How to pass multiple parameters in thread in VB -

I'm looking to pass two or more parameters to a thread in VB 2008.
The following method (modified) works fine without parameters, and my status bar gets updated very cool-y.
But I can't seem to make it work with one, two or more parameters.
This is the pseudo code of what I'm thinking should happen when the button is pressed:
Private Sub Btn_Click()
Dim evaluator As New Thread(AddressOf Me.testthread(goodList, 1))
Exit Sub
This is the testthread method:
Private Sub testthread(ByRef goodList As List(Of OneItem), ByVal coolvalue As Integer)
StatusProgressBar.Maximum = 100000
While (coolvalue < 100000)
coolvalue = coolvalue + 1
StatusProgressBar.Value = coolvalue
lblPercent.Text = coolvalue & "%"
End While
End Sub

First of all: AddressOf just gets the delegate to a function - you cannot specify anything else (i.e. capture any variables).
Now, you can start up a thread in two possible ways.
Pass an Action in the constructor and just Start() the thread.
Pass a ParameterizedThreadStart and forward one extra object argument to the method pointed to when calling .Start(parameter)
I consider the latter option an anachronism from pre-generic, pre-lambda times - which have ended at the latest with VB10.
You could use that crude method and create a list or structure which you pass to your threading code as this single object parameter, but since we now have closures, you can just create the thread on an anonymous Sub that knows all necessary variables by itself (which is work performed for you by the compiler).
Soo ...
Dim Evaluator = New Thread(Sub() Me.TestThread(goodList, 1))
It's really just that ;)

Something like this (I'm not a VB programmer)
Public Class MyParameters
public Name As String
public Number As Integer
End Class
newThread as thread = new Thread( AddressOf DoWork)
Dim parameters As New MyParameters
parameters.Name = "Arne"
public shared sub DoWork(byval data as object)
dim parameters = CType(data, Parameters)

Dim evaluator As New Thread(Sub() Me.testthread(goodList, 1))
With evaluator
.IsBackground = True ' not necessary...
End With

Well, the straightforward method is to create an appropriate class/structure which holds all your parameter values and pass that to the thread.
Another solution in VB10 is to use the fact that lambdas create a closure, which basically means the compiler doing the above automatically for you:
Dim evaluator As New Thread(Sub()
testthread(goodList, 1)
End Sub)

In addition to what Dario stated about the Delegates you could execute a delegate with several parameters:
Predefine your delegate:
Private Delegate Sub TestThreadDelegate(ByRef goodList As List(Of String), ByVal coolvalue As Integer)
Get a handle to the delegate, create parameters in an array, DynamicInvoke on the Delegate:
Dim tester As TestThreadDelegate = AddressOf Me.testthread
Dim params(1) As Object
params(0) = New List(Of String)
params(1) = 0

Just create a class or structure that has two members, one List(Of OneItem) and the other Integer and send in an instance of that class.
Edit: Sorry, missed that you had problems with one parameter as well. Just look at Thread Constructor (ParameterizedThreadStart) and that page includes a simple sample.

Pass multiple parameter for VB.NET 3.5
Public Class MyWork
Public Structure thread_Data
Dim TCPIPAddr As String
Dim TCPIPPort As Integer
End Structure
Dim STthread_Data As thread_Data
STthread_Data.TCPIPAddr = ""
STthread_Data.TCPIPPort = 80
Dim multiThread As Thread = New Thread(AddressOf testthread)
Private Function testthread(ByVal STthread_Data As thread_Data)
Dim IPaddr as string = STthread_Data.TCPIPAddr
Dim IPport as integer = STthread_Data.TCPIPPort
'Your work'
End Function
End Class

