I currently working on a Cocos2D Mac Game in Objective-C.
I've got the movement working but i have one more question ..
I use this code to move my player, it is a fly so it needs free movement in all directions.
Keyboard event:
- (void)ccKeyDown:(NSEvent*)keyDownEvent
// Get pressed key (code)
NSString * character = [keyDownEvent characters];
unichar keyCode = [character characterAtIndex: 0];
// Player movement
if (keyCode == 119) {
playerMoveUp = TRUE;
} else if (keyCode == 115) {
playerMoveDown = TRUE;
if (keyCode == 100) {
playerMoveLeft = TRUE;
} else if (keyCode == 97) {
playerMoveRight = TRUE;
- (void)ccKeyUp:(NSEvent*)keyUpEvent
// Get pressed key (code)
NSString * character = [keyUpEvent characters];
unichar keyCode = [character characterAtIndex: 0];
// Player movement
if (keyCode == 119) {
playerMoveUp = FALSE;
} else if (keyCode == 115) {
playerMoveDown = FALSE;
if (keyCode == 100) {
playerMoveLeft = FALSE;
} else if (keyCode == 97) {
playerMoveRight = FALSE;
Gametime loop:
-(void) tick: (ccTime) dt
// Get player current position
NSInteger playerPositionX = player.position.x;
NSInteger playerPositionY = player.position.y;
// Player movement
if (playerMoveUp == TRUE) {
player.position = ccp(playerPositionX, playerPositionY + 1);
if (playerMoveDown == TRUE) {
player.position = ccp(playerPositionX, playerPositionY - 1);
if (playerMoveLeft == TRUE) {
player.position = ccp(playerPositionX + 1, playerPositionY);
if (playerMoveRight == TRUE) {
player.position = ccp(playerPositionX - 1, playerPositionY);
My problem is when my player is moving left it's not possible to add the up key the same time, so the player will be moving left and up. What is the best way to achieve this?
There is a simple-simple trick: declare an array of bool like bool arrows[4], where each element is an arrow button state and true == pressed. Now you set an array element to true in keyDown event and to false in keyUp. The last thing you need - a timer to check this array and move objects.
Actually, the timer a better solution than regular event handling because you can control "keys processing speed".
I have my programme here, where you can see I have a string called "S", and a void Get Temperature. At the bottom where keypresses are processed, it has an else If statement with ENTER. I want it so that when you press enter, it updates the string (s) to whatever you have typed, and then load it into the "SetAddress" field. How would I go about this?
import com.temboo.core.*;
import com.temboo.Library.Yahoo.Weather.*;
import ddf.minim.*;
AudioPlayer player;
Minim minim;
PImage bg;
String myText;
PFont Bold;
PFont Thin;
TembooSession session = new TembooSession("goldsmiths-c", "myFirstApp", "CNgLbwqnqzGdsnk6wHXPfAnQNSmV0Fmr");
String s = "Enter Location";
int prev = frameCount;
//KeyPressed KeyPressed = new KeyPressed();
void setup() {
size(960, 540);
bg = loadImage("mountains.jpg");
minim = new Minim(this);
player = minim.loadFile("song.mp3");
Bold = createFont ("TTFirsBlackItalic.otf", height);
Thin = createFont ("TTFirsThin.otf", height);
frameRate (30);
void draw() {
fill (0);
textFont (Bold);
textSize (48);
fill(255, 255, 255);
text(myText, 10, 390);
fill(255, 255, 255);
textFont (Thin);
textSize (48);
text(s, 10, 500);
void runGetTemperatureChoreo() {
GetTemperature getTemperatureChoreo = new GetTemperature(session);
GetTemperatureResultSet getTemperatureResults = getTemperatureChoreo.run();
myText = (s) + (getTemperatureResults.getTemperature() + ("°c"));
void keyPressed()
if (keyPressed && prev <= frameCount-10) { //If a key is being pressed, and the security/delay is fine with it
prev = frameCount; //re-Init the clock
if (keyCode == BACKSPACE) { //Delete a char!
if (s.length() > 0) {
s = s.substring(0, s.length()-1);
} else if (keyCode == DELETE) {
s = "";
} else if (keyCode == ENTER && s.length() != 0) {
} else if (keyCode != SHIFT && keyCode != CONTROL && keyCode != ALT && s.length() < 20) { //It's an ok char, add it to the String
s += key;
Well, it looks like you're storing what the user types in the s variable. You then have this part of your if statement:
else if (keyCode == ENTER && s.length() != 0) {
That else if will be entered whenever the user presses enter after typing something. So you just have to put whatever code you want inside the body of that statement:
else if (keyCode == ENTER && s.length() != 0) {
I might not be fully understanding your code, so this is just an example. But the basic idea is the same: to do something when the user presses enter, just put the code you want to happen inside this else if block.
