Fluent NHibernate Adding and Updating problem : References - fluent-nhibernate

Im fairly n00bish when it comes to fluent nhibernate but i have an unexpected error in one of my repositories.
I have a datatype CostCode
public class CostCode
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual String CostCodeCode { get; set; }
public virtual Company Company { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
public virtual String CreatedBy { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime ModifiedDate { get; set; }
public virtual String ModifiedBy { get; set; }
and here is the mapping
public sealed class CostCodeMap : ClassMap<CostCode>
* #breif Mapping Constructor
public CostCodeMap()
Map(x => x.CostCodeCode).Not.Nullable();
References(x => x.Company, "CompanyId").Cascade.All();
Map(x => x.CreatedDate).Not.Nullable();
Map(x => x.CreatedBy).Not.Nullable();
Map(x => x.ModifiedDate).Not.Nullable();
Map(x => x.ModifiedBy).Not.Nullable();
When i try to update this, i get an error "identifier of an instance of Domain.DataTypes.Company was altered from 1 to 8"
Now i think its the way that i set up the mapping, and possibly how my repository is handling the updates/adds.
I have a drop down list that controls the id of the company, and when im adding/updating i set the property company to whatever is in the database for the id that it has been updated to.
var companyRepository= new CompanyRepository(_session);
temp.Company = companyRepository.GetCompanyById(temp.Company.Id);
Can anyone give me a hint/solution to help me on my way? Looking through related problems here, the problem could be anything.

Ok, I will just throw this out... I bet what is happening is you are setting temp.Company.Id by changing the Id, then you use the repo to go fetch that company using the changed Id. NHibernate will track that you changed the Id on the other company however. Use a temp var to store that new company id, dont change the id of the other company.

I'm not 100% sure, but it really looks like maybe there is a bug here:
temp.Company = ...(temp.Company.Id);
I would figure you'd actually be pulling that from an incoming parameter.
Also, you can avoid a database hit here by using Session.Load():
temp.Company = _session.Load<Company>(passedInCompanyId);


How do I use Fluent NHibernate ReferencesAny mapping?

I've read a lot about Fluent NHibernate's ReferencesAny but I haven't seen a complete example. I think I understand most of it, but there is one part I don't get. In the class mapping ReferencesAny(x => x.MemberName) is used to define the relationship to the one or more referenced classes. What is MemberName? How is it defined and how is it used to create the data in the database.
I have three tables, the records in one table can reference records in one of the other two tables. The first two are auto mapped, so the Id field is not specifically defined.
public class Household
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual IList<AddressXref> AddressXrefs { get; set; }
public class Client
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual IList<AddressXref> AddressXrefs { get; set; }
I'm not sure if the AddressXref table can be auto mapped. If so I need to find out how to do that too. For now I'll do it the conventional way with Fluent.
public class AddressXref
public virtual int id { get; set; }
public virtual string TableName { get; set; }
public virtual Int32 Table_id { get; set; }
public virtual string Street { get; set; }
public virtual string City { get; set; }
class AddressXrefMap : ClassMap<AddressXref>
public AddressXrefMap()
Id(x => x.id);
Map(x => x.TableName);
Map(x => x.Table_id);
Map(x => x.Street);
Map(x => x.City);
ReferencesAny(x => x.TableRef)
The part I need help with is how is the TableRef, referred to in ReferencesAny(), member of AddressXref defined in the class?
Also, how it is used in the code when creating data records? I image it will be similar to this:
Household Household = new Household();
Household.Name = "Household #1";
AddressXref AddrXref = new AddressXref();
AddrXref.Street1 = "123 Popular Street";
AddrXref.City = "MyTown";
AddrXref.TableRef = Household;
I love using Fluent with NHibernate, but I'm still amazed at the learning curve. :)
since both Household and Client don't share a base class other than object you have to declare it as this:
public class AddressXref
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual object TableRef { get; set; }
public virtual string Street { get; set; }
public virtual string City { get; set; }
and test it like this
if (addrXref.TableRef is HouseHold)
// it's a household

