Explanation of particular sql injection - sql

Browsing through the more dubious parts of the web, I happened to come across this particular SQL injection:
My knowledge of SQL - which I thought was half decent - seems very limiting as I read this.
Since I develop extensively for the web, I was curious to see what this code actually does and more importantly how it works.

It replaces an improperly written parametrized query like this:
$sql = '
FROM products
WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id'];
with this query:
FROM products
WHERE id = 1
select 0,1,concat_ws(user(),0x3A,database(),0x3A,version()),3,4,5,6
, which gives you information about the database name, version and username connected.

The injection result relies on some assumptions about the underlying query syntax.
What is being assumed here is that there is a query somewhere in the code which will take the "id" parameter and substitute it directly into the query, without bothering to sanitize it.
It's assuming a naive query syntax of something like:
select * from records where id = {id param}
What this does is result in a substituted query (in your above example) of:
select * from records where id = 1 union select 0, 1 , concat_ws(user(),0x3a,database(),0x3a,version()), 3, 4, 5, 6 --
Now, what this does that is useful is that it manages to grab not only the record that the program was interested in, but also it UNIONs it with a bogus dataset that tells the attacker (these values appear separated by colons in the third column):
the username with which we are
connected to the database
the name of the database
the version of the db software
You could get the same information by simply running:
select concat_ws(user(),0x3a,database(),0x3a,version())
Directly at a sql prompt, and you'll get something like:
joe:production_db:mysql v. whatever
Additionally, since UNION does an implicit sort, and the first column in the bogus data set starts with a 0, chances are pretty good that your bogus result will be at the top of the list. This is important because the program is probably only using the first result, or there is an additional little bit of SQL in the basic expression I gave you above that limits the result set to one record.
The reason that there is the above noise (e.g. the select 0,1,...etc) is that in order for this to work, the statement you are calling the UNION with must have the same number of columns as the first result set. As a consequence, the above injection attack only works if the corresponding record table has 7 columns. Otherwise you'll get a syntax error and this attack won't really give you what you want. The double dashes (--) are just to make sure anything that might happen afterwords in the substitution is ignored, and I get the results I want. The 0x3a garbage is just saying "separate my values by colons".
Now, what makes this query useful as an attack vector is that it is easily re-written by hand if the table has more or less than 7 columns.
For example if the above query didn't work, and the table in question has 5 columns, after some experimentation I would hit upon the following query url to use as an injection vector:
The number of columns the attacker is guessing is probably based on an educated look at the page. For example if you're looking at a page listing all the Doodads in a store, and it looks like:
Name | Type | Manufacturer
Doodad Foo Shiny Shiny Co.
Doodad Bar Flat Simple Doodads, Inc.
It's a pretty good guess that the table you're looking at has 4 columns (remember there's most likely a primary key hiding somewhere if we're searching by an 'id' parameter).
Sorry for the wall of text, but hopefully that answers your question.

this code adds an additional union query to the select statement that is being executed on page.php. The injector has determined that the original query has 6 fields, thus the selection of the numeric values (column counts must match with a union). the concat_ws just makes one field with the values for the database user , the database, and the version, separated by colons.

It seems to retrieve the user used to connect to the database, the database adress and port, the version of it. And it will be put by the error message.


How do you identify what where clause will be filtered first in Oracle and how to control it

I have a problem where the fix is to exchange what gets filtered first, but I'm not sure if that is even possible and not knowledgeable enough how it works.
To give an example:
Here is a table
When you filter this using the ff query:
select * from pcparts where Parts = 'Monitor' and id = 255322 and Brand = 'Asus'
by logic this will be correct as the Asus component with a character in its ID will be filtered and will prevent an ORA-01722 error.
But to my experience this is inconsistent.
I tried using the same filtering in two different DB connections, the first one didn't get the error (as expected) but other one got an ORA-01722 error.
Checking the explain plan the difference in the two DB's is the ff:
I was thinking if its possible to make sure that the Parts got filtered first before the ID but I'm unable to find anything when i was searching, is this even possible, if not, what is a fix for this issue without relying on using TO_CHAR
I assume you want to (sort of) fix a buggy program without changing the source code.
According to your image, you are using "Filter Predicates", this normally means Oracle isn't using index (though I don't know what displays execution plans this way).
If you have an index on PARTS, Oracle will probably use this index.
create index myindex on mytable (parts);
If Oracle thinks this index is inefficient, it may still use full table scan. You may try to 'fake' Oracle into thinking this an efficient index by lying about the number of distinct values (the more distinct values, the more efficient)
exec dbms_stats.set_index_stats(ownname => 'myname', indname => 'myindex', numdist => 100000000)
Note: This WILL impact performance of other querys using this table
"Fix" is rather simple: take control over what you're doing.
It is evident that ID column's datatype is VARCHAR2. Therefore, don't make Oracle guess, instruct it what to do.
No : select * from pcparts where Parts = 'Monitor' and id = 255322 and Brand = 'Asus'
Yes: select * from pcparts where Parts = 'Monitor' and id = '255322' and Brand = 'Asus'
VARCHAR2 column's value enclosed into single quotes

