I need to filter the SQL query result according to 3 conditions:
1. Location
2. Doctor Name
3. Specialty Name
Below is the sql query if all 3 conditions are not empty:
if (location != "" && doctor!="" && specialty!="")
select Location, ...
from clinicdoctors
where Location = #Location and DoctorName = #DoctorName and SpecialtyName = #SpecialtyName
if only location is empty,
if (location == "" && doctor!="" && specialty!="")
select Location, ...
from clinicdoctors
where Location is not null and DoctorName = #DoctorName and SpecialtyName = #SpecialtyName
If I wanna check all the conditions, I need to write eight if statements.
What should I do to simplify the code in this situation?
select Location, ...
from clinicdoctors
ISNULL(#Location,Location) = Location
and ISNULL(#DoctorName,DoctorName) = DoctorName
and ISNULL(#SpecialtyName,SpecialtyName) = SpecialtyName
I think it would be better to do this in the code than sql as you have done. Not really any way around it since the queries are so different, but a terse way to do it would be:
$loc_where = empty($loc) ? 'Location IS NOT NULL' : "Location = $loc";
$doc_where = empty($doc) ? 'AND DoctorName IS NOT NULL' : "AND DoctorName = $doc";
$spec_where = empty($spec) ? 'AND SpecialtyName IS NOT NULL' : "AND SpecialtyName = $spec";
query ... WHERE $loc_where $doc_where $spec_where
I have the following sample query which takes values from procedure parameters. The parameter can be either passed or default to null.
WHERE( table_term_code = '201931'
OR (table_term_code = '201931' and table_DETL_CODE ='CA02')
OR ( table_term_code = '201931' and table_ACTIVITY_DATE = sysdate)
OR ( table_term_code = '201931' and table_SEQNO = NULL));
i.e the user can input term code and not input any other parameter, or can input term code and table_DETL_CODE and not any other input parameter.
Same goes for the other 2 or conditions.
If a term code is passed and table_DETL_CODE is null, the query should return all the values for that term_code, whereas this query returns null.
Is there a way to achieve this without case or if conditions in PL/SQL?
If I understood you correctly, this might be what you're looking for:
select *
from your_table
where (table_term_code = :par_term_code or :par_term_code is null)
and (table_detl_code = :par_detl_code or :par_detl_code is null)
and (table_activity_date = :par_activity_date or :par_activity_date is null)
and (table_seqno = :par_seqno or :par_seqno is null)
The description seems to that you require user to enter table_term_code and then either none or exactly 1 of the other 3. If so then perhaps:
select *
from your_table
where table_term_code = :par_term_code
and ( (table_detl_code = :par_detl_code and :par_activity_date is null and :par_seqno is null)
or (table_activity_date = :par_activity_date and :par_detl_code is null and :par_seqno is null)
or (table_seqno = :par_seqno and :par_detl_code is null and :par_activity_date is null)
or (table_seqno is null and :par_detl_code is null and :par_activity_date is null)
The fields in my Rate Table are Route, VehicleMasterId, VehicleType, Material, Client, UnitRate etc.
The priority order on which I have to fetch a single row is : VehicleNo > Route > Client > VehicleType, Material
Suppose I have 2 rows with same data except 1 has Client and Vehicle Type and the other one has VehicleNo.Then based on my priority, I should pick the rate of the row with VehicleNo.
To excute this In linq I have first picked all the rows with matching data. Here is my code.
public RateMasterDataModel GetRateMasterforCn(Consignment cn){
// I will always pass all the above fields in cn
var rateMaster = (from rate in Context.RateMaster
where rate.FromDate <= cn.Cndate
&& rate.ToDate >= cn.Cndate
&& (rate.VehicleTypeId != null ? rate.VehicleTypeId == cn.VehicleTypeId : true)
&& (rate.VehicleMasterId != null ? rate.VehicleMasterId == cn.VehicleMasterId : true)
&& (rate.ClientId != null ? rate.ClientId == cn.ClientId : true)
&& (rate.RouteId != null ? rate.RouteId == cn.RouteId : true)
&& (rate.MaterialMasterId != null ? rate.MaterialMasterId == cn.MaterialMasterId : true)
select new RateMasterDataModel
RateMasterId = rate.RateMasterId,
FromDate = rate.FromDate,
ToDate = rate.ToDate,
ClientId = rate.ClientId ,
VehicleMasterId = rate.VehicleMasterId,
VehicleTypeId = rate.VehicleTypeId,
MaterialMasterId = rate.MaterialMasterId,
UnitRate = rate.UnitRate,
LoadTypeId = rate.LoadTypeId,
LoadingPointId = rate.RouteId,
CalculationMasterId = rate.CalculationMasterId
Please suggest how to filter after this.
