All about wcf client - wcf

When I deploy the same service on different machines as they have different information that I need , how can I use my client gracely to consume these service .

You need to define the service endpoint you want to connect to in your client's config.
You cannot define a list of endpoints - if you need load-balancing features, you need to implement those on the server side and "hide" them behind a single service endpoint.
With .NET 4 and WCF 4, you have new capabilities you could check out:
WCF 4 has a new routing service which you can use to get called on a single URL, and you have control over how to "distribute" those calls to the actual back-end servers
WCF 4 also supports dynamic service discovery, so you could potentially just "yell out onto the network" and get back one service endpoint address that supports your contract you're interested in
Developer's Introduction to WCF 4
10-4 Show on WCF 4 Routing Service
Content-based routing with WCF 4
WCF 4.0 Routing Service
WCF 4.0 Routing Service - Failover
Using WS-Discovery in WCF 4.0
Ad-hoc Discovery with Probing messages

It sounds like you want to connect to BOTH servers. you say they have different data that you need. Well, if you already know how to make a client to one of them, the easiest way is to define an entire other client to access the second one. You can define as many clients as you want in the config file. Then just call them both in code.


Self-Host WCF single to many host routing

UPDATE 2: Solved the first problem (note below) - reduced the complexity/scope.
NOTE: If migrating from self-hosting WCF services in Cloud Services to Service Fabric using HttpsBinding then you need to change the HostNameComparisonMode from Exact to StrongWildcard.
I have scenario where I have to open many (100+) WCF Service Hosts to receive callbacks from an external service. They have same Contract but with differing credentials (service certificates are unique to each of our customers).
I would like to know if it is possible to route all requests through a single Host/Router that could check the connecting clients expected service certificate and either a) spoof/ignore (preferably) the service certificate or forward the connection onto the correct host.
I want to avoid having to load hundreds of service hosts with different credentials (which are stored in a database) when the service fabric node first comes up so I don't receive traffic to a service that's not loaded yet. Ideally I could load them when needed or not have to load them at all (spoofing certificate or something).
Looking for someone who is a lot savvier with WCF to shed some light on the possibilities. Thanks.

Azure endpoints - different deployments

Currently we run a UI web role and a web service web role(WCF REST) on Azure. Each role contains 2 instances (for load balancing and meeting the SLA reqs.)
The UI Web role and web service web role are within the same subscription but in different deployments. We do not want to merge the code bases (maintainability etc etc). So the UI layer is on and the Web Service layer is on
Currently, the requirement is to make the web service web role an internal endpoint i.e only accessible by the UI layer. The literature on configuring internal endpoints and accessing it from a different deployment is not very clear.
I am assuming that the two different roles need to be part of a single deployment for this to work. Can this be done without affecting the deployments? Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Internal endpoints are only accessible within a single deployment, and do not route through the load balancer (so if you have 2 instances of your wcf services accessible on internal endpoint, you'd need to distribute calls between the instances). This, of course, would require you to put both your web role and wcf web role into the same deployment.
You might want to consider service bus for a secure way of reaching your wcf services from your web role instances. Or... expose the wcf services via input endpoint but secure the service.
There's an approach I like to call the virtual DMZ that sould meet your needs:
It leverages the ACS and WCF bindings to allow you to create access control to input endpoints (which are then load balanced). Of course, if you don't want something tha robust, you can go with just a standard old WCF mutual auth scenario.
That said, David makes an excellent point. Internal endpoints are only accessible with a single deployed service. This is because that service represents an isolation boundary (think virtual lan branch) and the only input endpoints can be adressed from outside of that boundary.
Have you considered using ACS (Access Control Services) for restricting access using claims-based authentication to your WCF endpoint?
There are numerous protection schemes you could provide via WCF bindings.
Internal Endpoints can only communicate with inter-roles in the same deployment. If you have 2 separate deployments ( and, internal endpoints won't help you).

