HI all,
i am developing a puzzle game in iPhone using cocos2d.I need a progress bar (like uiprogress bar) to show the game progress time.But i can't find any good example...
can anyone tell me the way???
well....i get a better solution...here is my code
CCProgressFromTo *to1 = [CCProgressFromTo actionWithDuration:levelTimeLimit from:100 to:0];
timeBar = [CCProgressTimer progressWithFile:#"Bar.png"];
timeBar.type = kCCProgressTimerTypeHorizontalBarLR;
[timeBar setPosition:ccp(384,84)];
[self addChild:timeBar];
[timeBar runAction:to1];
there is a class called CCProgressTimer in latest version of cocos2d..
You can use a CCSprite that you set the width of using
yourSprite.scaleX = 0.5 //This goes between 0.0 and 1.0.
You will have to calculate the required width, percentage and scaleX-factor manually but its pretty simple. I did my fiend hp bar implementation like this:
-(void)decreaseHp:(float)hpIn {
self.hp = self.hp-hpIn; //Decrease HP by specified amount.
float p = (self.hp*100)/self.maxHp; //Calculate new hp percentage.
self.hpBar.scaleX = p/100; //Convert percentage to a factor between 0 and 1.
self is the Fiend object and hpBar is a simple CCSprite with anchor ccp(0,0).
You you don't want you progress bar to stretch, but move instead, you will have to mask it with something and update its position instead of scaleX.
I would like to rotate long image representing hand of a clock.
I have following code:
val hand = Image(handBitmap).apply {
scaledHeight = 50.0
scaledWidth = 400.0
anchor(.0, 0.5)
addUpdater {
rotation = Angle.fromDegrees( rotation.degrees + 1)
I expected result like on this image:
but I got this:
What should I change to achieve a hand of clock like effect?
The code seems correct, and seems to work properly with the latest version of KorGE. Which version of KorGE are you using?
As discussed in discord:
The problem was that the anchor point is set to the left, center of the image, while the image itself has a gap:
By adjusting the anchor point (that is a ratio to something that fits the end of the arrow, should fix the issue)
In the case of this image an anchor of anchor(.09, 0.52) could work:
Note also that you can open the debugger by pressing F7 inside the window to actually see the bounds of the image, the anchor point, and the AABB bounds to debug this kind of issues.
Hope this was helpful!
The problem looked more like this:
o------- -------o
It occurs when I set scaledHeight and scaledWidth.
Finally setting scale(1.0) helped.
I am making a game based on the game AZ on the website Y8, and I am having problems with tile collisions.
the player moves basically by giving it speed when up is pressed, then rotating left or right.
direction = image_angle;
speed = 2;
else speed = 0;
// rotate
image_angle = image_angle + 5;
image_angle = image_angle - 5;
then I said when the player collides with the tile speed = 0. But the player gets stuck and can't move anymore. is there a better way to do this.
A simple approach would be as following:
Attempt to rotate
Check if you are now stuck in a wall
If you are, undo the rotation.
A more advanced approach would be to attempt pushing the player out of solids while rotating.
Alternatively, you may be able to get away with giving the player a circular mask and not rotating the actual mask (using a user-defined variable instead of image_angle).
What is the best way to display some value (that changes as the game runs) on the screen in iPhone SpriteKit? The only way I can think of is SKLabelNode, but it's probably not meant to be used like this and also I can't find any way to measure its width, which makes me unable to position it correctly (I want it to be in the bottom right corner). Thanks in advance :).
My attempt at doing this:
SKLabelNode *someLabel = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:#"Chalkduster"];
someLabel.text = some_string;
someLabel.fontSize = 30;
someLabel.fontColor = [SKColor blackColor];
someLabel.position = CGPointMake(some_int, 15);
[self addChild:someLabel];
The values of some_string and some_int change as the game runs, so someLabel is removed, someLabel.text and someLabel.position are re-assigned, and the label is added again. Yes, I am aware that this is a bad way to do this...
Unfortunately, SKLabelNode is your simplest bet, it's just not the most robust tool.