In the future, please try to post an MCVE instead of your entire sketch. For example, your question has nothing to do with minim, so you can get rid of all of that code. Start over with a blank sketch and only add enough code so we can copy and paste it to run it ourselves to see where you're stuck. Good luck.
I am trying to create a board game where all the pieces are able to move the same as a rook in chess. (i.e. Horizontally or vertically as many spaces as they wish)
My board is a simple 2d integer array, with values of 0,1,2 depending on whether the space is empty, has a red piece or a black piece.
My code for the movement so far is shown below, it creates a true or false value if the move is allowed or not:
int[][] board;
public boolean validMove(int fromRow, int fromCol, int toRow, int toCol) {
if (pieceAt(toRow, toCol) != EMPTY) {
return false;
} else if (fromRow - toRow == 0 && fromCol - toCol != 0) {
return true;
} else if (fromCol - toCol == 0 && fromRow - toRow != 0) {
// Trying to add piece collision code
for (int i = fromRow; i < toRow; i++) {
if (pieceAt(toCol, i) != EMPTY)
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
My problem is trying to create collision detection, if another piece is in the way it should not be able to move past it, however with my code currently it can. Can anyone help me do this?
Try code below. It's quite naive (and also not tested), but I think it should work just as is. And also I think it illustrates the idea pretty well (see comments). It's in C, but I'm sure you can transform it easily to Java (or whatever language you use).
bool validMove(int fromRow, int fromCol, int toRow, int toCol)
int i;
// Attempt to move to the same cell
if (fromRow == toRow && fromCol == toCol)
return false;
// Collision detection
if (fromRow == toRow) {
// Horizontal move
if (fromCol < toCol) {
// Move right
for (i = fromCol + 1; i <= toCol; ++i)
if (pieceAt(fromRow, i) != EMPTY)
return false;
} else {
// Move left
for (i = fromCol - 1; i >= toCol; --i)
if (pieceAt(fromRow, i) != EMPTY)
return false;
} else if (fromCol == toCol) {
// Vertical move
if (fromRow < toRow) {
// Move down
for (i = fromRow + 1; i <= toRow; ++i)
if (pieceAt(i, fromCol) != EMPTY)
return false;
} else {
// Move up
for (i = fromRow - 1; i >= toRow; --i)
if (pieceAt(i, fromCol) != EMPTY)
return false;
} else {
// Not a valid rook move (neither horizontal nor vertical)
return false;
return true;
You can also optimize your code by reducing conditional statement count, using the method proposed by Toon Krijthe. The main idea is to use "delta" values (dx/dy) for incrementing or decrementing cell indexes. In that case the destination cell should be checked explicitly.
bool validMove(int fromRow, int fromCol, int toRow, int toCol)
int i;
// Attempt to move to the same cell
if (fromRow == toRow && fromCol == toCol)
return false;
// Collision detection
if (fromRow == toRow) { // Horizontal move
int dx = (fromCol < toCol) ? 1 : -1;
for (i = fromCol + dx; i != toCol; i += dx)
if (pieceAt(fromRow, i) != EMPTY)
return false;
} else if (fromCol == toCol) { // Vertical move
int dy = (fromRow < toRow) ? 1 : -1;
for (i = fromRow + dy; i != toRow; i += dy)
if (pieceAt(i, fromCol) != EMPTY)
return false;
} else { // Not a valid rook move
return false;
// Return true if destination cell is free
return pieceAt(toRow, toCell) == EMPTY;
you could have a 2D char array with each cell representing the position on the board. there you can have a char for the three states of the position (white/red/empty).
The other way i can think of is before each move to check from the startPosition till the endPosition positions their states. but performance wise i think the some kind of array will be much better
You can simply "walk" each field in order to check if it is empty.
