dynamically adding columns into SQL Reporting services - sql

The stored procedure mapped to a report query builder returns values dynamically mean to say once 8 columns and sometimes 6 columns. My question is how to name the header for the extra added columns?

For each dynamic column, right-click the column header and choose properties. In the properties pane, under the Visibility section, click the down arrow beside Hidden and choose <Expression...>. Paste in the following and change the the field name to match your database.
=IIf(Fields!name.Value Is Nothing, True, False)
When you run the report, if the values in the dynamic columns are NULL, the column will be hidden. If it contains non-null values, the columns will be displayed.

One Important thing to remember: When we are binding a dynamic dataset, SSRS dont have capability to detect the Fields present in the dataset. For this we need to specify the all possible fields in the Dataset, To do this follow the steps:
Goto Data tab in the report and open the dataset which returns
dynamic columns
Click on the … button besides the dataset to edit the dataset
A pop-up window for dataset will appear, in that window go to Fields
There we have to write all possible fields in the Dataset
Click OK and Preview your report

Have you tried doing a COALESCE in your sp, where you always get back those 2 "dynamic" columns? Something like COALESCE(sp.YourColumn, NULL). Then you would be able to create an expression in the report and have it hide that column when NULL or a blank is returned. Maybe something like for the Visbility = IIF(Fields!DynamicField1.Value is Nothing, False, True).

Tweak your stored procedure so that you always return 8 columns. Simply return NULL in the two dynamic columns if you don't want them in the report.
For each dynamic column, right-click the column header and choose properties. In the properties pane, under the Visibility section, click the down arrow beside Hidden and choose <Expression...>. Paste in the following and change the the field name to match your database.
=IIf(Fields!name.Value Is Nothing, True, False)
When you run the report, if the values in the dynamic columns are NULL, the column will be hidden. If it contains non-null values, the columns will be displayed.
Good luck, and welcome to the site!


SSRS SQL report builder deleting column

I have a problem with SSRS report builder. Basically what I want to do is to delete a column. I have a report that someone else made and there is 1 column (xxx) that no longer exists in data source tables so I need to delete it.
When I go to query designer and delete this column from the code and run it there, it works. I close query designer window and see that list of columns (fields) is updated now and xxx column is not there. Then, I delete this column manually in designer (default screen) and when I try to run the report, It doesn't work:
"The Value expression for the text box ‘XXXDataField’ refers to the field ‘xxx’. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current dataset scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified dataset scope. Letters in the names of fields must use the correct case."
But that field should be already deleted. So I don't know what else I can do, or what it can be linked to. I just want to delete it. Any Idea?
Thank you
If your dataset does not contain xxx but your DataTable has this error is normal
You either delete that column from your table or at lease delete DataSet Binding from table so that SSRS does not try to retrieve that column from DataSet
It will be a reference to the field in another field. For example, if you deleted a column that showed an OrderShipped status, then you might have another text box highlighted based on this.
The error is telling you which textbox is in error. So, click somewhere on the designer, then in the properties window, right at the top, click the dropdown which allows you to choose specific report items, choose XXXDataField (the one named in the error message) and then check the value expression. In there you will find the reference to the column you deleted.

Winforms UltraGrid Infragistics grouping by two columns

I’m working on a WinForms vb.net app where you can see a Grid like the one shown in the picture attached and what I need to do is to group by the first two columns (“Grupo” and “Area”).
As you can see in the picture my SQL select statement returns many same “Grupo” and “Area” with different “identificacion” (the last visible column) and the way I would need to present it is more or less the same you can currently see in the picture but with something like for example a + sign at a side which when you press it expands and shows all the complete list of rows and columns (ungrouped) but one row for every different “identificacion”.
I’ve managed to do an approach with SortedColums with the next:
ulgListaSel.DisplayLayout.ViewStyleBand = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ViewStyleBand.OutlookGroupBy
Dim band As UltraGridBand = ulgListaSel.DisplayLayout.Bands(0)
Dim sortedColumns As SortedColumnsCollection = band.SortedColumns
sortedColumns.Add("c_area", False, True)
sortedColumns.Add("c_grupo", False, True)
but data is not being displayed the way I’m looking for.
What I get with the code below is shown in figure 2 but you will see that only "Area" colum is shown before expanding and as a default I need all columns with same value to be shown (everythings except "identificacion").
By the way, I’m using UltraGrid v14.2
Thanks in advance.
If I follow you here correctly, you would like to have a group for each row, because the only differences are in the "identificacion" column values? Or you would like to see all the values in the groupByRow, except the "identification", and having only one group?
In the second case you would end up with only one group having the all of the column values there.
In both cases you could create and add a new unbound column in the InitializeLayout event of your UltraGrid, using the root band (0) columns collection, afterwards in the IntializeRow event populate the values of that new column based on your requirements, either using the values of all of the cells (to end up with the same number of groups as the number of differences in the "identificacion" column), or concatenating the values of all of the columns, without the ones in "identificacion", which would end up with a single group only at end.
Also once you do that, you would have to use again the InitializeLayout event of your UltraGrid, and Group by the UltraGrid, by the newly populated Unbound column, by adding it to Sorted Columns, using the same approach that was used for adding the other columns there.