I think this will help you...
Creating Threads and Passing Data at Start Time!
Imports System.Threading
' The ThreadWithState class contains the information needed for
' a task, and the method that executes the task.
Public Class ThreadWithState
' State information used in the task.
Private boilerplate As String
Private value As Integer
' The constructor obtains the state information.
Public Sub New(text As String, number As Integer)
boilerplate = text
value = number
End Sub
' The thread procedure performs the task, such as formatting
' and printing a document.
Public Sub ThreadProc()
Console.WriteLine(boilerplate, value)
End Sub
End Class
' Entry point for the example.
Public Class Example
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Supply the state information required by the task.
Dim tws As New ThreadWithState( _
"This report displays the number {0}.", 42)
' Create a thread to execute the task, and then
' start the thread.
Dim t As New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf tws.ThreadProc))
Console.WriteLine("Main thread does some work, then waits.")
Console.WriteLine( _
"Independent task has completed main thread ends.")
End Sub
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
' Main thread does some work, then waits.
' This report displays the number 42.
' Independent task has completed; main thread ends.

With VB 14, you can do the following with Tuples:
Shared Sub _runner(data as (goodList As List(Of OneItem), coolvalue As Integer))
Console.WriteLine($"goodList: {data.goodList}")
Console.WriteLine($"coolvalue: {data.coolvalue}")
' do stuff...
End Sub
Dim thr As New Thread(AddressOf _runner)
thr.Start((myGoodList, cval))


Using a delegate for thread start inside another Sub

What I've got is something like this:
Private Sub GiantLegacySub()
... lots of variables and legacy code...
Dim somethingNew = New Func(of String, Boolean)(
Function(stringy as String) As Boolean
... new code that uses the legacy variables ...
End Function)
Dim t = New Thread(AddressOf somethingNew)
End Sub
I am getting an error indicating that somethingNew is being seen as variable name and not a method name and is thus unacceptable by AddressOf. ( I know that somethingNew is a variable, just one that happens to contain a pointer to a method).
Is there a way to do this? I need to leave it inside of GiantLegacySub because of the shear volume of variables in its scope.
Based on Craig's guidance, this was the answer:
Private Sub GiantLegacySub()
... lots of variables and legacy code...
Dim somethingNew = Sub(stringy as String)
... new code that uses the legacy variables ...
End Sub
Dim t = New Thread(somethingNew)
End Sub

How Do I Pass A Subprocedure As An Argument VB.NET

I am writing a function that takes an externally defined Sub Procedure and runs it a certain number of times based on variables in the contained class. How do you pass Sub devs as parameters in VB.NET? Or what is an alternative way of doing it? (UPDATE: This is for a timer class for a WPF Application that I will use in my Pong game I'm making. The new method should take a sub procedure as a parameter, and then it tells another sub called Run() to execute that sub procedure every x milliseconds)
You can declare your method (Sub) as taking an Action Delegate parameter. This allows you to pass the address of a void method (HelloWorld) as a parameter:
Private Sub DoSomething(a As Action)
' pick a random number 1-5
Dim v = RNG.Next(1, 6)
' call whatever v times
For n As Int32 = 0 To v
End Sub
Private Sub HelloWorld()
Console.WriteLine("Null Spark says 'Hello, World!'")
End Sub
Calling it would just be:
DoSomething(AddressOf HelloWorld)
As MSDN notes, Action encapsulates a method that has no parameters and does not return a value. To include parameters use Action(of T) (see next); to return a value (use a function), use Func, see this example
When there are params involved use Action(Of T). You can also declare variables as Action Delegates which can make the code easier to read:
Private HelloAction As Action(Of Int32)
Then somewhere like a form load:
HelloAction = AddressOf HelloWorld
Private Sub DoSomething(a As Action(Of Int32))
Dim v = RNG.Next(1, 6)
For n As Int32 = 0 To v
a(n) ' pass the int param
End Sub
In this case, HelloWorld would be:
Private Sub HelloWorld(x As Integer)

