SQL INSERT INTO calling Stored Procedure instead - sql

I would like to do something like this in SQL
Insert Into storedproc2
SELECT column1, column2 from Tablename
My goal is to have each row of data in tablename processed using the storedproc2 stored procedure, which itself handles any insertion necessary in the logic flow.

Well as others said, you can't do that on a single statement. (that's just the way things work)
If what you wan't is to call a proc with the results you can first select and then call the proc using a cursor.
The cursor would perform a row by row code and you would be able to call the proc passing the correct values. But beware cursors are slow use Flags like FAST_FORWARD.
The other way would be to change your proc to accept a whole table, as a table valued parameter, if that is possiblel, that would perform really better.
Hope this helps.
DECLARE CallingProcCursor CURSOR
SELECT database_id,name from sys.databases
DECLARE #database_id int, #name sysname
OPEN CallingProcCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM CallingProcCursor INTO #database_id, #name
WHILE (##fetch_status <> -1)
IF (##fetch_status <> -2)
EXEC PROCX #database_id, #name
FETCH NEXT FROM CallingProcCursor INTO #database_id, #name
CLOSE CallingProcCursor
DEALLOCATE CallingProcCursor

You can't insert into a stored procedure. You can only insert into a table (and in some cases a view, depending on the DB platform and whether the view is updateable.)
You can use a stored procedure to insert data as shown here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/tariqaziz.aspx
This is NOT meant to be insulting, but rather helpful...
It sounds like you need to go read up on stored procedures, since your question shows that you don't get the basics.

As David said, you can't do this the way you want.
What you CAN do is feed the stored proc a table as a parameter, and have it perform it's logic on each row in that table. It will involve some Dynamic SQL but it is doable.

you can put insert statement inside stored proc and pass the values as parameters e.g.
following is just an example, on each row you can call your stored proc and it should be fine
CREATE PROC BDD_AddMessageLogItem(
#BusinessDevelopmentItemId INT,
#MessageLog NVARCHAR(MAX),
#PostedOfficeId TINYINT,
#PostedDepartmentId TINYINT,
#PostedMessageLogType TINYINT)
DECLARE #BusinessDevelopmentMessageLogId SMALLINT
INSERT INTO dbo.BusinessDevelopmentItemMessageLogs
( BusinessDevelopmentItemId ,
MessageLog ,
VALUES ( #BusinessDevelopmentItemId , -- BusinessDevelopmentItemId - int
#MessageLog , -- Message - nvarchar(100)

You can't pass data sets to stored procedures, only parameters. You could:
Pass the table name to the stored procedure and then construct the select.
Pass the whole query as a parameter.
And then execute it with sp_executesql. If you use this method you should read The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL.