Replace specific characters within SQL query

I'm struggling with some special characters that work fine with my SQL query, however will create problems in a secondary system (Excel), so I would like to replace them already during the query if possible.
1 14ft
2 15/16ft
3 17ft
This is just a dummy example, but "/" represents one of the characters I need to remove, but there are a few different. Although it should technically work, I can't use:
select ID, case when DESC = '15/16ft' then '15_16ft' else DESC from TRANSACTIONS
I can't keep track on all the strings, so I should approach based on character. I'd prefer converting them to another char or removing them altogether.
Unfortunately not sure on the exact db engine, although good chance it's an IBM based product, but most "generic" SQL queries tend to run fine. And just to emphazise that I'm looking to convert data within the SQL query, not update the database records. Thanks a lot!

Where to get resources and demonstration on second order SQL injection?

I've been trawling around in the internet for a demo on second order SQLi but I still haven't found one yet. Many sites don't really give a thorough explanation on how it works.
I need to present a short demonstration and I've been practicing using Mutillidae. Can anybody lead me in the right direction?
A Google search for 'second order sql injection' comes up with a number of more or less relevant explanations of what Second Order SQL Injection is, with differing degrees of detail (as you say).
The basic idea is that the database stores some text from the user that is later incorporated into an SQL statement — but the text is insufficiently sanitized before reuse.
Think of an application which allows a user to create user-defined queries against a database. A simple example might be a bug tracking system. Some of the user-defined query attributes might be simple conditions such as 'bug status is "closed"'. This might be coded by looking at the stored query definition:
CREATE TABLE UserDefinedQuery
...user info...,
bug_status VARCHAR(20),
...other info...
SELECT ..., bug_status, ...
INTO ..., hv_bug_status, ...
FROM UserDefinedQuery
WHERE bug_status IS NOT NULL
AND ...other criteria...
where hv_bug_status is a host variable (PHP, C, whatever language you're using) holding the bug status criterion.
If this value is = 'closed', then the resulting SQL might contain:
WHERE status = 'closed'
AND ...other criteria...
Now suppose that when the user defined their query, they wrote instead:
= 'open' or 1=1
This means that the generated query now looks like:
WHERE status = 'open' or 1=1
AND ...other criteria...
The presence of the OR changes the meaning of the query dramatically and will show all sorts of other records that were not the ones that the user was intended to see. This is a bug in the bug querying application. If this modification means that CustomerX can see bugs reported by other customers CustomerY and CustomerZ that they are not supposed to see, then CustomerX has managed to create a second order SQL injection attack. (If the injection simply means that they get to see more records than they should, including ones that aren't relevant to them, then they've simply created a buggy query.)
Clearly, in a VARCHAR(20) field, your options for injecting lethal SQL are limited simply because SQL is a verbose language. But 'little Bobby Tables' could strike if the criteria are stored in a longer field.
='';DELETE Bugs;--
(Using a non-standard contraction for the DELETE statement; that squeaks in at 18 characters.)
How can you avoid this? Don't allow the user to write raw SQL fragments that you include in the generated SQL. Treat the value in UserDefinedQuery.Bug_Status as a space/comma separated list of string values, and build the query accordingly:
WHERE status IN ('=', '''open''', 'or', '1=1')
AND ...other criteria...
The query may not be useful, but it doesn't get its structure altered by the data in the UserDefinedQuery table.

Can scalar functions be applied before filtering when executing a SQL Statement?