Showing progress of ZipFiles Class

I was wondering, how can I get the percentage of this being done, so I can display it on a progress bar?
ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory("C:\temp\folder", "C:\temp\")
and also
ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory("C:\temp\", "C:\temp\folder")
This doesnt have any events or callbacks that you can use to report progress. Simply means you cant with the .Net version. If you used the 7-Zip library you can do this easily.
I came across this question while checking for related questions for the identical question, asked for C# code. It is true that the .NET static ZipFile class does not offer progress reporting. However, it is not hard to do using the ZipArchive implementation, available since earlier versions of .NET.
The key is to use a Stream wrapper that will report bytes read and written, and insert that in the data pipeline while creating or extracting the archive.
I wrote a version in C# for an answer to the other question, and since I didn't find any VB.NET examples, figured it would be helpful to include a VB.NET version on this question.
(Arguably, I could include both examples in a single answer and propose closing one of the questions as a duplicate of the other. But since it's doubtful the close vote would result in an actual closure, the connection between the two questions would not be as obvious as it should be. I think for best visibility to future users trying to find the solution appropriate for their needs, leaving this as two different questions is better.)
The foundation of the solution is the Stream wrapper class:
Imports System.IO
Public Class StreamWithProgress
Inherits Stream
' NOTE For illustration purposes. For production code, one would want To
' override *all* of the virtual methods, delegating to the base _stream object,
' to ensure performance optimizations in the base _stream object aren't
' bypassed.
Private ReadOnly _stream As Stream
Private ReadOnly _readProgress As IProgress(Of Integer)
Private ReadOnly _writeProgress As IProgress(Of Integer)
Public Sub New(Stream As Stream, readProgress As IProgress(Of Integer), writeProgress As IProgress(Of Integer))
_stream = Stream
_readProgress = readProgress
_writeProgress = writeProgress
End Sub
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanRead As Boolean
Return _stream.CanRead
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanSeek As Boolean
Return _stream.CanSeek
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanWrite As Boolean
Return _stream.CanWrite
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Length As Long
Return _stream.Length
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Property Position As Long
Return _stream.Position
End Get
Set(value As Long)
_stream.Position = value
End Set
End Property
Public Overrides Sub Flush()
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub SetLength(value As Long)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Seek(offset As Long, origin As SeekOrigin) As Long
Return _stream.Seek(offset, origin)
End Function
Public Overrides Sub Write(buffer() As Byte, offset As Integer, count As Integer)
_stream.Write(buffer, offset, count)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Read(buffer() As Byte, offset As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer
Dim bytesRead As Integer = _stream.Read(buffer, offset, count)
Return bytesRead
End Function
End Class
The wrapper class can be used to implement progress-aware versions of the ZipFile static methods:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.Compression
NotInheritable Class ZipFileWithProgress
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared Sub CreateFromDirectory(
sourceDirectoryName As String,
destinationArchiveFileName As String,
progress As IProgress(Of Double))
sourceDirectoryName = Path.GetFullPath(sourceDirectoryName)
Dim sourceFiles As FileInfo() = New DirectoryInfo(sourceDirectoryName).GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim totalBytes As Double = sourceFiles.Sum(Function(f) f.Length)
Dim currentBytes As Long = 0
Using archive As ZipArchive = ZipFile.Open(destinationArchiveFileName, ZipArchiveMode.Create)
For Each fileInfo As FileInfo In sourceFiles
' NOTE: naive method To Get Sub-path from file name, relative to
' input directory. Production code should be more robust than this.
' Either use Path class Or similar to parse directory separators And
' reconstruct output file name, Or change this entire method to be
' recursive so that it can follow the sub-directories And include them
' in the entry name as they are processed.
Dim entryName As String = fileInfo.FullName.Substring(sourceDirectoryName.Length + 1)
Dim entry As ZipArchiveEntry = archive.CreateEntry(entryName)
entry.LastWriteTime = fileInfo.LastWriteTime
Using inputStream As Stream = File.OpenRead(fileInfo.FullName)
Using outputStream As Stream = entry.Open()
Dim progressStream As Stream = New StreamWithProgress(inputStream,
New BasicProgress(Of Integer)(
currentBytes += i
progress.Report(currentBytes / totalBytes)
End Sub), Nothing)
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ExtractToDirectory(
sourceArchiveFileName As String,
destinationDirectoryName As String,
progress As IProgress(Of Double))
Using archive As ZipArchive = ZipFile.OpenRead(sourceArchiveFileName)
Dim totalBytes As Double = archive.Entries.Sum(Function(e) e.Length)
Dim currentBytes As Long = 0
For Each entry As ZipArchiveEntry In archive.Entries
Dim fileName As String = Path.Combine(destinationDirectoryName, entry.FullName)
Using inputStream As Stream = entry.Open()
Using outputStream As Stream = File.OpenWrite(fileName)
Dim progressStream As Stream = New StreamWithProgress(outputStream, Nothing,
New BasicProgress(Of Integer)(
currentBytes += i
progress.Report(currentBytes / totalBytes)
End Sub))
End Using
End Using
File.SetLastWriteTime(fileName, entry.LastWriteTime.LocalDateTime)
End Using
End Sub
End Class
The .NET built-in implementation of IProgress(Of T) is intended for use in contexts where there is a UI thread where progress reporting events should be raised. As such, when used in a console program, like which I used to test this code, it will default to using the thread pool to raise the events, allowing for the possibility of out-of-order reports. To address this, the above uses a simpler implementation of IProgress(Of T), one that simply invokes the handler directly and synchronously.
Class BasicProgress(Of T)
Implements IProgress(Of T)
Private ReadOnly _handler As Action(Of T)
Public Sub New(handler As Action(Of T))
_handler = handler
End Sub
Private Sub Report(value As T) Implements IProgress(Of T).Report
End Sub
End Class
And naturally, it's useful to have an example with which to test and demonstrate the code.
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Sub Main(args As String())
Dim sourceDirectory As String = args(0),
archive As String = args(1),
archiveDirectory As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(archive)),
unpackDirectoryName As String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
ZipFileWithProgress.CreateFromDirectory(sourceDirectory, archive,
New BasicProgress(Of Double)(
Console.WriteLine($"{p:P2} archiving complete")
End Sub))
ZipFileWithProgress.ExtractToDirectory(archive, unpackDirectoryName,
New BasicProgress(Of Double)(
Console.WriteLine($"{p:P0} extracting complete")
End Sub))
End Sub
End Module
Additional notes regarding this implementation can be found in my answer to the related question.

