Retry mechanism on WCF operation call when channel in fautled state - wcf

I'm trying to find an elegant way to retry an operation when a WCF channel is in faulted state. I've tried using the Policy Injection AB to reconnect and retry the operation when a faulted state exception occurs on first call, but the PolicyInjection.Wrap method doesn't seem to like wrapping the TransparentProxy objects (proxy returned from ChannelFactory.CreateChannel).
Is there any other mechanism I could try or how could I try get the PIAB solution working correctly - any links, examples, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the code I was using that was failing:
var channelFactory = new ChannelFactory(endpointConfigurationName);
var proxy = channelFactory.CreateChannel(...);
proxy = PolicyInjection.Wrap<IService>(proxy);
Thank you.

I would rather use callback functions, something like this:
private SomeServiceClient proxy;
//This method invokes a service method and recreates the proxy if it's in a faulted state
private void TryInvoke(Action<SomeServiceClient> action)
catch (FaultException fe)
if (proxy.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)
this.proxy = new SomeServiceClient();
//Probably, there is a better way than recursion
//Any real method
private void Connect(Action<UserModel> callback)
TryInvoke(sc => callback(sc.Connect()));
And in your code you should call
ServiceProxy.Instance.Connect(user => MessageBox.Show(user.Name));
instead of
var user = ServiceProxy.Instance.Connect();
Although my code uses proxy-class approach, you can write a similar code with Channels.

Thank you so much for your reply. What I ended up doing was creating a decorator type class that implemented the interface of my service, which then just wrapped the transparent proxy generated by the ChannelFactory. I was then able to use the Policy Injection Application Block to create a layer on top of this that would inject code into each operation call that would try the operation, and if a CommunicationObjectFaultedException occurred, would abort the channel, recreate it and retry the operation. It's working great now - although it works great, the only downside though is the wrapper class mentioned having to implement every service operation, but this was the only way I could use the PIAB as this made sense for me for in case I did find a way in future, it was easy enough to change just using interfaces.


async method does not continue when await statement returns

I'm using MVC 4 and I have the following code :
public void DoWork(string connectionId)
connectionId = this.connectionId;
var a = MakeADelayAsync();
public async Task MakeADelayAsync()
await Task.Delay(5000);
var generalHubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<GeneralHub>();
"DoWork" method is my mvc action. what I intent to do is when the action button is pressed the "DoWork" calls an async method and returns to the client immediately. when the async method has completed his job it will notify client using signalR.
The problem is in the "MakeADelayAsync" method, those two lines after await won't be called ever. It seems that the flow never continues after await.
First question is Where is the problem in "MakeADelayAsync" ?
Second question is why do I have to write a useless code of var a = MakeADelayAsync(); to avoid compiler warning while I'm completely aware of what I am doing? I never use "a" anyway.
"DoWork" method is my mvc action. what I intent to do is when the action button is pressed the "DoWork" calls an async method and returns to the client immediately. when the async method has completed his job it will notify client using signalR.
Doing this is extremely dangerous. I strongly recommend that you use a persistent queue, as I said in my previous answer: Azure queue, MSMQ, WebSphere MQ, etc.
However, if you insist on doing it the dangerous way, then you can use the code that I have on my blog to execute background work on ASP.NET outside of a request context:
public void DoWork(string connectionId)
connectionId = this.connectionId;
// This is extremely dangerous code! If ASP.NET unloads
// your app, then MakeADelayAsync may not run to completion.
BackgroundTaskManager.Run(() => MakeADelayAsync());
First question is Where is the problem in "MakeADelayAsync" ?
You're executing code that is attempting to resume on the request context after the request is completed and the request context is disposed. It's the same problem you had before.
Second question is why do I have to write a useless code of var a = MakeADelayAsync(); to avoid compiler warning while I'm completely aware of what I am doing?
The compiler warning is telling you that the code is almost certainly a mistake... and the compiler is right.
can you try to mark your DoWork method as async?
public async void DoWork(string connectionId)
connectionId = this.connectionId;
var a = MakeADelayAsync();

Is there an easy way to subscribe to the default error queue in EasyNetQ?

