In Rails 3, given routes like
get 'about/terms', :as => 'terms'
get 'about/privacy', :as => 'privacy'
get 'about/jobs', :as => 'career'
get 'about/feedback', :as => 'feedback'
get 'about/contact', :as => 'contact'
get 'about/us', :as => 'about'
How to DRY it up?
Recon something like this would do it:
['terms', 'privacy', 'jobs', 'feedback', 'contact' ,'us'].each { |r|
get "about/#{r}", :as => r
if about is a controller or you hava a controller for your static pages
['terms', 'privacy', 'jobs', 'feedback', 'contact' ,'us'].each { |r|
get "/#{r}", :controller => 'about', :action => r
I am trying to call helper method from select_tag. I tried this:
<%= select_tag(:themes, options_for_select({"Black" => "compiled/styles", "Green" => "compiled/styles2"})) %>
When I put alert(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) instead of calling method, it works. How can I change my code to call the method as desired?
I have this on my application.js
$(document).ready(function() {
$.ajax({url: '<%= url_for :controller => 'application', :action => 'set_themes()', :id => 'this.value' %>',
data: 'selected=' + this.value,
dataType: 'script'
And in controller I have set_themes methode
def set_themes()
#themes = params[:id]
respond_to do |format|
redirect_to '/galleries'
format.html # index.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => #themes }
The problem now is #themes still empty even I change the dropdown
match '', :controller => 'application', :action => 'set_themes()'
To route to application#set_themes:
match '/set_themes', to: 'application#set_themes', as: :set_themes
With that done, just direct the url in ajax as follows:
$.ajax({url: "<%= set_themes_path %>",
It should be #themes = params[:selected] in your controller based on what you are trying to do in application.js.
I have a table, schools with the fields: id, name, address, city, state, zip, latitude and longitude.
I want to search for schools within 12km by giving latitude and longitude; I am using this query but it's not working.
curl -X GET "http://localhost:9200/schools/school/_search?=true" -d '{"filter" : {"geo_distance" : {"distance" :"12km", "location": "40,-70"}}}'
I get the following error:
Failed to execute phase [query], total failure;
shardFailures {[_na_][schools][0]: No active shards}{[_na_][schools][1]:
No active shards}{[_na_][schools][2]: No active shards}{[_na_][schools][4]:
No active shards}{[WJV55VsxQU-XW8VPmXImwA][schools][3]:
RemoteTransportException[[Archie Corrigan][inet[/]][search/phase/query]]; nested:
SearchParseException[[schools][3]: from[-1],size[-1]: Parse Failure [Failed to parse source [
{\"filter\" :
{\"geo_distance\" :
{\"distance\" :\"12km\", \"location\": \"40,-70\"}
]; nested: QueryParsingException[[schools] failed to find geo_point field [location]];}]",
model configuration in rails
# ElasticSearch integration
include Tire::Model::Callbacks
include Tire::Model::Search
include Search::ReloadHelper
tire do
:analysis => {
:filter => Search::Filters.hs_name_filters,
:analyzer => Search::Analyzers.hs_name_analyzers
mapping do
indexes :id, :type => 'integer', :index => :not_analyzed
indexes :name, :type => 'string', :analyzer => :hs_name_analyzer
indexes :address, :type => 'string', :index => :not_analyzed
indexes :city, :type => 'string', :analyzer => :hs_name_analyzer
indexes :state, :type => 'string', :index => :not_analyzed
indexes :zip, :type => 'integer', :index => :not_analyzed
indexes :location, :type => 'geo_point', :lat_lon => true
def to_indexed_json
:id => id,
:name => name,
:address => address,
:city => city,
:state => state,
:zip => zip,
:location => {
:lat => latitude,
:lon => longitude
How can I get this to work?
Is there any easy way to include the multiupload feature to NetzkeFormView or GridView(AddInForm)?
My current image uloading field with carrierwave is:
{:name => :image_link, :xtype => :displayfield, :display_only => true, :getter => lambda { |r| %Q(<a href='#{r.image.url}'>Download</a>) if r.image.url }},
{:name => :image, :field_label => "Upload image", :xtype => :fileuploadfield, :getter => lambda { |r| "" }, :display_only => true}
I am using rails 3.1.0.rc3 with formtastic 2.0.0.rc2 and I am getting this error -
undefined method `inputs' for #<ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder:0x000001059c2fb0>
Here is the block of code
= form_tag '#', :class => 'formtastic' do
= fields_for, :builder => Formtastic::Helpers::FormHelper.builder do |g|
= g.inputs :name => :attributes do
= g.input :_alias
= g.input :hint
= g.input :text_formatting, :as => 'select', :collection => options_for_text_formatting, :include_blank => false, :wrapper_html => { :style => 'display: none' }
= g.input :target, :as => 'select', :collection => options_for_association_target, :include_blank => false, :wrapper_html => { :style => 'display: none' }
Is this a bug ?
Thanks, Alex
You are trying to use a formtastic method here. When you are actually in a block for Rails's form builder.
You need semantic_form_for and formtastic in your Gemfile to use f.inputs for example..
How do I translate the following into a named_scope?
def self.commentors(cutoff=0)
return User.find_by_sql("select users.*, count(*) as total_comments from users, comments
where ( = comments.user_id) and (comments.public_comment = 1) and (comments.aasm_state = 'posted') and (comments.talkboard_user_id is null)
group by having total_comments > #{cutoff} order by total_comments desc")
Here's what I have right now but it doesn't seem to work:
named_scope :commentors, lambda { |count=0|
{ :select => "users.*, count(*) as total_comments",
:joins => :comments,
:conditions => { :comments => { :public_comment => 1, :aasm_state => 'posted', :talkboard_user_id => nil} },
:group => "",
:having => "total_comments > #{count.to_i}",
:order => "total_comments desc"
Ulimately, this is what worked;
named_scope :commentors, lambda { |*args|
{ :select => 'users.*, count(*) as total_comments',
:joins => :comments,
:conditions => { :comments => { :public_comment => 1, :aasm_state => 'posted', :talkboard_user_id => nil} },
:group => '',
:having => ['total_comments > ?', args.first || 0],
:order => 'total_comments desc' }
The problem you have is because you replaced selecting from users, comments with an inner join with comments. To properly translate the SQL to a named_scope, use this:
named_scope :commentors, lambda { |cutoff|
{ :select => 'users.*, count(*) as total_comments',
:conditions => { :comments => { :public_comment => 1, :aasm_state => 'posted', :talkboard_user_id => nil } },
:from => 'users, comments',
:group => '',
:having => ['total_comments > ?', cutoff],
:order => 'total_comments desc' } }
And you can't have a default value for lambda parameters, so you can't use |cutoff = 0|.