Is it possible to persist and then forward WCF messages to destination services?

The goal I'm working toward is having a WCF routing service that can receive messages from clients, persist them to some type of data store, and then process/send them to their destination WCF services.
Things to consider:
You can create a routing service by using the ClientViaBehavior (outlined here and here)
The ClientViaBehavior will not work with basicHttpBinding, so I need to use wsHttpBinding (basicHttpBinding doesn't set the "To" header on the message, found out the hard way)
The WCF Message object itself is sent to the Routing Service, where it can be persisted as a serialized string
I don't want the Routing Service to know what's in the message - consequently, the service will not have a reference to the Data Contracts involved
When the time comes to route the Message to its destination, I need to be able to create a channel between the Routing Service and the Destination Service
It is not desirable for the Routing Service to be aware of each destination service - ideally, WCF could create the proper channel dynamically based on the content/headers of the message being processed.
Is this too much to ask of WCF? (I have a feeling it might be...)
Any advice on how to accomplish something like this would be appreciated.
If you're on .NET 4 (or can move to it), WCF 4.0 has introduced a RoutingService infrastructure of its own.
Check it out, before you re-invent the wheel!
See A Developer's Introduction to Windows Communication Foundation 4 for a great general intro to the new features (including RoutingService) in WCF 4
Yes, you can make your routing service accepts any message.
This link should help you: Building a WCF Router, Part 1

WCF: Client config for

I am developing a wcf service (basicHttpBinding) that should also be consumed by non .net clients (e.g. Java clients). But now I wonder how the client can define his client config file. Or is this file only needed for .net-clients? (I am thinking of configurations like maxReceivedMessageSize or maxItemsInObjectGraph for example).
Each development platform (call it as you want: SOAP stack, Framework, API) has its own way to configure communication. You don't need to bother with it. You just need to expose correct WSDL and client's developer will be responsible for configuring the client application based on his needs.
If you want to extend documentation of your service in WSDL you can use wsdl:documentation. WCF doesn't offer it by default but you can use this technology sample to extend WCF. You can use such documentation for example to describe that service operation can return large amount of data. Another approach to add wsdl:documentation is using WCF Extras.
From the sound of it, the client shouldn't have access to those configuration options. For instance, why should a client to the WCF service be able to specify the maxReceivedMessageSize?
What you probably want to do is define these configuration options on the server-side. If a client makes a call and there is a conflict with one of your options (i.e. the client exceeds maxReceivedMessageSize), you'll want to throw a SoapException back to the client.
If you want to let the client have access to the configuration settings before he or she sends a request, you can always implement a simple web service method that sends back the values.

WCF Callback Service hosted over basicHttpBinding and wsDualHttpBinding

I have a callback service that is hosted over wsDualHttpBinding. I'm looking to add a client that will poll for the data rather than receive the callback (will be a mobile device using wince for demo purposes). I was curious what the best way to do this is? You cannot create a client proxy using NetCFSvcUtil with a service hosted with wsDualHttpBinding (I understand that), but you cannot host a callback service over basicHttpBinding. I really need the same service hosted over both basicaHttpBinding (clients will poll for data) and wsDualHttpBinding (callback will notify clients of data). Any ideas on the best way to handle this without creating two separate services to host the same data?
What do you mean by two separate services hosting the same data? Do you expect to share same service instance to handle both wsDualHttpBinding and basicHttpBinding requests?
Your current problem is that service interface for duplex communication cannot be used for basicHttpBinding. You have to create second service contract and implement it in the same service. In that case you can expose two endpoints for the service: one duplex with WSDualHttpBinding and one with BasicHttpBinding. Endpoints must have different relative addresses. From the perspective of the client those endpoints are separate services - each of them requires separate client proxy. So unless your service is singleton you will have new service instance for each client proxy. New service instance means no data sharing.
Thera are some possibilities to modify this behavior but it means replacing Instance provider.