Using workflow foundation 3.5 workflow in .net 4.0 project - .net-4.0

I'm trying to convert quite big project from .net 3.5 to .net 4.0 and we have wwf 3.5 in it. Googling this question i realized that i would need to rewrite workflow almost from scratch. so my question is , if i can use .net 3.5 workflow in .net 4.0 project ?

Yes, you can. WF4 doesn't replace WF3. They are in different namespaces. The blog post isn't on topic, but the blogger is and he states this fact.

As Will said, the WF3 stack is still present and supported in .NET 4 so you don't have to migrate your workflows to WF4. That said all future efforts will go towards WF4 so sooner or later you will probably have to bite the bullet. For now you don't have to though.


.Net standard version for .Net core 2.2

Googled a bit but couldn't find the .Net standard version for .Net core 2.2. Only version I got is,
Any hint please?
As you can see in the table you have uploaded, .NET Standard 2.0 is the latest available and it is fully supported by .NET Core v2.0. As you can see in this release doc. section, .NET Standard 2.1 will be supporting .NET Core 3.0 and also .NET Core 2.2. For the whole page check here.
In my opinion, you can go with .NET Standard 2.0 if you do not deal with extreme things (I mean recently added parts of .NET Core). This can yield some errors but still worth the try.

Image Resizer in .Net Core

Can the people at Imazen tell us that although the ImageResizing library does not support .NET core, if we add the System.Drawing part of .NET in our MVC Core application, will it then work for now. We know that they are working on ImageFlow - but till that comes out would this be an option?
P.S. Any idea when ImageFlow will be released?
Imageflow bindings for .NET Core have been out for 8 months. I would suggest this as better option.

Publishing an application in an old version of .NET

I've written a really simple launcher app for my team at work to use. However I wrote it in Express 2010 so its using .NET 4. I need it to be compatible with older machines that are using .NET 2 or maybe 2.5.
I don't want to force upgrading to a higher .net if its not needed. And in some cases we work on old machines that can't be upgraded. My app is really simple and I'll post the code if needed.
Please note, I am still a noob, my coding is ugly, and this is a quick and dirty tool.
You're looking for the Target Framework dropdown in Project Properties.

Is there a version of ELMAH for .NET 4?

I'd like to use ELMAH in an ASP.NET MVC 2 application running on .NET 4, but according to the project hosting site on Google code, it only supports .NET 1.1 and 2.0.
Is there a .NET 4 version of ELMAH already, or do I have to download the source and update whatever breaks myself?
Elmah works perfectly fine for ASP.NET 4.0.
However, there are a few tricks in getting it setup to work perfectly on an MVC website.
I have recently starting blogging about this topic so be sure to check out my blog series on logging in MVC. The first article covers getting Elmah set up and running for MVC using all the tricks that you can find about it on StackOverflow.
There is a link to downloadable code at the end of the article. Hope that helps.
I am using .NET 4.0 and I dont about a new version.... but I am using the elmah 1.1 and it works....:)..You may have to change source though to add custom fields or log additional values..which is bit of a pain...but get started here
Well it's open source nothing should prevent you from recompiling it using the .NET 4.0 framework.
This link has some information about running pre .NET4 web apps and .NET4 web apps in a server.
Actually you won't need to recompile ELMAH. According to this and this article the In-Process side by side execution should do the trick.
I had the same question so I downloaded the 1.1 src, opened it up in visual studio 2010, changed the project to target 4.0 and rebuilt it. I then dropped the dll in my ASP.NET MVC 2.0 app and it has worked fine.

Spring.NET - Upgrade when Upgrading to NHibernate 2.0 from 1.1?

I want to upgrade to NHibernate 2.0 from NHibernate 1.1.
Am I obliged to upgrade Spring.NET to v1.2 as well since we're using the NHibernate/Spring.NET integration module? We're currently publishing our releases under .NET Framework 3.0.
I did this a few months ago and didn't have any major issues. I think I had to make a couple of changes to a few relevant calls, and use the NHibernate20 assembly. Give it a go, what harm is it going to do? As long as your code is in source control you should be able to revert back. And then you can run your tests ;-)
.NET Framework 3.0 or 3.5 is okay as well, as they both sit on top of .net 2.0:
Good luck.