How to get Imported type libraries from an OCX or TLB file? - com

I was convinced that there is no way to find COM dependencies of an ActiveX but to my surprise OLEVIEW shows some comments Like:
// TLib : // TLib : OLE Automation : {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
// TLib : Visual Basic runtime objects and procedures : {EA544A21-C82D-11D1-A3E4-00A0C90AEA82}
I tried to extract the same information using TypeLibInfoFromFile but based on what I find in MSDN, there is no Api that provides this information. Are you aware of a method to extract this information from OCX or it's Tlb file? Knowing that all my ocxes are compiled with vb6 can I trust this informaion for Imported(Explicitly not in code) interfaces?

Well, I've found the answer to this question. I'll write it here just in case someone would search for the same question. It's possible to find some of dependencies but you can never be sure if you have found them all. Basically you must enumerate every type and interface, and every member of each type to find all types in the module and for every type you find you should check to see if it's in an external TypeLib. in the end you have a List of Typelibs referenced.
The problem with this method lays in the fact you find only the types that are used in the public interface (fields, return values and parameters) and you miss every local object or dynamically created ones. That said you can check this link for an implementation or better yet this one.


Get library interface from dll

i have a compiled dll library but i have no documentation about it. There is a way to get the public interface of a dll (at least function names, params numbers and type).
You would have to decompile it and analyze each function, its calling convention, parametrs count, parameters meaning (unless it comes with some PDB, but I doubt it), I've done something like this before, it's complicated work, but it can be done.
In order to retrieve the public symbols (functions and variables) exported by a Dynamic-Link Library, one can use the well-known dependency walker. Parameters and Types are only available when the associated PDB file is available (which does not seems to be your case).
You could use the OLEViewer that comes with Visual Studio to view the TypeLib of the DLL if it is a COM library. This would give you the information you need.

What are Modules when creating COM objects with Embarcadero C++ Buider

I am creating a COM library with Embarcadero C++ Builder. The designer for the ridl file gives several things you can add to the ridl. I think I understand all of them except for creating new "Modules". I can't find good information for it in the documentation.
What is a "Module" and what would it be used for in COM?
You say you can't find 'good information' in the documentation; what have you found? The RAD Studio help has a section specifically explaining modules, which says:
A module defines a group of functions,
typically a set of DLL entry points.
You define a module by
Specifying a DLL that it represents on the attributes page.
Adding methods and constants using the toolbar or the object list pane
context menu. For each method or
constant, you must then define its
attributes by selecting the it in the
object list pane and setting the
values on the Attributes page.
For module methods, you must assign a
name and DLL entry point using the
attributes page. Declare the
function's parameters and return type
using the parameters page.
For module constants, use the
Attributes page to specify a name,
type, and value.
Note: The Type Library Editor does not generate any declarations or
implementation related to a module.
The specified DLL must be created as a
separate project.
It seems it's specifying methods that exist in an external DLL to whatever module (EXE or DLL) the type library is built into. Exactly what that's used for... is a good question.
The module attribute is described in this MSDN Library page. It permits declaring entrypoints in a DLL. That has little to do with COM, it is just a capability of a type library. You'll find few language development environments that can use them. I think VB6 was one of them. Ymmv.

