Disable the default-jar execution - maven-2

I am using Maven Assembly plugin to pack a jar file.
But when I run mvn package, maven always trigger the [jar:jar {execution: default-jar}] to create a default jar file.
So I will have 2 jar files (one created by Assembly plugin and one created by Maven jar which i don't want to be created).
How can I turn off the default-jar execution?
In my pom.xml, I am using: <packaging>jar</packaging>.
I don't want to change it to <packaging>pom</packaging>.

(...) So i will have 2 jar files (one created by assembly plugin and one created by maven jar which i dont want to be created).
Looks like you're doing pretty complicated things. Maybe Maven is not the right tool in your case.
How can I turn off the execution: default-jar.
You can set the <phase> of the corresponding execution to something unknown, like none:
<!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<!-- append to the packaging phase. -->
<!-- goals == mojos -->
This seems to work as long as you're providing something else to be installed, like an assembly (I only tested install). But of course, this is a hack.

While not a direct answer to the question, you could exclude the jar created by maven jar using <useProjectArtifact>false</useProjectArtifact>


Maven war artifact with car extension

I am trying to use Maven to generate an artifact for deploying on Vignette Portal. The packaging is exactly the same as a war artifact but the file should have car extension instead.
Options I've tried and I've not been able to complete.
Use war plugin and rename the final artifact (keeps adding .war extension)
Use assembly plugin with zip descriptor (not able to change .zip to .car extension)
Create a new packaging type as described here (can't use war plugin for .car extension)
Which would be the easiest 'Maven' way to generate the .car file? Could you give me some guidance?
Thank you.
I think it's not possible to rename the main deliverable artifact of a project.
Anyway, in the past, what I've done so far was making maven copy the file with a new name and then "attach" it to the deliverables of a build; by configuring two plugins:
maven-ant-run to copy
maven-build-helper to attach in order to be deployed to my repo along with the main artifact of my project.
<copy file="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.war"
tofile="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.car" />
And the second:
I hope that can help you. At least until you find a better solution.

Is there any maven goal that is similar to 'dist'?

I'm working on a project that used ant. I had a target dist that would basically do jar first, and then install the application into a directory.
This means, it would create directories like bin/, lib/ and config/ in the installation directory, and then copy the relevant files into each of these directories.
My question is two-fold:
Is there any maven goal that does this kind of thing?
If not, I want to do maven dist and make this happen. How would you suggest I accomplish this using Maven?
If I can't have my own "target" (like dist), then what would be the best way?
Bottom line: I want to do all this, but don't want to alter the behavior of the default "targets" like compile and package etc.
PS: I'm using maven version 2.2.21
I don't know what would go in config, but lib and bin is easy.
To copy all dependencies to a folder just do this:
To output your jar to a bin folder do this (reference page):
Ah, there are additional requirements:
Bottom line: I want to do all this, but don't want to alter the behavior of the default "targets" like compile and package etc.
In this case I'd use a profile to turn this on:
<!-- insert stuff from above here -->
Now you would do mvn clean package -Pdist to get your dist directory and if you don't add the profile, you get default behaviour.
Basically, things work differently in maven from the way they do in ant. There are no targets, there are only lifecycle phases and plugin goals.
You can either execute a lifecycle phase, which will call all maven plugin goals that are bound to all phases up to this one (e.g. if you do mvn compile, the following phases will be executed: validate, initialize, generate-sources, process-sources, generate-resources, process-resources, compile). But there is no (easy) way to define a lifecycle phase named dist.
Or you can execute a specific plugin goal (you can actually execute multiple phases and / or plugin goals). E.g. you could write your own dist plugin and call it using mvn dist:dist, but I wouldn't recommend that because you are using existing functionality and the profile solution should be a pretty good fit.
You could try writing an assembly descriptor for the assembly plugin (or search google for a suitable one).
Something like this
will create a ${project.artifactId}-dist.zip inside your target directory. The zip file will be laid out like
It looks like the assembly plugin will only create compressed files, it won't just copy them to a dist folder.
Seans answer is good and I almost went for it until I found out about the appassembler plugin http://mojo.codehaus.org/appassembler/appassembler-maven-plugin/.
See here for an example https://github.com/khmarbaise/maven-training/tree/master/502-assembly-plugin
It is called as part of the package lifecycle.
<extraJvmArguments>-Xms512m -Xmx1024m</extraJvmArguments>
The descriptors it references are fairly straigtforward and it also creates a batch and shell script for you to run your application!
You cannot have maven dist, with NetBeans (and other IDEs I believe) you can create a custom action dist which executes as mvn install -Pdist (or mvn clean package -Pdist, as suggested by Sean).