You just want to update its text and its position when you need to. Your code is correct, and if you want to get its actual size, then you would get the width of its frame.
update text:
someLabel.text = theNewText;
update position:
someLabel.position = theNewPosition;
get relative width
float widthOfLabelFrame = someLabel.frame.size.width;
additional alignment settings that might help (vertical baseline is the default):
someLabel.horizontalAlignmentMode = SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentModeRight;
someLabel.verticalAlignmentMode = SKLabelVerticalAlignmentModeBaseline;
I am struggling in solving this problem.
On my scene, I have a camera which looks at the center of mass of an object. I have a some buttons that enable to set camera position on particular view (front view, back view,...) along a invisible sphere that surroung the object (constant radius).
When I click on the button, i would like the camera to move from its start position to the end position along the sphere surface. When camera moves I would like it to keep fixing center of mass of the object.
Has anyone have a clue on how to achieve this?
Thanks for help!
If you are happy/prefer to use basic trigonometry then in your initialisation section you could do this:
var cameraAngle = 0;
var orbitRange = 100;
var orbitSpeed = 2 * Math.PI/180;
var desiredAngle = 90 * Math.PI/180;
Then in your render/animate section you could do this:
if (cameraAngle == desiredAngle) { orbitSpeed = 0; }
else {
cameraAngle += orbitSpeed;
camera.position.x = Math.cos(cameraAngle) * orbitRange;
camera.position.y = Math.sin(cameraAngle) * orbitRange;
Of course, your buttons would modify what the desiredAngle was (0°, 90°, 180° or 270° presumably), you need to rotate around the correct plane (I am rotating around the XY plane above), and you can play with the orbitRange and orbitSpeed until you hare happy.
You can also modify orbitSpeed as it moves along the orbit path, speeding up and slowing down at various cameraAngles for a smoother ride. This process is called 'tweening' and you could search on 'tween' or 'tweening' if you want to know more. I think Three.js has tweening support but have never looked into it.
Oh, also remember to set your camera's far property to be greater than orbitRadius or you will only see the front half of your object and, depending on what it is, that might look weird.
In my glut application I'm simulating a plane with the camera. When the planes speed is low I intend to have the nose start to point towards the ground as the camera falls. My first instinct was to just change the pitch until it was pointed downwards at -90degrees. However I can't just change the pitch because if the plane is tilted on its side or upside down then it would note be changing direction towards the ground.
Now i'm trying to do a rough simulation of this by shifting the 'lookAt.y' downwards. To do this I am trying to get all the current camera coordinates that I use to set the camera
(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z, look.x, look.y, look.z, up.x, up.y, up.z). Then recall the set with the new modified values.
I've been working with the Camera.cpp and Camera.h to control my camera functions. They can be found here
after adding methods to get all the values, only the eye values are actually updated when various camera motions are made. I guess my question is how do I retrieve these values.
The glLoadMaxtrix call is in this function
void Camera :: setModelViewMatrix(void)
{ // load model view matrix with existing camera values
float m[16];
Vector3 eVec(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z);
m[0] = u.x; m[4] = u.y; m[8] = u.z; m[12] = -eVec.dot(u);
m[1] = v.x; m[5] = v.y; m[9] = v.z; m[13] = -eVec.dot(v);
m[2] = n.x; m[6] = n.y; m[10] = n.z; m[14] = -eVec.dot(n);
m[3] = 0; m[7] = 0; m[11] = 0; m[15] = 1.0;
look.x = u.y; look.y = v.y; look.z = n.y;
Is there a way to get 'eye', 'lookAt', and 'up' values from the matrix here? Or should I do something else to get these values?
-Thanks in advance for your help
The camera class you link to is not an actual OpenGL class, but it should be simple enough to work with.
The function quoted just takes the current values of the camera object and sends them to OpenGL. If you look at the camera's set function, you can see how the program calculates the values it actually stores.
The eye value is stored directly. The lookAt value is just the value of (eye - n), by vector math. The up value is the hardest, but if I remember my vector math correctly, I believe that up = (n cross u).