Discovering registered COM components

Is there a way to determine if a registered COM component is creatable as a stand-alone component simply by parsing the information available in the registry? In particular, by the information found in HKCR/ClsId?
My system has over 12,000 entries in this key, and I am already excluding any items that do not have an InProcServer32 or LocalServer32 key, but this only eliminates about half of the items. I believe there are still another couple thousand that are not creatable objects. I really don't want to have to attempt to do a CreateObject() on every one of them to distinguish the ones that can be created from the ones that cannot. Is there a more efficient way?
I used Oleview
for this purpose (back in the day :))
If I remember correctly (no Windows PC nearby):
the class should link to a typelibrary
the typelib will point to a binary (dll, ocx, exe)
this binary contains the physical typelibrary, which you should parse
the midl compiler can do that (generate stubs/C headers)
oleview can do that (extract IDL)
tlbimp can do that
you can do it with Win32 API
any creatable objects should be marked coclass (not interface or source; there were also global modules which I suppose are creatable too: I'm just not sure whether they are defined as coclasses
Show me the code
It is possible to read the information within a type library with the ITypeLib and ITypeInfo interfaces. They can be created with the ICreateTypeLib and ICreateTypeInfo interfaces. However, the Microsoft IDL compiler (MIDL) is probably the only application to ever use ICreateType and ICreateTypeInfo.
A quick google turned up this useful page: Reading Type Libraries with C++.
It contains just the code to get started. Just to see whether it was worth anything, I fired up a cloud Windows instance, grabbed all the sources and compiled it.
In contrast with the options mentioned on the site, I simply compiled on windows with
cl.exe *.cpp /EHs ole32.lib oleaut32.lib
Just for fun, I compiled the stuff on Linux (64 bit) using MingW:
i586-mingw32msvc-g++ *.cpp -loleaut32 -lole32 -o Typelib.exe
To save you the work I have put a zip-file up for download containing:
win32_Unicode.cpp - sources by René Nyffenegger
TestTypelib.exe - binary compiled on windows
A test run:
# linux: ./a.exe ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/msxml6.dll
C:\Games\Stacko>TestTypelib.exe c:\Windows\System32\msxml6.dll
MSXML2: Microsoft XML, v6.0
Nof Type Infos: 149
Interface: Dispatch
functions: 8
variables: 0
Function : QueryInterface
returns : VT_VOID
flags :
invoke kind: function
params : 2
params opt : 0
Parameter : riid type = VT_PTR (VT_USERDEFINED (GUID)) in
Parameter : ppvObj type = VT_PTR (VT_PTR) out
Function : AddRef
returns : VT_UI4
flags :
invoke kind: function
params : 0
params opt : 0
(snip) and 15499 lines more
I hope this gives you a good starting point in scanning your system for installed, creatable, COM components
Depends what you mean by "createable". If it has a LocalServer32 or InprocServer32 key it should be locally creatable. It may also be creatable remotely if it has an AppID and the AppID has either LocalService or RemoteServer keys.
However consulting the registry will only answer the question "does it look like it ought to be creatable".
You might still not be able to create it:
The registration might be broken, or "fossil" registry entries from uninstalled components.
The component might be an internal Windows component of some sort that you have no idea how to use since it is intentionally not documented.
The component might be an internal component of an installed application which has additional requirements not documented.
You might not have permission.
There may be other components you could create:
There might be registration-free COM components, such as WSC scriptlets.
there might be registration-free COM DLLs. There is no law saying you have to be registered to be a COM component. Registration is an optional service that most people opt into.
So I guess the answer is you should be able to get a mostly complete list using the registry, but what is the list for?
Without knowing what you want the list for, it is impossible to know if the list is good enough.

How do I know whether an application support OLE2 and which methods & attributes are exposed?

I want to call an ActiveX DLL or OLE2 object from ABAP.
I already know the syntax of how to instantiate the object & execute the methods:
data: my_object type ole2_object.
create object my_object <ole2object>.
call method of my_object <objectmethod>.
But given a particular application, how do I know if this is supported, what the values/names of ole2object and objectmethod is?
Transaction SOLE supplies a table of OLE Applications, among this is Excel.Application which I know can be instantiated as an OLE object, so it looks like you have to add the OLE2 app to this table first, but once again where can I read the data like CLSID & LibType from - is it published as part of the application?
Objects are coming from the table TOLE. Their methods and propeties are stored into table OLELOAD.
I found some time ago somes documents (this one and this one) that contained indications of how you can find the properties and methods.
Indication on the CLSID are succint, but it seems to be the value in the register with HKEY_CLASS_ROOt/CLSID that goes with the application indicated (ie VISIO.APPLICATION for exemple). If you search this application value with regedit, you'll find the corresponding CLSID.
Hope it's helping
In this case, you're simply using OLE2 to access a COM interface. If you're into accessing Office applications, you might want to take a look at KB222101. For other applications and libraries, you'll need the API documentation, some suitable examples (not necessarily in ABAP, VB will do just fine). a pointed stick to poke the developer with or all three of them...
Oh, and there's a tool called OLE/COM Object Explorer by MiTeC that can be downloaded for free from their website. Haven't used it myself, but it looks like it might be helpful.

What is the secret to understanding MSDN COM documentation?

I am looking for "typical" way one navigates MSDN to get a COM class to do what they want.
Example problem: I am looking for an API way to unblock a local file (remove internet zone/mark of the web from a file programmatically).
I found one post on that talked about clsid_persistentzoneidentifier. so i searched in MSDN and got to What I am looking for,is what one does after they get to this url. From this location, I am not able to figure what the sequence of operations should be. How do I connect this IZoneIdentifier to IPersistFile? etc. There must be something basic that I am missing wrt COM related documentation. MSDN has interfaces and objects, but nothing that helps me visualize a "sequence" diagram of sorts. Nothing that will get me to understand which COM objects are from same class. hence can/or should be QueryInterfaced, adn which should be CoCreated.
The documentation for that indicates a few things.
The first is that you can call CoCreateInstance, passing CLSID_PersistentZoneIdentifier to get an implementation of these two interfaces:
It also says:
Use IPersistFile to attach the object
to the target file and IZoneIdentifier
to examine or to manipulate the zone
That being said, you can look at the documentation for IPersistFile here:
It shows that there is a Load method, which is what you want to call with the filename to load the implementation with details about the file.
From there, you can call QueryInterface on the IUnknown interface implementation to get the IZoneIdentifier interface and then call the Remove method on it to set the zone to the local machine.
For that purpose, if it's not obvious from the documentation, I like to find sample programs in which relevent APIs are used: either using Google, or perhaps from whichever of the Microsoft SDKs is relevent.
Microsoft SDKs, for example this one, include sample programs.