Setting environment variables in Rails - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm trying to make my project OSS, and I'd like to remove any sensitive info from the configs. I'm trying to have ENV['DB_PASS'] = mypassword. Where would I set this? I've tried export DB_PASS=mypassword in my .bashrc file. But that's not working.

Are you sure export isn't working? Have you tried echo $DB_PASS? (Also, changes to .bashrc won't take effect until the next time you log in.)
A more common way to handle this problem is to create a separate config file that is not tracked in your repository, and then provide a config.sample file demonstrating the common configuration options but with dummy values.


npm run script invoking Rollup does nothing but open config file

We have a script "build": "rollup -c rollup.js --environment production", which when called by some of our team (who use Windows) will on occasion spontaneously not run as normal, but instead just open up the rollup.js config file in an editor. Unfortunately I don't really know where to start with this because I've never been able to replicate it. No logfile is being produced and as far as I've been told ignore-scripts is not set, which are the only other things I've seen related to this behaviour on SO.
Is this a known thing that there's a simple fix for? Or if not, where should I go to find more info about this? Would this be an issue with npm, or with rollup?
I encunter the same sutiation on Windows.
I bypass it by using WSL.
Through some investigating I've tracked this down to what I believe to be a rollup bug with regards to how they're processing their config files. I feel as though I should open a ticket with them regarding this but I've been acting on behalf of a team member and don't have the ability to replicate it on my own, so... I suppose I'll try and coerce them into doing it.
But anyways, so from what I can tell looking at rollup's source, if a rollup config file has a plain .js extension, then it looks as though rollup is running itself on the config to convert it into a CommonJS format, which it will then import and use on the actual build step. Somewhere in this process on Windows something goes awry and the result is that the config file just ends up getting opened with whatever the default handler is for JS files. So basically the solution is to change the file extension.
Our original config was set up using ES6 import/export, and I'm unclear at this point whether changing the extension to .mjs will skip or otherwise change this conversion step, it seems to have worked as such when people have tried it but I can't vouch for it. What I did was to instead go through the config and manually convert all the ES6 import/exports to CommonJS require() and then change the file extension to .cjs (hence our config changed from rollup.js to rollup.cjs) and now it appears to be working consistently across the board.

How to temporarily change a setting in VSCode

When I am editing a standalone Python file in VSCode (not part of a workspace) I will often need to alter the value of python.pythonPath to reflect a specific virtualenv I am using to run that code.
As the setting is just for the one file, I don't want to change my persistent global settings, and I don't have workspace settings. Is there a way to change a setting just for this session? (Ideally, just for this one file, but I don't expect that to be possible, so I'd be happy with "just for the session"). If there isn't a built in way to do this, is there an extension which allows this? Or even an extension API that I could use to write my own extension for this?
As an alternative, is there a way to use an environment variable in a setting, and then set that environment variable for the current VSCode process? That would have the same effect, it would just require me to set up my user settings specifically to allow this usage.
If you launch vscode from the terminal after having activated your virtualenv, vscode will automatically use the aforementioned virtualenv (with no modification to your settings):
source venv/bin/activate
code .
Note: if vscode is already opened, use code -n . in order to open the file/folder in a new window.