how to know when a work in a thread is complete?

I need to create multiple threads when a button is clicked and i've done that with this:
Dim myThread As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf getFile)
myThread.IsBackground = True
but i need to update a picture box with the downloaded file, buy if i set an event in the function getFile and raise it to notify that the files was downloaded and then update the picturebox.
Use an AsyncResult, and either check it periodically for completion, or provide a delegate to be called when the thread has completed its work.
A complete example in VB can be found here.
You need to make use of MethodInvoker deligate.
Public Sub GetFile()
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Me.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(GetFile))
End If
End Sub
Now you can handle any event in your specified class.
You can achive that using the Asyncallback, ...
Dim sinctotal As New Del_sinc(AddressOf sincronizar)
Dim ar As IAsyncResult = sinctotal.BeginInvoke(_funcion, type, New AsyncCallback(AddressOf SincEnd), cookieobj)
The cookieobj is this
Class Cookie
Public id As String
Public AsyncDelegate As [Delegate]
Sub New(ByVal id As String, ByVal asyncDelegate As [Delegate]) = id
Me.AsyncDelegate = asyncDelegate
End Sub
End Class
When the delegate finish it will call the funcion Sincend (in this example), then you could use a event to update your picture.
Hope this helps!

Static members in VB.NET

I used to write this:
Private Sub Example()
Static CachedPeople As List(Of MyApp.Person)
If CachedPeople Is Nothing Then
CachedPeople = New List(Of MyApp.Person)
End If of code...
End Sub
But then wondered if I could reduce this to:
Private Sub Example()
Static CachedPeople As New List(Of MyApp.Person) of code...
End Sub
The question is, will the "New" bit only be executed once when the function is first executed but in the next call, it will already exist.
Cheers, Rob.
It'll be executed only once and on next function call, it'll reference the same object, as you mentioned. Your first snippet is not thread-safe, by the way. If two threads call your function at the same time, they might end up running the constructor twice, which is not what you want. Using the second snippet relieves you from manually locking and ensuring thread safety, as the compiler generates the appropriate code for you.
Note that if you had declared it as
Static x As List(Of String)
x = New List(Of String)
It would have been recreated each time.