Get Rails3 to Load Different View - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm working on a Rails3 app that has a Pages controller, and two pages: pages#main and pages#status. The main page has a link which, when clicked, goes to status. The user already has profile information, and if part of that profile information is not present, I want status to redirect to main. I'm getting a mysterious double-redirect though, that I can't solve. Here's the pages controller:
def main
#current_user = current_user
def status
#current_user = current_user
if #current_user.address.blank?
redirect_to :action => "main" and return
Everything works swimmingly as long as the condition isn't met, but as soon as it is, I get the error:
Render and/or redirect were called multiple times in this action. Please note that you may only call render OR redirect, and at most once per action. Also note that neither redirect nor render terminate execution of the action, so if you want to exit an action after redirecting, you need to do something like "redirect_to(...) and return".
Indeed, redirect_to is called twice (same line, according to the trace; not sure why). I'm wondering whether it is a routes problem. Here is routes.rb:
match '/main', :to => 'pages#main'
match '/status', :to => 'pages#status'
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the development log:
Started GET "/status" for at Wed Nov 03 21:28:15 -0700 2010
Processing by PagesController#status as HTML
User Load (0.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."id" = 3) LIMIT 1
Before redirect
Before redirect
Redirected to
Redirected to
Completed in 32ms
AbstractController::DoubleRenderError (Render and/or redirect were called multiple times in this action. Please note that you may only call render OR redirect, and at most once per action. Also note that neither redirect nor render terminate execution of the action, so if you want to exit an action after redirecting, you need to do something like "redirect_to(...) and return".):
app/controllers/pages_controller.rb:15:in `status'
app/controllers/pages_controller.rb:15:in `status'
Trying to solve the problem, I've added two debugging lines to the status method, in the hopes that it will provide some clue:
logger.debug "Before redirect"
redirect_to :action => "main" and return
logger.debug "After redirect"
So, the "Before redirect" lines are hit before we get to "Redirected to". Then "Redirected to" appears twice with no target. Incidentally, this happens with or without "and return" on the redirect line. I'm really not sure what's going on.
Also, interestingly, I added a debug line to the main method. It is never triggered.

Rav, can you paste the development log for this request? Specifically, does the first request for /status result in a redirect to /main, or does it fail with the above error?
Specifically, look in log/development.log for the most recent request block or blocks.


Rails Quick and simple way to check valid URL (not format, but actual link)

I am setting session[:return_to] for a lot of my routes to take users back to where they were before. I'm trying to create a generic checker to make sure that the link is valid, not the format, (http://somevalidurl) I don't care about that but that the actual link exists.
The main problem is when they are on a show page and then go to the edit page and delete an entry, the return_to takes them back to show page and we get a routing error because the entry no longer exists.
I would think that Rails had some sort of system for this in place.
I have something like this:
Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(session[:return_to])) rescue false
But that takes forever to check and the page ends up taking a long time to refresh.
Ideas are welcome.
Checking if a previous url is valid is unnecessary, because such cases are not common routes to use your app. They are just exceptions. You only need a plan when exceptions happens, instead of dealing with it in every common route.
Simple solution: redirect to root
class ApplicationController
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :record_not_found
def record_not_found
redirect_to root_path, alert: "The record does not exist"
Advanced solution: redirect to controller's index page
class ApplicationController
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |exception|
# The message like: "Couldn't find foo with id=123"
klass = exception.message.split(' ')[2]
if klass
# suppose your index path is conventional foos_path
path = send "#{klass.pluralize.underscore}_path"
path = root_path
redirect_to path

redirect_to from "destroy" to "index"

Problem appears when I want to remove element from paginated table in "ajaxized" way. My tasks controller calls its destroy method in response to [DELETE] /tasks/1234, but at the end I want to redirect to index to get the list automatically refreshed.
Unfortunately, what redirect_to tasks_url at this point does is [DELETE] /tasks request.
Is there any way to force GET request instead of DELETE while redirecting from inside of destroy ?
Use redirect_to with status 303
def destroy
#task = Task.find(params[:id])
redirect_to :action => :index, status: 303
redirect_to documentation says:
If you are using XHR requests other than GET or POST and redirecting after the request then some browsers will follow the redirect using the original request method. This may lead to undesirable behavior such as a double DELETE. To work around this you can return a 303 See Other status code which will be followed using a GET request.
Don't use redirect. Use render. Abstract the functionality to get the table data into a library module and then call that from both index as well as the delete methods, and then add then add the render call to the delete method so that the index view is what is sent back in response.
require 'myLibrary'
include myModule
def index
def destroy[:notice] = "Delete operation failed" unless Task.destroy(params[:id])
render 'myController/index'
in lib/myLibrary
module myModule
def getTableData
# Table Foo here
Ok, so to sum up this question. The easiest way I found to fix the issue, is to mess a bit in routes.rb by adding: "tasks" => "tasks#index", :via => :get and to use redirect_to tasks_url (in my case) directly in destroy action in controller.
This will solve the problem with kaminari pager as well (which renders strange links in some cases).
I think you should rearrange your code on the client side:
Memorize current page
fire destroy action, await true or false
request index at memorized page using ajax call.
Why not to use :action param ?
def destroy
#task = Task.find(params[:id])
redirect_to :action => :index
You probably don't want to do a standard rails redirect when using ajax. This blog post has some good insight on the issue and solutions. Note this is from a similar question in January, answered by DGM

authlogic_oid redirecting to /user_sessions#index instead of /user_session#create