I suppose I have always naively assumed that scalar functions in the select part of a SQL query will only get applied to the rows that meet all the criteria of the where clause.
Today I was debugging some code from a vendor and had that assumption challenged. The only reason I can think of for this code failing is that the Substring() function is getting called on data that should have been filtered out by the WHERE clause. But it appears that the substring call is being applied before the filtering happens, the query is failing.
Here is an example of what I mean. Let's say we have two tables, each with 2 columns and having 2 rows and 1 row respectively. The first column in each is just an id. NAME is just a string, and NAME_LENGTH tells us how many characters in the name with the same ID. Note that only names with more than one character have a corresponding row in the LONG_NAMES table.
1, "Peter"
2, "X"
1, 5
If I want a query to print each name with the last 3 letters cut off, I might first try something like this (assuming SQL Server syntax for now):
SELECT substring(NAME,1,len(NAME)-3)
I would soon find out that this would give me an error, because when it reaches "X" it will try using a negative number for in the substring call, and it will fail.
The way my vendor decided to solve this was by filtering out rows where the strings were too short for the len - 3 query to work. He did it by joining to another table:
SELECT substring(NAMES.NAME,1,len(NAMES.NAME)-3)
At first glance, this query looks like it might work. The join condition will eliminate any rows that have NAME fields short enough for the substring call to fail.
However, from what I can observe, SQL Server will sometimes try to calculate the the substring expression for everything in the table, and then apply the join to filter out rows. Is this supposed to happen this way? Is there a documented order of operations where I can find out when certain things will happen? Is it specific to a particular Database engine or part of the SQL standard? If I decided to include some predicate on my NAMES table to filter out short names, (like len(NAME) > 3), could SQL Server also choose to apply that after trying to apply the substring? If so then it seems the only safe way to do a substring would be to wrap it in a "case when" construct in the select?
Martin gave this link that pretty much explains what is going on - the query optimizer has free rein to reorder things however it likes. I am including this as an answer so I can accept something. Martin, if you create an answer with your link in it i will gladly accept that instead of this one.
I do want to leave my question here because I think it is a tricky one to search for, and my particular phrasing of the issue may be easier for someone else to find in the future.
TSQL divide by zero encountered despite no columns containing 0
EDIT: As more responses have come in, I am again confused. It does not seem clear yet when exactly the optimizer is allowed to evaluate things in the select clause. I guess I'll have to go find the SQL standard myself and see if i can make sense of it.
Joe Celko, who helped write early SQL standards, has posted something similar to this several times in various USENET newsfroups. (I'm skipping over the clauses that don't apply to your SELECT statement.) He usually said something like "This is how statements are supposed to act like they work". In other words, SQL implementations should behave exactly as if they did these steps, without actually being required to do each of these steps.
Build a working table from all of
the table constructors in the FROM
Remove from the working table those
rows that do not satisfy the WHERE
Construct the expressions in the
SELECT clause against the working table.
So, following this, no SQL dbms should act like it evaluates functions in the SELECT clause before it acts like it applies the WHERE clause.
In a recent posting, Joe expands the steps to include CTEs.
CJ Date and Hugh Darwen say essentially the same thing in chapter 11 ("Table Expressions") of their book A Guide to the SQL Standard. They also note that this chapter corresponds to the "Query Specification" section (sections?) in the SQL standards.
You are thinking about something called query execution plan. It's based on query optimization rules, indexes, temporaty buffers and execution time statistics. If you are using SQL Managment Studio you have toolbox over your query editor where you can look at estimated execution plan, it shows how your query will change to gain some speed. So if just used your Name table and it is in buffer, engine might first try to subquery your data, and then join it with other table.

How do I perform a simple one-statement SQL search across tables?

Suppose that two tables exist: users and groups.
How does one provide "simple search" in which a user enters text and results contain both users and groups whose names contain the text?
The result of the search must distinguish between the two types.
The trick is to combine a UNION with a literal string to determine the type of 'object' returned. In most (?) cases, UNION ALL will be more efficient, and should be used unless duplicates are required in the sub-queries. The following pattern should suffice:
SELECT "group" type, name
FROM groups
WHERE name LIKE "%$text%"
SELECT "user" type, name
FROM users
WHERE name LIKE "%$text%"
NOTE: I've added the answer myself, because I came across this problem yesterday, couldn't find a good solution, and used this method. If someone has a better approach, please feel free to add it.
If you use "UNION ALL" then the db doesn't try to remove duplicates - you won't have duplicates between the two queries anyway (since the first column is different), so UNION ALL will be faster.
(I assume that you don't have duplicates inside each query that you want to remove)
Using LIKE will cause a number of problems as it will require a table scan every single time when the LIKE comparator starts with a %. This forces SQL to check every single row and work it's way, byte by byte, through the string you are using for comparison. While this may be fine when you start, it quickly causes scaling issues.
A better way to handle this is using Full Text Search. While this would be a more complex option, it will provide you with better results for very large databases. Then you can use a functioning version of the example Bobby Jack gave you to UNION ALL your two result sets together and display the results.
I would suggest another addition
SELECT "group" type, name
FROM groups
WHERE UPPER(name) LIKE UPPER("%$text%")
SELECT "user" type, name
FROM users
WHERE UPPER(name) LIKE UPPER("%$text%")
You could convert $text to upper case first or do just do it in the query. This way you get a case insensitive search.