I've got a multiple project setup, using Maven and the Findbugs plugin. I need to exclude some files in one of the child projects, so I added it to findbugs-exclude.xml. That works when I build in the subproject.
My issue comes when I try to build at top level. Maven is not finding the findbugs-exclude.xml in the subproject. So it doesn't ignore my errors and fails because of them. I can put my findbugs-exclude.xml in the top level directory, and the exclusion works. But that's polluting the top level, and would not be looked upon favorably.
Is there a way to get the Maven plugin to use the findbugs-exclude.xml file from a subdirectory? Preferably with little to no change at the top level?
One solution for this is to create a seperate project which contains the findbugs-excludes.xml and then use the dependency plugin to unpack and place it locally where it's required something like this:
<!-- other configurations here -->
<!-- Optional directory to put findbugs xdoc xml report -->
With this approach you can then share this exclusion file across projects if required which could be a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it :)
Also, thinking about it, if you have a dedicated findbugs project you can create different flavours of exclusions using classifiers and the use a specific classifier depending on the context.
It's not perfect but it works for me.
Here is what I am doing in my current project, it puts findbugs-exclude.xml in the parent project (which I know you don't want), but it fixes the DRY problem of maintaining it in two places. It is simpler than unpacking, but requires that the full project structure be local. (I think the unpacking solution would be useful to use the same config across many projects, as in a corporate environment.)
I store my findbugs config in parent/src/main/resources/shared/findbugs-exclude.xml, but as long as it is in parent the specific directory doesn't matter.
I then use properties to describe the location of the 'shared' directory:
And reference these properties when configuring findbugs in the parent:
All direct child projects will now run findbugs, referencing the config file in parent. If you have multiple levels of project nesting, you will have to override the myproject.parent.basedir in the sub-parent. For example if you have parent <- sub-parent <- child, you would put :
I'm using spotbugs cause findbugs is deprecated and no longer support. I had the same issue in my project.
My maven project multi-module structure is similar to this:
-- sub-module-1
| |
| -- ...
| |
| --pom.xml
-- sub-module-2
| |
| -- ...
| |
| --pom.xml
-- ...
-- sub-module-n
| |
| -- ...
| |
| --pom.xml
-- ...
-- exclude-filter.xml
The spotbugs configuration of parent-module:
No you can do mvn test-compile from parent-project or any sub-project and it will check by spotbugs for source and test-sources code issues.
Consider example: https://github.com/koresmosto/mif
If you don't have a lot of files/packages to exclude, just suppress some warnings - try using #SuppressFBWarning annotations. That should work with even multiple module projects and annotation can be added in specific projects and files where needed.
dependencies for #SuppressFBWarning
A better alternative to the accepted answer is to use maven-remote-resources-plugin. I like James' approach but then you need to tweak the clean plugin to delete the unpacked files in the src folder.
As per James' suggestion create a seperate project which contains the findbugs-excludes.xml and add the following to its pom file:
Update the pom file containing findbugs plugin:
Don't forget to change com.myproject:myartifactid:version
maven-remote-resources-plugin copies your shared files to the target folder so no need to change the default behaviour of maven-clean-plugin.
Given a property file in maven project A
I want to use them in project B for resource filtering.
So in Project B I use
To filter my resources based on values in myFile.properties This file is stored in project A. So I include it with
Problem is that the resource filtering happens before the dependency is copied. So filtering does work when copying myFile.properties manually to ${project.build.directory} but it does not work with a mvn clean ...
How can I copy the filterFile before the actual filtering happens?
Maven plugins are executed in the order they appear in the pom. AFAIK the plugins configured in the parent (and the super pom) are executed before the plugins of the pom.
My suggestion is declaring the resources plugin explicitely after the dependency plugin:
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
I'm trying to reduce copy/pasting in our maven pom files.
We have one master pom and many children projects pom inheriting from the master.
I want to share a complex plugin definition looking like:
<!-- many xml lines here -->
When this plugin definition is in the project pom, packaging is well done.
When definition is moved to parent pom (in or in ), then the packaging is not even started.
Is it possible to share a plugin configuration ? How ?
-- Edit after first answers---
I have tried the following:
- put my XL packaging plugin config in the element of my parent pom
- add this lines in my project pom in the element:
but it is not working...
What can be wrong with that ?
-- last edit --
I think I get what was the problem:
the plugin re-use declaration should be declared in a profile build.
I done that in an always enabled plugin and now it is working fine.
Thanks a lot.
You could wrap the plugins of the parent in a <pluginManagement> tag.
<plugin> ... </plugin>
Children plugins will then inherit the configurations when they declare the plugin in their build tag.
Have you tried using the plugin management feature of Maven? It'll allow you to push that configuration information down to the children pom.xml files from the parent pom.xml:
Now, not all plugins are as well done as those from the org.apache.maven.plugins group. It may be necessary to move your configuration section in between your execution elements.
I'm setting up an integration test module for a good sized web project. The integration test module is separated from the web project itself, and it has it's own pom.
