SQL Query in MS Access VBA - sql

This query in the form-Data-Record Source is working fine, returning exact values that i want
SELECT tblRevRelLog_Detail.RevRelTrackingNumber, tblRevRelLog_Detail.PartNumber, tblRevRelLog_Detail.ChangeLevel, tblRevRelLog_Detail.Version, tblRevRelLog_Detail.JobPnType, tblRevRelLog_Detail.EdsName, tblRevRelLog_Detail.DetailerNamePerPartNumber, tblRevRelLog_Detail.DetailerCompanyPerPartNumber
FROM tblRevRelLog_Detail
LEFT JOIN tblEventLog ON tblRevRelLog_Detail.PartNumber = tblEventLog.PartNumber
WHERE (((tblEventLog.PartNumber) Not In
(SELECT tblEventLog.PartNumber
FROM tblEventLog
WHERE tblEventLog.EventTypeSelected = 'pn REMOVED From Wrapper'
AND tblEventLog.TrackingNumber = tblRevRelLog_Detail.RevRelTrackingNumber)))
ORDER BY tblRevRelLog_Detail.PartNumber;
But if i write the same query in the VBA. It is not returning anything
strNewSql = "SELECT tblRevRelLog_Detail.PartNumber, tblRevRelLog_Detail.ChangeLevel, tblRevRelLog_Detail.ID FROM tblRevRelLog_Detail LEFT JOIN tblEventLog ON tblRevRelLog_Detail.PartNumber = tblEventLog.PartNumber"
strNewSql = strNewSql & " WHERE ((tblEventLog.PartNumber) Not In (SELECT tblEventLog.PartNumber FROM tblEventLog WHERE tblEventLog.EventTypeSelected = 'pn REMOVED From Wrapper' AND tblEventLog.TrackingNumber = tblRevRelLog_Detail.RevRelTrackingNumber);"
Something wrong with the query?? can someone help me!

I would suspect that your variable tempTrackingNumber is bad

If RevRelTrackingNumber is numeric you don't need to enclose it in quotes.

What's the data type of tempTrackingNumber? Your code (front-truncated) shows this:
...tblRevRelLog_Detail.RevRelTrackingNumber = """ & tempTrackingNumber & """);"
This implies that it's a String, and it will be treated as such.
If it's actually numeric, you'll want this instead:
...tblRevRelLog_Detail.RevRelTrackingNumber = " & tempTrackingNumber & ");"