Fluent Nhibernate: Cant delete an item with as HasMany property

I dont normally deal with data like this but I thought id give it a try. As it turned out I failed :/ and am not sure how to proceed.
I have a database object track:
public virtual string Type { get; set; }
public virtual IList<DateTypeTrack> TrackDates { get; set; }
With a mapping file:
Map(x => x.Type).Not.Nullable();
HasMany(x => x.TrackDates).KeyColumn("TrackID").Cascade.All();
The DateTypeTrack Object looks like this:
public virtual DateType DateType { get; set; }
public virtual Track Track { get; set; }
public virtual int Days { get; set; }
With a mapping file like this:
References(x => x.DateType, "DateTypeID").Not.Nullable();
References(x => x.Track, "TrackID").Not.Nullable();
Map(x => x.Days).Not.Nullable();
If its necessary, Ill post the DateType code aswell, but I dont think its needed.
And am trying to write a delete method in my service layer that is pretty simple:
public void PushDelete(int id)
Track track = _tracks.Get(id);
catch (Exception)
I keep getting an error:
could not delete collection: [TSE.Domain.DatabaseObjects.Track.TrackDates#12][SQL: UPDATE DateTypeTracks SET TrackID = null WHERE TrackID = #p0]
I dont know why its trying to do the update at the end, but I suppose that is what is causing the issue. What sort of recourse do I have?
since the DateTypeTrack already cares for the association between the two entities you should mark the HasMany as Inverse to tell NH that the hasmany does not maintain it (the Update)
HasMany(x => x.TrackDates).KeyColumn("TrackID").Cascade.All().Inverse();

References in fluent hibernate mapping seems dosnt work correctly

I'm using fluent hibernate and nhibernate in my mvc project as an OR mapper, the problem is :
this is my oJob object:
public class Job{
virtual public Enquiry Enquiry { get; set; }
virtual public long Id { get; set; }
and this is Enquiry:
public class Enquiry {
virtual public long Id { get; set; }
and here is JobMap:
public class JobMap: ClassMap<Job>
public JobMap()
Id(p => p.Id)
References(p => p.Enquiry);
i expect that each job has exactly one enquiry
but sometimes that i check sql server i see there are some records in job table with different ids that all have the same enquiryid
and i checked it many times and dont know when exactly it happens, what is the problem?
You must change your mapping : change
References(p => p.Enquiry);
HasOne(p => p.Enquiry);

NHibernate exception: could not initialize a collection, Invalid column name. Fluent mapping. Maybe a many-to-one issue?

I am puzzled and frustrated by an exception I'm getting via NHibernate. I apologize for the length of this post, but I've tried to include an appropriate level of detail to explain the issue well enough to get some help!
Here's the facts:
I have a Person class which contains a property BillingManager, which is also a Person type. I map this as an FNH "Reference".
I have an ExpenseReport class which contains a property SubmittedBy, which is a Person type. I map this as an FNH "Reference".
I have a BillableTime class which contains a property Person, which is a Person type. I map this as an FNH "Reference".
Person contains a collection (IList) of ExpenseReport types (property ExpenseReports)
Person contains a collection (IList) of BilledTime types (property Time)
(See classes and mappings at bottom of post.)
All was cool until I added the IList<BilledTime> Time collection to Person. Now, when I try to access _person.Time, I get an exception:
The code:
// Get billable hours
if (_person.Time == null ||
_person.Time.Count(x => x.Project.ProjectId == project.ProjectId) == 0)
// No billable time for this project
billableHours = Enumerable.Repeat(0F, 14).ToArray();
The exception:
could not initialize a collection:
time0_.BillingManager_id as BillingM8_1_,
time0_.Id as Id1_,
time0_.Id as Id1_0_,
time0_.ReadOnly as ReadOnly1_0_,
time0_.DailyHours as DailyHours1_0_,
time0_.Week_id as Week4_1_0_,
time0_.Person_id as Person5_1_0_,
time0_.Project_id as Project6_1_0_,
time0_.Invoice_id as Invoice7_1_0_
FROM [BillableTime] time0_
WHERE time0_.BillingManager_id=?]
It's true that BillingManager_id is an invalid column name, it doesn't exist in the BillableTime table. However, I don't understand why NHB has created this SQL... doesn't make sense to me. I have seen this "Invalid column name" exception a lot when searching for a solution, but nothing seems to work. Even more confusing: like BilledTime, the ExpenseReport type also contains a reference to Person and it works perfectly.
One thing I was able to figure out is that if I remove the BillingManager reference from the Person mapping (References(p => p.BillingManager)), the exception goes away and things seem to work (with respect to BillableTime; it of course breaks the BillingManager persistence). Now it seems like there is some "self-reference" problem, since the Person.BillingManager property is itself a reference to a Person.
Any idea what is going on here? I'm at a loss...
=== Classes & Mappings ===
public class Person
public virtual string LastName { get; set; }
public virtual string FirstName { get; set; }
public virtual Person BillingManager { get; set; }
public virtual IList<ExpenseReport> ExpenseReports { get; set; }
public virtual IList<BillableTime> Time { get; set; }
public class PersonMapping : ClassMap<Person>
public PersonMapping()
Id(p => p.UserId).GeneratedBy.Assigned();
Map(p => p.LastName).Not.Nullable();
Map(p => p.FirstName).Not.Nullable();
References(p => p.BillingManager);
HasMany(p => p.ExpenseReports).Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan();
HasMany(p => p.Time).Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan();
public class BillableTime
public virtual int Id { get; private set; }
public virtual Week Week { get; set; }
public virtual Person Person { get; set; }
public virtual Project Project { get; set; }
public virtual float[] DailyHours { get; set; }
public virtual Invoice Invoice { get; set; }
public virtual bool ReadOnly { get; set; }
public class BillableTimeMapping : ClassMap<BillableTime>
public BillableTimeMapping()
Id(x => x.Id);
References(x => x.Week);
References(x => x.Person);
References(x => x.Project);
References(x => x.Invoice);
Map(x => x.ReadOnly).Not.Nullable().Default("0");
Map(x => x.DailyHours).Length(28);
public class ExpenseReport
public virtual long Id { get; set; }
public virtual Person SubmittedBy { get; set; }
the following line should solve the issue, but i' dont know exactly why it is happening. if i have the spare time i will investigate.
HasMany(p => p.Time).Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan().KeyColumn("Person_Id");

