Delete All / Bulk Insert - sql

First off let me say I am running on SQL Server 2005 so I don't have access to MERGE.
I have a table with ~150k rows that I am updating daily from a text file. As rows fall out of the text file I need to delete them from the database and if they change or are new I need to update/insert accordingly.
After some testing I've found that performance wise it is exponentially faster to do a full delete and then bulk insert from the text file rather than read through the file line by line doing an update/insert. However I recently came across some posts discussing mimicking the MERGE functionality of SQL Server 2008 using a temp table and the output of the UPDATE statement.
I was interested in this because I am looking into how I can eliminate the time in my Delete/Bulk Insert method when the table has no rows. I still think that this method will be the fastest so I am looking for the best way to solve the empty table problem.

I think your fastest method would be to:
Drop all foreign keys and indexes
from your table.
Truncate your
Bulk insert your data.
Recreate your foreign keys and

Is the problem that Joe's solution is not fast enough, or that you can not have any activity against the target table while your process runs? If you just need to prevent users from running queries against your target table, you should contain your process within a transaction block. This way, when your TRUNCATE TABLE executes, it will create a table lock that will be held for the duration of the transaction, like so:
begin tran;
truncate table stage_table
bulk insert stage_table
from N'C:\datafile.txt'
commit tran;

An alternative solution which would satsify your requirement for not having "down time" for the table you are updating.
It sounds like originally you were reading the file and doing an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 1 row at a time. A more performant approach than that, that does not involve clearing down the table is as follows:
1) bulk load the file into a new, separate table (no indexes)
2) then create the PK on it
3) Run 3 statements to update the original table from this new (temporary) table:
DELETE rows in the main table that don't exist in the new table
UPDATE rows in the main table where there is a matching row in the new table
INSERT rows into main table from the new table where they don't already exist
This will perform better than row-by-row operations and should hopefully satisfy your overall requirements

There is a way to update the table with zero downtime: keep two day's data in the table, and delete the old rows after loading the new ones!
Add a DataDate column representing the date for which your ~150K rows are valid.
Create a one-row, one-column table with "today's" DataDate.
Create a view of the two tables that selects only rows matching the row in the DataDate table. Index it if you like. Readers will now refer to this view, not the table.
Bulk insert the rows. (You'll obviously need to add the DataDate to each row.)
Update the DataDate table. View updates Instantly!
Delete yesterday's rows at your leisure.
SELECT performance won't suffer; joining one row to 150,000 rows along the primary key should present no problem to any server less than 15 years old.
I have used this technique often, and have also struggled with processes that relied on sp_rename. Production processes that modify the schema are a headache. Don't.

For raw speed, I think with ~150K rows in the table, I'd just drop the table, recreate it from scratch (without indexes) and then bulk load afresh. Once the bulk load has been done, then create the indexes.
This assumes of course that having a period of time when the table is empty/doesn't exist is acceptable which it does sound like could be the case.


How to delete records without generating redo log

I have a table like following:
Create Table Txn_History nologging (
ID number,
Comment varchar2(300),
... (Another 20 columns),
Std_hash raw(1000)
This table is 8GB with 19 Million rows with a growth of around 50,000 rows daily.
I need to delete 300,000 rows and update 100,000 rows. I know that normally delete and update statement will cause Oracle database to generate redo log. The only way I know to avoid this is to create a new table with the updated result.
However, consider that the delete and update statement is only talking about 2% of the entire table, it appears not very worth to create a new table, follow by all corresponding indexes.
Do you have any new idea?
To be honest I don't think that the redo generation is a big problem here: just 300k rows to delete and 100k rows to update... For such batch operations Oracle uses fast "array update" REDO operation. Probably you need to trace your operation to find out real bottlenecks and load profile(IO/CPU, access paths, triggers, indexes, etc).
Basically it's better to use the partitioning option properly to update/delete(or truncate) by whole partitions.
There is also new alter table ... move including rows where ... feature starting from Oracle 12.2:

