nhibernate - sproutcore : How to only retrieve reference ID's and not load the reference/relation? - nhibernate

I use as a front-end sproutcore, and as back-end an nhibernate driven openrasta REST solution.
In sproutcore, references are actualy ID's / guid's. So an Address entity in the Sproutcore model could be:
// sproutcore code
App.Address = App.Base.extend(
street: SC.Record.attr(String, { defaultValue: "" }),
houseNumber: SC.Record.attr(String),
city: SC.Record.toOne('Funda.City')
with test data:
Funda.Address.FIXTURES = [
{ guid: "1",
street: "MyHomeStreet",
houseNumber: "34",
city: "6"
Here you see that the reference city has a value of 6. When, at some point in your program, you want to use that reference, it is done by:
So, Sproutcore automatically uses the supplied ID in a REST Get, and retrieves the needed record. If the record is available in de local memory of the client (previously loaded), then no round trip is made to the server, otherwise a http get is done for that ID : "http://servername/city/6". Very nice.
Nhibernate (mapped using fluent-nhibernate):
public AddressMap()
Schema(Config.ConfigElement("nh_default_schema", "Funda"));
Id(x => x.guid).Unique().GeneratedBy.Identity();
Map(x => x.street);
Map(x => x.houseNumber);
References(x => x.city,
Here i specified the foreign key, and to map "cityID" on the database table. It works ok.
BUT (and these are my questions for the guru's):
You can specify to lazy load / eager load a reference (city). Off course you do not want to eager load all your references. SO generally your tied to lazy loading.
But when Openrast (or WCF or ...) serializes such an object, it iterates the properties, which causes all the get's of the properties to be fired, which causes all of the references to be lazy loaded.
SO if your entity has 5 references, 1 query for the base object, and 5 for the references will be done. You might better be off with eager loading then ....
This sucks... Or am i wrong?
As i showed how the model inside sproutcore works, i only want the ID's of the references. So i Don't want eagerloading, and also not lazy loading.
just a "Get * from Address where ID = %" and get that mapped to my Address entity.
THen i also have the ID's of the references which pleases Sproutcore and me (no loading of unneeded references). But.... can NHibernate map the ID's of the references only?
And can i later indicate nHibernate to fully load the reference?
One approach could be (but is not a nice one) to load all reference EAGER (with join) (what a waste of resources.. i know) and in my Sever-side Address entity:
// Note: NOT mapped as Datamember, is NOT serialized!
public virtual City city { get; set; }
Int32 _cityID;
public virtual Int32 cityID
if (city != null)
return city .guid;
return _cityID;
if (city!= null && city.guid != value)
city= null;
_cityID = value;
else if (city == null)
_cityID = value;
So i get my ID property for Sproutcore, but on the downside all references are loaded.
A better idea for me???
3a. I want to get my address without their references (but preferably with their id's)
Dao myDao = new Dao();
from p in myDao.All()
select p;
If cities are lazy loading in my mapping, how can i specify in the linq query that i want it also to include my city id only?
I want to get addresses with my cities loaded in 1 query: (which are mapped as lazyloaded)
Dao myDao = new Dao();
from p in myDao.All()
join p.city ???????
select p;
My Main Question:
As argued earlier, with lazy loading, all references are lazy loaded when serializing entities. How can I prevent this, and only get ID's of references in a more efficient way?
Thank you very much for reading, and hopefully you can help me and others with the same questions. Kind regards.

as a note you wrote you do this
when it should be
With that out of the way, I think your question is "How do I not load the city object until I want to?".
Assuming you are using datasources, you need to manage in your datasource when you request the city object. So in retrieveRecord in your datasource simply don't fire the request, and call dataSourceDidComplete with the appropriate arguments (look in the datasource.js file) so the city record is not in the BUSY state. You are basically telling the store the record was loaded, but you pass an empty hash, so the record has no data.
Of course the problem with this is at some point you will need to retrieve the record. You could define a global like App.WANTS_CITY and in retrieveRecords only do the retrieve when you want the city. You need to manage the value of that trigger; statecharts are a good place to do this.
Another part of your question was "How do I load a bunch of records at once, instead of one request for each record?"
Note on the datasource there is a method retrieveRecords. You can define your own implementation to this method, which would allow you to fetch any records you want -- that avoids N requests for N child records -- you can do them all in one request.
Finally, personally, I tend to write an API layer with methods like
and invoke my API appropriately, when I actually want the objects. Part of this approach is I have a very light datasource -- I basically bail out of all the create/update/fetch methods depending on what my API layer handles. I use the pushRetrieve and related methods to update the store.
I do this because the store uses in datasources in a very rigid way. I like more flexibility; not all server APIs work in the same way.