Select results from stored procedure into a table

I have a stored procedure, usp_region and it has a select statement with 50 columns as the result set. This procedure is called by multiple other stored procedures in our application.
Most of the stored procedure pass a parameter to this procedure and display the result set that it returns. I have one stored procedure, usp_calculatedDisplay, that gets the columns from this stored procedure and inserts the values into a temp table and does some more calculations on the columns.
Here's a part of the code in usp_calculatedDisplay.
Begin Procedure
/* some sql statements */
Declare #tmptable
-- all the 50 columns that are returned from the usp_region procedure
Insert Into #tmptable
exec usp_region #regionId = #id
Select t.*, /* a few calculated columns here */
From #tmptable t
End of procedure
Every time I add a column to the usp_region procedure, I'll also have to make sure I have to add it to this procedure. Otherwise it breaks. It has become difficult to maintain it since it is highly possible for someone to miss adding a column to the usp_calculatedDisplay procedure when the column is added to the usp_region.
In order to overcome this problem, I decided to do this:
Select *
Into #tmptable
'EXEC [dbo].[usp_region]')
The problem is 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' component is turned off. So I can't use this approach to overcome this issue. I was wondering if there are any other ways of overcoming this problem. I would really appreciate any help. Thank you!
Every time I add a column to the usp_region procedure
SQL Server is a structured database and it does not meant to solve such cases that you need to change your structure every day.
If you add/remove columns so often then you probably did not choose the right type of database, and you better re-design your system.
It has become difficult to maintain it since it is highly possible for someone to miss adding a column to the usp_calculatedDisplay procedure when the column is added to the usp_region.
There are two simple solutions for this (1) using DDL Triggers - very bad idea but simple to implement and working. (2) Using my trick to select from stored procedure
Option 1: using DDL trigger
You can automate the entire procedure and ALTER the stored procedure usp_calculatedDisplay every time that the stored procedure usp_region is changed
The basic approach is
#var_xml.value('(EVENT_INSTANCE/DatabaseName)[1]', 'sysname') = 'tempdb'
#var_xml.value('(EVENT_INSTANCE/SchemaName)[1]', 'sysname') = 'dbo'
#var_xml.value('(EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)[1]', 'sysname') = 'usp_region'
-- Here you can parse the text of the stored procedure
-- and execute ALTER on the first SP
-- To make it simpler, you can design the procedure usp_region so the columns names will be in specific row or between to comment which will help us to find it
-- The code of the Stored Procedure which you need to parse is in the value of:
-- #var_xml.value('(EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand/CommandText)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'))
-- For example we can print it
SET #SP_Code = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), #var_xml.value('(EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand/CommandText)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'))
-- In your case, you need to execute ALTER on the usp_calculatedDisplay procedure using the text from usp_region
Option 2: trick to select from stored procedure using sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set
This is simple and direct way to get what you need.
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE usp_calculatedDisplay AS
-- Option: using simple table, so it will exists outsie the scope of the dynamic query
select #sqlCommand = 'CREATE TABLE MyTable(' + STRING_AGG ([name] + ' ' + system_type_name, ',') + ');'
from sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set (N'EXEC usp_region', null,0)
PRINT #sqlCommand
EXECUTE sp_executesql #sqlCommand
INSERT MyTable EXECUTE usp_region;
Note!!! Both solutions are not recommended in production. My advice is to avoid such needs by redesign your system. If you need to re-write 20 SP so do it and don't be lazy! Your goal should be what best for the database usage.

Execute stored procedure output script

I have a stored procedure that produces a script of insert statements as result.
I want to execute those statements so that I can fill the data in my table
For example :
INSERT INTO table ([UID], [Name])
VALUES ('1000002', 'name'),
('1000004', 'name2')
The stored procedure return this as result, I want to execute this script how do I do it?
If I understand correctly, the above code is printed out when the stored procedure runs.
I would start by modifying the stored procedure to take an output parameter. Stored procedures "return" integer values, not messages. They happen to print things out, but it is not good to depend on that behavior.
Then, you can simply do:
declare #str nvarchar(max);
exec <stored procedure> #str output;
exec #str;
I suspect there might be a better way to structure the code. Having stored procedures return code should only be done when you really understand what you are doing. I don't think I've ever written code where a stored procedure would return an insert statement. It seems better to run dynamic SQL in the stored procedure itself.
You can capture the output of the stored procedure as well:
declare #t table (id int identity, line nvarchar(max));
insert into #t(line)
exec(<stored procedure>);
Then, you can concatenate the values. You can use XML for this purpose, but I think this will work:
declare #str nvarchar(max);
set #str = '';
select #str = #str + line + ' '
from #t
order by id;
exec #str;
Thanx All of you but following is the way i should have done
USE db1;
INTO [table]
FROM [db2].[dbo].[table]
it helps me to copy a table

How do I execute a stored procedure once for each row returned by query?