Keeping BigQuery table data up-to-date

This is probably incorrect use case for BigQuery but I have following problem: I need to periodically update Big Query table. Update should be "atomic" in a sense that clients which read data should either use only old version of data or completely new version of data. The only solution I have now is to use date partitions. The problem with this solution is that clients which just need to read up to date data should know about partitions and get data only from certain partitions. Every time I want to make a query I would have first to figure out which partition to use and only then select from the table. Is there any way to improve this? Ideally I would like solution to be easy and transparent for clients who read data.
You didn't mention the size of your update, I can only give some general guideline.
Most BigQuery updates, including single DML (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE) and single load job, are atomic. Your reader reads either old data or new data.
Lacking multi-statement transaction right now, if you do have updates which doesn't fit into single load job, the solution is:
Load update into a staging table, after all loads finished
Use single INSERT or MERGE to merge updates from staging table to primary data table
The drawback: scanning staging table is not for free
Update: since you have multiple tables to update atomically, there is a tiny trick which may be helpful.
Assuming for each table that you need an update, there is a ActivePartition column as partition key, you may have a table with only one row.
CREATE TABLE ActivePartition (active DATE);
Each time after loading, you set to a new active date, then your user use a script:
DECLARE active DATE DEFAULT (SELECT active FROM ActivePartition);
-- Actual query
SELECT ... FROM dataTable WHERE ActivePartition = active

SQL - Delete table with 372 million rows starting from first row

I have a table with 372 million rows, I want to delete old rows starting from the first ones without blocking the DB. How can I reach that?
The table have
id | memberid | type | timeStamp | message |
1 123 10 2014-03-26 13:17:02.000 text
I deleted about 30 GB of Space in DB, but my DISC is ON 6gb space yet..
Any suggestion to get that free space?
Thank you in advance!
select 1;
while(##ROWCOUNT > 0)
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10';
delete top(10) from tab where <your-condition>;
delete in chunks using above sql
You may want to consider another approach:
Create a table based on the existing one
Adjust the identity column in the empty table to start from the latest value from the old table (if there is any)
Swap the two tables using sp_rename
Copy the records in batches into the new table from the old table
You can do whatever you want with the old table.
BACKUP your database before you start deleting records / play with tables.
the best performance is to query data by id, then:
delete from TABLENAME where id>XXXXX
is the lowest impact you can execute.
You can also divide the operation in suboperations limiting the number of deleted rows for each operation adding ROWCONT declatarion,
example if you want to delete only 5.000.000 of rows per call you can do this:
delete from TABLENAME where id>XXXXX;
here you can find a reference
The answer to the best way to delete rows from an Oracle table is: It
depends! In a perfect world where you can take the table offline for
maintenance, a complete reorganization is always best because it does
the delete and places the table back into a pristine state. We will
address the tools for doing large scale deletes and the appropriate
methods for each environment.
Factors and tools for massive deletes
The choice of the delete methods depends on many factors:
Is the target table partitioned? Partitioning greatly improves delete performance. For example, it is common to have a large time-based table partition and deleting elderly rows from these table can be as simple as dropping the desired partition. See these notes on managing partitioned tables.
Can you reorganize the table after the delete to remove fragmentation?
What percentage of the table will be deleted? In cases where you are deleting more than 30-50% of the rows in a very large table it is faster to use CTAS to delete from a table than to do a vanilla delete and a reorganization of the table blocks and a rebuild of the constraints and indexes.
Do you want to release the space consumed by the deleted rows? If you know that the empty space will be re-used by subsequent DML then you will want to leave the empty space within the table. Conversely, if you want to released the space back onto the tablespace then you will need to reorganize the table.
There are many tools that you can use to delete from large tables:
dbms_metadata.get_ddl: This procedure wil punch-off the definitions of all table indexes and constraints.
dbms_redefinition: This procedure will reorganize a table while it remains available for updating.
Create Table as Select: You can use CTAS to copy a table while removing rows in bulk.
Rename table: If you copy a table when deleting rows you can rename it back to its original name.
COMMIT: In cases where a delete might run for many hours, even the largest UNDO log will not be able to hold the rollback information and it becomes necessary to do the delete in a PL/SQL loop, issuing a COMMIT every zillion-rows to free-up the undo logs. This approach will be re-startable automatically because the delete will pick-up where it left off as on your last commit checkpoint.
More information visit here