Mapping an extension table that might not have a row

I'm working with Fluent nHibernate on a legacy database and have a main Person table and several extension tables containing additional information about the person. These extension tables are one-to-one, meaning that a person will only have one row on the extension table and the extension table should always map back to one person.
Table: Person
Columns: PersonID, FirstName, LastName, etc.
Table: PersonLogin
Columns: PersonID (FK, unique), UserName, Password, etc.
I have my mappings defined as this (with the irrelevant properties omitted):
public PersonMap()
Id(x => x.Id, "PersonID").Not.Nullable();
References(x => x.Login, "PersonID").LazyLoad();
public LoginMap()
Id(x => x.Id, "PersonID").GeneratedBy.Foreign("Person");
References(x => x.Person, "PersonID").LazyLoad();
This works when I have data on both tables, but I recently learned that some of the extension tables don't have data for all Person rows. This caused me to get errors during the query. So, I added .NotFound.Ignore() to my PersonMap making it look like this:
References(x => x.Login, "PersonID").LazyLoad().NotFound.Ignore();
That caused me to get unnecessary selects from the Login table due to https://nhibernate.jira.com/browse/NH-1001 when my business layer doesn't need to project any of the extension table values. It is causing the performance to be terrible in some of my search queries.
I've scoured a lot of posts, but haven't found a rock solid answer about how to address this scenario. Below are the options I've tried:
Option One:
Create rows on the extension table to ensure there is no Person without a row on the extension table and then remove the .NotFound.Ignore().
The issue with this option is that it's a legacy database and I'm not sure where I'd need to update to ensure that a PersonLogin is inserted when a Person is inserted.
Option Two:
Remove the PersonLogin reference from my PersonMap and custom load it inside my Person class. Like this:
public class Person
/// <summary> Gets or sets the PersonID </summary>
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
private bool loadedLogin;
private PersonLogin login;
public virtual PersonLogin Login
if (!loadedLogin)
login = SessionManager.Session().Get<PersonLogin>(Id);
loadedLogin = true;
return login;
login = value;
loadedLogin = true;
The issue I'm having with it is that I can't eagerly fetch the data when performing a query to pull back a large number of Person objects and their Logins.
Option Three:
I just started playing to see if I could write a custom IEntityNotFoundDelegate to not throw the exception for these objects.
private class CustomEntityNotFoundDelegate : IEntityNotFoundDelegate
public void HandleEntityNotFound(string entityName, object id)
if (entityName == "my.namespace.PersonLogin")
throw new ObjectNotFoundException(id, entityName);
And I added this to the config
cfg.EntityNotFoundDelegate = new CustomEntityNotFoundDelegate();
It catches my scenario and returns back now instead of throwing the error, but now when I try to project those PersonLogin properties onto my business objects, it's attempting to use the Proxy object and throws this error that I'm trying to figure out if I can handle cleanly (possibly in a IPostLoadEventListener).
System.Reflection.TargetException occurred
Message = Non-static method requires a target
I think I've got this working now by keeping the .NotFound.Ignore().
I originally stated:
That caused me to get unnecessary selects from the Login table due to https://nhibernate.jira.com/browse/NH-1001 when my business layer doesn't need to project any of the extension table values. It is causing the performance to be terrible in some of my search queries.
I was able to tweak my LINQ queries to use the IQueryOver in some instances and to improve my use of LINQ in other scenarios to project only the necessary values. This appears to have resolved the queries from pulling back the extension tables since their values were not needed in the projections.
I thought that my queries weren't projecting these extension tables, but figured out that I had a method ToKeyValuePair that I was using in the projection to concatenate the ID and a Name field together of some related properties. That method was causing the objects to load completely since LINQ wasn't able to determine that the needed fields were present without joining to the extension table.

