Left value of an integer - vb.net

I have a value in variable, say it is dim a as integer = 145.98
I tried to take the Left(a,2)
but it returned an error instead of returning 14
I also tried left(a.Tostring,2)
but error is the same.
Please help me solve it.

First off, you say that you’re using an integer but the number is actually a floating-point number, not an integer.
Secondly, the action “take the left of a number” isn’t a meaningful operation. Left is a substring operation, it’s only defined on strings.
You can turn the number into a string and then extract a substring of the decimal representation. This should work. What’s the error?
Finally, some general advice:
Put Option Strict On at the very top of ever vb file, or better yet, make this option the default in your settings. Otherwise, you’ve got a veritable hullaballoo waiting to happen because VB is very … “lenient” when it comes to questionable or downright incorrect code. This option fixes this and will flag a lot more errors. For example, the compiler would (rightfully) have complained about your assignment,
Dim a As Integer = 145.98
because as I said, you’re trying to assign a floating-point number to an integer.

First of all, 145.98 is not an integer. 145 is an integer. You might want to try Double. Second, you can only take the left of a string. You were on the right track when you added ToString, but you forgot the ()s at the end.
Dim a as Integer = 145
Dim b as Double = 145.98
Then you can do this:
Left(a.ToString(), 2)
Left(b.ToString(), 2)

Try Left(a.ToString(), 2) instead.

If your "integer" is a string, try this:
Dim a As String = "145.98"
Dim b As Int32 = 0
Int32.TryParse(a.Substring(0, 2), b)

As Konrad has said with option strict this would not compile. If you don't have it on it will perform a conversion and store only the integer part. At this point you can call tostring and then performe any operation on it as a string you would like.
With option strict
Option Strict On
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim I As Integer = CType(142.3, Integer)
Dim s As String = I.ToString
Console.WriteLine(Left(s, 2))
End Sub
End Module
With out optiion strict
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim I As Integer = 142.3
Dim s As String = I
Console.WriteLine(Left(s, 2))
End Sub
End Module
As you can see from the two example option strict will attempt to perform many conversions for you but does so at the risk of unexpected results.


Widening: Change in representation

Requesting your help to understand the concept of widening better!
I came across the following statement w.r.t 'Widening Conversion' in VB.Net. From the msdn documentation on the topic I found the following: Widening conversions preserve the source value but can change its representation. This occurs if you convert from an integral type to Decimal, or from Char to String. The link to the page is found below:
My Question is as follows: I wrote the following code to understand the meaning of the statement "...preserve the source value but can change its representation". But I see no difference in the output when I print the integer or the decimal. Then what does the phrase mean....what is the meaning of "...can change its representation"?
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer = 5
Dim d As Decimal = i 'widening
'Both prints "5"...no difference in representation
End Sub
End Module
Can someone also please give an example to demonstrate how the representation changes when we convert a char value to a string?
It means the internal presentation of the number (in your case). Try to convert, say, Single to Double:
Sub Main(args As String())
Dim sng As Single = 1.23E+32
Dim dbl As Double = sng
Console.WriteLine($"Single: {sng}")
Console.WriteLine($"Double: {dbl}")
End Sub
' Output:
' Single: 1,23E+32
' Double: 1,2300000079302825E+32

