How to generate (book) indexes? - indexing

I need to create an index for a book. While the task is easy at the first look -- group words by the first letter, then sort them, -- this obvious solution works only for the usa language. The real word is, however, more complex. See :
The difference between computer-style numerical sorting and true alphabetical sorting becomes obvious in languages using an extended Latin alphabet. For example, the 29-letter alphabet of Spanish treats ñ as a basic letter following n, and formerly treated ch and ll as basic letters following c and l, respectively. Ch and ll are still considered letters, but are now alphabetized as two-letter combinations. (The new alphabetization rule was issued by the Royal Spanish Academy in 1994.) On the other hand, the digraph rr follows rqu as expected, both with and without the 1994 alphabetization rule. A numeric sort may order ñ incorrectly following z and treat ch as c + h, also incorrect when using pre-1994 alphabetization.
I tried to find an existing solution.
DocBook stylesheets does not address the problem.
The best match I found is xindy ( ), but this tool is too much connected to LaTeX.
Any other suggestions?

Naively, you could examine every word in the text and create a hash, using the words as a key, and building up an array of locations (page numbers?) as values.
But indexes are generally a bit more focused than that.

Well, after answering to comments, I realized that I don't need a tool to generate indexes, but a library which can sort according to cultures. First experiments shows that I'm going to use ICU and its Python bindings PyICU. For example:
import icu
words = ["liche", "lichée", "lichen", "lichénoïde", "licher", "lichoter"]
collator = icu.Collator.createInstance(icu.Locale.getFrance())
for word in sorted(words,
print word.decode("string-escape")


Use MeCab to separate Japanese sentences into words not morphemes in

I am using the following code to split Japanese sentences into its words:
Dim parameter = New MeCabParam()
Dim tagger = MeCabTagger.Create(parameter)
For Each node In tagger.ParseToNodes(sentence)
If node.CharType > 0 Then
Dim features = node.Feature.Split(",")
Console.WriteLine(" (" & features(7) & ") " & features(1))
End If
An input of それに応じて大きくになります。 outputs morphemes:
それ (それ) 代名詞
に (に) 格助詞
応じ (おうじ) 自立
て (て) 接続助詞
大きく (おおきく) 自立
に (に) 格助詞
なり (なり) 自立
ます (ます) *
。 (。) 句点
Rather than words like so:
Is there a way I can use a parameter to get MeCab to output the latter? I am very new to coding so would appreciate it if you explain simply. Thanks.
This is actually pretty hard to do. MeCab, Kuromoji, Sudachi, KyTea, Rakuten-MA—all of these Japanese parsers and the dictionary databases they consume (IPADIC, UniDic, Neologd, etc.) have chosen to parse morphemes, the smallest units of meaning, instead of what you call "words", which as your example shows often contain multiple morphemes.
There are some strategies that usually folks combine to improve on this.
Experiment with different dictionaries. I've noticed that UniDic is sometimes more consistent than IPADIC.
Use a bunsetsu chunker like J.DepP, which consumes the output of MeCab to chunk together morphemes into bunsetsu. Per this paper, "We use the notion of a bunsetsu which roughly corresponds to a minimum phrase in English and consists of a content words (basically nouns or verbs) and the functional words surrounding them." The bunsetsu output by J.DepP often correspond to "words". I personally don't think of, say, a noun + particle phrase as a "word" but you might—these two are usually in a single bunsetsu. (J.DepP is also pretttty fancy, in that it also outputs a dependency tree between bunsetsu, so you can see which one modifies or is secondary to which other one. See my example.)
A last technique that you shouldn't overlook is scanning the dictionary (JMdict) for runs of adjacent morphemes; this helps find idioms or set phrases. It can get complicated because the dictionary may have a deconjugated form of a phrase in your sentence, so you might have to search both the literal sentence form and the deconjugated (lemma) form of MeCab output.
I have an open-source package that combines all of the above called Curtiz: it runs text through MeCab, chunks them into bunsetsu with J.DepP to find groups of morphemes that belong together, identifies vocabulary by looking them up in the dictionary, separates particles and conjugated phrases, etc. It is likely not going to be useful for you, since I use it to support my activities in learning Japanese and making Japanese learning tools but it shows how the above pieces can be combined to get to what you need in Japanese NLP.
Hopefully that's helpful. I'm happy to elaborate more on any of the above topics.