First, the queries are not the same. For example, your plaintext SQL has eight columns in the SELECT clause where the VBA version has just three.
Second, you are using the same table name, tblEventLog, twice in the same scope. So you will need to use at least one table correlation name. I know the tbl- prefix is a 'point of pride' in the Access world but it does make you table names longer and harder to read IMO (and prefixes are specifically outlawed by the ISO 11179 Standard for data element naming :))... so why not use table correlation names throughout?
Third, IIRC EXISTS performs better than IN for Access (ACE/Jet/whatever) and IMO is easier to understand (DISTINCT..INNER JOIN may perform even better but is again harder to read, IMO).
Here's a suggested re-write:
SELECT D1.PartNumber, D1.ChangeLevel,
FROM tblRevRelLog_Detail AS D1
ON D1.PartNumber = E1.PartNumber
FROM tblEventLog AS E2
WHERE E2.EventTypeSelected = 'pn REMOVED From Wrapper'
AND E2.TrackingNumber = D1.RevRelTrackingNumber
AND E2.PartNumber = E1.PartNumber
UPDATE: Seems I was wrong about the EXIST giving being better, so here's a couple more rewrite to choose from:
SELECT D1.PartNumber, D1.ChangeLevel,
FROM tblRevRelLog_Detail AS D1
ON D1.PartNumber = E1.PartNumber
WHERE E1.PartNumber NOT IN
SELECT E2.PartNumber
FROM tblEventLog AS E2
WHERE E2.EventTypeSelected = 'pn REMOVED From Wrapper'
AND E2.TrackingNumber = D1.RevRelTrackingNumber
Actually, I'm struggling to get this re-writes using Access's proprietary joins. I keep getting a "Catastrophic failure" error. Here's the repro code, where am I going wrong?:
Sub grjieopgj()
On Error Resume Next
Kill Environ$("temp") & "\DropMe.mdb"
On Error GoTo 0
Dim cat
Set cat = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
With cat
.Create _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & _
Environ$("temp") & "\DropMe.mdb"
With .ActiveConnection
Dim Sql As String
Sql = _
"CREATE TABLE tblRevRelLog_Detail " & vbCr & "(" & vbCr & _
" PartNumber VARCHAR(20), " & vbCr & " EventTypeSelected VARCHAR(20), " & vbCr & _
" TrackingNumber VARCHAR(20), " & vbCr & " RevRelTrackingNumber VARCHAR(20), " & vbCr & _
" ChangeLevel VARCHAR(20), ID VARCHAR(20)" & vbCr & ");"
.Execute Sql
Sql = _
"CREATE TABLE tblEventLog " & vbCr & "(" & vbCr & _
" PartNumber VARCHAR(20), " & vbCr & " EventTypeSelected VARCHAR(20), " & vbCr & _
" TrackingNumber VARCHAR(20), " & vbCr & " RevRelTrackingNumber VARCHAR(20), " & vbCr & _
" ChangeLevel VARCHAR(20), ID VARCHAR(20)" & vbCr & ");"
Sql = _
"SELECT DISTINCT D1.PartNumber, D1.ChangeLevel," & _
" " & vbCr & " D1.ID " & vbCr & " FROM (" & vbCr & " tblRevRelLog_Detail" & _
" AS D1" & vbCr & " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblEventLog" & _
" AS E1" & vbCr & " ON D1.PartNumber = E1.PartNumber" & vbCr & "" & _
" )" & vbCr & " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblEventLog" & _
" AS E2" & vbCr & " ON AND E2.TrackingNumber" & _
" <> D1.RevRelTrackingNumber" & vbCr & " " & _
" AND E2.PartNumber <> E1.PartNumber" & vbCr & " WHERE" & _
" E2.EventTypeSelected = 'pn REMOVED From" & _
" Wrapper';"
Dim rs
Set rs = .Execute(Sql)
MsgBox rs.GetString
End With
Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
End With
End Sub

Seems like you missing a closing bracket. Add ")" at the end of the query in VBA and try.


Run-time error ‘3061’: Too few parameters expected 1

i had this error when i was trying to INSERT records to a local table with VBA.
I have checked the data type and putting in the quotes for the the short text data type but it doesn't work.
table_newid = "SELECT Cint(t1." & id_name(i) & "_new), " & Replace(select_column_str, local_table_name, "t2") & " FROM " & vbCrLf & _
"(SELECT CInt(DCount(""[" & id_name(i) & "]"", """ & qry_distinct_id_name & """, ""[" & id_name(i) & "]<="" & [" & id_name(i) & "])) as " & id_name(i) & "_new, * FROM " & qry_distinct_id_name & ") AS t1 " & vbCrLf & _
"LEFT JOIN " & local_table_name & "_ALL as t2 " & vbCrLf & _
"ON t1." & id_name(i) & " = t2." & id_name(i) & " " & vbCrLf & _
"WHERE t2.database = '" & database_name & "'"
strQuery = "INSERT INTO " & local_table_name & "_temp (" & temp_field(i) & ", " & Replace(select_column_str, local_table_name & ".", "") & ") " & vbCrLf & table_newid
Debug.Print strQuery
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
db.Execute strQuery
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
From the debug.print, i have got:
INSERT INTO TblLUMachineTypes_temp (MachTypeID_new, MachTypeID, MachTypeCode, MachTypeMod, MachTypeDesc, MachTypeDisc, NewCode, Approved, mttime, CreatedBy, CreatedTS, ModifiedBy, ModifiedTS)
SELECT t1.MachTypeID_new, t2.MachTypeID, t2.MachTypeCode, t2.MachTypeMod, t2.MachTypeDesc, t2.MachTypeDisc, t2.NewCode, t2.Approved, t2.mttime, t2.CreatedBy, t2.CreatedTS, t2.ModifiedBy, t2.ModifiedTS FROM
(SELECT CInt(DCount("[MachTypeID]", "qry_TblLUMachineTypes_id_distinct", "[MachTypeID]<=" & [MachTypeID])) as MachTypeID_new, * FROM qry_TblLUMachineTypes_id_distinct) AS t1
LEFT JOIN TblLUMachineTypes_ALL as t2
ON t1.MachTypeID = t2.MachTypeID
WHERE t2.database = 'CPM-252-2'
When i copied this query and execute it manually, it works fine but not with VBA. Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
Remove all the & vbCrLf from your code, they are not necessary and I assume they corrupt the SQL syntax.
I found the problem. I found that qry_distinct_id_name query table has a Dlookup function in there that returns a string value, which will work when executing the query manual but doesn't work when you run it with VBA. So I have re-written the code to put in the quote before and after dlookup() function.