For example:
int[][] board;
public boolean validMove(int fromRow, int fromCol, int toRow, int toCol)
if (pieceAt(toRow, toCol) != EMPTY) return false;
else if (fromRow == toRow)
// horizontal move
if (fromCol == toCol) return false; // same position
int dx, x;
if (fromCol < toCol)
dx = 1;
dx = -1;
for (x = fromCol + dx; x != toCol; x += dx)
if (pieceAt(toRow, x) != EMPTY) return false; // occupied
else if (fromCol == toCol)
// vertical move
int dy, y;
if (fromRow < toRow)
dy = 1;
dy = -1;
for (y = fromRow + dy; y != toRow; y += dy)
if (pieceAt(y, toCol) != EMPTY) return false; // occupied
return true; // free path
else return false; // no horizontal or vertical move
Thanks in advance for your help.
Scenario Overview
In the real world, I am using one button to open two mechanical valves, but one of those valves should close after a period of time that we will hard code into the sketch, and the other valve stays open for as long as the button is pushed. For proof of concept, I am lighting two LEDs as stand-ins for the valves.
If Button One is pressed, Valve One should Open, and Valve Two should also Open for 200ms then Close.
Initial Solution
Within the main loop, I look for the button to be pushed as part of an if statement. When that condition is passed, I used a while loop and timer to keep "valve2" open until the time is up. LEDs work, and all is superficially great. However...
The Issue
When my partner starts putting the actual mechanicals together, valve2 doesn't open because the while loop is cycling so quickly that the voltage required to initiate the opening of the valve is not high enough.
My Question
Is it possible to isolate (without using delays) the loop & evaluation of the timer condition from the main loop in order to allow full power to be sent to the valve mechanism (or LED in this case)? Or am I overthinking this whole thing (likely the case)?
The Code
const int button1 = 2; //Pin for switch 1
const int button2 = 3; //Pin for switch 2
const int valve1 = 12; //Pin for relay 1
const int valve2 = 13; //Pin for relay 2
// variables will change:
int state1 = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
int state2 = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
int valve2time = 200;
void setup() {
pinMode(button1,INPUT); //Set button1 as input
pinMode(button2, INPUT); //Set button2 as input
pinMode(valve1, OUTPUT); //Set valve1 as output
pinMode(valve2, OUTPUT); //Set valve2 as output
void loop(){
state1 = digitalRead(button1); //state1 returns the state of button1, up or down.
state2 = digitalRead(button2); //state2 returns the state of button2, up or down.
int duration = switchTime(); //Create variable to capture duration of switch press
if (state1 == LOW && state2 == LOW){ //if no buttons are pressed
digitalWrite(valve1,LOW); //make sure valve1 is off
digitalWrite(valve2,LOW); //make sure valve2 is off
else if (state1 == HIGH && state2 == LOW) { //if JUST button one is pressed
digitalWrite(valve1,HIGH); //turn on valve1
while (duration <= valve2time){ //as long as the timer is below or = to what we defined up top....
digitalWrite(valve2,HIGH); //...Turn on valve2...
break; //...Then stop the while loop...