portuguese tokenizer: t is breaking “ao” in “a” and “o”

I am using the Spacy as a tokenizer for Portuguese documents (the last version).
But, it is making a mistake in the following sentence: 'esta quebrando aonde nao devia, separando a e o em ao e aos'.
It is breaking “ao” in “a” and “o”. The same is happening with other words like “aonde” (“a” + “onde”) and othes (“aos”, etc).
Other strange cases: "àquele" into "a" and "quele"; "às" into "à" and "s".
The problem can be shown in the "Test the model live (experimental)" in
For now, I am adding some known words with tokenizer.add_special_case. But I may not remember all cases.
Is it possible to adjust this problem?
It seems appropriate to me break down the expression "ao" in two functional parts: preposition and article. Depending on the application, it would be simple to concatenate these parts together as required by the official grammar.

How to recognize if word has no meaning, maybe some impossible syllables?

Initially, I have m arrays of n characters, where each array contains unknown (for me) character of needed word (condition: word has meaning).
For example, m = 4, n = 3: array0 = {'t', 'e', 'c'}, array1 = {'g' 'o' 'a'}, array2 = {'w' 'd' 'y'}, array3 = {'e' 'o' 's'}. Each array contains only one correct letter: in array0 is first letter, in array1 - second... So, the probable secret word is 'code': array0[2] = 'c', array1[1] = 'o', array2[1] = 'd', array3[0] = 'e'.
I need to find all of existing letter-combinations, i.e. exclude generated meaningless words.
Are there any rules/regularities of 'impossible' syllables/letter-combinations in English?
I'm attacking Vigenere's cipher. So, I know the length of key and its probable characters. I'm shuffling my arrays and getting many meaningless words. Problem is to filter them. As I get it, some conditions can help to recognize incorrect words. For example, if word length is > 4 then all vowel chars, or all consonant chars word is wrong. Some syllables, such as kk *hh* ww, in general, are impossible too. Where can I find such rules?
I'm supposing what you mean by the "word has meaning" is that it is an English dictionary word.
I believe that you should approach the problem from the other direction, as GregS suggests, and go through a dictionary. English has many exceptions when it comes to letters and spelling, and the number of words that look English are much greater than the actual number of English words. You won't be able to cut down your search very much in that way.
But because you know the length and probable characters you are able to quickly throw out many dictionary words. Also, if the message isn't too short, it would also be very fast to attempt a decoding of the message with possible words, and throw out unlikely decodings by letter, digram or trigram frequencies.
I'm not sure I follow your strategy for attacking a Vigenere cipher. However, in response to:
I need to find all of existing letter-combinations, i.e. exclude generated meaningless words. Are there any rules/regularities of 'impossible' syllables/letter-combinations in English?
Yes, indeed there is a plethora of such rules. There are two ways of learning and implementing these rules:
Carefully study the morphology of English, and meticulously implement the rules.
Train a Markov model on a corpus of English text.
1 will be substantially less work for little additional benefit.