SQL query assistance needed with 'NOT'

I'm working out of VB6 with SQL SERVER 2012. I found myself in a pickle. Basically i have a query that works fine and pulls the necessary data in SQL SERVER, however, I'm having a difficult time translating it to vb6 SQL code. Here's a working query in SQL SERVER...
SELECT 'TotalSum' = SUM(Units)
FROM tblDetail
WHERE MemberID = '117'
AND CAST(SStartD AS DATETIME) >= '4/1/2016'
AND CAST(SStartD AS DATETIME) <= '4/7/2016'
AND Service = 166
AND [CODE] IN('1919')
AND NOT(InvoiceNo = '11880'
AND DtlNo = 2
AND NOT(InvoiceNo = '11880'
AND AdjNo = 2
So when I try to write it in my vb6 application i do something like
SELECT 'TotalSum' = SUM(Units)
FROM tblDetail
WHERE MemberID = '117'
AND CAST(SStartD AS DATETIME) >= '4/1/2016'
AND CAST(SStartD AS DATETIME) <= '4/7/2016'
AND Service = 166
AND [CODE] IN('1919')
AND (InvoiceNo <> '11880'
AND DtlNo <> 2
AND (InvoiceNo <> '11880'
AND AdjNo <> 2
However, this is not giving me the same results. Whats happening is in my last two clauses
( InvoiceNo <> '11880' AND DtlNo<> 2) AND (InvoiceNo <> '11880' AND AdjNo <> 2)
When I run them finally in SQL SERVER don't have paranthesis and its absolutely detrimental that the 2 seperate clauses are in paranthesis. Anyone know what I can do? I think my last resort might be to create a store procedure but i don't really want to do that.
g_SQL = "SELECT 'SUM' = SUM(Units) " & _
"FROM tblDetail WHERE " & _
"MemID = " & udtCDtl.Lines(udtCDtlIdx).MemID & " AND " & _
"CAST(SStartD As DateTime) >= '" & StartDate & "' AND " & _
"CAST(SStartD As DateTime) <= '" & DateAdd("d", -1, EndDate) & "' AND " & _
"Service = 166 AND " & _
"[CODE] IN (‘1919’)) And " & _
("InvoiceNo <> " & InvoiceDtlRS!InvoiceHdrNo & " OR " & _
"DtlNo <> " & (InvoiceDtlRS! InvoiceDtlNo, "")) & " AND " & _
("InvoiceNo <> " & InvoiceDtlRS!InvoiceHdrNo & " OR " & _
"AdjNo <> " & InvoiceDtlRS! InvoiceDtlNo)
Your translation of NOT(InvoiceNo = '11880' AND DtlNo = 2) to (InvoiceNo <> '11880' AND DtlNo <> 2) is incorrect.
In formal logic, !(A & B) is equivalent to (!A or !B), so it should be:
(InvoiceNo <> '11880' OR DtlNo <> 2)
This is why you're getting different results. However, why not use the original query? There's nothing in VB6 which would prevent it.
g_SQL = "SELECT 'SUM' = SUM(Units) " & _
"FROM tblDetail WHERE " & _
"MemID = " & udtCDtl.Lines(udtCDtlIdx).MemID & " AND " & _
"CAST(SStartD As DateTime) >= '" & StartDate & "' AND " & _
"CAST(SStartD As DateTime) <= '" & DateAdd("d", -1, EndDate) & "' AND " & _
"Service = 166 AND " & _
"[CODE] IN (‘1919’)) And " & _
("InvoiceNo <> " & InvoiceDtlRS!InvoiceHdrNo & " OR " & _
"DtlNo <> " & (InvoiceDtlRS! InvoiceDtlNo, "")) & " AND " & _
("InvoiceNo <> " & InvoiceDtlRS!InvoiceHdrNo & " OR " & _
"AdjNo <> " & InvoiceDtlRS! InvoiceDtlNo)
You've got a ) in the wrong place twice. Also, the ) on the final live would be a syntax error I think. The last 5 lines should be:
"[CODE] IN (‘1919’) And " & _
("InvoiceNo <> " & InvoiceDtlRS!InvoiceHdrNo & " OR " & _
"DtlNo <> " & (InvoiceDtlRS!InvoiceDtlNo, "") & " AND " & _
("InvoiceNo <> " & InvoiceDtlRS!InvoiceHdrNo & " OR " & _
"AdjNo <> " & InvoiceDtlRS!InvoiceDtlNo & ")"
This should work. I'm able to use SQL queries using NOT with ADODB in VB6.
g_SQL = "SELECT 'SUM' = SUM(Units) " & _
"FROM tblDetail WHERE " & _
"MemID = " & udtCDtl.Lines(udtCDtlIdx).MemID & " AND " & _
"CAST(SStartD As DateTime) >= '" & StartDate & "' AND " & _
"CAST(SStartD As DateTime) <= '" & DateAdd("d", -1, EndDate) & "' AND " & _
"Service = 166 AND " & _
"[CODE] IN ('1919')) And " & _
"NOT (InvoiceNo = " & InvoiceDtlRS!InvoiceHdrNo & " AND DtlNo = " & InvoiceDtlRS!InvoiceDtlNo & ") AND " & _
"NOT (InvoiceNo = " & InvoiceDtlRS!InvoiceHdrNo & " AND AdjNo = " & InvoiceDtlRS!InvoiceDtlNo & ")"
While Marc may have given you a query that works, Simon's question is still valid. The only reason your original query wouldn't work is because you munged the quotes. You'll notice that your parentheses by the reference to InvoiceNo are outside the quotes rather than inside them (there are other problems as well, from changing your original query, but I'll leave you to figure those out for yourself). That makes them not part of the quoted string, and instead part of the VB6 expression. Frankly, Marc isn't doing you any favors by providing an alternative SQL query that happens to have all the VB6 syntax correct, while yours does not. The real problem is that you haven't worked out how to put a SQL query into a quoted string carefully enough.
You can't afford that kind of carelessness if you want to be good at what you're doing. I don't say this to be offensive, but to get your attention. By adopting Marc's solution as the correct one, you haven't really solved your problem, because your problem is a mindset that doesn't think about anything except getting something to work. That mindset makes for the worst kind of programmer, the kind that writes terrible code (hundreds of lines of code where it could be done in 10, for example) that makes nightmares for people who have to maintain it later. Don't be one of those people. When you don't know why something isn't working, go to the trouble of figuring out why. You only have to do it once for each problem, and that mindset will stand you well as you continue to develop your skills.
Again, no disrespect intended. I'm just trying to get you to understand how to avoid getting in "pickles" like this one in future. Hopefully, the next time you post a question here, the "pickle" you're in will be more sophisticated. :)
EDIT: I guess I'm not making myself clear enough. The simple rule is that you need to enclose everything in the working SQL query in quoted strings, and replace the literal search values with references to text boxes, fields, or whatever. So:
sql = "SELECT 'TotalSum' = SUM(Units) " & _
"FROM tblDetail " & _
"WHERE MemberID = '" & myVariable & "' " & _
"AND CAST(SStartD AS DATETIME) >= '" & myVariable & "' " & _
"AND CAST(SStartD AS DATETIME) <= '" & myVariable & "' " & _
"AND Service = 166 " & _
"AND [CODE] IN('1919') " & _
"AND NOT(InvoiceNo = '" & myVariable & "' " & _
"AND DtlNo = " & myVariable & _
")" & _
"AND NOT(InvoiceNo = '" & myVariable & "' " & _
"AND AdjNo = " & myVariable & _
Where myVariable is whatever variable reference you want to replace your literal string with. Any examples you've given have errors in placement of double quotes, which is why you aren't getting the result you want, which is presumably a replication of your working SQL query. The reason Marc's works is not because he altered your original query (it doesn't look like he has, except to put it on less lines) but because he placed his quotation marks correctly. The reason your and simon's solutions don't work is because neither of you have. Going back to your original post, the reason that the parentheses fail to show is because you haven't enclosed them in quotes. Marc has.

