SQL Query support based on language settings in android - sql

Can someone tell me if there is way to write an SQL query to get list
of contact names from phonebook which matches its english name given
that the phone language is set to Spanish.
E.g., If I write a query to get a contacts whose last name ends with
"Dad", but for some contacts the last name "Dad" will be stored as
"papá" in Spanish.
So the query where I write to match for lastname="dad" will not work
as they are different characters. Is there a way in SQL which takes
care of language translation as well while quering?
Appreicate your help!

The only way I could see this working is if you passed in parameters to the SQL search. Then you take those parameters and run them through some sort of translation service (English --> Spanish) before you passed them to the query.

You might look into putting some Strings into localized XML files. This way, you could just do something like:
String dad = getString(R.string.dad);
Then just use the dad variable to build the SQL query. Have a different strings.xml file for each language (under res/values-xx/strings.xml, where "xx" is the two letter language designation), and Android will pull the string automatically depending on the user's language setting.


SELECT query using LIKE property in Microsoft Access returns no results when it should

I'm sure I'm making some kind of rookie error here, but I have no idea what the problem is. I am trying to run a simple query on one table in a microsoft access database using the LIKE property to find records that have a certain text string in a particular field. More specifically, the table, called Catreqs, has a few fields, bib_num, MARC_336, MARC_337, and MARC_338. The MARC_336 field has a text string in it and I want a query that selects all the records for which that text string includes the characters "txt".
Here's my query:
SELECT [Catreqs].record_num, [Catreqs].MARC_336
FROM [Catreqs]
WHERE [Catreqs].MARC_336 Like '%txt%';
I should note that I created this query in MS Access design view and this is the query that was generated when I switched to SQL view. I am a little familiar with SQL and even less familiar with Access so this is actually my preferred way of dealing with it.
I've also tried using Like '*txt*' but that didn't return any results either. For reference, here is the entire text string these characters are in:
text txt rdacontent
Any suggestions thoughts on why this fails and how I can fix it?
In Access, for a string you must use the * character.
Check if [Catreqs] has rows where MARC_336 contains "txt".
This is the official documentation of Access:

Endeca search query on multiple fields

How to create an Endeca query on combination of multiple fields [just like where clause in sql query]. Suppose we have three fields indexed are -
Now, I need a query like "where empName like 's%' AND empGender=male"
Checkout Record Filters in the Advanced Development Guide.
If you are trying to use a Record Filter on a property, you will need to enable it explicitly in Developer Studio for that property, while your Dimensions will automatically have the ability to apply a Record Filter. This will help when you have explicit values to filter on, for example empGender.
Your Record Filter can then look as follow:
You can further use the Ntk parameter to specify fields to search on so assuming your empName field is enabled for wildcard searching (configure this in Developer Studio) searching this field will look as follow:
So assuming your properties have been configured correctly, your example above will probably end up looking as follow:
To take this one step further, you can specify Search Filters (ie. Ntk + Ntt parameters) together. I haven't tried this for wildcards so you'll need to confirm that yourself but to combine Search Filters you delimit them with |
I suggest you manually build up queries in the Reference Application to confirm you get your expected results and then start to code this up in your application.
radimbe, the problem with record filters for this use case is that they need to be precise. This means you don't get pelling correction, thesaurus expansion, case insensitivity or stemming. It's very unlikely that a user will input precise information like this.
Saraubh, you can do a boolean search to do OR text search queries. You can also use the Endeca Query Language to specify a complex set of boolean logic that goes beyond boolean search and which would incorporate spelling correction, stemming, etc.
In general though, I think for an application like this, you should move away from searching specific individual fields simultaneously and make use of the faceting capabilities of dimensions to guide the user. Additionally, a search box that searches many fields in combination simultaneously in order of importance is really the way to go for a simplified user interface for this sort of application.

Multiple searches within a search result set (stored procedure)

Multiple searches within a search result set while using all the search terms used in in that session.
For example, I have a table User (UserId, UserName, UserAddress, UserCity)
What I am trying to do is, I want to search all the columns in the table, for example using a user's name, (which might give me a result set consisting of more than 1 result). I want to be able to search within the result set again using a new search term (not necessarily have to have the first search term in the search field), but this time, it must search within the result set of the 1st search. This might go on breaking down the result set until what is required is found.
Sorry if I might sound very confusing with my request. I've tried and still got no clue to where to start with. I've tried googling and browsed through this website, but couldn't find what i am really trying to find.
I want to be able to search within the result-set again using a new
search term [...], but this time, it must search within the result set
of the 1st search .This might go on breaking down the result-set until
what is required is found.
It seems to me that you have not yet understood that SQL is a declarative language, not an imperative one. And yes, there are stored procedures, but these are a procedural extension to SQL and don't alter the fact that SQL is essentially declarative.
So instead of "breaking down the result-set until what is required is found", you specify all criteria at once, and preferably do so without resorting to a stored procedure until you've understood non-procedural SQL.
To give you an example, a query using multiple predicates (facts about the desired result specified in a WHERE clause) might look like this:
WHERE UserName LIKE 'cook%'
AND UserAddress LIKE 'sesam%'
AND UserCity = 'Hamburg';

count length of international domain name throw SQL (PostgreSQL)

I have several domain names saved in database in idn format ("xn--"). I want to run some statistics queries, but have problem to count characters on these domain names
char_length(dom_name) as raw_length, -- counted with zone extension for now
Ofcourse i have mistake about "xn--" domains, and i wanted to get count from sql (not using php further or some other language).
Or, please, give me some advice how to do it better.
In first save domain names into table in UTF-8 would be great, but this is not an option right now :)
If you can install untrusted languages to your database, like PL/PerlU or PL/PythonU, then you can create punycode_decode function using Net::IDN::Encode perl module or decode('idna') python string class member function.
If you don't, then you'd need to implement it using pl/pgsql, which won't be easy.

Best way to implement a stored procedure with full text search

I would like to run a search with MSSQL Full text engine where given the following user input:
"Hollywood square"
I want the results to have both Hollywood and square[s] in them.
I can create a method on the web server (C#, ASP.NET) to dynamically produce a sql statement like this:
WHERE CONTAINS(TITLE,'"hollywood*"')
AND CONTAINS(TITLE, '"square*"')
Easy enough. HOWEVER, I would like this in a stored procedure for added speed benefit and security for adding parameters.
Can I have my cake and eat it too?
I agreed with above, look into AND clauses
WHERE CONTAINS(TITLE,'"hollywood*" AND "square*"')
However you shouldn't have to split the input sentences, you can use variable
by the way
search for the exact term (contains)
search for any term in the phrase (freetext)
The last time I had to do this (with MSSQL Server 2005) I ended up moving the whole search functionality over to Lucene (the Java version, though Lucene.Net now exists I believe). I had high hopes of the full text search but this specific problem annoyed me so much I gave up.
Have you tried using the AND logical operator in your string? I pass in a raw string to my sproc and stuff 'AND' between the words.