digitalWrite(valve2,LOW); //...and finally turn off valve2
else if (state2 == HIGH){ //final condition, if button two is pressed
digitalWrite(valve1,HIGH); //turn on valve1
digitalWrite(valve2,HIGH); //turn on valve2
//return the time in ms that the switch has been pressed (LOW)
long switchTime(){
//these variables are static
static unsigned long startTime = 0; //the time the switch state was first detected
static boolean state; //the current state of the switch
if(digitalRead(button1) != state){ //check to see if the switch has changed state
state = ! state; //yes, invert the state
startTime = millis(); //store the time
if(state == HIGH){
return millis() - startTime; //switch pushed, return time in ms
return 0; //return 0 if the switch is not pushed (in the HIGH state)
UPDATE: The working Code
//button pins
const int BUTTON1_PIN = 2;
const int BUTTON2_PIN = 3;
const int VALVE1_PIN = 0; //mml for tiny
const int VALVE2_PIN = 1; //mml for tiny
// IO Channels - Used to simulate arduino IO
boolean inputChannels[] = {LOW, LOW}; // digital input channels "Button1" and "Button2"
boolean outputChannels[] = {LOW, LOW}; // digital output channels "Valve1" and "Valve2"
// =============================================================================================================
// You can probably ignore everything above this line
// State machine variables
const int STATE_CLOSED = 0;
const int STATE_BUTTON1_PRESSED = 1;
const int STATE_BUTTON2_PRESSED = 3;
int currentState = 0;
int lastState = 0;
// button debounce time in ms
unsigned long BUTTON_DEBOUNCE = 200;
unsigned long BUTTON1_PRESSED_VALVE2_FLASH = 350;
unsigned long BUTTON1_RELEASE_VALVE2_FLASH = 1000;
// state tracking arrays
boolean buttonState[] = {LOW, LOW};
boolean buttonDebounce[] = {LOW, LOW};
unsigned long buttonTimers[] = {0, 0};
unsigned long valveTimers[] = {0, 0};
void setup(){
digitalWrite(BUTTON1_PIN, HIGH); //MML
digitalWrite(BUTTON2_PIN, HIGH); //MML
* Main control loop
void loop() {
switch (currentState) {
lastState = STATE_CLOSED;
* Handler method for STATE_CLOSED
void handleClosedState() {
// ensure valves are closed
if (digitalRead(VALVE1_PIN) == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(VALVE1_PIN, LOW);
if (digitalRead(VALVE1_PIN) == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(VALVE2_PIN, LOW);
// wait for button1 press
if (LOW == debouncedDigitalRead(BUTTON1_PIN, BUTTON_DEBOUNCE)) {
buttonState[BUTTON1_PIN] = LOW;
* Handler method for STATE_BUTTON1_PRESSED
void handleButton1PressedState() {
// check for button1 release
if (HIGH == debouncedDigitalRead(BUTTON1_PIN, BUTTON_DEBOUNCE)) {
// open valve1
if (digitalRead(VALVE1_PIN) == LOW) {
valveTimers[VALVE1_PIN] = millis();
digitalWrite(VALVE1_PIN, HIGH);
// on state change open valve2
if (lastState != currentState) {
valveTimers[VALVE2_PIN] = millis();
digitalWrite(VALVE2_PIN, HIGH);
// and close it after 200 ms
else if ((millis() - valveTimers[VALVE2_PIN]) > BUTTON1_PRESSED_VALVE2_FLASH && digitalRead(VALVE2_PIN) == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(VALVE2_PIN, LOW);
// check for button2 press
if (LOW == debouncedDigitalRead(BUTTON2_PIN, BUTTON_DEBOUNCE)) {
* Handler method for STATE_BUTTON1_RELEASED
void handleButton1ReleasedState() {
// open valve2
if (lastState != currentState) {
valveTimers[VALVE2_PIN] = millis();
digitalWrite(VALVE2_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(VALVE1_PIN, LOW);
// and close valve2 after 1000ms
else if ((millis() - valveTimers[VALVE2_PIN] > BUTTON1_RELEASE_VALVE2_FLASH)) {
digitalWrite(VALVE2_PIN, LOW);
currentState = STATE_CLOSED;
* Handler method for STATE_BUTTON2_PRESSED
void handleButton2PressedState() {
// open valve2
if (digitalRead(VALVE2_PIN) == LOW){
digitalWrite(VALVE2_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(VALVE1_PIN, HIGH);
// check for button1 release
if (HIGH == debouncedDigitalRead(BUTTON1_PIN, BUTTON_DEBOUNCE)) {
// check for button2 release
else if (HIGH == debouncedDigitalRead(BUTTON2_PIN, BUTTON_DEBOUNCE)) {
* Handler method for STATE_BUTTON2_PRESSED
void handleButton2ReleasedState() {
// open valve2
if (digitalRead(VALVE2_PIN) == HIGH){
digitalWrite(VALVE2_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(VALVE1_PIN, HIGH);
// check for button1 release
if (HIGH == debouncedDigitalRead(BUTTON1_PIN, BUTTON_DEBOUNCE)) {
// check for button2 press
else if (LOW == debouncedDigitalRead(BUTTON2_PIN, BUTTON_DEBOUNCE)) {
* Utility for debouncing input channels
* #param channel
* #param debounce
* #return
boolean debouncedDigitalRead(int channel, unsigned long debounce) {
int input = digitalRead(channel);
if (input != buttonState[channel] && HIGH == buttonDebounce[channel]) {
buttonTimers[channel] = millis();
buttonDebounce[channel] = LOW;
if ((millis() - buttonTimers[channel]) > debounce) {
buttonState[channel] = input;
buttonDebounce[channel] = HIGH;
return buttonState[channel];
In order for the code to simultaneously a) keep looping to check the buttons, and b) achieve the desired behavior for valve2, you need a software state machine that keeps track of what valve2 is doing. In the code below, I renamed your state1 and state2 variables, so that I could introduce a new state variable that controls valve2.