In my test application I can see messages that were processed with an exception being automatically inserted into the default EasyNetQ_Default_Error_Queue, which is great. I can then successfully dump or requeue these messages using the Hosepipe, which also works fine, but requires dropping down to the command line and calling against both Hosepipe and the RabbitMQ API to purge the queue of retried messages.
So I'm thinking the easiest approach for my application is to simply subscribe to the error queue, so I can re-process them using the same infrastructure. But in EastNetQ, the error queue seems to be special. We need to subscribe using a proper type and routing ID, so I'm not sure what these values should be for the error queue:
bus.Subscribe<WhatShouldThisBe>("and-this", ReprocessErrorMessage);
Can I use the simple API to subscribe to the error queue, or do I need to dig into the advanced API?
If the type of my original message was TestMessage, then I'd like to be able to do something like this:
bus.Subscribe<ErrorMessage<TestMessage>>("???", ReprocessErrorMessage);
where ErrorMessage is a class provided by EasyNetQ to wrap all errors. Is this possible?
You can't use the simple API to subscribe to the error queue because it doesn't follow EasyNetQ queue type naming conventions - maybe that's something that should be fixed ;)
But the Advanced API works fine. You won't get the original message back, but it's easy to get the JSON representation which you could de-serialize yourself quite easily (using Newtonsoft.JSON). Here's an example of what your subscription code should look like:
[Explicit("Requires a RabbitMQ server on localhost")]
public void Should_be_able_to_subscribe_to_error_messages()
var errorQueueName = new Conventions().ErrorQueueNamingConvention();
var queue = Queue.DeclareDurable(errorQueueName);
var autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
bus.Advanced.Subscribe<SystemMessages.Error>(queue, (message, info) =>
var error = message.Body;
Console.Out.WriteLine("error.DateTime = {0}", error.DateTime);
Console.Out.WriteLine("error.Exception = {0}", error.Exception);
Console.Out.WriteLine("error.Message = {0}", error.Message);
Console.Out.WriteLine("error.RoutingKey = {0}", error.RoutingKey);
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { });
I had to fix a small bug in the error message writing code in EasyNetQ before this worked, so please get a version >= before trying it out. You can see the code example here
Code that works:
(I took a guess)
The screwyness with the 'foo' is because if I just pass that function HandleErrorMessage2 into the Consume call, it can't figure out that it returns a void and not a Task, so can't figure out which overload to use. (VS 2012)
Assigning to a var makes it happy.
You will want to catch the return value of the call to be able to unsubscribe by disposing the object.
Also note that Someone used a System Object name (Queue) instead of making it a EasyNetQueue or something, so you have to add the using clarification for the compiler, or fully specify it.
using Queue = EasyNetQ.Topology.Queue;
private const string QueueName = "EasyNetQ_Default_Error_Queue";
public static void Should_be_able_to_subscribe_to_error_messages(IBus bus)
Action <IMessage<Error>, MessageReceivedInfo> foo = HandleErrorMessage2;
IQueue queue = new Queue(QueueName,false);
bus.Advanced.Consume<Error>(queue, foo);
private static void HandleErrorMessage2(IMessage<Error> msg, MessageReceivedInfo info)

WCF Service and best practices surrounding clients and open/close methods

Having a WCF service and a Consumer I'm not really sure how to handle the Open and Close methods and the lifetime of my Client.
I created the client myself extending and implementing ClientBase and IMyService. Let's call it MyServiceClient
One place I use it for example is MembershipProvider. So I gave MembershipProvider a MyClient as member variable.
I would like to have it instanced once in the MembershipProvider (via IoC container) and then perhaps do a Open and Close call inside every method call in the client.
public bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
bool b = Channel.ValidateUser(username, password);
return b;
Is this the right way to go about it. I don't really understand what's really happening when open/close is called and how having one instance of client affects the service (if at all).
One of the problems with using a single client (WCF proxy) instance is that when a fault occurs the proxy enters a faulted state, and it cannot be reused or Dispose-d, only Abort-ed and created anew. On the other hand, if you use/require Sessions on the service side you need the same proxy instance across multiple calls.
In any case, if you would like to use proxy now and worry about transport, sessions or faults later I suggest a wrapper like this that I use for my WCF proxies:
TResult ExecuteServiceMethod<TResult>(Func<MyService, TResult> method)
var proxy = new MyService(); //...Or reuse an existing if not faulted
return method(proxy);
catch(Exception e)
//...Handle exceptions
//...Per-call cleanup, for example proxy.Abort() if faulted...
and you call your service methods like this:
var result = ExecuteServiceMethod((MyService s) => s.VerifyUser(username, password));
Replace MyService with your actual client type. This way you can later change your opening/closing/reusing strategy, add logging, etc. for all service calls by adding code before or after the line return method(client).