IntelliJ IDEA global environment variable configuration

I need to use an envirnoment variable in all of my idea run configurations. I currently use run->edit configurations->and then enter the env variables in selected configuration. However that's very tedious when I need to run isolated test scenarios because each one creates a new run configuration and I need to enter the variables all over again.
I tried to set the env variables in my linux system using export SOME_VAR="some value" in various session profile files: /etc/profile,/etc/bash.bashrc,~/.bashrc,~/.profile but intellij seems to ignore those vars during run, even though when I launch echo ${SOME_VAR} from intellij built-in terminal it displays the correct output.
I also tried using intellij .env file plugin and then set SOME_VAR=some value in .env file in project root. Didn't work either.
I found a solution to set environment variables on IntelliJ that has been working very well for me, and is incredibly simple. Let me show you.
This is the program (you can copy and paste it) we're using to test:
package com.javasd.intelijenv;
import java.util.Map;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
for (String envName : env.keySet()) {
System.out.format("%s=%s%n", envName, env.get(envName));
System.out.println("My home directory: " + System.getenv("MY_VAR"));
This program basically loads all environment variables, show them on the console, and try to show an env variable. Also, it assumes that you had created the MY_VAR env variable before calling IntelliJ IDEA, by doing something like:
$ export MY_VAR="This is my adorable var :)"
$ idea
Please, notice that we're calling IntelliJ IDEA in the same terminal (or session, or window) where we created the environment variable. If you create the variable and call the IDEA from the icon, the solution won't work because the IDEA will create its own session.
So, if run it without the correct configuration you will get something line this in your console:
Please, notice that you have just a few variables, and that MY_VAR is null.
Here's configuration I use to load the environment variables:
Click on the "Select Run/Debug Configurations" in your project and select "Edit Configurations":
Then, click on the the button with "..." on the right side of the "Environment Variables" section:
You'll see a pop-up. Check the checkbox on the bottom-left which has the label "Include parent environment variables":
That's it!!!
If you run your program now you will see something like this on your console:
You can see all the environment variables and, of course, your "MY_VAR" variable, with the right value!
Beyond the Basics
Usually, for security reasons, we don't want to keep all the environment variables visible. What we want to do is to make those variables visible only while the IntelliJ (or our program) is running.
So, no sensitive variables should be visible on the environment neither before you call Intellij nor after you close it.
Also, you want to keep those variables in a file (typically with a .env extension) to make it easy to manipulate and for security reasons.
To achieve this, there are some useful programs (you can Google them), but my favorite one is the env-cmd.
Let's say you have a test.env file with the following content:
MY_TEST_VAR=I live in the test.env file.
If you call IntelliJ by doing this:
$ env-cmd test.env idea
And edit your program to show "MY_TEST_VAR", and run it, you will see this on the IntelliJ's console:
But if you quit the IntelliJ, and look for your variable, you will see that the var doesn't exist (you can use env to confirm):
At this point, I hope you're able to play with your own solutions: create shell scripts with variables set inside, test other programs (direnv, autoenv, etc.), and so on.
In my opinion the real issue is what Mat said.
If you want to launch IntelliJ from a shortcut, then you have to edit it a little bit:
Open the .desktop file, and add /bin/bash -c -i to the beginning of the launch command. The file should look something like this:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/bin/bash -i -c "/path/to/idea/bin/" %f
Name=IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
If Maven is used project specific environment variables can be configured under File->Settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->Build Tools->Maven->Runner
These are reused then in any Maven configuration.
The same mechanism to set the environment variables might also work with different runners.
The problem is, that IntelliJ does not "see" the environment variables that are set in .bashrc (Also to be found in CrazyCoders answer). The easiest way to enable IntelliJ to import those variables is to start it from bash e.g. by typing intellij-idea-community.
I tried various things listed above, and adding the environment variables to the terminal configuration and the Maven build tools worked in some contexts but not others. Then I finally found the place in IntelliJ that actually works for runtime processes. Because why just have one environment variable configuration screen when you can have several and make all but one of them wrong? ^_^
If you edit the template from which your run configurations are created, and add the environment variables to the template, then they should be included in every subsequent run configuration that started with that template.
This is especially useful for the JUnit template, since it will mean that all your custom environment variables will be loaded for unit tests, regardless of the scope from which they're executed (single method, whole test class, whole module). But in general, if you edit the templates first, then any run configuration you create thereafter will inherit your environment variables from the template.
From the top menu: Run → Edit Configurations... → expand Templates tree → (choose a template) → Environment variables: → (enter a semicolon-delimited key-value pair list OR use the input widget)
For the auto-generated JUnit configurations, you should blow away any existing ones, and let IntelliJ recreate new ones as you go; each of these will use the updated JUnit template with your environment variables.
For macOs try adding /Applications/IntelliJ
SOME_VAR=some value
As no other answer mentioned it here,
Add your environment variable to /etc/environment , then log out and log in again. IntelliJ will definitely pick it up.
I found another tricky solution :)
At least for Linux users...
Just create some shell script like in any suitable location with this content.
export YOUR_ENV_VARIABLE=some value
cd ~/path_to_your_idea_folder/bin
bash ./
Make this script executable and run it.
This script will always run your IDE with predefined env variables.
Got to Open 'Edit Run/Debug configurations' dialogs
Go to Modify options
Select Environment variables
New box appears for Environment variables below Active profiles

Importing local settings to codeception.yml

Is there mechanism to import local settings to codeception.yml configuration file?
Our developers have their own databases and maybe some other environment specific settings for the testing, so these settings shouldn't be pushed to GIT. Normally we solve this problem by having two configuration files, where other one is global & in GIT. Another, local one is merged in some way or another to global one and ignored by the git. What I like to achieve would be following structure:
codeception.yml - global settings
codeception.local.yml - local settings witch would be merged to global settings e.g. by the import
There is a include property for config files, but it seems to deal with complete testing suites.
Yes actually. I can't find anything the manual about it, so I dug through the source code and it looks like it reads both codeception.yml and codeception.dist.yml files.
I tested it out it looks like codeception.dist.yml is your global config, and codeception.yml is what you should use for your local and put into .gitignore. Same goes for the suite.yml files. acceptance.suite.dist.yml is the global that gets overwritten by acceptance.suite.yml, etc etc.

How to unload all the plugins from vim and change VIMRUNTIME?

I have an account at my hosting providers server and I can't install my own copy of vim.
So the only personalization I can make is editing .vimrc in my account, but it won't suffice
What I'd Like to do is:
on startup I'd like to unload all the plugins and loaded stuff, and tell vim to use other folder as its' runtime.
Any idea how to aproach it?
You can start your vim with -u NONE. From the man-page:
-u {vimrc} Use the commands in the file {vimrc} for initializations.
All the other initializations are skipped. Use this to
edit a special kind of files. It can also be used to skip
all initializations by giving the name "NONE". See ":help
initialization" within vim for more details.
For changing $VIMRUNTIME at runtime, use
:let $VIMRUNTIME = "/new/path/"
To answer your question: you just need to set the runtimepath option in your .vimrc file, because your .vimrc is read before any plugins are loaded.
However, the default runtimepath value usually includes the ~/.vim folder (use :set runtimepath? to check), so you should be able to add whatever plugins you need to the ~/.vim folder. Also you can prevent many plugins from loading by adding a line such as :let g:loaded_<plugin name> = 1 to your .vimrc file. Check the help docs for each plugin to find out how to do this.