Azure Table Storage - Calculate or Persist Totals - azure-storage

I'm looking into using Table Storage for storing some transactional data, however, I need to support some very high level reporting over it, basically totals per day / month.
Couple of options I have though of:
Use a partition / row key structure and dynamically perform sum
e.g. 20101101_ITEMID_XXXXXXXX (x = guid or time, to make unique)
then I would query for a months data using a portion of the row key (ITEMID_201011), and to a total on the "Cost" property in the type.
How would the query limit of 1000 records be managed by this though? (i.e. if there are more than 1000 transactions for the day, totaling would be hard)
Use another record to store the total for the day, and update this as new records are added
e.g. row key "20101101_ITEMID_TOTAL"
then query off this for the days totals, or months, or years totals.
What is the best way to do this? Is there a 'best practice' for this type of requirement using table storage?

I'm not sure what is the best practice but I can comment that we have a similar situation with AzureWatch and are definitely using pre-aggregated values in tables.
Mostly for performance reasons -- table storage is not instantaneous even if you query by single partition-key and a range in row-key. The time it takes to download the records is somewhat significant and depending on the records might spike the CPU up, because it needs to de-serialize the data into objects. If you get to travel to the table storage multiple times because of the 1000 record limit, you'll be paying more as well.
Some other thoughts to consider:
Will your aggregated totals ever change? If no, the this is another nudge toward pre-aggregation
Will you need to keep aggregated values after raw data is gone or will you ever need to purge raw data? If yes, then it is another nudge toward pre-aggregation


At what scale of data is the ROI of partitioning the most valuable?

So I'm looking into data warehousing and partitioning and am very curious at to what scale makes the most sense for partitioning a data on a key (for instance, SaleDate).
Tutorials often mention that you're trying to break it down into logical chunks so as to make updating the data less likely to cause service disruptions.
So let's say I'm a medium scale company working in a given US state. I do a lot of work in relation to SaleDate, often tens of thousands of transactions a day (with requisite transaction details, 4-50 each?), and have about 5 years of data. I would like to query and build trend information off of that; for instance:
On a yearly basis to know what items are becoming less popular over time.
On a monthly basis to see what items get popular at a certain time of year (ice in summer)
On a weekly basis to see how well my individual stores are doing
On a daily basis to observe theft trends or something
Now my business unit also wants to query that data, but I'd like to be able to keep it responsive.
How do I know that it would be best to partition on Year, Month, Week, Day, etc for this data set? Is it just whatever I actually observe as providing the best response time by testing out each scenario? Or is there some kind of scale that I can use to understand where my partitions would be the most efficient?
Edit: I, personally, am using Sql Server 2012. But I'm curious as to how others view this question in relation to the core concept rather than the implementation (Unless this isn't one of those cases where you can do so).
Things to consider:
What type of database are you using? Really important, different strategies for Oracle vs SQLServer vs IBM, etc.
Sample queries and run times. Partitions usage depends on the conditions in your where clause, what are you filtering on?
Does it make sense to create/use aggregate tables? Seems like a monthly aggregate would save you some time.
Partitions usage depends on the conditions in your where clause, what are you filtering on?
Lots of options based on the hardware and storage options available to you, need more details to make a more specific recommendation.
Here is an Ms-SQL 2012 database with 7 million records a day, with an ambition to grow the database to 6 years of data for trend analyses.
The partitions are based on the YearWeek column, expressed as an integer (after 201453 comes 201501). So each partition holds one week of transaction data.
This makes for a maximum of 320 partitions, which is well chosen below the maximum of 1000 partitions within a scheme. The maximum size for one partition in one table is now approx. 10 Gb, which makes it much easier to handle than the 3Tb size of the total.
A new file in the partition scheme is used for each new year. The 500Gb datafiles are suitable for backup and deletion.
When calculating data for one month the 4 processors are working in parallel to handle one partition each.