WCF Proxy Client taking time to create, any cache or singleton solution for it

we have more than dozon of wcf services and being called using TCP binding. There are a lots of calls to same wcf service at various places in code.
AdminServiceClient client = FactoryS.AdminServiceClient();// it takes significant time. and
i want to cache the client or produce it from singleton. so that i can save some time, Is it possible?
Yes, this is possible. You can make the proxy object visible to the entire application, or wrap it in a singleton class for neatness (my preferred option). However, if you are going to reuse a proxy for a service, you will have to handle channel faults.
First create your singleton class / cache / global variable that holds an instance of the proxy (or proxies) that you want to reuse.
When you create the proxy, you need to subscribe to the Faulted event on the inner channel
proxyInstance.InnerChannel.Faulted += new EventHandler(ProxyFaulted);
and then put some reconnect code inside the ProxyFaulted event handler. The Faulted event will fire if the service drops, or the connection times out because it was idle. The faulted event will only fire if you have reliableSession enabled on your binding in the config file (if unspecified this defaults to enabled on the netTcpBinding).
Edit: If you don't want to keep your proxy channel open all the time, you will have to test the state of the channel before every time you use it, and recreate the proxy if it is faulted. Once the channel has faulted there is no option but to create a new one.
Edit2: The only real difference in load between keeping the channel open and closing it every time is a keep-alive packet being sent to the service and acknowledged every so often (which is what is behind your channel fault event). With 100 users I don't think this will be a problem.
The other option is to put your proxy creation inside a using block where it will be closed / disposed at the end of the block (which is considered bad practice). Closing the channel after a call may result in your application hanging because the service is not yet finished processing. In fact, even if your call to the service was async or the service contract for the method was one-way, the channel close code will block until the service is finished.
Here is a simple singleton class that should have the bare bones of what you need:
public static class SingletonProxy
private CupidClientServiceClient proxyInstance = null;
public CupidClientServiceClient ProxyInstance
if (proxyInstance == null)
return this.proxyInstance;
private void ProxyChannelFaulted(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool connected = false;
while (!connected)
// you may want to put timer code around this, or
// other code to limit the number of retrys if
// the connection keeps failing
public bool AttemptToConnect()
// this whole process needs to be thread safe
lock (proxyInstance)
if (proxyInstance != null)
// deregister the event handler from the old instance
proxyInstance.InnerChannel.Faulted -= new EventHandler(ProxyChannelFaulted);
//(re)create the instance
proxyInstance = new CupidClientServiceClient();
// always open the connection
// add the event handler for the new instance
// the client faulted is needed to be inserted here (after the open)
// because we don't want the service instance to keep faulting (throwing faulted event)
// as soon as the open function call.
proxyInstance.InnerChannel.Faulted += new EventHandler(ProxyChannelFaulted);
return true;
catch (EndpointNotFoundException)
// do something here (log, show user message etc.)
return false;
catch (TimeoutException)
// do something here (log, show user message etc.)
return false;
I hope that helps :)
In my experience, creating/closing the channel on a per call basis adds very little overhead. Take a look at this Stackoverflow question. It's not a Singleton question per se, but related to your issue. Typically you don't want to leave the channel open once you're finished with it.
I would encourage you to use a reusable ChannelFactory implementation if you're not already and see if you still are having performance problems.

Persisted properties - asynchronously

In classic ASP.NET I’d persist data extracted from a web service in base class property as follows:
private string m_stringData;
public string _stringData
{ get {
if (m_stringData==null)
//fetch data from my web service
m_stringData = ws.FetchData()
return m_stringData;
This way I could simply make reference to _stringData and know that I’d always get the data I was after (maybe sometimes I’d use Session state as a store instead of a private member variable).
In Silverlight with a WCF I might choose to use Isolated Storage as my persistance mechanism, but the service call can't be done like this, because a WCF service has to be called asynchronously.
How can I both invoke the service call and retrieve the response in one method?
In your method, invoke the service call asynchronously and register a callback that sets a flag. After you have invoked the method, enter a busy/wait loop checking the flag periodically until the flag is set indicating that the data has been returned. The callback should set the backing field for your method and you should be able to return it as soon as you detect the flag has been set indicating success. You'll also need to be concerned about failure. If it's possible to get multiple calls to your method from different threads, you'll also need to use some locking to make your code thread-safe.
Actually, the busy/wait loop is probably not the way to go if the web service supports BeginGetData/EndGetData semantics. I had a look at some of my code where I do something similar and I use WaitOne to simply wait on the async result and then retrieve it. If your web service doesn't support this then throw a Thread.Sleep -- say for 50-100ms -- in your wait loop to give time for other processes to execute.
Example from my code:
IAsyncResult asyncResult = null;
asyncResult = _webService.BeginGetData( searchCriteria, null, null );
if (asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne( _timeOut, false ))
result = _webService.EndGetData( asyncResult );
catch (WebException e)
...log the error, clean up...
Thanks for your help tvanfosson. I followed your code and have also found a pseudo similar solution that meets my needs exactly using a lambda expression:
private string m_stringData;
public string _stringData{
//if we don't have a list of departments, fetch from WCF
if (m_stringData == null)
StringServiceClient client = new StringServiceClient();
client.GetStringCompleted +=
(sender, e) =>
m_stringData = e.Result;
return m_stringData;
Oops... actually this doesn't work either :-(
I ended up making the calls Asynchronously and altering my programming logic to use MVVM pattern and more binding.