How can I hide the status bar in a Monotouch application in such a way that it is backwards compatible on iOS 3.X while developing on iOS >= 4.X?
If you ever needed to set the status bar hidden in Monotouch App, and wanted to do it properly for code that runs backward compatible on OS 3.X while developing on iOS SDK 4.X and also for newer devices, here is the answer:
if (UIApplication.SharedApplication.RespondsToSelector(new Selector("setStatusBarHidden: withAnimation:")))
UIApplication.SharedApplication.SetStatusBarHidden(true, UIStatusBarAnimation.Fade);
UIApplication.SharedApplication.SetStatusBarHidden(true, true);
We've been working on getting our app to work properly with all the changes in iOS 7. Particularly the colors and layouts of things. But these changes are still in development.
The version of our app in the app store has none of these modifications. When testing locally, it works on iOS 6 fine and looks horrible on iOS 7. Yet, upon downloading it from the app store and installing it on an iOS 7 iPad, it seems to work just fine -- just as it used to in iOS 6 (!). We are wondering if there is some "compatibility flag" that the app store folks can switch, which means "not ready for iOS 7 -- use compatibility mode"? I'm not sure how else to explain this. Wondering if anyone else knows?
Our app:
Summary: running via the simulator on iOS 7 or on a development iPad that has iOS 7, the app looks horrible. But downloading the approved app store version and running on iOS 7, it works just fine. Why?
A note: This is no longer correct. Since February 2014, Apple only accepts SDK7 builds
That's normal. all the old apps work fine on new iOS versions since those app. Base SDK set to that old version. in your case (iOS 6.0). They will run using old sdks. But, when you built with the new sdk (Base SDK 7.0) they look horrible as you said and some times they crash. because of layout changes and controls behaviours in the new iOS.
You are only asked to build with the new sdk to take advantage of the new features.
keeping your app. built with the old versions doesn't seem to have disadvantages other than new features. since apple still accept publishing apps with old sdk back to 4.3.
If you set the base SDK < 7, it will use the old iOS 6 style. Of course, that basically requires you compile with an old version of Xcode, and you can't use iOS 7 features, even when running on iOS 7.
Im using xcode4.6 for retina display screen size. When i use Deployment target 5 i didn't get any warnings. When i use Deployment target 6.1 i get warnings shouldAutoRotation is deprecated. But i used both shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation, willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation in same viewcontroller.m file for iphone4 &5. I have plan to upload my app. Which Deployment target i use for app works in both iphone4 &5. If i use Deployment target 6.1, my app will work in iphone4? or it will work on only iphone5?. (or) app store reject my app or not for getting warnings?
It's "deployment target", not "development target". The deployment target defines the minimum version of iOS your app supports. If you set it to iOS 6.1 then your app will only work on devices that have iOS 6.1 or later installed. If you set it to iOS 5.0 then your app will run on any device with iOS 5.0 or later.
If you set the deployment target to 5.0 or 5.1 then your app must properly deal with the change in APIs. View controller rotation changed a lot in iOS 6.0. Therefore all of your view controllers must implement the older and the new rotation related methods. If your deployment target is 6.0 or later then you don't need to add any of the older 5.x rotation related methods.
I have to make some changes in an existing app. That app was last update in June when iOS6.0 was not launched. I am wondering how the orientation works properly on the devices running with iOS6.0?? As that build contains deprecated methods of oreintation?
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation
This method doesnt get called in iOS6.0 then how that app in app store is working fine in iOS6 devices? Additionally if i run this app from xcode using its code, then it doesnt support orientation for iOS6. Now my client is saying app on app store is working fine with orientation in all the devices and the new build is not supporting orientation. I know I can fix this issue by using new methods for orientation
but just curious to know how older app is working fine on iOS6 devices using deprecated methods when those method are not even getting called in when i run it using xcode.
The older applications were compiled using iOS 5.x SDK, that's why they can run fine on iOS 6, the problem occurs when you compile non iOS 6 compliant code with iOS 6.x SDK.
I have submitted one iPhone app 6 times, and in the requirement of the last/ current version, iPhone 3G is not supported anymore.
