Problem with executing an SQL insert statement in access using VBA - sql

I'm trying this SQL statement but I keep getting an error
Run-time error '3061':
Too few parameters. Expected 4.
The statement I am trying to execute is:
sSQL = "INSERT INTO MasterTable (AdmissionNumber, Surname, Forename, TutorGroup) VALUES (intAdmissionNo, strSurName, strForeName, strTutorGroup)"
CurrentDb.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
The 4 values intAdmissionNo, strSurName, strForeName and strTutorGroup all have values and the fields all exist.
Any help is much appreciated, thanks! :)

I haven't done that from VBA, but unless I'm mistaken you're not sending in the variables as you think you are. Try this line instead of your current one:
sSQL = "INSERT INTO MasterTable (AdmissionNumber, Surname, Forename, TutorGroup) VALUES (" & intAdmissionNo & ", " & strSurName & ", " & strForeName & ", " & strTutorGroup & ")"


Run-time error 3134 "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement"

I am for the first time posting question in this platform. Currently, I am running into a problem of executing my assignment of online shopping database. When I try to register an account into it, it always pops up a window say run-time 3134 error, syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. I was trying any possibilities in order to solve the problem but it won't work. So, any solution to counter this problem? Thanks for your many helping. 😊
Here is my codes:
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO Login table (FirstName,LastName,Gender,UserName,Password,Email,Phone) VALUES ('" & Me.FirstName & "','" & Me.LastName & "','" & Me.Gender & "','" & Me.UserName & "', '" &
Me.Password & "','" & Me.Email & "','" & Me.Phone & "')"
Presuming that the table you're trying to INSERT INTO is named Login Table, you have a space in the table name, which means any time you reference that table you need to surround it in square brackets.
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO [Login table]` (FirstName,LastName,Gender,UserName,Password,Email,Phone) VALUES ('" & Me.FirstName & "','" & Me.LastName & "','" & Me.Gender & "','" & Me.UserName & "', '" &
Me.Password & "','" & Me.Email & "','" & Me.Phone & "')"
This is one of the main problems with naming your table with spaces. Also, Login table is an especially bad name - you already know it's a table, so why do you need to repeat that information in the table name? And if you insist on using table names that are more than one word, you should use an underscore rather tha a space (like Login_table) to reduce the work involved with every query and prevent problems like the one you're having here.
Consider using a stored query that points to the form controls as parameters and avoid VBA variable concatenation and quote punctuation. Also, query design in Access GUI does not allow users to save query with syntax errors.
Adjust myForm to actual form name.
INSERT INTO [Login table]
No need to close action queries and add SetWarnings to avoid update prompts.
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "mySavedAppendQuery"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Password is a reserved word, so:
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO [Login table] (FirstName,LastName,Gender,UserName,[Password],Email,Phone) ...
I have just found that the the table had a field that was using a reserved name Note. By placing it in `` quotes (Note) fixed the issue.

using what I think is a variable in a SQL statement

I am very new to SQL and think I have a simple problem but was unable to figure it out from other posts. I have the following code:
INSERT INTO tblShortScores ( TradeNum, FilterNum, Rank, ScoreNum )
SELECT [Forms]![frmOpenTrades]![TradeNum] AS TradeNum, tblFilters.FilterNum, tblFilters.SBBExh AS Rank, tblFilters.SBBExh AS Score
FROM tblFilters
WHERE (((tblFilters.SBBExh) Is Not Null));
but instead of using the literal "SBBExh" in tblFilters.SBBExh, I want to do something like
tblFilters.("S" & [Forms]![frmOpenTrades]![Strategy])
where something like
[Forms]![frmOpenTrades]![Strategy] contains the value "BBExh".
It's in MS Access and I seem unable to find a syntax that works
any help is appreciated
Can't dynamically build field name in query object. Use VBA to construct and execute action SQL, like:
strField = "S" & Me.Strategy
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO tblShortScores (TradeNum, FilterNum, ScoreNum) " & _
"SELECT " & Me.TradeNum & " AS TradeNum, FilterNum, " & strField & " " & _
"FROM tblFilters WHERE " & strField & " Is Not Null;"
Assumes TradeNum is number type - if it is text, use apostrophe delimiters:
SELECT '" & Me.TradeNum & "' AS .
If SQL injection is a concern review, How do I use parameters in VBA in the different contexts in Microsoft Access?

SQL Statement to grab data from entry form to Data table in Microsoft Access 2010 VBA

So I'm setting up a database in MS Access 2010 (first time doing this). I can't seem to get the syntax of the SQL statement right. I want to take the data I have entered into a data entry form and insert a new row into a table, with that data. All of this using SQL in the VBA editor (only code I have available, all others are blocked)
Private Sub Add_Click()
Dim sSQL As String
sSQL = "INSERT INTO Data (Type, Name, Quantity, Amount, Class, Series, Client, Date1, Date2) VALUES " & _
"('" & Me!txtType & "','" & Me!txtName & "'," & Me!txtQuantity & "," & Me!txtAmount & ",'" & Me!txtClass & "','" & Me!txtSeries & "','" & Me!txtClient & "'," & Me!date1 & "," & Me!date2 & ")"
Debug.Print sSQL
CurrentDb.Execute sSQL
End Sub
So i Get the following error when i run the code, from the VBA editor :
"Run-time error '3134':
Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement."
And the printout of the SQL statement looks correct :
INSERT INTO Data (Type, Name, Quantity, Amount, Class, Series, Client, Date1, Date2)
VALUES ('Purhcase', 'TV', 500, 100, '', '', ' Bob', 05.08.2019, 05.08.2019)
Found the answer :
turns out one of the names of my data fields was a reserved word, therefore i simply put them all into [] and it solved the issue.
Thanks anyways for the help guys!

"Insert Into" syntax error?

Using Access 07 -"Insert INTO" using SQL: In the attached script it inserts data into another table, but only if I remove the OCC_Scenario. I need OCC_Scenario and many more values.
The error is a Syntax error but I have tried every combination. Can anyone see a syntax error?
SSql = "Insert INTO tbl_transactions (Caseid,OCC_Scenario,RoleId) Values ('" & CaseId & "',[OCC_Scenario]" ',
SSql = SSql & "', 'SR');"
DoCmd.RunSQL SSql
The apostrophe and comma at the end of the first line look inappropriate.

How to insert in to MDB using

Dim MyInsert As String = "INSERT INTO Inventory(userid,
Type,Number) Values(" & _
txtEquipCat.text & "," & _
Type.Text & "," & _
Number.text & ")"
while executing this im getting
syntax error:Insert in to statement
How to insert keywords like type and number in to MDB?
I want to specify the columnname while insert.
First of all, use parameters. Secondly, your string concoction isn't putting "quotes" around the text.
That is, VALUES ('" & txtEquipCat.Text & "',...
Don't try to fix it like that though.
Use parameters: VALUES (?, ?, ?)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", txtEquipCat.Text)
Notice with parameters, you do not have to worry about any quotation marks. The parameters have to be entered in order, so the first "?" corresponds to txtEquipCat, the second to Type.Text, etc.