Correlation between amount of rows and amount columns in database performance

Is there a correlation between the amount of rows/number of columns used and it's impact within the (MS)SQL database?
A little more background:
We have to store lots of data from measurement devices. These devices ping a string with data back to us around 100 times a day. These strings contains +- 300 fields. Assume we have 100 devices in operation that means we get 10000 records back every day. At our back-end we split these data strings and have to put these into the database. When these data strings are fixed that means we add each days around 10000 new rows into the database. No big deal.
Whatsoever, the contents of these data strings may change during time. There are two options we are considering:
Using vertical tables to store the data dynamically
Using horizontal tables and add a new column now and then when it's needed.
From the perspective of ease we'd like to choose for the first approach. Whatsoever, that means we're adding 100*100*300=3000000 rows each day. Data has to be stored 1 year and a month (395 days) so then we're around 1.2 billion rows. Not calculated the expected growth.
Is it from a performance perspective smarter to use a 'vertical' or a 'horizontal' approach?
When choosing for the 'vertical' solution, how can we actual optimize performance by using PK's/FK's wisely?
When choosing for the 'horizontal' solution, are there recommendations for adding columns to the table?
I have a vertical DB with 275 million rows in the "values" table. We took this approach because we couldn't accurately define the schema at the outset either. Inserts are fantastic. Selects suck. Too be fair we throw in a couple of extra doohickies the typical vertical schema doesn't have to deal with.
Have a search for EAV aka Entity Attribute Value models. You'll find a lot of heat on both sides of the debate. Too good articles on making it work are
What is so bad about EAV, anyway?
dave’s guide to the eav
My guess is these sensors don't just start sending you extra fields. You have to release new sensors or sensor code for this to happen. That's your chance to do change control on your schema and add the extra columns. If external parties can connect sensors without notifying you this argument is null and void and you may be stuck with an EAV.
For the horizontal option you can split tables putting the frequently-used columns in one table and the less-used in a second; both tables have the same primary key values so you can link less-used to more-used columns. Also you can use RDBMS's built-in partitioning functionality to split each day's (or week's or month's) data for the others'.
Generally, you can tune a table more for inserts (or any DML) or for queries. Improving one side comes at the expense of the other. Usually, it's a balancing act.
First of all, 10K inserts a day is not really a large number. Sure, it's not insignificant, but it doesn't even come close to what would be considered "large" nowadays So, while we don't want to make inserts downright sluggish, this gives you some wiggle room.
Creating an index on the device id and/or entry timestamp will do some logical partitioning of the data for you. The exact makeup of your index(es) will depend on your queries. Are you looking for all entries for a given date or date range? Then index the timestamp column. Are you looking for all entries received from a particular device? Then index the device id column. Are you looking for entries from a particular device on a particular date or date range or sorted by the date? Then create an index on both columns.
So if you ask for the entries for device x on date y, then you are going out to the table and looking only at the rows you need. The fact that the table is much larger than the small subset you query is incidental. It's as if the rest of the table doesn't even exist. The total size of the table need not be intimidating.
Another option: As it looks like the data is written to the table and never altered after that, then you may want to create a data warehouse schema for the data. New entries can be moved to the warehouse every day or several times a day. The point is, the warehouse schema can have the data sliced, diced, quartered and cubed to make queries much more efficient. So you can have the existing table tuned for more efficient inserts and the warehouse tuned for more efficient queries. That is, after all, what data warehouses are for.
You also imply that some of each entry is (or can be) duplicated from one entry to the next. See if you can segment the data into three types:
Type 1: Data that never changes (the device id, for example)
Type 2: Data that rarely changes
Type 3: Data that changes often
Now all you have is a normalization problem, something a lot easier to solve. Let's say the row is equally split between the types. So you have one table with 100 rows of 33 columns. That's it. It never changes. Linked to that is a table with at least 100 rows of 33 columns but maybe several new rows are added each day. Finally, linked to the second table a table with rows of 33 columns that possibly grows by the full 10K every day.
This minimizes the grow-space required by the online database. The warehouse could then denormalize back to one huge table for ease of querying.

Efficient database model for points system?