How to use Fluent NHibernate in N-Tier application?

I'm trying to adopt Fluent NHibernate with my project, currently I can get data from database, when I'm at application server, data is include its PK but when I return this data (as List) to client all of its PK is loose.
How can I fixed this problem?
My POCO class is below: PKs are CountryCd and CityCd
public class coCity
public virtual string CountryCd { get; private set; }
public virtual string CityCd { get; private set; }
public virtual string CityNameTH { get; set; }
public virtual string CityNameEN { get; set; }
public virtual int DeliveryLeadTime { get; set; }
public virtual string CreateBy { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime CreateDate { get; set; }
public virtual string UpdateBy { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime UpdateDate { get; set; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return this.GetHashCode().Equals(obj.GetHashCode());
public override int GetHashCode()
return (this.CountryCd + this.CityCd).GetHashCode();
Mapping class:
public class coCityMap : ClassMap<coCity>
public coCityMap()
Table("coCity"); // this is optional
.KeyProperty(x => x.CountryCd)
.KeyProperty(x => x.CityCd);
Map(x => x.CityNameTH);
Map(x => x.CityNameEN);
Map(x => x.DeliveryLeadTime);
Map(x => x.CreateBy);
Map(x => x.CreateDate);
Map(x => x.UpdateBy);
Map(x => x.UpdateDate);
Source code to get data at application server
public List<coCity> GetTest()
List<coCity> result = new List<coCity>();
var sessionFactory = CreateSessionFactory();
using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
result = (List<coCity>)session.CreateCriteria(typeof(coCity)).List<coCity>();
return result;
When its still at application server data is retrieve correctly as image below
alt text http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/1071/serverside.png
However when this data transit back to client side all of its PKs is loose like below.
alt text http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/1664/clientside.png
First of all, this isn't a problem with Fluent NHibernate so:
Serializable must be used on your POCO's when you serialize them.
(from your comment) NHibernate keeps a reference of the object retrieved from the database to a cache (1-st level cache). While you serialize this 'managed' object the output of the serialization is an unmanaged object. Nhibernate does not detect that a an object exists in the db just because you set an value in a newly constructed object. You must get the object from the database and update its properties and call Update() or you work with pure sql with the object that returned from the client (yikes!).
Note that is irrelevant with this question: your Equals() implementation is really bad as it doesn't take into account types and depends only on GetHashCode value. If all your classes have this implementation you could run into trouble.
I think the problem is with that private setter on the PK's properties. Try changing that to public.
Either way, mark your entity with Serializable
A few comments:
As a general recomendation when using nhibernate is to avoid composite Ids. Create on your model a surrogate Id that is an identity column and enforce uniqueness of CityCd and CountryCd somewhere else
When passing data around client/server tiers, consider using DTOs to avoid some commong LazyInitializationExceptions problems.