The state variable is normally in the idle state.
When button1 is pressed
valve2 is turned on
a timestamp is taken
the state is changed to active
After a 200 msec delay
valve2 is turned off
the state is changed to done
The state will stay done until either button1 is released or button2 is pressed, since either of those actions resets the state to idle.
Here's what the code looks like
void loop()
int state = 0; //variable to keep track of valve2: 0=idle 1=active 2=done
unsigned long start; //variable to keep track of when valve2 was turned on
boolean pressed1 = (digitalRead(button1) == HIGH); //pressed1 is true if button1 is pressed
boolean pressed2 = (digitalRead(button2) == HIGH); //pressed2 is true if button2 is pressed
if ( !pressed1 && !pressed2 ) //if no buttons are pressed
digitalWrite(valve1,LOW); //make sure valve1 is off
digitalWrite(valve2,LOW); //make sure valve2 is off
state = 0; //clear valve2 state
else if ( pressed2 ) //if button2 is pressed
digitalWrite(valve1,HIGH); //turn on valve1
digitalWrite(valve2,HIGH); //turn on valve2
state = 0; //clear valve2 state
else //button1 is pressed
digitalWrite(valve1,HIGH); //turn on valve1
if ( state == 0 ) //if valve2 is idle
digitalWrite(valve2,HIGH); //turn on valve2
state = 1; //valve2 is active
start = millis(); //capture the start time
else if ( state == 1 ) //if valve2 is active
if ( millis() - start > 200 ) //has it been 200ms?
digitalWrite(valve2,LOW); //turn valve2 is off
state = 2; //valve2 is done
This is a cross-post from someone who answered my original question here.
I'm not sure how to go about executing the 3 functions I'm after (as well as introducing even more than 3 in the future).
I am simply trying to Fade/Blink the selected Colour of an RGB LED (and perhaps introduce more functions in the future) where its RGB data is coming back from iOS and sent to an RFDuino BLE module.
Sends a "fade" string to the module picked up by RFduinoBLE_onReceive (char *data, int len) on the Arduino end.
- (IBAction)fadeButtonPressed:(id)sender {
[rfduino send:[#"fade" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
- (IBAction)blinkButtonPressed:(id)sender {
[rfduino send:[#"blink" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
Selected Color:
- (void)setColor
NSLog(#"colors: RGB %f %f %f", red, green, blue);
UIColor *color = [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:1.0];
[colorSwatch setHighlighted:YES];
[colorSwatch setTintColor:color];
uint8_t tx[3] = { red * 255, green * 255, blue * 255 };
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:(void*)&tx length:3];
[rfduino send:data];
This is originally how I set the RGB colour:
void RFduinoBLE_onReceive (char *data, int len) {
if (len >= 3) {
// Get the RGB values.
uint8_t red = data[0];
uint8_t green = data[1];
uint8_t blue = data[2];
// Set PWM for each LED.
analogWrite(rgb2_pin, red);
analogWrite(rgb3_pin, green);
analogWrite(rgb4_pin, blue);
This was the provided answer that now compiles on Arduino, but I have no idea how to actually execute my functions and where?
#include <RFduinoBLE.h>
int state;
char command;
String hexstring;
// RGB pins.
int redPin = 2;
int grnPin = 3;
int bluPin = 4;
void setup () {
state = 1;
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(grnPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluPin, OUTPUT);
// This is the data we want to appear in the advertisement
// (the deviceName length plus the advertisement length must be <= 18 bytes.
