Cannot modify table ( using microsoft sql server management studio 2008 ) - sql

I create 2 tables and another 1 with foreign keys to the other two.
I realized I want to make some changes to table no 3.
I try to update a field but I get an error "Saving changes is not permitted. The changes you have made require the following table to be dropped and re-created."
I delete those 2 relationships but when I look at dependencies I see my table still depends on those 2 and I still cannot make any change to it.
What can I do?

You can also enable saving changes that require dropping of tables by going to "tools->options->designers->Table and database designers" and unchecking "Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation"
Be careful with this though, sometimes it'll drop a table without being able to recreate it, which makes you lose all data that was in the table.

When using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2012, the same message occurs.
I used the script feature to do modifications which can be seen as a rather good workaround if you wanna use the designer only within a "safe" mode.
Especially the GUI related to create a foreign key is not the best in my opinion. When using a script (alter table) for adding a fk, you are faster than using this GUI feature.
When adding/writing a 'not' in prior to null, that's not a hard issue. (Removing an 'Allow Nulls' for a column refers to "Saving changes is not permitted" when using the designer.)


Create table or only add changed/new columns

I have several tables which are worked on within a development environment, then moved to production. If they don't already exist in production, it's fine to just generate the table creation script from SSMS and run it. However, there are occasions where the table already exists in production but all that's needed is an extra column or constraint. The problem is knowing exactly what has changed.
Is there a way to get SQL to compare my CREATE TABLE statement against the existing table and only apply what has changed? Essentially I am trying to do the below and SQL correctly complains that the table exists already.
I would have to manually write an ALTER query which on a real example would be difficult due to the sheer volume of columns. Is there a better / easier way to see what has changed? Note that this involves two separate database servers.
CREATE TABLE suppliers
( supplier_id int NOT NULL,
supplier_name char(50) NOT NULL,
contact_name char(50),
CONSTRAINT suppliers_pk PRIMARY KEY (supplier_id)
CREATE TABLE suppliers
( supplier_id int NOT NULL,
supplier_name char(50) NOT NULL,
contact_name char(50),
contact_number char(20), --this has been added
CONSTRAINT suppliers_pk PRIMARY KEY (supplier_id)
Also, dropping and recreating wouldn't be a possibility because data would be lost.
SSMS can generate the schema change script if you make the change in the table designer (right-click on the table in Object Explorer and select Design). Then, instead of applying the change immediately, from the menu select Table Designer-->Generate Change Script. Note that depending on the change, SSMS may need to recreate the table, although data will be retained. SSMS requires you uncheck the option to "prevent saving changes that require table re-creation" under Tools-->Options-->Designers-->Table and Database Designers. Review the script to make sure you're good with it.
SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and third-party tools (e.g. from Red-Gate and ApexSQL) have schema-compare features to generate the needed DDL after the fact. There are also features like migration scripts to facilitate continuous integration and source control integration as well. I suggest you keep database objects under source control and leverage database tooling as part of your development process.
Typically we use something like database migrations for this, as a feature outside of the database. For example, in several of our C# apps we have a tool called FluentMigrator. We write a script that adds the new columns we need in code, to the dev database. When the project is debugged, FM will run the script and modify the dev db, the dev code uses the new columns and all is well. FM knows not to run the script again
When time comes to put something live, the FM script is a part of the release, the app is put live onto the website, the migrations run again updating the live db so the live code will use the new columns and still all is well..
If there is nothing outside of your sql server (not sure how you manage that, but..), then surely you must be writing scripts (or using gui to generate scripts) that alter the DB right? So just keep those scripts and run them as part of the process of "going live"
If you are looking at this from a perspective that these db already exist created by someone else and they threw away the scripts, then you can one time catch up using a Database Schema Compare tool. Microsoft have one in SSDT - see here for more info on how it is used:
If you don't have many constraints I suggest you create a dynamic script to cast and import the data into your new tables. If this doesn't fail then you just drop the old tables and rename the newly created ones.