SSRS hide a row where a expression field value is blank

I have a field in my SSRS report that derives a value based on an expression. The expressions is a simple Lookup between 2 datasets and is working fine. It does return some NULL values and what I would like to do is not display the rows where the expression produces a NULL value. I know how to do this on a field that is not based on an expression but not on a field that is. Anyone know how this can be done? Thanks
Chances are, it will be something like the expression below on the Hidden property of whatever it is you are trying to hide/show.
=IIf(IsNothing(<your Lookup expression>), True, False)
Add any other checking in there too, if need be.
To make this work on the entire row. Right-click on a row header in design mode, and choose Row Visibility... Click Show or hide based on an expression. Add the expression you now have in there.

Breaking the SSRS report depending on the Multi Value Parameter

I am working on a SSRS report with a Multi Value Parameter which contains list of names. I have written an expression for the title that works like "Result for SELECTED NAME". It also have an option of (Select All) which displays all the results with title as "Result for MULTIPLE NAME". It is working fine up to this part.
Now I have to modify the report like, If i select multiple values, the report should break into pages with each selected name on different page with title for that individual parameter value(name) as "Result for SELECTED NAME".
Please help me. Thank you.
You can place the entirety of your current report (excluding headers/footers) into a List object. I assume youa re returning the selected values from the parameter (like Manager Name) as part of your DataSet. Assuming this is the case
Create a new list
Insert the contents of your report into the rectangle of this List
Right click the List Row Header and Select Row Group -> Group Properties
Set the Group to Group on
This approach will take a simple table like this
And break it into a list like this
Then you can just set the Tablix Properties of the List to Add a Page Break After to checked
Hopefully this is helpful. If you have further questions on this then please let me know
I worked on it and found a way to make it happen. I first created the row group for Names. Then applied the page break for each instance option. Then deleted that group column (Only deleted column but not group). Then added that group in a static column on the top, and wrote an expressions to show that group itself as a title using concatenation.
But here I faced another problem, when there is no data for the selected name, the title row isn't displayed in the preview as it also a column in the table.

Reporting Services - hide table column based upon report parameter

I have a report in Reporting Services 2005, and I want to hide or show a single table column based upon a report parameter. Does anyone have any idea how to do that?
Use the visibility property of the column. This worked for me.
=iif(Parameters!ParameterName.Value = "TextValueOfTheParameter",False,True)
Set the Visibility for the column to an expression which will return true or false. This property can be found on in the Visibility tab on a TextBox for example.
Click the radio option for Expression and then your expression might look like
Tip: If the expression returns "False" then the column or row will be visible. If the expression returns "True", the expression will be hidden. This tricked me at first.
Let’s say my report(SSRS 2005) have 5 columns. And I want to show/ hide columns based on a parameter(multi select with all 5 column names) selected by user. do as following
1)Create a parameter of type string (ColumnVisibility is name of my parameter) with desired column names in labels for the 5 columns and INT number(01,02,03,04,05) respectively in the values in “Available Values” section of the parameter wizard.
2) Then Go to column Properties on design . Go to “visibility” and paste following
3) repeat same for all the columns, by increasing the int value by 1..see following for example
2nd column
3rd column
And so on. For SSRS 2008, when you right click on the column you can see "Column Visibility" option. paste the code in "show or hide based on an expression" section for each column.
For some of my reports I've set the Visibility (Specifically the Hidden property) for the column to:
Note that this only works if the relevant field can be null in the underlying dataset, otherwise you will see the blank column.
If you want to hide whole column, when there are no data at all for that specific column in the report, you can use following code in the column visibility/expression:
=IIF(IsNothing (Sum(Fields!columnA.Value, "ReportA")),False,True)
when I do as above, I can make the column disappear but it leaves a gap in my table. Is this the expected result. I was hoping the columns would also shift over. I'm trying to hind a column for one group and then display it for the next group.
To make a null column disappear,
Right-Click column to select Column Visibility, then Set expression for Hidden: