is there any better tool and easy tool than selenium? [closed] - selenium

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Closed 10 years ago.
is there any better tool and easy tool than selenium?

Selenium is used by the likes of Google, Ebay, Microsoft, Apple so its a good tool and is easy enough to use.
I have a number of tutorials on my site that should get you going.

WebTest Key Characteristics
Selenium Webtest
WebDriver: Introducing Webdriver

Sahi, would be the simpler better alternative. Automatic Waits, No XPaths, excellent handling of AJAX and dynamic ids, simple robust APIs would be some of the areas where Sahi is better. Disclaimer: we wrote Sahi.

In general Selenium is a pretty good tool, but it does have a learning curve (Most things do). Once you get used to it it is prety easy to use.


Selenium testing for beginners [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am a manual tester planning to learn Selenium. I have very limited knowledge about Java. What is the best way to start learning and also some one has told me it is better not to learn selenium if you don't have Java experience. Is that true?
Check out the Selenium IDE Firefox plugin:
The IDE records the user's browser actions and displays them in pseudo-code. It will also export working code to Java with minimal user input. This should be a good place to start as long as the browser testing you're doing is not complex (neg testing, edge cases, etc.).
Once you're familiar enough with the Selenium operations you can bypass the IDE and create automated test scripts directly in Java.

Testing flash applications on web using selenium [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I want to test Microstrategy applications using any web testing tools. I figured out seleniun serves my purpose well. But microstrategy applications are deployed in flash formats. Please help me to guide how to test these flash applications is there any tool available? Can I use selenium only and how to use?
Thanks in advance
Selenium cannot interact with Flash objects.
You can use FlashSelenium, which is quite old but seems to work:
Or use Sikuli, Adobe's 'Genie' library, or Ranorex's library:
There is very limited tools and information for Flash UI Testing.
Another alternative is to interact with it directly using Javascript.
sikuli is a good one for it is based on JAVA so that you can add its jar file in to your build path .. Another one is AUTOIT where it is an 'easy bad' idea which is not recommend but in some case it may (or may not) come handy. As you have to give the co-ordination (x,y) of any element and enter code for it to interact with it like clicking or entering a text..

what's the best webdriver [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm developing automated tests for a web application (base on MVC)
I'd like to know what is the best webdriver between Selenium and Coypu ? any others? is available.
I think there's a Load/Web test kit in Visual Studio too.
Coypu - - is excellent and more tolerant around XmlHttpResponses.
Coypu is a wrapper around Selenium.
It fixes the fragile nature of Selenium (e.g. WebDriverException). Coypu wraps, listens and waits for responses.
I've found Coypu to be a great head start and muchbetter than raw Selenium.

Free web-based Test Case Management Software [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Does someone know a free web-based test case management software? I looked around in the internet and on some comparisons, but either they are expensive as hell or looking bad as hell ... (basic HTML tables).
Thanks for your hints!
I also tried for same but as u said no tool can fulfill requirements so i am using Test Point Metrics approach. It is best approach in any environment. By this approach not only we can do unit and integration testing but also validate the requirements. Time for writing Test Point Metrics is just after the Requirement understanding
A template of Test Point Metrics available here:
And a comprehensive review on such tools available here:

What is the best IDE and language for web development to build cutting edge websites? [closed]

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Closed 13 years ago.
I recently got interested in web development coming from kernel based applications. I am curious to what the best development environment and language that one can use to build a nice looking website. I have a distant familiarity with PHP, CSS and the like but I am comfortable with HTML.
To be perfectly frank: it doesn't really matter.
As long as it produces useful HTML, CSS, and perhaps JavaScript, you can have a beautiful website (and you can also produce bad websites!). The development environment is purely a matter of taste for the programmers.
As long as you are disciplined and attack the project with a plan, know a good designer or two, and have the will power to see it through till the end, you'll be successful.