How to display only specific columns of a table in entity framework?

how to display the some specific columns of table instead of whole table in entity framework.
using (DataEntities cxt = new DataEntities())
notes note = cxt.notes.Where(no => no.id == accID).SingleOrDefault();
return notes;
For this purpose, I would suggest you to make use of ViewModel like following :-
notes note = cxt.notes.SingleOrDefault(no => no.id == accID);
var model = new YourViewModel // Your viewModel class
ID = note.ID,
PropertyOne = note.PropertyOne, // your ViewModel Property
PropertyTwo = note.PropertyTwo
You can do this with QueryView.
This implies editing your model directly in XML as there is no designer support for this, but you will get an independant entity with less fields than the original one.
You can then query data base for this truncated entity directly (you will get only fields you need from the data base - no need to get whole entity from DB and trancate it in code)
It is good in scenarios where you want to send this truncated entity to the
with WCF to minimize traffic (e.g. when building big lists on client
that basically need only name and ID and no other entity specific
This QueryView-based entity is read only. To make it writeable you will have to add r/w functionality yourself

How do I wrap an EF 4.1 DbContext in a repository?

I have a requirement to hide my EF implementation behind a Repository. My simple question: Is there a way to execute a 'find' across both a DbSet AND the DbSet.Local without having to deal with them both.
For example - I have standard repository implementation with Add/Update/Remove/FindById. I break the generic pattern by adding a FindByName method (for demo purposes only :). This gives me the following code:
Client App:
ProductCategoryRepository categoryRepository = new ProductCategoryRepository();
categoryRepository.Add(new ProductCategory { Name = "N" });
var category1 = categoryRepository.FindByName("N");
public ProductCategory FindByName(string s)
// Assume name is unique for demo
return _legoContext.Categories.Where(c => c.Name == s).SingleOrDefault();
In this example, category1 is null.
However, if I implement the FindByName method as:
public ProductCategory FindByName(string s)
var t = _legoContext.Categories.Local.Where(c => c.Name == s).SingleOrDefault();
if (t == null)
t = _legoContext.Categories.Where(c => c.Name == s).SingleOrDefault();
return t;
In this case, I get what I expect when querying against both a new entry and one that is only in the database. But this presents a few issues that I am confused over:
1) I would assume (as a user of the repository) that cat2 below is not found. But it is found, and the great part is that cat2.Name is "Goober".
ProductCategoryRepository categoryRepository = new ProductCategoryRepository();
var cat = categoryRepository.FindByName("Technic");
cat.Name = "Goober";
var cat2 = categoryRepository.FindByName("Technic");
2) I would like to return a generic IQueryable from my repository.
It just seems like a lot of work to wrap the calls to the DbSet in a repository. Typically, this means that I've screwed something up. I'd appreciate any insight.
With older versions of EF you had very complicated situations that could arise quite fast due to the required references. In this version I would recomend not exposing IQueryable but ICollections or ILists. This will contain EF in your repository and create a good seperation.
Edit: furthermore, by sending back ICollection IEnumerable or IList you are restraining and controlling the queries being sent to the database. This will also allow you to fine tune and maintain the system with greater ease. By exposing IQueriable, you are exposing yourself to side affects which occur when people add more to the query, .Take() or .Where ... .SelectMany, EF will see these additions and will generate sql to reflect these uncontrolled queries. Not confining the queries can result in queries getting executed from the UI and is more complicated tests and maintenance issues in the long run.
since the point of the repository pattern is to be able to swap them out at will. the details of DbSets should be completly hidden.
I think that you're on a good path. The only thing I probaly ask my self is :
Is the context long lived? if not then do not worry about querying Local. An object that has been Inserted / Deleted should only be accessible once it has been comitted.
if this is a long lived context and you need access to deleted and inserted objects then querying the Local is a good idea, but as you've pointed out, you may run into difficulties at some point.

