this working. I wish to have an EF statement take in a column to order by. My original statement was this:
var Query = from P in DbContext.People
where P.BusinessUnits.Any(BU =>BU.BusinessUnitID == businessUnitId)
orderby P.LastName
select P;
And I changed this to the following:
var Query = from P in DbContext.People
where P.BusinessUnits.Any(BU =>BU.BusinessUnitID == businessUnitId)
orderby sortField
select P;
Where sortField is the column we wish to sort on, and is a string i.e. LastName. However, it does not appear to work, it does no sorting, and the outputted SQL string is completely wrong. Anyone got this working before?
you could try passing in an expression to your method with the following type:
Expression<Func<Person, object>> expr = p => p.LastName;
and then using linq extensions instead of linq expressions...
var Query =
.Where(P => P.BusinessUnits.Any(BU =>BU.BusinessUnitID == businessUnitId))
Your sort does not work because you are sorting on a string literal. It is not illegal, but it is not particularly useful either. You need to provide a sorting field through the API of IQueryable<T>, for example, like this:
var q = from P in DbContext.People
where P.BusinessUnits.Any(BU =>BU.BusinessUnitID == businessUnitId)
orderby P.LastName
select P;
if ("sortField".Equals("FirstName"))
q = q.OrderBy(p => p.FirstName);
else if ("sortField".Equals("LastName"))
q = q.OrderBy(p => p.LastName);
else if ("sortField".Equals("Dob"))
q = q.OrderBy(p => p.Dob);

how can I change a sql query to linq 2 nhibernate?

I have a query that is driving me crazy,,when I run it in sql it works fine but I dont know how to change it to linq to sql
the query is:
SELECT organizationstructure.PositionTitle.Title, organizationstructure.Person.FirstName, organizationstructure.Person.LastName,
FROM organizationstructure.Department INNER JOIN
organizationstructure.Accountability AS Accountability_1 ON organizationstructure.Department.PartyId = Accountability_1.ParentPartyId INNER JOIN
organizationstructure.Accountability INNER JOIN
organizationstructure.Person ON organizationstructure.Accountability.ChildPartyId = organizationstructure.Person.PartyId INNER JOIN
organizationstructure.Position ON organizationstructure.Accountability.ParentPartyId = organizationstructure.Position.PartyId ON
Accountability_1.ChildPartyId = organizationstructure.Position.PartyId INNER JOIN
organizationstructure.PositionTitle ON organizationstructure.Position.PositionTitleId = organizationstructure.PositionTitle.PositionTitleId
and I think this is wrong but I changed it to:
query// query is iqueryable of position
.Join(Repository<Accountability>.Find(), p => p.Id, a => a.Child.Id,
(p, a) => new Tuple<string, string, int?>(((Department)a.Parent).Name, p.PositionTitle.Title, p.Id))
.Join(Repository<Accountability>.Find(), p => p.Item3, p => p.Parent.Id,
(p, d) => new Tuple<string, string, int?, string>(p.Item1, p.Item2, p.Item3, d.Child == null ? string.Empty : string.Format("{0}", ((Person)d.Child).FirstName) + " " + ((Person)d.Child).LastName))
whats wrong with it or ow can i change this query??
Generally having to do excessive numbers of explicit joins in your linq to nhibernate is a sign that you've not mapped your database to your domain appropriately. Without mappings between objects then you will just be reproducing SQL in your linq, which is a bit of a waste of time.
Your mappings should specify the relationships between the objects in your domain - for instance, a "Person" might have a reference to a "PositionTitle". If you use the mappings to setup relationships in this way then your query could end up looking something like this:
var results =
p in mySession.Query<Person>
new PersonalDetails
Title = p.PositionTitle.Title,
FirstName = p.FirstName,
LastName = p.LastName
DepartmentName = p.Party.Department.Name