SQL Query works in MS-Access but cannot implement it in vb.net form

The block of code immediately following (given to me by a stackoverflow solver) works perfectly in MS-Access. I'm trying to convert it to work in a vb.net form accessing the very same MS-Access database. I get an error and cannot see my mistake. Are there any vb.net coders that can see what I'm doing wrong. The first block of code works in MS-Access and is the code I'm trying to convert. And the second block of code is my conversion attempt.
SELECT at.animalID, amt.milestoneType
animals_Table at
SELECT animalID, milestoneType
FROM animalMilestones_Table
WHERE milestoneType = 'Intake'
) amt
ON at.animalID = amt.animalID
Now, my conversion attempt:
dim selectAnimal as string
selectAnimal = "SELECT at.animalID, amt.milestoneType" & _
" FROM animals_Table at" & _
" LEFT JOIN" & _
" (" & _
" SELECT animalID, milestoneType" & _
" FROM animalMilestones_Table" & _
" WHERE milestoneType = '" & "Intake" & "'" & _
" ) amt" & _
" ON at.animalID = amt.animalID"
The error code I get is
!ErrorInfo.GetDescription failed with E_FAIL(0x80004005)
It appears that ACE.OLEDB doesn't like at as a table alias. Try this instead
Dim selectAnimal As String
selectAnimal = "SELECT atbl.animalID, amtbl.milestoneType" & _
" FROM animals_Table atbl" & _
" LEFT JOIN" & _
" (" & _
" SELECT animalID, milestoneType" & _
" FROM animalMilestones_Table" & _
" WHERE milestoneType = '" & "Intake" & "'" & _
" ) AS amtbl" & _
" ON atbl.animalID = amtbl.animalID"