I have a stored procedure that alters user data in a certain way. I pass it user_id and it does it's thing. I want to run a query on a table and then for each user_id I find run the stored procedure once on that user_id
How would I write query for this?
use a cursor
ADDENDUM: [MS SQL cursor example]
declare #field1 int
declare #field2 int
declare cur CURSOR LOCAL for
select field1, field2 from sometable where someotherfield is null
open cur
fetch next from cur into #field1, #field2
--execute your sproc on each row
exec uspYourSproc #field1, #field2
fetch next from cur into #field1, #field2
close cur
deallocate cur
in MS SQL, here's an example article
note that cursors are slower than set-based operations, but faster than manual while-loops; more details in this SO question
ADDENDUM 2: if you will be processing more than just a few records, pull them into a temp table first and run the cursor over the temp table; this will prevent SQL from escalating into table-locks and speed up operation
ADDENDUM 3: and of course, if you can inline whatever your stored procedure is doing to each user ID and run the whole thing as a single SQL update statement, that would be optimal
try to change your method if you need to loop!
within the parent stored procedure, create a #temp table that contains the data that you need to process. Call the child stored procedure, the #temp table will be visible and you can process it, hopefully working with the entire set of data and without a cursor or loop.
this really depends on what this child stored procedure is doing. If you are UPDATE-ing, you can "update from" joining in the #temp table and do all the work in one statement without a loop. The same can be done for INSERT and DELETEs. If you need to do multiple updates with IFs you can convert those to multiple UPDATE FROM with the #temp table and use CASE statements or WHERE conditions.
When working in a database try to lose the mindset of looping, it is a real performance drain, will cause locking/blocking and slow down the processing. If you loop everywhere, your system will not scale very well, and will be very hard to speed up when users start complaining about slow refreshes.
Post the content of this procedure you want call in a loop, and I'll bet 9 out of 10 times, you could write it to work on a set of rows.
You can do it with a dynamic query.
declare #cadena varchar(max) = ''
select #cadena = #cadena + 'exec spAPI ' + ltrim(id) + ';'
from sysobjects;
Something like this substitutions will be needed for your tables and field names.
Declare #TableUsers Table (User_ID, MyRowCount Int Identity(1,1)
Declare #i Int, #MaxI Int, #UserID nVarchar(50)
Insert into #TableUser
Select User_ID
From Users
Where (My Criteria)
Select #MaxI = ##RowCount, #i = 1
While #i <= #MaxI
Select #UserID = UserID from #TableUsers Where MyRowCount = #i
Exec prMyStoredProc #UserID
#i = #i + 1, #UserID = null
Use a table variable or a temporary table.
As has been mentioned before, a cursor is a last resort. Mostly because it uses lots of resources, issues locks and might be a sign you're just not understanding how to use SQL properly.
Side note: I once came across a solution that used cursors to update
rows in a table. After some scrutiny, it turned out the whole thing
could be replaced with a single UPDATE command. However, in this case,
where a stored procedure should be executed, a single SQL-command
won't work.
Create a table variable like this (if you're working with lots of data or are short on memory, use a temporary table instead):
parent NVARCHAR(128),
child NVARCHAR(128));
The id is important.
Replace parent and child with some good data, e.g. relevant identifiers or the whole set of data to be operated on.
Insert data in the table, e.g.:
INSERT INTO #menus (parent, child)
VALUES ('Some name', 'Child name');
INSERT INTO #menus (parent,child)
VALUES ('Some other name', 'Some other child name');
Declare some variables:
DECLARE #id INT = 1;
DECLARE #parentName NVARCHAR(128);
DECLARE #childName NVARCHAR(128);
And finally, create a while loop over the data in the table:
SELECT #parentName = parent,
#childName = child
FROM #menus WHERE id = #id;
EXEC myProcedure #parent=#parentName, #child=#childName;
SELECT #id = MIN(id) FROM #menus WHERE id > #id;
The first select fetches data from the temporary table. The second select updates the #id. MIN returns null if no rows were selected.
An alternative approach is to loop while the table has rows, SELECT TOP 1 and remove the selected row from the temp table:
SELECT TOP 1 #menuID = menuID FROM #menuIDs;
EXEC myProcedure #menuID=#menuID;
DELETE FROM #menuIDs WHERE menuID = #menuID;
Can this not be done with a user-defined function to replicate whatever your stored procedure is doing?
SELECT udfMyFunction(user_id), someOtherField, etc FROM MyTable WHERE WhateverCondition
where udfMyFunction is a function you make that takes in the user ID and does whatever you need to do with it.
See http://www.sqlteam.com/article/user-defined-functions for a bit more background
I agree that cursors really ought to be avoided where possible. And it usually is possible!
(of course, my answer presupposes that you're only interested in getting the output from the SP and that you're not changing the actual data. I find "alters user data in a certain way" a little ambiguous from the original question, so thought I'd offer this as a possible solution. Utterly depends on what you're doing!)
I like the dynamic query way of Dave Rincon as it does not use cursors and is small and easy. Thank you Dave for sharing.
But for my needs on Azure SQL and with a "distinct" in the query, i had to modify the code like this:
Declare #SQL nvarchar(max);
-- Set SQL Variable
-- Prepare exec command for each distinctive tenantid found in Machines
SELECT #SQL = (Select distinct 'exec dbo.sp_S2_Laser_to_cache ' +
convert(varchar(8),tenantid) + ';'
from Dim_Machine
where iscurrent = 1
--for debugging print the sql
print #SQL;
--execute the generated sql script
exec sp_executesql #SQL;
I hope this helps someone...