Handling Grammar / Spelling Issues in Translation Strings

We are currently implementing a Zend Framework Project, that needs to be translated in 6 different languages. We already have a pretty sophisticated translation system, based on Zend_Translate, which also handles variables in translation keys.
Our project has a new Turkish translator, and we are facing a new issue: Grammar, especially Turkish one. I noticed that this problem might be evident in every translation system and in most languages, so I posted a question here.
Question: Any ideas how to handle translations like:
Key: I have a[n] {fruit}
Variables: apple, banana
Result: I have an apple. I have a banana.
Key: Stimme für {user}[s] Einsendung
Variables: Paul, Markus
Result: Stimme für Pauls Einsendung,
Result: Stimme für Markus Einsendung
Anybody has a solution or idea for this? My only guess would be to avoid this by not using translations where these issues occur.
How do other platforms handle this?
Of course the translation system has no idea which type of word it is placing where in which type of Sentence. It only does some string replacements...
PS: Turkish is even more complicated:
For example, on a profile page, we have "Annie's Network". This should translate as "Annie'nin Aği".
If the first name ends in a vowel, the suffix will start with an n and look like "Annie'nin"
If the first name ends in a consonant, it will not have the first n, and look like "Kris'in"
If the last vowel is an a or ı, it will look like "Dan'ın"; or Seyma'nın"
If the last vowel is an o or u, it will look like "Davud'un"; or "Burcu'nun"
If the last vowel is an e or i, it will look like "Erin'in"; or "Efe'nin"
If the last vowel is an ö or ü, it will look like "Göz'ün'; or "Iminönü'nün"
If the last letter is a k (like the name "Basak"), it will look like "Basağın"; or "Eriğin"
It is actually very hard problem, as grammar rules are different even among languages from the same family. I don't think you could easily do anything for let's say Slavic languages...
However, if you want to solve this problem (because this is extra challenging) and you are looking for creative (cross inspiring) ways to do that, you might want to look into something called ChoiceFormat (example would be one from ICU Project) or you can look up GNU Gettext's solution for plural forms problem.
ICU (mentioned above) has a SelectFormat that may be of help- it's like a choice format but with arbitrary keywords. Also, it does have a PluralFormat which already has rules for many language's plural rules.

Add spaces between words in spaceless string

I'm on OS X, and in objective-c I'm trying to convert
for example,
"Bob ate a green apple"
Is there any way to do this efficiently? Would something involving a spell checker work?
EDIT: Just some extra information:
I'm attempting to build something that takes some misformatted text (for example, text copy pasted from old pdfs that end up without spaces, especially from internet archives like JSTOR). Since the misformatted text is probably going to be long... well, I'm just trying to figure out whether this is feasibly possible before I actually attempt to actually write system only to find out it takes 2 hours to fix a paragraph of text.
One possibility, which I will describe this in a non-OS specific manner, is to perform a search through all the possible words that make up the collection of letters.
Basically you chop off the first letter of your letter collection and add it to the current word you are forming. If it makes a word (eg dictionary lookup) then add it to the current sentence. If you manage to use up all the letters in your collection and form words out of all of them, then you have a full sentence. But, you don't have to stop here. Instead, you keep running, and eventually you will produce all possible sentences.
Pseudo-code would look something like this:
FindWords(vector<Sentence> sentences, Sentence s, Word w, Letters l)
if (l.empty() and w.empty())
add s to sentences;
if (l.empty())
add first letter from l to w;
if w in dictionary
add w to s;
FindWords(sentences, s, empty word, l)
remove w from s
FindWords(sentences, s, w, l)
put last letter from w back onto l
There are, of course, a number of optimizations you could perform to make it go fast. For instance checking if the word is the stem of any word in the dictionary. But, this is the basic approach that will give you all possible sentences.
Solving this problem is much harder than anything you'll find in a framework. Notice that even in your example, there are other "solutions": "Bob a tea green apple," for one.
A very naive (and not very functional) approach might be to use a spell-checker to try to isolate one "real word" at a time in the string; of course, in this example, that would only work because "Bob" happens to be an English word.
This is not to say that there is no way to accomplish what you want, but the way you phrase this question indicates to me that it might be a lot more complicated than what you're expecting. Maybe someone can give you an acceptable solution, but I bet they'll need to know a lot more about what exactly you're trying to do.
Edit: in response to your edit, it would probably take less effort to run some kind of OCR tool on a PDF and correct its output than it would just to correct what this system might give you, let alone program it
I implemented a solution, the code is avaible on code project:
My idea was to prioritize results that use up most of the characters (preferable all of them) then favor the ones with the longest words, because 2,3 or 4 character long words can often come up by chance from leftout characters. Most of the times this provides the correct solution.
To find all possible permutations I used recursion. The code is quite fast even with big dictionaries (tested with 50 000 words).