RFduinoBLE.deviceName = "iOS";
RFduinoBLE.advertisementInterval = MILLISECONDS(300);
RFduinoBLE.txPowerLevel = -20;
RFduinoBLE.advertisementData = "rgb";
// Start the BLE stack.
void loop () {
void processCommand (int command, String hex) {
// hex ?
// command ?
void RFduinoBLE_onReceive (char *data, int len) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
void stateMachine (char data) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
if (data == 1) {
state = 2;
case 2:
if (data == 'b' || data == 'f' || data == 'c') {
command = data;
hexstring = "";
state = 3;
} else if (data != 1) { // Stay in state 2 if we received another 0x01.
state = 1;
case 3:
if ((data >= 'a' && data <= 'z') || (data >= '0' && data <= '9')) {
hexstring = hexstring + data;
if (hexstring.length() == 6) {
state = 4;
} else if (data == 1) {
state = 2;
} else {
state = 1;
case 4:
if (data == 3) {
processCommand(command, hexstring);
state = 1;
} else if (data == 1) {
state = 2;
} else {
state = 1;
EDIT: Final code
#include <RFduinoBLE.h>
// State properties.
int state = 1;
char command;
String hexstring;
// RGB pins.
int redPin = 2;
int grnPin = 3;
int bluPin = 4;
// Setup function to set RGB pins to OUTPUT pins.
void setup () {
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(grnPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluPin, OUTPUT);
// This is the data we want to appear in the advertisement
// (the deviceName length plus the advertisement length must be <= 18 bytes.
RFduinoBLE.deviceName = "iOS";
RFduinoBLE.advertisementInterval = MILLISECONDS(300);
RFduinoBLE.txPowerLevel = -20;
RFduinoBLE.advertisementData = "rgb";
// Start the BLE stack.
void loop () {
switch (command) {
case 1:
// Blink.
case 2:
// Fade.
// Converts HEX as a String to actual HEX values.
// This is needed to properly convert the ASCII value to the hex
// value of each character.
byte getVal (char c) {
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return (byte)(c - '0');
else return (byte)(c - 'a' + 10);
// Process each function/command.
void processCommand (int command, String hex) {
switch (command) {
case 'b':
command = 1; // Set blink mode.
case 'f':
command = 2; // Set fade mode.
case 'c':
// We put together 2 characters as is
// done with HEX notation and set the color.
byte red = getVal(hex.charAt(1)) + (getVal(hex.charAt(0)) << 4);
byte green = getVal(hex.charAt(3)) + (getVal(hex.charAt(2)) << 4);
byte blue = getVal(hex.charAt(5)) + (getVal(hex.charAt(4)) << 4);
// Set the color.
setColor (red, green, blue);
// Sets the color of each RGB pin.
void setColor (byte red, byte green, byte blue) {
analogWrite(redPin, red);
analogWrite(grnPin, green);
analogWrite(bluPin, blue);
// This function returns data from the radio.
void RFduinoBLE_onReceive (char *data, int len) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// Main state machine function, which processes
// data depending on the bytes received.
void stateMachine (char data) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
if (data == 1) {
state = 2;
case 2:
if (data == 'b' || data == 'f' || data == 'c') {
command = data;
hexstring = "";
state = 3;
} else if (data != 1) { // Stay in state 2 if we received another 0x01.
state = 1;
case 3:
if ((data >= 'a' && data <= 'z') || (data >= '0' && data <= '9')) {
hexstring = hexstring + data;
if (hexstring.length() == 6) {
state = 4;
} else if (data == 1) {
state = 2;
} else {
state = 1;
case 4:
if (data == 3) {
processCommand(command, hexstring);
state = 1;
} else if (data == 1) {
state = 2;
} else {
state = 1;
There is some code here that you can use to convert hex characters to a byte.