SQL Create or Replace Table in Oracle

We have a oracle database and we have been running into problems with our build and install procedures where when we update the table schema (add, modify columns, triggers, etc) it doesn't always get deployed to all the instances.
Right now we handle schema updates by putting notes on the install steps for the build to run alter table commands, etc. But these always assume you are going from the last build (i.e. build 3 is installed and we are going to 4). If 1 is installed, there might be alter scripts going from 1 to 2, then 2 to 3, then 3 to 4. So this is a giant pain of a manual process that we often mess up and miss an altar.
Is there a easy way to do a "create or replace" on a table without dropping it and losing data? Essentially we want to compare the current table to what it should be and update it. We do not want to backup the table, drop it, create it, and then restore it.
"Essentially we want to compare the current table to what it should be and update it"
Assuming you have a good source version that you want to use to update the other instances, you can Toad's schema compare (you need the DBA Admin module or Toad Xpert Edition) and generate the scripts needed to update a single table, a set of tables, or whatever list of objects you choose.
I would say that the scripts should still be checked/verified before running against the target instance. Some changes may be best handled in a different way (rename a column vs drop/create for example). So be careful.
One more note that others will probably bring up is that this problem shows definite holes in your company's change management process (which is a much bigger topic than this question).

"Save changes is not permitted" when changing an existing column to be nullable

I've got a SQL Database Table, which has 35 existing records. One of the fields in this table is called Name, nvarchar(100), not null
However, due to a recent change, I need to make this column nullable.
When I change the column to allow nulls in SQL Server Management Studio, and go to save my changes, I get the following error:
Saving changes is not permitted. The changes you have made require the
following tables to be dropped and re-created
How can I allow this to automatically be dropped and re-created?
I've found the solution. Go to "Tools > Options > Designers > Table and Database Designers":
It's a setting in SSMS.
Tools - Option - Designers - Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation
I had the same problem; wanting to Allow Nulls for a column that previously did not. Consider MS's warning to NOT turn off this option:
And their recommendation to use Transact-SQL to solve the problem, e.g.
alter table MyTable alter column MyDate7 datetime NULL
This solved it for me.

Does a table get deleted and re-created on alter table drop column?

Question is more specific to sql server and t-sql but would be interesting to know what happens across other db products.
Not always, and SQL Server forces you to explicitly do this when it is necessary if you have a certain somewhat buried option turned on. This option is in:
Tools / Options / Designers / Table and Database Designers
"Prevent saving changes that requiere table re-creation"
Sorry for the shrunk image, SO seems to be doing this, but here is the item...
I have covered this subject at length in SQL Server Table Columns Under the Hood. The answer is no, a drop column does not re-create the table.
However, some tools may re-create the table as part of exposing a 'simplified' table management interface, like the SSMS table designer or schema diff tools, but that it really means that the tool is issuing the T-SQL to create a new table, copy the data, then drop the old table. And this is exactly the reason why I shun the use of all these tools, SSMS table designers included, and disfavor all diff based schema compare tools in favor of explicit upgrade scripts.

Altering a on attribute data size from a table in SQL Server

So I'm trying to do something I thought would've been straightforward. I have a table in the DB named "Images." It's 'Description' property is of type nvarchar(50). I simply want to make it nvarchar(250). Every time I try, it says it can't save because some tables would have to be redropped. I can't just delete it (i think) because, there's already data being maintained by it, and I can't lose it.
Exact error message
"Saving changes is not permitted. The
changes you have made require the
following tables to be dropped and
re-created. You have either made
changes to a table that can't be
re-created or enabled the option
Prevent saving changes that require
the table to be re-created."
Should I just disable the 'Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation' and save it from there.
This KB article explain it
Do you have any tables referencing the "Description" column? That would prevent you from changing the data type/length.
Were you doing this from the SSMS GUI or were you running a script using alter table to make the change?
IF you did it through the designer, I believe it creates another table, drops the orginal and renames the new table. If that table is in a PK/FK relationship. it can't drop the table. Never make table changes except by using a script. YOu also need these to properly put them in source control as well.