Scoping in embedded groovy scripts - scripting

In my app, I use Groovy as a scripting language. To make things easier for my customers, I have a global scope where I define helper classes and constants.
Currently, I need to run the script (which builds the global scope) every time a user script is executed:
context = setupGroovy();
runScript( context, "global.groovy" ); // Can I avoid doing this step every time?
runScript( context, "user.groovy" );
Is there a way to setup this global scope once and just tell the embedded script interpreter: "Look here if you can't find a variable"? That way, I could run the global script once.
Note: Security is not an issue here but if you know a way to make sure the user can't modify the global scope, that's an additional plus.

Shamelessly stolen from groovy.codehaus :
The most complete solution for people
who want to embed groovy scripts into
their servers and have them reloaded
on modification is the
GroovyScriptEngine. You initialize the
GroovyScriptEngine with a set of
CLASSPATH like roots that can be URLs
or directory names. You can then
execute any Groovy script within those
roots. The GSE will also track
dependencies between scripts so that
if any dependent script is modified
the whole tree will be recompiled and
Additionally, each time you run a
script you can pass in a Binding that
contains properties that the script
can access. Any properties set in the
script will also be available in that
binding after the script has run. Here
is a simple example:
output = "Hello, ${input}!"
import groovy.lang.Binding;
import groovy.util.GroovyScriptEngine;
String[] roots = new String[] { "/my/groovy/script/path" };
GroovyScriptEngine gse = new GroovyScriptEngine(roots);
Binding binding = new Binding();
binding.setVariable("input", "world");"hello.groovy", binding);
This will print "Hello, world!".
Found: here
Would something like that work for you?

A simple solution is to use the code from groovy.lang.GroovyShell: You can precompile the script like so:
GroovyCodeSource gcs = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<GroovyCodeSource>() {
public GroovyCodeSource run() {
return new GroovyCodeSource( scriptCode, fileName, GroovyShell.DEFAULT_CODE_BASE );
} );
GroovyClassLoader loader = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<GroovyClassLoader>() {
public GroovyClassLoader run() {
return new GroovyClassLoader( parentLoader, CompilerConfiguration.DEFAULT );
} );
Class<?> scriptClass = loader.parseClass( gcs, false );
That's was the expensive part. Now use InvokeHelper to bind the compiled code to a context (with global variables) and run it:
Binding context = new javax.script.Binding();
Script script = InvokerHelper.createScript(scriptClass, context);;


Replacing Type with var for all 'Class class = new Class()' usages in Java project

I recently switched to Java 11 for a rather big project, and would like to switch to using var class = new Class() instead of Class class = new CLass().
I tried using Intellij Structural Search (and replace) for this, but its turning out to be more complex than expected.
My first attempt was $Type$ $Inst$ = new $Constructor$($Argument$);, which also matches global variables (which don't allow var).
My second attempt is:
class $Class$ {
$ReturnType$ $Method$ ($ParameterType$ $Parameter$) throws $ExceptionType$ {
final $Type$ $Inst$ = new $Constructor$($Argument$);
Which misses all calls inside e.g. try blocks (since they get matched by the expressions)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Use your first template
$Type$ $Inst$ = new $Constructor$($Argument$);
But add a Script modifier on the $Inst$ variable with the following text:
Inst instanceof com.intellij.psi.PsiLocalVariable
Alternatively you may want to try the Local variable type can be omitted inspection that is available in IntelliJ IDEA.

Reading parameters from TestNG file

I successfully implemented several tests within TestNG framework, where parameters are being read from xml file.
Here is the example block that is executed as first:
#Parameters({ "country" })
#BeforeSuite(alwaysRun = true)
public void prepareRequest(String country, ITestContext cnt) {
LoginInfoRequestParm loginParms = new LoginInfoRequestParm(country);
Headers reqHeaders = new Headers();
The problem/question is, why does it work only if the ITestContext is specified? Once it is removed, the overall suite is broken and it will never come to the specified method prepareRequest(). I was not able to debug it, because I cannt set breakpoint before the method to be able to see what is going on in TestNG itself.
Thank you for your explanation.
To get out of this situation, try something like this
String myPar = context.getCurrentXmlTest().getParameter("country");
if (myPar == null) {
myPar = "INDIA";
now myPar can be used, only thing here is if you run class for debug or any other purpose then we are using INDIA. if we run from testng.xml file then it will take values from that file.