I'm writing a rails3 app using authlogic and authlogic-oid to allow the user to login and register using their LinkedIn account. I'm able to call out to LinkedIn to authenticate but the issue I'm having is that when the call returns to my rails app, it is calling a GET on /user_sessions and invoking the index controller instead of executing the remainder of the create controller. Here's the controller:
# POST /user_sessions
def create
#user_session =[:user_session]) do |result| # <-- redirects to here
if result
flash[:success] = "Login successful!"
redirect_back_or #user_session.user_path
else[:error] = "Invalid username/password combination."
#title = "Sign in"
render 'new'
Everything works great until if result which never gets called because the program resumes execution in the index controller instead of picking up where it left off. Any ideas on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: it seems my assumption that the controller was not completing execution was wrong. I've put in a bunch of debug statements and learned that the the program does resume execution in this controller after but it is not executing either condition on the if statement. I'm very confused on this one.
if you don't want to use index method in your UserSessionsController then write this: resources :user_session in your route.rb . If you'll use singular form then route can map CRUD (create, read, update, delete) and if you'll use plural of it then it will bind CRUD with index method of your controller.

rails routes with flash

I fixed RoutingError in rails 3 using this link. I wanted to redirect users to root page so I added:
match '*a', :to => 'homes#index'
to my routes.rb.
Question is: can I define flash[:error] message in this 'match' line to be displayed on target page?
This is similar to Redirect and raise flash message when catch-all in routes
But I did run into this problem and it was giving me an issue because I was using MATCH and when I used GET, the alert wouldn't flash. Eventually I found a working solution using the thread above and applying GET in another manner.
match '*path' => redirect{ |p, req| req.flash[:alert] = "The page you requested is not valid."; '/' }, via: [:get]
This is what I ultimately came up with, via: [:get] being key to making everything work.
And remember to place such code at the end of your routes.rb

Troubleshooting empty params[] hash since Rails3 Upgrade

I have a named route that tests properly in the console and shows the :url_title which should be included in params[], yet params[] is always empty.
The question is, why is params[] empty? My expectation is it should have params[:url_title].
I also removed this route and used the default resource and params[] is still empty.
I've been checking params by using logger.
My app is an upgrade from Rails 2.3.5 to Rails 3.0.3.
Here's a code summary of what's going on.
# this is my route
match 'papers/:url_title' => 'papers#show', :as => :permalinkpaper
# this is link_to and the generated url being called
<%= link_to paper.title, paper_path(paper.url_title) %>
# which properly matches to this controller#action for papers#show
def show
#paper = Paper.where(:url_title => params[:url_title]).first()
PaperHistory.add( current_user, )
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => #paper }
format.json { render :json => #paper } # { render :layout => false }
# which generals this error because the Paper looking returns noting because the params[:url_title] is nil
Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id
# the log stack trace
Started GET "/papers/great-passion" for at Mon Jan 24 23:04:04 -0600 2011
Processing by PapersController#show as HTML
Paper Load (0.7ms) SELECT `papers`.* FROM `papers` WHERE (`papers`.`url_title` IS NULL) ORDER BY title LIMIT 1
Completed in 119ms
RuntimeError (Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id):
app/controllers/papers_controller.rb:43:in `show'
# I've validated the route in the console and it seems to know :url_title is the proper value
>> r = ActionController::Routing::Routes
>> r.recognize_path "/papers/great-passion"
=> {:action=>"show", :url_title=>"great-passion", :controller=>"papers"}
UPDATE: I have found that params[] are NOT empty when values are in the URL, such as when performing a search.
This successfully produces
Started GET "/papers?utf8=%E2%9C%93&keywords=passion" for at Tue Jan 25 00:20:07 -0600 2011
Processing by PapersController#index as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "keywords"=>"passion"}
params: utf8✓keywordspassion
Thanks to all for the help. I was able to disassemble my app piece by piece and finally get params[] to show up.
The culprit was the open_id_authentication plugin.
I had some plugins in the vendors directory, so I removed them all and after hurdling a few resulting errors (b/c the plugins were now missing) everything worked. I systematically replaced plugins, and when I got to open_id_authentication found that the params[] again disappeared.
I had a different solution for this problem that I'll post here just in case somebody runs into the same issue. I was working on a password reset part of the site and tried various things such as putting the URL in manually, specifying the controller and action, using a bare (minimal) form and such, but all of it failed. The error given was the e-mail parameter was blank.
A look into the Exceptional logs showed that not just the e-mail parameter was blank, but even the UTF-8 check mark was missing. The only things in the params hash were the controller and action. Reloading the page also didn't turn up the usual spiel about re-submitting information.
It turns out the problem was in SSL. The page was trying to use SSL but didn't have permission and it was somehow silently killing the form. Hope that helps somebody.