You can use below code to get records ordered by VehicleNo > Route
Add multiple .ThenBy() clause as per your column requirement for sorting the data.
You mean to say if the row which doesn't have the vehicalno. filld-up then the row having Route must be selected.is it correct?
I am searching for a word match for the variable- #TextSearchWord
I have a #SearchCriteria variable which may have 5 values!
According to that value, i choose from which field i have to search my word!
-so i need to cascade the "CASE" statement inside the "WHERE" statement only and like other samples here inside the select statement !
FROM itinfo_QuranArabicWordsAll
WHERE (SiteID = #SiteID)
AND (QuranID = #QuranID)
AND (VerseOrder BETWEEN #StrtVerseSortOrder AND #EndVerseSortOrder)
-- here is my problem :
WHEN (#SearchCriteria = 'DictNM') THEN (WordDictNM = #TextSearchWord )
WHEN (#SearchCriteria = 'DictNMAlif') THEN (WordDictNMAlif = #TextSearchWord)
You don't need a CASE statement for this.
FROM itinfo_QuranArabicWordsAll
WHERE (SiteID = #SiteID)
AND (QuranID = #QuranID)
AND (VerseOrder BETWEEN #StrtVerseSortOrder AND #EndVerseSortOrder)
(#SearchCriteria = 'DictNM' AND WordDictNM = #TextSearchWord )
OR (#SearchCriteria = 'DictNMAlif' AND WordDictNMAlif = #TextSearchWord)
SQL WHERE clauses: Avoid CASE, use Boolean logic.
( #SearchCriteria = 'DictNM' AND WordDictNM = #TextSearchWord )
OR ( #SearchCriteria = 'DictNMAlif' AND WordDictNMAlif = #TextSearchWord )
IBookingRepository bookingResp = new BookingRepository();
IQueryable<bookingTest> bookings = bookingResp.GetAllBookingsByView();
var grid = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView();
grid.DataSource = from booking in bookings
join f in getallAttendees on booking.UserID equals f.UserID into fg
from fgi in fg.DefaultIfEmpty() //Where(f => f.EventID == booking.EventID)
booking.EventID == id
select new
EventID = booking.EventID,
UserID = booking.UserID,
TrackName = booking.Name,
BookingStatus = booking.StatusID,
AttendeeName = booking.FirstName,
// name = account.FirstName,
AmountPaid = booking.Cost,
AttendeeAddress = booking.DeliveryAdd1,
City = booking.DeliveryCity,
Postcode = booking.Postcode,
Date = booking.DateAdded,
hel = fgi == null ? null : fgi.HelmetsPurchased }// Product table
Hi, the above query doesnt executes it gives an error: The specified LINQ expression contains references to queries that are associated with different contexts. Any one can spot the what the problem is with the query.
I think that your getAllAttendees is from a different context than bookings so you won't be able to join them. To give a more exact answer you need to show where bookings and getAllAttendees comes from.
How do I do a Case WHEN in Linq to SQL (vb.net please).
In SQL it would be like this:
WHEN condition THEN trueresult
[ELSE elseresult]
How would I do this in Linq to SQL?
var data = from d in db.tb select new {
CaseResult = If (d.Col1 = “Case1”, "Case 1 Rised", If (d.Col1 = “Case2”, "Case 2 Rised", "Unknown Case"))
Check This Out
var data = from d in db.tb select new {
CaseResult = (
d.Col1 == “Case1” ? "Case 1 Rised" :
d.Col1 == “Case2” ? "Case 2 Rised" :
"Unknown Case")
Please Note that [ ? Symbol = then] , [ : Symbol = Or].
I haven't tried this but you may be able to do something like:
Dim query = From tbl In db.Table _
Select result =_
If(tbl.Col1 < tbl.Col2,"Less than",_
If(tbl.Col1 = tbl.Col2,"Equal to","Greater than"))
You would just need to keep nesting the If functions to handle all of your cases.
You can find more examples of various queries at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb386913.aspx