NHibernate - Incorrect thinking? Subclassed Model based on Join

I have a simple model class (Part), which pulls from it's information from a single table (t_Part).
I would like a subclass of this model called (ProducedPart), that would still utilize NHibernate's caching mechanisms, but would only be instances of (Part) that have a foreign key relationship in a table called "t_PartProduction". I do not need to have a model for this second table.
I only need a read-only version of ProducedPart
I could always implement a Facade/Repository over this, but I was hoping to setup a mapping that would pull "t_Part" joined with "PartProduction" when I asked for "ProducedPart" in NH.
Is this the wrong way to use NH?
So, the SQL would look something like
FROM t_Part p
INNER JOIN t_PartProduction pp ON pp.PartID = p.PartID
WHERE pp.ProductionYear = '2009'
I believe what you are looking for is a joined subclass. In FNH, it will look something like:
public class PartMap : ClassMap<Part>
public PartMap()
Id(x => x.Id)
JoinedSubClass<ProducedPart>("PartID", sub => {
sub.Map(x => x.Name);
sub.Map(x => x.ProductionYear);
In order have NHibernate cache the results, you will need to have the subclass mapped (and if you didn't map it, you wouldn't be able to get NH to load it in the first place).
Bringing in some context from the FNH groups thread, it will not explicitly be read-only though. In my opinion, making things read-only is not an appropriate thing for NHibernate to manage. This is better controlled by the database and connections (i.e. creating a connection to the database that only has SELECT permissions on the tables/views being accessed). See my answer to a previous SO question about readonly sessions in NHibernate for more of my thoughts on the matter.
The key here is using both the where and mutable elements of the class definition for NHibernate Mappings.
Using Fluent NHibernate, this looks like:
public Part()
Id(i => i.Id).ColumnName("PartID");
Map(m => m.Name).ColumnName("Part");
SetAttribute("where", "PartID IN ( SELECT pp.PartID FROM t_PartProduction pp WHERE pp.ProductionYear = '2009' ) ");
No, this is perfectly possible. Look in the NHibernate documentation for the "table per subclass" model of inheritance. It will actually implement this as a LEFT JOIN, so that when you load a Part, it creates an instance of either your Part or your ProducedPart class depending on whether the other row is present. You'll find documentation on nhibernate.info.
I'm not sure you could make ProducedPart read-only doing this though.
I'm assuming from this:
WHERE pp.ProductionYear = '2009'
that you want the subclass only where the production year is 2009, i.e. if when there is a record in t_PartProduction for a different year, you want this Part treated as a plain Part object, not a ProducedPart, then you could consider creating a view definition within your database that is a filtered version of t_PartProduction, then making your subclass join to this view rather than the base table.

nhibernate - disable automatic\lazy loading of child records for one to many relationsihps

I would like to know if there is a way to disable automatic loading of child records in nHibernate ( for one:many relationships ).
We can easily switch off lazy loading on properties but what I want is to disable any kind of automatic loading ( lazy and non lazy both ). I only want to load data via query ( i.e. HQL or Criteria )
I would still like to define the relationship between parent child records in the mapping file to facilitate HQL and be able to join parent child entities, but I do not want the child records to be loaded as part of the parent record unless a query on the parent record
explicitly states that ( via eager fetch, etc ).
Fetching Department record from the database should not fetch all employee records from the database because it may never be needed.
One option here is to set the Employees collection on Department as lazy load. The problem with this approach is that once the object is given to the calling API it can 'touch' the lazy load property and that will fetch the entire list from the db.
I tried to use 'evict' - to disconnect the object but it does not seem to be working at all times and does not do a deep evict on the object.
Plus it abstracts the lazy loaded property type with a proxy class that plays havoc later in the code where we are trying to operate on the object via reflection and it encounters unexpended type on the object.
I am a beginner to nHibernate, any pointers or help would be of great help.
Given your request, you could simply not map from Department to Employees, nor have an Employees property on your department. This would mean you always have to make a database hit to find the employees of a database.
Aplogies if these code examples don't work out of the box, I'm not near a compiler at the moment
So, your department class might look like:
public class Department
public int Id { get; protected set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
/* Equality and GetHashCode here */
and your Employee would look like:
public class Employee
public int Id { get; protected set; }
public Name Name { get; set; }
public Department Department { get; set; }
/* Equality and GetHashCode here */
Any time you wanted to find Employees for a department, you've have to call:
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Department", department)
Simply because your spec says "Departments have many Employees", doesn't mean you have to map it as a bi-directional association. If you can keep your associated uni-directional, you can really get your data-access to fly too.
Google "Domain Driven Design" Aggregate, or see Page 125 of Eric Evan's book on Domain Driven Design for more information
You can have the lazy attribute on the collection. In your example, Department has n employees, if lazy is enabled, the employees will not be loaded by default when you load a department : http://www.nhforge.org/doc/nh/en/#collections-lazy
You can have queries that explicitly load department AND employees together. It's the "fetch" option : http://www.nhforge.org/doc/nh/en/#performance-fetching-lazy