How to truncate and add new rows to the table with a select query never getting empty results

I have a requirement where a table holds the state of certain things.
This table is truncated and new status data in inserted in it every second.
The problem is that if a select query is executed between a delete and the following insert, the user will get empty table in return.
SQL Transactions would not help here i think but not sure.
Also, if the select query is executed between the delete and insert query, it shouldn't return error because its blocked by a database lock. it should just wait till the delete + insert operation is finished.
What would be the best way to implement such a system?
How should i form the "delete + insert" query and the "select" query?
Thank you in advance.
--------additional information
This table would be result of a multiple heavy queries and will be updated every second so that the applications do not run those heavy queries and instead, they would get the required information from this table.
so a truncate and insert every second and multiple selects at random.
Don't truncate the table. Instead, insert the new status using an identity primary key or the date as the primary key. Then do:
select top 1 date
from table
order by date desc
select max(date)
from table
(These should have basically the same execution plan.)
Then, you insert the new date. When the insert is done, the data is immediately available.
You can then delete older rows at your leisure.
From your description, this table always contains only one row, the last status change. The contents changes about every second, apparently 24 hours a day.
Rather than change the data with a truncate/insert pair of operations, why not just update the one row? One operation, no race condition, no locking conflicts at all.
There is even a way to do that without changing any existing code:
Rename the table
Create a view which shows the row from the renamed table. Name it the original table name.
Create an "instead of insert" trigger on the view. The trigger performs an update to the table rather than an insert. This could be performed with a merge statement which will work if the table should ever happen to be empty.
Oops, I was wrong. You would still have to change the code to remove the truncate statement. It will not work against the view but it will throw an exception. Unfortunately, you can't intercept the truncate with a trigger and simply ignore it.
Then when the insert is executed, a truncate is no longer necessary and the insert converted into an update (or merge). One operation.

ORACLE 11g SET COLUMN NULL for specific Partition of large table

I have a Composite-List-List partitioned table with 19 Columns and about 400 million rows. Once a week new data is inserted in this table and before the insert I need to set the values of 2 columns to null for specific partitions.
Obvious approach would be something like the following where COLUMN_1 is the partition criteria:
Of course this would be awfully slow.
My second thought was to use CTAS for every partition that I need to set those two columns to null and then use EXCHANGE PARTITION to update the data in my big table. Unfortunately that wouldn’t work because it´s a Composite-Partition.
I could use the same approach with subpartitions but then I would have to use CATS about 8000 times and drop those tables afterwards every week. I guess that would not pass the upcoming code-review.
May somebody has another idea how to performantly solve this?
PS: I’m using ORACLE 11g as database.
PPS: Sorry for my bad English…..
You've ruled out updating through DDL (switch partitions), so this lets us with only DML to consider.
I don't think that it's actually that bad an update with a table so heavily partitioned. You can easily split the update in 8k mini updates (each a single tiny partition):
Each subpartition would contain 15k rows to be updated on average so the update would be relatively tiny.
While it still represents a very big amount of work, it should be easy to set to run in parallel, hopefully during hours where database activity is very light. Also the individual updates are easy to restart if one of them fails (rows locked?) whereas a 120M update would take such a long time to rollback in case of error.
If I were to update almost 90% of rows in table, I would check feasibility/duration of just inserting to another table of same structure (less redo, no row chaining/migration, bypass cache and so on via direct insert. drop indexes and triggers first. exclude columns to leave them null in target table), rename the tables to "swap" them, rebuild indexes and triggers, then drop the old table.
From my experience in data warehousing, plain direct insert is better than update/delete. More steps needed but it's done in less time overall. I agree, partition swap is easier said than done when you have to process most of the table and just makes it more complex for the ETL developer (logic/algorithm bound to what's in the physical layer), we haven't encountered need to do partition swaps so far.
I would also isolate this table in its own tablespaces, then alternate storage between these two tablespaces (insert to 2nd drop table from 1st, vice-versa in next run, resize empty tablespace to reclaim space).