would appreciate for some one pointing me to good DLL tutorial - dll

I would appreciate if some one can point me to DLL tutorials ( basic - advanced :) ).

Wikipedia has a good overview, as does the MSDN:
Here's a tutorial on creating DLLs:
A very generic e-how for a board overview:


SCIM 2.0 implementations with good documentation

I just started exploring scim2.0. Following link provides me different implementations of scim2.0.
Can some one suggest me, which one is easy to learn and has good documentation. It is helpful, if you suggest me some good tutorials about scim.....
If you're interested in a .NET / OWIN-based open source solution, please take a look at https://github.com/PowerDMS/Owin.Scim. Documentation is limited as the project is still in alpha, but there is a WIKI and sample project to help you get started.
Note: I am the lead developer on this project.
If you are looking for a reference Java/EE implementation of SCIM2 you can checkout Apache Directory SCIMple or SCIM 2 SDK | PingIdentity

Sympl Example - Source Code?

I am exploring DLR runtime, and i see that there is a nice documentation on Sympl language. Does anyone know where can i find the source code for this sample project ?
I found this documentation for Sympl which has lot of examples explained in very simple and useful manner. It might be of help to you.

Gaming/Animation Tutorials for c++ and Windows Forms!

I'm having trouble finding some gaming/animation tutorial for c++ and windows form.
I've been told (online) by many people to use gamedev.net, which i did, but unfortunately i could not find the information that i need :(
Does anyone know of any good tutorials for either a simple games (like snake or pong) or of simple animation in Windows Forms using C++ ( not C# )? If so, please let me know!
Looking forward to a reply,
You can use Allegro in C++ or mixed C++\CLI.
see here.

Webkit-sharp example applications

Could anybody suggest a good open source (as in I can see the source, license irrelevant) webkit-sharp-based application? I've been wanting to jump into development with webkit-sharp and gtk-sharp, but I haven't found much of any documentation on webkit-sharp. I thought a good application example is as good as any documentation.
For anybody else that has this issue, a good application I just found is the sample app included with the source. For anybody answering, I didn't think about checking the source for samples when I posted this. The name of the sample is called FunnyBrowser.cs.
Here's mine:
There don't seem to be many examples around of anyone using this. I've been looking through the docs at http://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk/stable to figure it out.

cryptoapi for dummies

Can some one point me to some books or online resources to help learn about the windows cryptoapi package? I did find "Cryptography for Visual Basic" by Richard Bondi. I'd be more interested in something aimed at C++ or the package in general. The MDSN is overwhelming!
Here is a simple tutorial that could point you in the right direction. I hope it helps.
MSDN can be overwhelming however there are some pieces of light. This page would provide you some context:
In any case, it really depends on what are you planning to do. If you're just using CryptoAPI to perform cryptographic operations you're fine with MSDN or just have a look to Wincrypt.h (there's a lot of info inside that header).
However, if you're panning to develop you own CSP (cryptographic service provider) with or without hardware you would need further information.
If you give me more details I can point you to the appropriate place (I did both things time ago).