How to unit or integration test use of injected messageSource for i18n in Grails 2.0 service

I make use of a message bundle in one of my services in a Grails 2.0 project for internationalized text. The use case is an email subject that is sent via the mail plugin in an asynchronous way, so it really doesn't make sense to have this in a controller or TagLib (given the usual argument of not accessing your text or views in a service). This code works fine in my running Grails app, but I'm not sure how to test it.
I tried a PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource in my defineBeans as that is what my running application injects, but it led to nullpointers as it appears it needs a bunch of setup around plugin managers and such that my test environment is not giving (even integration).
I then tried a ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource as it was pure Spring, but it can't seem to see my .properties files, and fails with a No message found under code '' for locale 'en'.
I feel like I'm going down a wormhole a bit as accessing Grails i18n in a service is not documented in the grails docs, so if there is a preferred way to do this, let me know.
Note my .properties file is in the standard grails-app/i18n location.
The test
class EmailHelperServiceTests {
void testSubjectsDefaultLocale() {
defineBeans {
//messageSource(PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource); Leads to nullpointers
String expected = "My Expected subject Passed1 Passed2";
String actual = service.getEmailSubjectForStandardMustGiveGiftFromBusiness(Locale.ENGLISH, Passed1 Passed2);
assertEquals("email subject", expected, actual);
class EmailHelperService {
def messageSource;
public String getEmailSubject(Locale locale, String param1, String param2) {
Object[] params = [param1, param2].toArray();
return messageSource.getMessage("", params, locale );
There is already a messageSource in unit tests in Grails, it is a StaticMessageSource (see, you can add mock messages with the addMessage method:
messageSource.addMessage("", request.locale, "My Message")
In unit tests and the local side of functional tests, sometimes you want the real properties that are in the 18n directory.
This works for me:
MessageSource getI18n() {
// assuming the test cwd is the project dir (where is)
URL url = new File('grails-app/i18n').toURI().toURL()
def messageSource = new ResourceBundleMessageSource()
messageSource.bundleClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(url)
messageSource.basename = 'messages'
i18n.getMessage(key, params, locale)
In a unit test you could ensure that you're wired up correctly by doing something like this:
void testSubjectsDefaultLocale() {
def messageSource = new Object()
messageSource.metaClass.getMessage = {subject, params, locale ->
assert "" == subject
assert ["Passed1", "Passed2"] == params
assert Locale.ENGLISH == locale
"It Worked!!!"
service.messageSource = messageSource
String actual = service.getEmailSubjectForStandardMustGiveGiftFromBusiness(Locale.ENGLISH, Passed1 Passed2)
assert "It Worked!!!" == actual
This will help ensure that you're wired up correctly but it will not ensure that what you're doing actually works. If you're comfortable with that then this would work for you. If you're trying to test that when you give "XYZ" to your .properties file it returns "Hello" then this will not work for you.

How to extract class IL code from loaded assembly and save to disk?