VBA "Left"-function as integer

been playing around with the "left"-function in VBA and noticed that the result is stored as a string. For example:
Where ws2 is some worksheet and c2 is some cell in ws2 containing, say, 1234.
The left function would then return "123" but it would be formated as a string. This in turn causes errors for me when i try to access a directories key with this string (which is not possible). I've found a workaround where I :
dim tag as integer
tag = Left(ws2.range("C2").value,3)
This would cause the tag with the value 123 to be stored as an integer which I then can use for accessing the directory.
But i'm wondering if it's possible to modify the "left"-function to return values as integers? or any other format for that matter (long, variant, range, whatever)
Notice that I have figured out a solution but I thought it might be helpful to others and/or a interesting discussion.
For this it is easiest to use Cint() function. There is no need to modify functions, you can always create yours.
The proper way to do it would be to use the Cint() function to cast an expression to an integer.
For details see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fctcwhw9(v=vs.84).aspx
Here are some more conversion functions:
CInt() 'convert to integer
CLng() 'convert to long (long is preferred over integer since integer only has 2 bytes in VBA)
CDbl() 'convert to double
CDec() 'convert to decimal (variable has to be declared as variant)
Made it an answer :)
cint(left(ws2.range("C2").value,3)) would be "better" as you're still relying on VBA to make the conversion for you, also checking the output first to work out if you in fact need to use a long maybe. Also checking the input string is numeric first of all would also be a good check.
using cint
function IntLeft(byval value as string, byval length as integer) as Integer
IntLeft=0 'default if non numeric
if isnumeric(value) then
end if
end function
using int
function IntLeft(byval value as string, byval length as integer) as Integer
IntLeft=int(left(value,length)) 'int returns the first numbers as an int, 0 if no numbers
end function
You can use Abs function instead to return the left function as integer.
i.e., Abs(Left(ws2.range("C2").value,3))

Syntax to extract DataGridViewCell value without conversion

I know I can do this:
Dim Amount As Double = CDbl(DGVRow.Cells("Amount").Value)
But my DGV cell is already a Double so I would get his value without conversion.
I've tried the below code (but it isn't the right syntax)
Dim Amount As Double = DGVRow.Cells.OfType(Of Double)("Amount").Value
If you know that it will always contain a Double, you should use DirectCast
Dim Amount As Double = DirectCast(DGVRow.Cells("Amount").Value, Double)
These all produce resulting variables of type Double
Dim value As Object
value = 1.23#
Dim resultDC = DirectCast(value, Double)
Dim resultCT = CType(value, Double)
Dim resultCDBL = CDbl(value)
But there are different things going on behind the scenes. DirectCast is the most straightforward.
Check this post Difference between DirectCast() and CType() in VB.NET which details the difference between the conversion methods in VB.net. Also this one VB CStr, CDate, CBool, etc. vs. DirectCast for casting without conversion.
Basically, DirectCast is preferred when you know your Object contains the type you expect, so no conversion is necessary. It will be faster than the other options.
If you sure that cell contains value of type Double then use DirectCast
Dim Amount As Double = DirectCast(DGVRow.Cells("Amount").Value, Double)
Other way will be working straight with values of bounded DataSource, as #Plutonix explained in the comments

Function calls another function but gets "stuck"