Error SQL in VBA Access 2010

I'm trying to write a query in MS Access 2010 in order to use it to print a report, but it gives me "missing parameter" error in "set qd" line, hereunder is the code i wrote, can you please help me and tell me what is wrong with my code:
`Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSql As String
Dim strFrom, strTo As String
strFrom = [Forms]![FrmPrintSelection]![txtFrom]
strTo = [Forms]![FrmPrintSelection]![txtTo]
strSql = "SELECT tblInvoiceHead.CustomerNumber,
tblCustomers.Phone1, tblCustomers.Phone2," _
& "tblCustomers.Mobile1, tblCustomers.Mobile2, tblInvoiceHead.InvoiceNumber,
tblInvoiceHead.InvoiceDate, tblInvoiceHead.TotalInvoice," _
& "tblInvoiceHead.CashDiscount, TblInvoiceDetails.Item, TblInvoiceDetails.Unit,
TblInvoiceDetails.Qtn, TblInvoiceDetails.Price," _
& "TblInvoiceDetails.[Discount%], TblInvoiceDetails.CashDiscount,
TblInvoiceDetails.NetUnitPrice, TblInvoiceDetails.TotalPrice, tblInvoiceHead.InvoiceType" _
& "FROM (tblCustomers INNER JOIN tblInvoiceHead ON tblCustomers.AccountNumber =
tblInvoiceHead.CustomerNumber) INNER JOIN TblInvoiceDetails" _
& "ON tblInvoiceHead.InvoiceNumber = TblInvoiceDetails.InvoiceNumber" _
& "WHERE (((tblInvoiceHead.InvoiceNumber) Between " & strFrom & " And " & strTo & "))"
Set qd = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("RepInv", strSql)
Set rs = qd.OpenRecordset
'DoCmd.OpenQuery "repinv", strSql
Reports!repinvoicetest.RecordSource = "repinv"
DoCmd.OpenReport "repinvoicetest", acViewPreview
End Sub
Usually the error "missing parameter" means that you spelled one of your columns wrong. If you take your sql and paste it into a new query (temp, don't save) and run it, the misspelled column will pop up a window asking you to provide a value for that "parameter" (because MSAccess is assuming that you never would misspell a column name).
In your query above, you might have copy/pasted it wrong, but if not, then you don't have enough spaces between your words as you continue them on the next line. For instance, your SQL string would end up having some stuff in it like "InvoiceTypeFROM", because you didn't have an extra (necessary) space in there.
Try this query instead:
strSql = "SELECT tblInvoiceHead.CustomerNumber, " _
& " tblCustomers.AccountName,tblCustomers.Address, " _
& " tblCustomers.Phone1, tblCustomers.Phone2, " _
& " tblCustomers.Mobile1, tblCustomers.Mobile2, tblInvoiceHead.InvoiceNumber, " _
& " tblInvoiceHead.InvoiceDate, tblInvoiceHead.TotalInvoice, " _
& " tblInvoiceHead.CashDiscount, TblInvoiceDetails.Item, TblInvoiceDetails.Unit, " _
& " TblInvoiceDetails.Qtn, TblInvoiceDetails.Price, " _
& " TblInvoiceDetails.[Discount%], TblInvoiceDetails.CashDiscount, " _
& " TblInvoiceDetails.NetUnitPrice, TblInvoiceDetails.TotalPrice, " _
& " tblInvoiceHead.InvoiceType " _
& " FROM (tblCustomers INNER JOIN tblInvoiceHead " _
& " ON tblCustomers.AccountNumber = tblInvoiceHead.CustomerNumber) " _
& " INNER JOIN TblInvoiceDetails " _
& " ON tblInvoiceHead.InvoiceNumber = TblInvoiceDetails.InvoiceNumber " _
& " WHERE (((tblInvoiceHead.InvoiceNumber) Between " & strFrom & " And " & strTo & "))"
Notice how I added a lot of unncessary spaces at the begining and end of each line. All of those extra spaces will be ignored. However, if there are too few, then you will get errors. It is a simple trick that I stick-with.

How do I delete files from a table in MSDE 2000 that is selected by 3 joins?

I have a VB6 program that uses a n Access backend. The query that I am currently using is
sQuery = "DELETE tblResultNotes.* " & _
"FROM (tblJobs INNER JOIN tblResults ON tblJobs.JobID=tblResults.JobID) INNER JOIN tblResultNotes ON tblResults.ResultID=tblResultNotes.ResultID " & _
"WHERE (tblJobs.CreateDate)< #" & strDate & "# " & _
"AND tblResults.StartTime < #" & strDate & "#;"
I have changed my backend to MSDE 2000 and now this query is giving me a syntax error near '*'. Could someone help me out?
Try changing your SQL to this:
sQuery = "DELETE FROM tblREsultNotes " & _
"FROM " & _
" tblJobs" & _
" INNER JOIN tblResults ON tblJobs.JobID=tblResults.JobID" & _
" INNER JOIN tblResultNotes ON tblResults.ResultID=tblResultNotes.ResultID" & _
"WHERE tblJobs.CreateDate < '" & strDate & "'" & _
"AND tblResults.StartTime < '" & strDate & "'"
Note the date delimiter change to ' instead of #.