How to query from a stored procedure in SQL Server?

Let say I have a simple Stored Procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[myProc]
How can I do a WHERE statement in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to the stored procedure? Something like that:
SELECT * FROM myProc WHERE x = 'a'; -- But that doesn't work...
It sounds like you're trying to make a "dynamic" stored procedure.
Something you might want to do is:
1) Insert the contents of your stored procedure into a temporary table
2) Use dynamic sql to apply a where condition to that temporary table.
Something like:
declare #as_condition varchar(500); --Your condition
create table #a
id bigint
insert into #a
execute sproc
declare #ls_sql varchar(max);
set #ls_sql = "select * from #a where " + #as_condition;
execute (#ls_sql);
SQL Server allows you to use INSERT INTO to grab a stored procedure's output. For example, to grab all processes with SPID < 10, use:
create table #sp_who (
spid smallint,
ecid smallint,
status nchar(30),
loginame nchar(128),
hostname nchar(128),
blk char(5),
dbname nchar(128),
cmd nchar(16),
request int)
insert into #sp_who execute sp_who
select * from #sp_who where spid < 10
You can't add a WHERE clause to a stored procedure like this.
You should put the clause in the sproc, like this:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[myProc]
The syntax for calling a stored procedure is through the use of EXECUTE not SELECT(e.g.):
EXECUTE dbo.myProc 'a'
I think you can't do that.
The command to execute a stored procedure is EXECUTE.
See some more examples of the EXECUTE usage.
I think its better to use a view or a table valued function rather than the suggested approach. Both allow you to pass parameters to the function
If you want the WHERE clause to be something you can "turn off" you can do this, passing in a predetermined value (e.g. -1) if the WHERE limitation is to be bypassed:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[myProc]
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE x=#X or #X = -1
You must declare a variable in the store procedure which will be necessary to pass to run the stored procedure. Here is an example. Keep this in mind: Before AS you can simply declare any variable by using the # character, but after the AS you must write Declare to declare any variable, e.g., Declare #name nvarchar (50).
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[myProc]
#name varchar (50)
where name= #name

What is the best way to assign the returned value of a stored proc to a variable in SQL?

I have a stored procedure that returns a valueI call it from other stored procedures that need to retrieve this value. The calling stored procedure is inside a transaction, the stored procedure that returns the value (and actually creates the value and stores it in a table that no other proc touches) is not inside its own transaction, but would be part of the caller's transaction.
The question is this, what is the most efficient way of retrieving the return value of the stored procedure and storing it in a variable in the calling proc?
Currently I have the following and I'm wondering if its very inefficient?
DECLARE #tmpNewValue TABLE (newvalue int)
INSERT INTO #tmpNewValue EXEC GetMyValue
DECLARE #localVariable int
SET #localVariable = (SELECT TOP 1 newvalue FROM #tmpNewValue )
Isn't there a more straight forward way of doing this? Isn't this an expensive (in terms of performance) way?
My stored proc doesn't have an output param, it just returns a value. Would using an output param be faster?
For what it's worth I'm using MS SQL Server 2005
If your getting a single return variable then yes this is innefficent you can do:
declare #localVariable int
exec #localVariable =GetMyValue
select #localVariable
See How to Share Data Between Stored Procedures
By some reasons 'exec #localVariable =GetMyValue' is not working for me (MS SQL 2005), it's always return 0 value (They have the same issue).
My opinion is:
if you can change stored procedure, add output parameter.
else if you can remove procedure, rewrite it as a function.
else use table variable, as you do.
Is this proc returning a rowset of 1 row and 1 column or no rowset at all and you just want to capture the returncode?
If you want just the returncode then use Josh's method otherwise use a OUTPUT parameter sicne it will be much faster than what you are doing now
To Explain what I mean run this code
use tempdb
create proc GetMyValue
select 1
create table #temp (id int)
declare #localVariable int
insert #temp
exec #localVariable =GetMyValue
select #localVariable,* from #temp
Try this:
create proc AvilableSeats
declare #v1 int,#v2 int
exec #v1= determinPath_Capacity 1,'Sat-Tue',32
exec #v2=Student_fGroup '6/12/2009'
select #v1-#v2