I'm an occasional VBA programmer, for fun (not my job).
I have a series of VBA modules in MS Excel 2010. Can't figure out what I did wrong. This routine worked, then I changed some things and it stopped working. One of the things I did was split the code from a single function to two functions in two modules. I think it worked for a while after I split it into two, but now I can't remember if that is true since I've tried so many things to make it work again. Luckily, I saved the older version with all of the code in a single function, and it still works. It returns a large array to the spreadsheet.
Fundamentally, I have a worksheet that calls a function. That function calls another function. Using the Debug - Toggle Breakpoints in combination with some MsgBox calls, I have figured out that the first function runs down to the point that it calls the second function. Then the second function runs down to the "End Function" command. At that point, the name at the top of the worksheet flickers a few times...and nothing. While debugging, the program does not seem to return to the first function. The array that is supposed to be populated in the first function is filled with #Value.
I read several places where VBA can be corrupted, so shutting everything down and rebooting can fix it. It didn't. Then I read that if you copy/paste everything into a new worksheet, with new modules (yes, a LOT of copy/pasting), that can clean it up. It didn't.
I also read of an issue where dimensioning arrays had problems when the dimensions were input variables to the function. So I initialized the variables used to set the array dimensions, even though they were input variables to the function. Maybe that's a problem?
The code is really long, so I've only included the call to the second function, the declarations of variables in the second function, and a few other things. Maybe I screwed up some syntax when I passed variables?
The first function:
Option Explicit 'forces all variables to be explicitly declared
Function InputOutputDVL(InData As Variant)
Dim g, p, ng, np, ns, ID, count As Integer
Dim ngmax, npmax, nsmax, namax, nxmax, nymax As Integer
Dim row As Integer
Dim panelmax As Integer
Dim TLstyle As Integer
Dim Group(), Part(), Section(), Airfoil() As Variant
Dim ABP(), TV() As Double
ngmax = 20
npmax = 100
nsmax = 1000
namax = 10
ReDim Group(1 To ngmax, 1 To 4)
ReDim Part(1 To npmax, 1 To 6)
ReDim Section(1 To nsmax, 1 To 17)
ReDim Airfoil(0 To 100, 0 To 2 * namax + 1)
'missing code here
MsgBox ng & " " & np 'This msgbox works correctly and give the right value for np
ABP = Section2VL(nxmax, nymax, ns, panelmax, Group, Part, Section, Airfoil)
MsgBox "Completed Section2VL" 'The code never gets to this msgbox
InputOutputDVL = ABP 'I've tried setting this to = 1234 assuming there was a problem with
'ABP, but the cells on the spreadsheet are still #Value
End Function
The second function:
Option Explicit 'forces all variables to be explicitly declared
Function Section2VL(nxmax, nymax, ns, panelmax, Group, Part, Section, Airfoil)
Dim i, j, k, l, c1, c2 As Integer
Dim g, p, s, ng, np, chord, span, panel, ID, count As Integer
Dim NX, NY As Integer
Dim station, panelID, panelIDref As Integer
Dim pi, Xstyle, Ystyle As Double
Dim angle, dist As Double
Dim sx(), sy() As Double
Dim Scoord(), ABP() As Double
ns = 6
nxmax = 12
nymax = 12
panelmax = 300
ReDim sx(0 To nxmax), sy(0 To nymax)
ReDim Scoord(1 To ns, 0 To nxmax, 1 To 3), ABP(1 To panelmax, 1 To 32)
MsgBox ABP(panelmax, 5) 'This call works, and provides the proper value in the msgbox
'return ABP vector
Section2VL = ABP
'I've also tried just returning an integer thinking there was something wrong with the
'ABP array, like 987, but that doesn't work either
End Function 'This is where it stops when debugging. Doesn't return to first function
Thanks in advance. I've blown two long evenings and can't figure it out.
You issue is incompatable types between InputOutputDVL.ABP, Section2VL.ABP and Section2VL itself
Try declaring all thses () As Double
In InputOutputDVL
Dim ABP() As Double
In Section2VL
Dim ABP() As Double
Function Section2VL(...) As Double()
Note on Type declarations
When you declare variables like this
Dim i, j, k, l, c1, c2 As Integer
all except the last one are infact declared as Variant's
You need to specify each variables type explicitly.
Also, don't use Integer unless you have a specific reason. Use Long instead.
Thanks Chris! You definitely led me in the right direction. I also used these two websites:
Incomplete/incompatible variable declarations were the source of my problem.
First, I had forgotten that VBA requires "as Integer" or "as Double" after EACH variable, not just at the end of the line. So many of variables were VARIANTS instead of integers, doubles, etc. Thanks again Chris!
Second, and more specific, I only had to make one of Chris' changes noted above, and that was to properly declare ABP() as Double in the first calling function. ABP() was already properly called Double in the second function, and I did NOT declare the Function Section2VL as Double(). With the original code:
Dim ABP(), TV() as Double
This indicated that ABP was a VARIANT ARRAY. The later call to ABP = Section2VL() was then trying to stuff a VARIANT into a VARIANT ARRAY, and THAT was the problem. I'm still disappointed that the compiler didn't somehow say it had incompatible data types or some other error. This also explains where the problem came from. The code was previously working as two functions in two modules. As I was making some other changes, I noticed that I hadn't declared ABP as an Array, so I added the "()". I made other changes, and it stopped working. I focused on the other changes, not the seemingly minor "correction" of adding the () marks. What was really happening was that in the original code a combination of mistakes had resulted in a correctly working code! Imagine that!
So the code worked with ABP as a variant, or ABP() as a double array, but NOT with ABP() as a variant array.
Of course, the correct answer here is what Chris suggested, and that is correctly and explicitly declaring all of the variables. An interesting note is that a VARIANT (not VARIANT ARRAY) can essentially "accept" being assigned any incoming value, including a DOUBLE ARRAY.
So in my final code, I've left both Functions as VARIANTs, but I've now specifically declared them as VARIANT to make it clear. In the second function, ABP is properly declared as a dynamic DOUBLE ARRAY, and later given the proper dimensions to allocate memory space. In the first function, ABP could either be a VARIANT or a DOUBLE ARRAY, and either would work, but since I always want it to be a DOUBLE ARRAY, I've specified it as such.
Option Explicit 'forces all variables to be explicitly declared
Function InputOutputDVL(InData As Variant) as Variant
Dim ABP() as Double, TV() As Double 'This ABP was a variant array - which was incompatible
'code removed here
ABP = Section2VL(nxmax, nymax, ns, panelmax, Group, Part, Section, Airfoil)
InputOutputDVL = ABP
End Function
And the second, called function:
Option Explicit 'forces all variables to be explicitly declared
Function Section2VL(nxmax as integer, nymax as integer... ) as Variant
Dim Scoord(), ABP() As Double 'This was already correctly declaring ABP as Double Array, but
'now I realize Scoord was incorrectly a Variant Array, but it
'wasn't actually causing a problem with my code.
'I fixed this in my own code, but left here as example of what
'not to do!
ReDim ABP(1 To panelmax, 1 To 32)
'Code removed here
'return ABP vector
Section2VL = ABP
End Function

