pack stuff other than target/classes with maven jar - maven-2

I am using maven jar plugin to package the jar file. But it looks like maven jar plugin just only pack the stuff that stay inside target/classes. I am also want to pack all the classes in target/classes and (resource and class) files from many other directories. How can i do that with maven jar?

The resource files stays in another folder of project.
If you can't (or just don't want to) put them under src/main/resources, you can declare additional resource locations using the <resource> element:
<directory> [your folder here] </directory>
See Specifying resource directories.
The other classes are generated classes.
The convention with plugins generating sources it to generate them in target/generated-sources/<tool> and a well implemented plugin should add the specified path as a source directory (so that generated code would be compiled). When they don't, the Build Helper Maven Plugin can come to the rescue.
If you are generating classes, why don't you generate them in ${} (i.e. target/classes by default)? I don't think you can add a 2nd classes directory anyway.
If this doesn't help, please clarify your exact constraints and requirements.
Specifying resource directories


Maven update jar before packaging in WAR

I have a project where I am packaging a WAR using simple maven-war-plugin. Along with all other dependencies one of the dependency say 'abc.jar' which is getting packaged in war contains a default spring configurations which I would like to update with the custom one before packaging. I have maven profile configured to be activated if following build command applied;
mvn clean install -DframeworkPacakging=XYZ
I am trying to use 'truezip-maven-plugin' to overwrite my custom spring configurations inside in 'abc.jar' present in 'target/aretfacts-id/WEB-INF/lib' but when maven-war-plugin finishes I loose my changes because war plugin takes the file from dependency definition. How can I solve this issue and what are my options?
P.S. Distributing configuration is not desirable as this setup would be used for Embedded Jetty Server running within Eclipse
to prevent inclusion of the original jar file, I would use go for approach suggested on:
Use <scope>provided</scope> for this dependency to keep it out of the
lib directory.
to include the repackaged one, I'd follow suggestion from: How to make Maven copy resource file into WEB-INF/lib directory?
Try changing the configuration of the maven war plugin to include a webResource:

How do you include resources files in Maven site source cross reference?

Especially of interest are the configuration xml files that are so common.
I'd hope there was a configuration to the JXR plugin. I tried */.xml but that didn't work.
It looks like Maven JXR plugin does provide a way to include/exclude files though not sure if it is just .java files.
You should try **/*.xml rather than */*.xml

Maven - add dependency on artifact source

I have two maven modules, one that ends up as a jar, and one war that depends on that jar.
I want the jar module to package it's source code together with the compiled classes in the jar, so that the second module is able to access it. I have tried using the maven-source-plugin, but I am confused as to how to add a dependency on the output of that. It seems that the dependency by default goes to the compiled jar, and not the source-code jar (ending with "-source.jar") that maven-source-plugin creates.
How do I add the "-source.jar" as a dependency, while still preserving the dependency on the compiled sources?
I've not tried this, but I think you need to create two profiles in your project. One which builds the main jar. The other which builds the sources jar. Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure how you would build that profile. I couldn't find a good example of it so far.
(Accoding to the comments, you don't actually need a profile. You can just use the sources-plugin which will deploy the sources and make them available via the sources classifier)
In theory, you'd use the 2nd profile to attach the sources to the project. This creates a 2nd entry in your repository for the sources using that classifier. Once you install/deploy the sources to your repository, you should be able to include the sources as a dependency by using the classifier tag on the dependency to specify the sources directly.
So you'd have something like this in your webapp POM:
Did you try adding the src directory as a resource directory in the build section? That should copy the source into the jar on build.

How to add a classpath entry when executing the app with exec plugin

One of the components is looking for the persistence.xml using the java.class.path system property. It is desired to keep this file separately from jars in the /conf folder.
When running the app with exec:exec, classpath is formed from the path to the main jar plus path to every dependency. I can't seem to figure out how to add the /conf entry to the classpath.
My command line looks like this:
mvn exec:exec -Dexec.executable="java" -Dexec.args="-classpath %classpath com.testjar.App"
I tried "arguments" parameter but the execution fails if I try to append anything to %classpath.
I also tried to add a Class-Path entry to the manifest by specifying
in the configuration for maven-jar-plugin, but the entry in the manifest has no effect on the value of java.class.path property.
You may use the element 'resources' in the 'build' section of your POM file. For example
This will copy the persistence.xml into the build output directory, i.e. it will place the persistence.xml on the classpath.

Include Maven dependencies in the assembly war?

I am creating an assembly with packaging=war.
I need to include few of the jars, which have been declared as project dependencies in pom.xml in my war (web-inf/lib)
How can I do this?
Edited on 15/10-
My project creates few assemblies, one of which is supposed to give packaging of type-war.
Some jar files, which are dependencies for the project(and have been declared in pom.xml)need be included in war under WEB-INF.
How can I include them or how can i point out their paths to my local nexus repository path?
Can you be more precise? By default, when you run the mvn clean install command on a war project, Maven 2 will include all dependencies in WEB-INF/lib directories, excluding the ones with the scope test and provided.
If you create your war file using an assembly, then you have an assembly.xml file, which defines the content of your final war file. In this file, you can specify the list of dependencies you want to include:
(in this example, I asked to add log4j and commons-lang dependencies).
For each dependency, you need to specify the groupId and the artifactId. The version is automatically detected regarding the list of dependencies you have set in your pom.xml file.