Converting Gridview into CSV -

Is this possible to take delimeter other than comma for converting into CSV file....because in my scenario my gridview cell contains data with commas.

Well the 'C' in C‍SV does stand for "Comma".
That said, depending on what the purpose/destination of your "CSV" output is, I can see two options:
If your program is the only recipient, use whatever you like. Heck, something like the built in serialises might be easier.
Otherwise, follow the CSV format and double quote your values.
There is a lot a more useful information in this question, and this one.


Characterizing the data format of the inputs that an AWK tool processes?

AWK newbie here.
I am trying to characterize (for myself) the data format that an AWK tool expects of the input it processes. (Terminology question: Would such a "data format characterization" be called "AWK's data format model"?) Below is my attempt at a characterization. Is it correct? Is it complete? Is it easy to read and understand? What changes/additions are needed to make it correct, complete, and easy to read/understand?
As an aside: One of the things that I really like about AWK is that the data format of its input is readily described in a few short sentences. That's powerful! Contrast with other common data formats (e.g., XML, JSON, CSV) which require many pages of dense prose.
The data format consists of lines (lines are strings that are
typically separated by newlines, although the user may use a symbol
other than newline, if desired). Each line contains fields. Fields are
ASCII strings. Fields are separated by a delimiter (common delimiters
include the tab, space, or comma symbol, although the user is free to
use another symbol if desired). Fields may contain the field delimiter
symbol provided the symbol is preceded by a backslash symbol (this is
called "escaping the symbol"). Fields may be empty. Each line has zero
or more fields. Lines do not need to have the same number of fields.
CSV(...)which require many pages of dense prose.
I must protest, CSV is defined by RFC4180, prose is 7 points inside Definition of the CSV Format at most 2 pages, so I can not say it is many.
Is it complete?
I would say not, because you are using terms without defining them. For example what is ASCII string and what is symbol?

Importing File WIth Field Terminators In Data

I've been given some csv files that I want to turn into tables in a SQL database. However, the genius who created the files used comma delimiters, even though several data fields contain commas. So when I try to BCP the data into the database, I get a whole bunch of errors.
Is there a way that I can escape the commas that aren't field separators? At the moment I'm tempted to write a script to manually replace every comma in each file with a pipe, and then go through and manually change the affected rows back.
The only way to fix this is to write a script or program that fixes the data.
If the bad data is limited to a single field the process should be trivial:
You consume the row from either side by the count of good delimiters and replace with a new unique delimiter and what remains is the column with the extra old delimiters that you would just leave as is.
If you have two bad fields straddling good fields, you would need some kind of advanced logic, for instance I had XML data with delimiters, I had to parse the XML until I found a terminating tag and then process the other delimiters as needed.


I am loading data from Excels into database on SQL Server 2008. There is one column which is in nvarchar data type. This field contains the data as
Text text text text text text text text text text.
(ABC-2010-4091, ABC-2011-0586, ABC-2011-0587, ABC-2011-0604)
Text text text text text text text text text text.
(ABC-2011-0562, ABC-2011-0570, ABC-2011-0575, ABC-2011-0588)
so its text with many sentences of this kind.
For each row I need to get the data ABC-####-####, respectivelly I only need the last part. So e.g. for ABC-2010-4091 I need to obtain 4091. This number I will need to join to other table. I guess it would be enough to get the last parts of the format ABC-####-####, then I should be able to handle the request.
So the example of given above, the result should be 4091, 0586, 0587, 0604, 0562, 0570, 0575, 0588 in the row instead of the whole nvarchar value field.
Is this possible somehow? The text in the nvarchar field differ, but the text format (ABC-####-####) I want to work with is still the same. Only the count of characters for the last part may vary so its not only 4 numbers, but could be 5 or more.
What is the best approach to get these data? Should I parse it in SSIS or on the SQL server side with SQL Query? And how?
I am aware this is though task. I appreciate every help or advice how to deal with this. I have not tried anything yet as I do not know where to start. I read articles about SQL parsing, but I want to ask for best approach to deal with this task.
Stackoverflow is about programming.
Sit down and start programming.
Ok, seriously. That is string parsing and the last part in brackets with multiple fields means no bulk import, it is not a standard CSV file.
Either you use SSIS in SQL Server and program the parsing there or.... you write a program for that.
String maniupation in SQL is the worst part of the language and I would avoid it.
So, yes, sit down and program a routine. Probable the fastest way.
If I understand correctly, "ABS-####-####" will be the value coming through in the column and the numeric part is variable in length.
If that is the case, maybe this will work.
Use a "Derived Column" transformation.
Lets say we call "ABC-####-####" = Column1
If I am not mistaken, that should give you the last # values in a new column no matter how long that value is.
I have worked this problem out with the following guides:
Split Multi Value Column into Multiple Records &
Remove Multiple Spaces with Only One Space

Getting long 'dirty' strings from SQL Server database into a 'clean' excel file

I Have a table in which comments are kept about clients. This is an open field and be very long and include line breaks.
When I try and export this to Excel, the data is misaligned. I'd like to return as much of the comment as possible in an excel cell, without anything like a line break.
Is there a way I could do this in Excel? (Find and replace)
Is there a way to structure my SQL query to only return what I can fit?
Or is there a better way?
I found the best way to deal with this is to enclose all suspect String columns with Speech marks "" and then in excel under the text to columns option make sure to select speech marks as a text qualifier.
This always worked for me.
Just be sure to remove speech marks from the string column in question otherwise it will split it again.
Another method i used was to used an obscure delimiter like an Ibar | which was not likely to be found in my data and by again using the Text to columns option i specified the IBar as the column separator which did just what i needed.

Testing a CSV - how far should I go?

I'm generating a CSV which contains several rows and columns.
However, when I'm testing said CSV I feel like I am simply repeating the code that builds the file in the test as I'm checking each and every field is correct.
Question is, is this more sensible than it seems to me, or is there a better way?
A far simpler test is to just import the CSV into a spreadsheet or database and verify the data output is aligned to the proper fields. No extra columns or extra rows, data selected from the imported recordset is a perfect INTERSECT with the recordset from which the CSV was generated, etc.
More importantly, I recommend making sure your test data includes common CSV fail scenarios such as:
Field contains a comma (or whatever your separator character)
Field contains multiple commas (You might think it's the same thing, but I've seen one fail where the other succeeded)
Field contains the new-row character(s)
Field contains characters not in the code page of the CSV file make sure your code is handling them properly.