How can I add a specific jar only in a specific folder with Maven?

i have a maven project using the maven soapui plugin.
Unfortunately this one in my case need an external jar for jdbc for
some groovy scripts.
And according to their documentation, you have to add a repertory called "ext".
And after a dig in their code, this path is hardcoded in their plugin source.
You cant specify it.
So i have to add it directly to a subdirectory of MyProject :
I dont want to commit a jar in my project.
Is there a way to tell to maven to pickup a specific jar& add it to a specific directory ?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
You could use maven-dependency-plugin configured in your pom file to copy the artifact into that location during the generate-resources phase, something like this:
<!-- if you need to rename the jar -->

adding artifacts to standard maven deploy

I was hoping someone could help me with maven deployments (typically run through the release plugin).
I want to deploy files other than just the packaged jar to the repo upon release, such as specific instruction documents and generated SQL files.
It would be good if i did not have to use deploy:deploy-file for each one. it would be best if I could just add each file to a list within my POM file and it would be picked up automatically for me upon release.
Either use the Maven Assembly Plugin to package them into an assembly that will get installed/deployed.
Or use the attach-artifact goal of the build-helper plugin:
<file>some file</file>
<type>extension of your file</type>

Maven-2: avoid default packaging?

My project uses many assemblies, hence I'm interested only in the assemblies.
On executing mvn install apart from the assemblies, I'm getting the default packaged .jar.
How can I avoid this?
I have a pom.xml similar to the one you have provided.
On executing mvn install, I'm getting App1.jar, App2.jar, and snapshot jar containing all contents
How can I avoid this snapshot (not sure of the exact term) jar and ensure that only assemblies are created?
I can read your question two ways, I've outlined answers for both below. If neither is correct, can you modify your question with a bit more explanation please.
1) Do you mean you have a project with default (jar) packaging, and you want to avoid the creation of the jar when no assembly is defined? If this is the case, what is the build achieving if no assembly is defined?
2) Do you instead mean that you are running mvn assembly:assembly to generate the assembly and want to know how to get that assembly when running the install goal?
For option 2, you can bind the assembly-plugin to a lifecycle phase to ensure it is always run, if you specify that <appendAssemblyId> should be false, then the assembly will replace the default jar.
For example, this configuration will invoke the assembly plugin during the packaging phase and replace the default jar:
For option 1, this is actually quite tricky to do. The best I can think of is to specify that the project has pom packaging and configure the project with the executions normally bound to the jar lifecycle in a profile. The lifecycle bindings you'd need to configure are listed in the introduction to the build lifecycle
I'm not sure that you can really do that in a really simple way.
A solution is to call the clean plugin once the build is achieved, by doing that:
This way, the JAR created in the target/ directory will be deleted at the end of the Maven2 execution.
However, you will have to define another directory to store the assemblies created by Maven2. Otherwise, it will be deleted by the call of the clean plugin... If you want to store them in the directory assemblies-target/, you can add that in the pom.xml file:
<!-- Copy the ZIP in target/ of the ROOT directory. -->
I think it would be much more clear if you showed us your whole POM and the artifacts that are being built. I can only guess as to what the problem is because your terminology is not what I am familiar with. This is my guess as to the problem: you have a POM configured to generated two assembly JARs, but you get a third JAR for the POM itself. In other words, if your POM's artifactId is MyApp, you are getting a MyApp-1.0.0.jar or similar in addition to the two JARs you actually want.
If that is the case, the problem boils down to that you are using Maven to create multiple artifacts from a single module. Maven is designed to produce only one primary artifact from each module. What I would do is change your POM to have a packaging type of "pom" and give it two modules in a <modules> section named App1 and App2. Create sub-directories under your module, one for each App. Give them each a POM configured for a single assembly, with a packaging type of "jar". Move the code/files/etc. as appropriate into each sub-module so there aren't any remaining in the parent module.
With Maven, if you find yourself generating two artifacts from one module (which you are), you should first consider that you are probably violating a Maven best-practice and rearrange things so you only produce one artifact per module.
Please let me know if this doesn't make sense and I will try to clarify.