So, you can add this to your existing code -
byte getVal(char c)
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
return (byte)(c - '0');
return (byte)(c-'a'+10)
void processCommand (int command, String hex)
switch (command) {
case 'b':
command = 1; // set blink mode
case 'f':
command=2; // set fade mode
case 'c':
byte red=getVal(hex.charAt(1)) + (getVal(hex.charAt(0)) << 4);
byte green=getVal(hex.charAt(3)) + (getVal(hex.charAt(2)) << 4);
byte blue=getVal(hex.charAt(5)) + (getVal(hex.charAt(4)) << 4);
void setColor(byte red,byte green,byte blue)
// Set PWM for each LED.
analogWrite(rgb2_pin, red);
analogWrite(rgb3_pin, green);
analogWrite(rgb4_pin, blue);
On the iOS side you can use something like this -
-(void) sendCommand:(char)command arg1:(Byte)arg1 arg2:(Byte)arg2 arg3:(Byte) arg3 {
NSString *commandString=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"\001%c%02x%02x%02x\003",command,arg1,arg2,arg3];
NSData *commandData=[commandString dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
[rfduino send:data];
- (IBAction)fadeButtonPressed:(id)sender {
[self sendCommand:'f' arg1:0 arg2:0 arg3:0];
- (IBAction)blinkButtonPressed:(id)sender {
[self sendCommand:'b' arg1:0 arg2:0 arg3:0];
- (void)setColor
NSLog(#"colors: RGB %f %f %f", red, green, blue);
UIColor *color = [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:1.0];
[colorSwatch setHighlighted:YES];
[colorSwatch setTintColor:color];
[self sendCommand:c arg1:red*255 arg2:green*255 arg3:blue*255];
I have this method:
-(void) setRandomConnectionForFloorTile:(Tile *)ft andConnectionTile:(Tile *)ct
BOOL ftLeftConnection = [ft leftConnection];
BOOL ftTopConnection = [ft topConnection];
BOOL ftRightConnection = [ft rightConnection];
BOOL ftBottomConnection = [ft bottomConnection];
switch (arc4random() %4 + 1)
case 1:
if ([_toBuild returnTileOfType:#"FloorTile" atPosition:CGPointMake([ft screenPosition].x - [[ft sprite] size].width, [ft screenPosition].y)])
[self setRandomConnectionForFloorTile:ft andConnectionTile:ct];
[ct setScreenPosition:CGPointMake([ft screenPosition].x - [[ft sprite] size].width, [ft screenPosition].y)];
[[_toBuild tiles] addObject:ct];
case 2:
if ([_toBuild returnTileOfType:#"FloorTile" atPosition:CGPointMake([ft screenPosition].x, [ft screenPosition].y + [[ft sprite] size].height)])
[self setRandomConnectionForFloorTile:ft andConnectionTile:ct];
[ct setScreenPosition:CGPointMake([ft screenPosition].x, [ft screenPosition].y + [[ft sprite] size].height)];
[[_toBuild tiles] addObject:ct];
case 3:
if ([_toBuild returnTileOfType:#"FloorTile" atPosition:CGPointMake([ft screenPosition].x + [[ft sprite] size].width, [ft screenPosition].y)])
[self setRandomConnectionForFloorTile:ft andConnectionTile:ct];
[ct setScreenPosition:CGPointMake([ft screenPosition].x + [[ft sprite] size].width, [ft screenPosition].y)];
[[_toBuild tiles] addObject:ct];
case 4:
if ([_toBuild returnTileOfType:#"FloorTile" atPosition:CGPointMake([ft screenPosition].x, [ft screenPosition].y - [[ft sprite] size].height)])
[self setRandomConnectionForFloorTile:ft andConnectionTile:ct];
[ct setScreenPosition:CGPointMake([ft screenPosition].x, [ft screenPosition].y - [[ft sprite] size].height)];
[[_toBuild tiles] addObject:ct];
As you can see, the problem that this code produces is unnecessary repetition and demand of system resource.
Basically, I have my four Boolean values declared at the beginning, which dictate which side a tile may be connected on. So, when, say ftLeftConnection is false, and only false, it may have a tile placed immediately to it's left.
I want to create a switch statement (or some other form of method), which will enable me to only execute random cases for only those Boolean values that are false. It doesn't make sense to try to connect a Tile to another Tile's immediate right if I have the information that tells me that there is already a Tile there.
enum {
Left = 0,
int valid_directions[] = {0,0,0,0};
int num_valid_directions = 0;
BOOL established_directions[] = {ftLeftConnection, ftTopConnection, ftRightConnection, ftBottomConnection};
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){
if( !established_directions[i] ){
valid_directions[num_valid_directions++] = i;
int chosen_direction = valid_directions[arc4random_uniform(num_valid_directions)];
switch( chosen_direction ){
case Left:
// etc.
This assumes that there's at least one possible direction.