The idea is to use the maven-soapui-plugin to send requests and verify the response. Setting up the soapui-plugin is no hassle. However, I'm having trouble with figuring out how I can tell the jetty-maven-plugin to deploy a war from a remote repository.
If I have understood correctly, the jetty-maven-plugin has a property called '<webApp>/<webApp>' which lets me specify the war file to deploy. The problem is that the war file is not present in the module itself.
I have heard that I can use the maven assembly plugin to retrieve the war from a repository via the projects artifactId, but I am yet to figure out how I would go about doing so.
Here's a summary of what I want:
Retrieve a specific war from a repository or the like, in example via its artifactId.
Deploy this war to the jetty-maven-plugin (goal deploy-war?)
get maven-soapui-plugin to run tests and report the results back in the integration-test phase.
I am pretty sure I've got step 3 covered, but I am very unsure how to achieve step 1 and 2.
Any help is greatly appreciated
It is maybe possible to use dependency:copy to retrieve the war, unpack it and to get the whole thing working with the maven jetty plugin, but this would be hacky and kinda ugly. A cleaner solution would be to use the Maven Cargo plugin and this is my suggestion. Below, a sample POM showing how to retrieve a WAR artifact using its coordinates and how to deploy it on an embedded Jetty container using Cargo:
<groupId>war group id</groupId>
<artifactId>war artifact id</artifactId>
<version>war version</version>
<!-- Container configuration -->
<!-- Configuration to use with the container or the deployer -->
<groupId>war group id</groupId>
<artifactId>war artifact id</artifactId>
<context>war context</context>
<!-- Don't wait, execute the tests after the container is started -->
Finally, just bind the soapui plugin on the integration-test phase.
I'm doing the same thing, John, but I took a different approach with the Jetty plugin. I think the end result is the same. I'm developing an integration-test suite to run against several web service WARs. I'm using dependency:copy in the package phase and then a list of <contextHandler/>s configured for maven-jetty-plugin:
<contextHandler implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.plugin.JettyWebAppContext">
I would prefer to declare the various wars as dependencies and then use dependency:copy-dependencies to set up the wars-to-be-tested directory; this would allow the Maven reactor to figure out that it needs to build my integration-test module after the wars it'll be testing. The problem I ran into was that the Jetty plugin thought that I wanted to "overlay" all of the wars that were listed as dependencies (a concept that I'd never even heard of until I saw it happen); I don't know if allowing that to happen would have hurt anything, but I didn't like it, so I went with the dependency:copy method.
This is just an alternative to using Cargo. I'll be looking into that myself, but I just wanted to provide another way of doing it.
In a POM parent file of my project, I have such a profile defining some configurations useful for this project (so that I can't get rid of this parent POM) :
<!-- use java 1.4 -->
But in my project I just would like to override the configuration of the maven-compiler-plugin in order to use jdk5 instead of jdk4 for compiling test-classes.
That's why I did this section in the POM of my project :
and it's not working ...
I even tried to override the configuration in regular plugin sections of my POM (I mean, not for a specific profile but for my whole POM).
What could be the problem ?
To clarify some of my requirements :
I don't want to get rid of the parent
POM and the profile (wls7) defined
inside it (since I need many and many
properties, configurations, ...) and
that is not the process in my
A solution based on duplicating
the parent POM and/or the profile
defined inside it is not a good
one. Since if the responsible of
the parent POM change something, I
would have to report it in mine.
It's just an inheritance matter (extend or override a profile, a configuration from an upper-level POM) so I think it should be possible with Maven 2.
Overriding configurations from a parent pom can be done by adding the combine.self="override" attribute to the element in your pom.
Try changing your plugin configuration to:
<configuration combine.self="override">
For more information on overriding plugins, see: http://maven.apache.org/pom.html
i had the same issue. By default my maven war plugin excluded a html file. But in my acceptance-tests profile i wanted this file included. So when i added in the maven war plugin again it did not override the default.
To resolve this issue i passed in the combine.self attribute and worked fine.
Default build:
Acceptance test profile:
<configuration combine.self="override"/>
Did you try to deactivate the wls7 profile (since maven 2.0.10):
Starting with Maven 2.0.10, one or
more profiles can be deactivated using
the command line by prefixing their
identifier with either the character
'!' or '-' as shown below:
mvn groupId:artifactId:goal -P !profile-1,!profile-2
This can be used to deactivate
profiles marked as activeByDefault or
profiles that would otherwise be
activated through their activation
And then add your configuration in a profile with a different name or directly in your pom.xml.
I have a multi-module Maven project.
By default when I build a web module, all sibling modules of type JAR it depends on are copied to WEB-INF/lib folder. I want output of sibling modules to be placed in WEB-INF/classes folder without packaging to JAR.
More general question may be: how to keep sibling modules' configuration files out of JARs so that they can be edited after deployment easily?
You could use an overlay, although that requires that the sibling be of type war rather than jar. There's also using the dependency plugin to unpack the jar, but it will only unpack the version in your local repository, not the one you just packaged.
As for your 'more general' question, there's the excludes tag for the jar plugin.
In case if somebody is interested, I found this solution. I had exactly the same issue.