convert string to double in vb.net

data table contain column named as Fld_primary. this column contain value like 0.00 it is double datatype in mysql table.i want store that datatable value in double variable. am always getting error when i convert to double datatype.
my code
Dim ds5 As dataset1.DTSUMDataTable = TA5.GetData(users)
Dim dttot As Double
dttot = CType(ds5("fld_primary").ToString, Double)
Conversion from string "fld_primary" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
Edited # 3:01 AM with most recent screen caps.
Sometimes I find myself second guessing certain code based on people's answers, but I went ahead and took the time to check if the code that they are all using is even valid:
As you can see that code is a no go, so I used the correct code you see at the bottom there to reference a column.
However, if you wish to get a single cell use the chunk of code below that uses the foreach loop (the rest is my basic setup to show you how it works):
"Y" will equal the value of the datatable cell and you may convert it using the Double.Parse() method:
Dim y = Double.Parse(zDataRow("cat").ToString())
Be careful, if you have multiple rows you will notice that the value of y will change as it makes its way through all the rows.
you can convert it using the Convert class.
Dim dttot As Double = Convert.ToDouble(ds5("fld_primary"))
Your error is actually: ds5 expects an integer as a parameter, so using ds5("fld_primary") is not valid in your code. Perhaps you can try ds5(0)("fld_primary").
After you fixed it, use
dttot = Double.Parse(whatever_string_you_should_put_here)
If you cannot ensure your string must be a valid double, then use Double.TryParse.
You are better off using the 'Double.TryParse' way of converting as this handles any errors better and simply returns a boolean if succesful or not, using 'parse' will throw an exception which isnt anywhere near as elegant.
Dim dub as Double = 0
Double.TryParse("Your String Here", dub)
Try using Double.TryParse(text,value)
Try using this:
For a=0 to yourgridview.rows.count-1