I'm trying to add a very simple points system to a site. In my SQL database, there is a table for awarding points, since admins can increase a user's points by any amount, along with a rationale for the points increase. So, simplified a little, this table contains the # of points awarded, rationale and userid for each time an admin awards points. So far so good.
However, there are 10 usergroups on the site that compete for highest total points. The number of points for a single usergroup can easily hit 15 000 total, as there are already more than 10 000 members of the site (admittedly, most are inactive). I want to have a leaderboard to show the competing usergroups and their total scores, but I'm worried that when implementing the system, summing the points will take too long to do each time. Here's the question: at what level (if any) should I save the points aggregate in the database? Should I have a field in the user table for total points per user and sum those up on the fly for the usergroup leaderboard? Or should I have an aggregate field for each usergroup that I update each times points are added to a single user? Before actually implementing the system, I'd like to have a good idea of how long it will take to sum these up on the fly, since a bad implementation will affect thousands of users, and I don't have much practical experience with large databases.
It depends on your hardware but summing thousands of rows should be no problem. In general though, you should avoid summing all the user scores except when you absolutely need to. I would recommend adding in a rolup table that will store the total score for each group and then run a cron nightly that will validate the total scores (basically do the summation and then store the absolutely correct values).
I suggest adding in your table that logs points awarded and reason for the award. Also, store the summed scores per user separately and update it at the same time your insert into the logging table and another table with the total score per group. That should work well at your activity level. You could also do asynchronous updates of the total group scores if it is too contentious but it should be fine.
Honestly, your aggregates will still likely compute in less than a second with less than 10k rows -you should leave your operational database atomic and just store each point transaction and compute the aggregates when you query. If you really wanted to, you could precompute your aggregates into a materialized view, but I really don't think you'd need to.
You could create a materialized view with the clause
refresh fast start with sydate
next sysdate + 1/24
-To have it refresh hourly.
You wouldn't have real-time aggregate data (it could be off by an hour), but it could increase the performance of your aggregate queries by quite a bit if the data gets huge. As your data is now, I wouldn't even bother with it though -- your performance should be alright.
edit: not sure why I'm being down-voted. I think this is a better solution than storing aggregates in tables.

How can I improve performance of average method in SQL?

I'm having some performance problems where a SQL query calculating the average of a column is progressively getting slower as the number of records grows. Is there an index type that I can add to the column that will allow for faster average calculations?
The DB in question is PostgreSQL and I'm aware that particular index type might not be available, but I'm also interested in the theoretical answer, weather this is even possible without some sort of caching solution.
To be more specific, the data in question is essentially a log with this sort of definition:
table log {
int duration
date time
string event
I'm doing queries like
SELECT average(duration) FROM log WHERE event = 'finished'; # gets average time to completion
SELECT average(duration) FROM log WHERE event = 'finished' and date > $yesterday; # average today
The second one is always fairly fast since it has a more restrictive WHERE clause, but the total average duration one is the type of query that is causing the problem. I understand that I could cache the values, using OLAP or something, my question is weather there is a way I can do this entirely by DB side optimisations such as indices.
The performance of calculating an average will always get slower the more records you have, at it always has to use values from every record in the result.
An index can still help, if the index contains less data than the table itself. Creating an index for the field that you want the average for generally isn't helpful as you don't want to do a lookup, you just want to get to all the data as efficiently as possible. Typically you would add the field as an output field in an index that is already used by the query.
Depends what you are doing? If you aren't filtering the data then beyond having the clustered index in order, how else is the database to calculate an average of the column?
There are systems which perform online analytical processing (OLAP) which will do things like keeping running sums and averages down the information you wish to examine. It all depends one what you are doing and your definition of "slow".
If you have a web based program for instance, perhaps you can generate an average once a minute and then cache it, serving the cached value out to users over and over again.
Speeding up aggregates is usually done by keeping additional tables.
Assuming sizeable table detail(id, dimA, dimB, dimC, value) if you would like to make the performance of AVG (or other aggregate functions) be nearly constant time regardless of number of records you could introduce a new table
dimAavg(dimA, avgValue)
The size of this table will depend only on the number of distinct values of dimA (furthermore this table could make sense in your design as it can hold the domain of the values available for dimA in detail (and other attributes related to the domain values; you might/should already have such table)
This table is only helpful if you will anlayze by dimA only, once you'll need AVG(value) according to dimA and dimB it becomes useless. So, you need to know by which attributes you will want to do fast analysis on. The number of rows required for keeping aggregates on multiple attributes is n(dimA) x n(dimB) x n(dimC) x ... which may or may not grow pretty quickly.
Maintaining this table increases the costs of updates (incl. inserts and deletes), but there are further optimizations that you can employ...
For example let us assume that system predominantly does inserts and only occasionally updates and deletes.
Lets further assume that you want to analyze by dimA only and that ids are increasing. Then having structure such as
dimA_agg(dimA, Total, Count, LastID)
can help without a big impact on the system.
This is because you could have triggers that would not fire on every insert, but lets say on ever 100 inserts.
This way you can still get accurate aggregates from this table and the details table with
SELECT a.dimA, (SUM(d.value)+MAX(a.Total))/(COUNT( as avgDimA
dimA_agg a ON a.dimA = d.dimA AND > a.LastID
The above query with proper indexes would get one row from dimA_agg and only less then 100 rows from detail - this would perform in near constant time (~logfanoutn) and would not require update to dimA_agg for every insert (reducing update penalties).
The value of 100 was just given as an example, you should find optimal value yourself (or even keep it variable, though triggers only will not be enough in that case).
Maintaining deletes and updates must fire on each operation but you can still inspect if the id of the record to be deleted or updated is in the stats already or not to avoid the unnecessary updates (will save some I/O).
Note: The analysis is done for the domain with discreet attributes; when dealing with time series the situation gets more complicated - you have to decide the granularity of the domain in which you want to keep the summary.
There are also materialized views, 2, 3
Just a guess, but indexes won't help much since average must read all the record (in any order), indexes are usefull the find subsets of rows, ubt if you have to iterate on all rows with no special ordering indexes are not helping...
This might not be what you're looking for, but if your table has some way to order the data (e.g. by date), then you can just do incremental computations and store the results.
For example, if your data has a date column, you could compute the average for records 1 - Date1 then store the average for that batch along with Date1 and the #records you averaged. The next time you compute, you restrict your query to results Date1..Date2, and add the # of records, and update the last date queried. You have all the information you need to compute the new average.
When doing this, it would obviously be helpful to have an index on the date, or whatever column(s) you are using for the ordering.