My question: Why do I lose this model?
I have some remarks:
Now, apps don't support the iPhone 3G anymore.
I made some searches, and I didn't find any news about it.
Before I submitted this version, I updated my XCode from version 4.0.2 (iOS SDK 4.3) to version 4.2 (iOS SDK 5).
Maybe during the submission, "Apple" checked the binary in order to check the version of my tools (which I built my app with).
And as the iOS 5 cannot be installed on iPhone 3G, I have lost this support.
I own an iPhone 3G in order to make compatibility tests.
And with XCode 4.2, I had trouble to debug my App with my iPhone 3G.
But, i found the solution: Add the architecture armv6 is not enough I need to put some weak links.
If I submit my app with these options "special 3G", will these options be take into account and the support will be back?
(see the edit)
"What's new" is I changed my Apple Account: I submitted my app with another account.
Maybe there are some options somewhere that I didn't see.
Edit: I forget a part maybe important: the version of iOS.
The minimum version of iOS for running my app is iOS 3.1.
And my iPhone 3G runs on iOS 3.X
And all troubles I had with XCode 4.2 and my iPhone 3G seem to be the version of iOS (3.X).
Maybe my app lost the support of iPhone 3G to be sure there is no problem with iOS SDK 5 and iOS 3.X
But, there are users with an iPhone 3GS running on iOS 3.X.
I made some tests with one iPhone 3GS running on iOS 4.0: I had no issues and no options to add in my project settings.
Thanks for your answer. The problem may be the version of my XCode.
Like I said, I have already added the architecture armv6. But with my iPhone 3G iOS 3.X, this is not enough.
Did you test only this setting with one iPhone 3G with success?
I should do:
Add the architecture arm6
Set the Base SDK with "Latest iOS" (iOS 5.0)
Set the iOS Deployment Target with the minimum value
--- It's what you advice ----
Remove into the info.plist the parameter "Required device capabilities" (armv6 and armv7)
Add SystemConfiguration.framework as Optional (to make a weak link)
With this settings, my app crashes: "dyld: Symbol not found: __NSConcreteGlobalBlock"
So I should also add in the flag "Other Linker Flags", - weak_library /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
This is one of my questions:
If I submit my app with these options "special 3G", will these options be take into account and the support will be back?
By default, Xcode 4.2 does not include support for the iPhone 3G, but you can add it back. Just select your app target and select "Build Settings". At the top, change the Architectures listed from "Standard (armv7)" to "Other". In the pop-up box, select the existing option and click the minus button, then click the plus button and add "armv7", then again click plus and add "armv6". armv7 will support the newer chips, while armv6 will add back in support for the iPhone 3G... providing you set your iOS Deployment Target to iOS 4.2 or earlier... your setting at 3.x should be just fine—that merely limits you to not using newer features of iOS obviously.
You may also need to add "-mno-thumb" under "Other C Flags" in the Build Settings, though if my memory serves me correctly that may only have been if you are wanting to use Automatic Reference Counting on the old architecture—and even then only because this is a work-around for a known bug.
Does anyone know where I can get the iOS 4.2 SDK for xCode? I cannot find it anywhere on the Apple site.
I am building an App for Verizon Phones which only supports iOS 4.2. I get a runtime error that says 'Symbol not found' for AdInterstitialAd. I am not sure, but I am guessing I am getting that error because I added the iAd.framework from the iOS 4.3 SDK.
To submit an app to the App Store you will always build against the latest SDK which is 4.3. Apple will reject your app if you don't. You can set the deployment version of your app to lower version. And you are correct, AdInterstitialAd is only available in 4.3 or higher. You can still use the ADBannerView in the lower version.
If you want to use AdInterstitialAd in your app, you will have to use weak linking to make sure the framework if avaiable.
For example:
class adClass = NSClassFromString(#"AdInterstitialAd");
If (adClass) {
// do full screen ad stuff
} else if ((adClass = NSClassFromString(#"ADBannerView")) {
// do banner ad stuff
Using iAds While Maintaining Backwards Compatibility is a blog that provide some tips for using iAds when it was first announced last year. Some of those tips are this valuable today.