How would I go about extracting the IL code for classes that are generated at runtime by reflection so I can save it to disk? If at all possible. I don't have control of the piece of code that generates these classes.
Eventually, I would like to load this IL code from disk into another assembly.
I know I could serialise/deserialise classes but I wish to use purely IL code. I'm not fussed with the security implications.
Running Mono 2.10.1
Or better yet, use Mono.Cecil.
It will allow you to get at the individual instructions, even manipulating them and disassembling them (with the mono decompiler addition).
Note that the decompiler is a work in progress (last time I checked it did not fully support lambda expressions and Visual Basic exception blocks), but you can have pretty decompiled output in C# pretty easily as far as you don't hit these boundary conditions. Also, work has progressed since.
Mono Cecil in general let's you write the IL to a new assembly, as well, which you can then subsequently load into your appdomain if you like to play with bleeding edge.
Update I came round to trying this. Unfortunately I think I found what problem you run into. It turns out there is seems to be no way to get at the IL bytes for a generated type unless the assembly happened to get written out somewhere you can load it from.
I assumed you could just get the bits via reflection (since the classes support the required methods), however the related methods just raise an exception The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module. on invocation. You can try this with the code below, but in short I suppose it means that it ain't gonna happen unless you want to f*ck with Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(). You'd have to binary dump the instructions and manually disassemble them as IL opcodes. There be dragons.
Code snippet:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Reflection;
namespace REFLECT
class Program
private static Type EmitType()
var dyn = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName("Emitted"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
var mod = dyn.DefineDynamicModule("Emitted", "Emitted.dll");
var typ = mod.DefineType("EmittedNS.EmittedType", System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Public);
var mth = typ.DefineMethod("SuperSecretEncryption", System.Reflection.MethodAttributes.Public | System.Reflection.MethodAttributes.Static, typeof(String), new [] {typeof(String)});
var il = mth.GetILGenerator();
il.EmitWriteLine("Emit was here");
var result = typ.CreateType();
return result;
private static Type TestEmit()
var result = EmitType();
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(result);
var encrypted = instance.GetType().GetMethod("SuperSecretEncryption").Invoke(null, new [] { "Hello world" });
Console.WriteLine(encrypted); // This works happily, print "Emit was here" first
return result;
public static void Main (string[] args)
Type emitted = TestEmit();
// CRASH HERE: even if the assembly was actually for SaveAndRun _and_ it
// has actually been saved, there seems to be no way to get at the image
// directly:
var ass = AssemblyFactory.GetAssembly(emitted.Assembly.GetFiles(false)[0]);
// the rest was intended as mockup on how to isolate the interesting bits
// but I didn't get much chance to test that :)
var types = ass.Modules.Cast<ModuleDefinition>().SelectMany(m => m.Types.Cast<TypeDefinition>()).ToList();
var typ = types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == emitted.Name);
var operands = typ.Methods.Cast<MethodDefinition>()
.SelectMany(m => m.Body.Instructions.Cast<Instruction>())
.Select(i => i.Operand);
var requiredTypes = operands.OfType<TypeReference>()
.Concat(operands.OfType<MethodReference>().Select(mr => mr.DeclaringType))
.Select(tr => tr.Resolve()).OfType<TypeDefinition>()
var requiredAssemblies = requiredTypes
.Select(tr => tr.Module).OfType<ModuleDefinition>()
.Select(md => md.Assembly.Name as AssemblyNameReference);
foreach (var t in types.Except(requiredTypes))
foreach (var unused in ass.MainModule
AssemblyFactory.SaveAssembly(ass, "/tmp/TestCecil.dll");
If all you want is the IL for your User class, you already have it. It's in the dll that you compiled it to.
From your other assembly, you can load the dll with the User class dynamically and use it through reflection.
If what you have is a dynamic class created with Reflection.Emit, you have an AssemblyBuilder that you can use to save it to disk.
If your dynamic type was instead created with Mono.Cecil, you have an AssemblyDefinition that you can save to disk with myAssemblyDefinition.Write("MyAssembly.dll") (in Mono.Cecil 0.9).

Running multiple JScript files in a separate process

I am looking for a way to launch multiple scripts in a separate process from my main script, but in such a way that they can access copies of variables I've declared. Consider the following example:
// Represents serializable data.
function Serializable() { /* ... */ }
// Serializable is not defined here!
FakeMoney.prototype = new Serializable();
function FakeMoney(amount) { /* ... */ }
<script language="JScript" src="Serializable.js"></script>
<script language="JScript">
var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
// `Serializable` is defined here...
var oExec = WshShell.Exec("cscript SecondaryScript.js");
Is there a way to define Serializable for the code in SecondaryScript.js while running SecondaryScript.js in a separate process?
You could make a different wsf with Serializable.js and SecondaryScript included and run that from the first wsf file using exec.
You can also try using events to communicate variables between scripts using the WScript object, or the WshRemote object (locally) to get script statuses.
In fact, this seems to match the best what you're explaining:
Running Scripts Remotely on MSDN. Again, you can do this locally to meet your goal.