C# with SQL database schema question

Is it acceptable to dynamically generate the total of the contents of a field using up to 10k records instead of storing the total in a table?
I have some reasons to prefer on-demand generation of a total, but how bad is the performance price on an average home PC? (There would be some joins -ORM managed- involved in figuring the total.)
Let me know if I'm leaving out any info important to deciding the answer.
EDIT: This is a stand-alone program on a user's PC.
If you have appropriate indexing in place, it won't be too bad to do on demand calculations. The reason that I mention indexing is that you haven't specified whether the total is on all the values in a column, or on a subset - if it's a subset, then the fields that make up the filter may need to be indexed, so as to avoid table scans.
Usually it is totally acceptable and even recommended to recalculate values. If you start storing calculated values, you'll face some overhead ensuring that they are always up to date, usually using triggers.
That said, if your specific calculation query turns out to take a lot of time, you might need to go that route, but only do that if you actually hit a performance problem, not upfront.
Using a Sql query you can quickly and inexpensively get the total number of records using the max function.
It is better to generate the total then keep it as a record, the same way as you would keep a persons birth date and determine their age then keep their age.
How offten and by what number of users u must get this total value, how offten data on which total depends are updated.
Maybe only thing you need is to make this big query once a day (or once at all) and save it somewhere in db and then update it when data, on which your total consist, are changed
You "could" calculate the total with SQL (I am assuming you do not want total number of records ... the price total or whatever it is). SQL is quite good at mathematics when it gets told to do so :) No storing of total.
But, as it is all run on the client machine, I think my preference would be to total using C#. Then the business rules for calculating the total are out of the DB/SQL. By that I mean if you had a complex calculation for total that reuired adding say 5% to orders below £50 and the "business" changed it to add 10% to orders below £50 it is done in your "business logic" code rather than in your storage medium (in this case SQL).
I think that it should not take long, probably less than a second, to generate a sum from 8000-10000 records. Even on a single PC the query plan for this query should be dominated by a single table scan, which will generate mostly sequential I/O.
Proper indexing should make any joins reasonably efficient unless the schema is deeply flawed and unless you have (say) large blob fields in the table the total data volume for the rows should not be very large at all. If you still have performance issues going through an O/R mapper, consider re-casting the functionality as a report where you can control the SQL.