using SUM and presenting result as absolute (ABS) - sql

I have both positive and negative numbers (money) in a column and need to:
SUM the total ie. SUM(myColumn) based on if the numbers are +/-
Present the result as an absolute ie. even though the result is -1234 it should be presented as 1234
SQL is not my trade as you probably notice but we've solved most other issues but this one so any help is appriciated. Keep in mind my skill level is very low

You will have to use a combination of the sum and abs aggregate functions in SQL. Since you want the absolute value of the sum, the sum function will need to be called inside the call to abs:
select abs(sum(columnName)) from table
That should work for both SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle.

Try one (or more) of these
SELECT SUM(moneyColumn) FROM MyTable
SELECT SUM(ABS(moneyColumn) FROM MyTable
SELECT ABS(SUM(moneyColumn) FROM MyTable


DATEIME_DIFF throwing error when using safe divide

I've created a query that I'm hoping to use to fill a table with daily budgets at the end of every day. To do this, I just need some simple maths:
monthly budget / number of days left in the month.
Then, at the end of the month, I can SUM all of the rows to calculate an accurate budget.
The query is as follows:
FROM `mm-demo-project.marketing_hub.budget_manager`
When executing the query, my results present as negative numbers, which according to the documentation for this function, is likely caused by the result overflowing the result type.
View the results of the query.
I've made a fools guess at rounding the calculation. Needless to say that it did not work at all.
How can I stop my query from returning negative number?
use below
FROM `mm-demo-project.marketing_hub.budget_manager`

How to multiply all values in one column to make one number?

In SQL Server, I am trying to multiply all values of a calculated column in a table in descending date order, to produce one number.
This is so I can calculate a factor that can be applied to a different table / value, i.e. multiplying every value in the "price rate" column to produce a "price factor"
So far I have been trying to use exp AND log functions with no luck.
There’s no PRODUCT() or MULTIPLY() aggregate function in SQL because it’s so likely to overflow. However, as you were trying to do, this can be done with LOG and EXP,
SELECT EXP(SUM(LOG(price_rate))) as price_factor
FROM yourTable
Note that using LOG/EXP like this with integer values will not usually produce exact integer results.
In absence of an aggregate "product" function in SQL, one method uses arithmetic: you can sum the logarithm of each value, then take the the exponential of the result.
select exp(sum(ln(price_rate))) as price_factor
from mytable
FOr this to work properly, all values of price_rate must be greater than 0.

Select and manipulate SQL data, DISTINCT and SUM?

Im trying to make a small report for myself to see how my much time I get inputed in my system every day.
The goal is to have my SQL to sum up the name, Total time worked and Total NG product found for one specific day.
In this order:
1.) Sort out my data for a specific 'date'. I.E 2016-06-03
2.) Present a DISTINCT value for 'operators'
3.) SUM() all time registered at this 'date' and by this 'operator' under 'total_working_time_h'
4.) SUM() all no_of_defects registered at this 'date' and by this 'operator' under 'no_of_defects'
date, operator, total_working_time_h, no_of_defects
Currently I get the data I want by using the Query below. But now I need both the DISTINCT value of the operator and the SUM of the information. Can I use sub-queries for this or should it be done by a loop? Any other hints where I can learn more about how to solve this?
If i run the DISTINCT function I don't get the opportunity to sum my data the way I try.
SELECT date, operator, total_working_time_h, no_of_defects FROM {$table_work_hours} WHERE date = '2016-06-03' "
Without knowing the table structure or contents, the following query is only a good guess. The bits to notice and work with are sum() and GROUP BY. Actually syntax will vary a bit depending on what RDBMS you are using.
,SUM(total_working_time_h) AS total_working_time_h
,SUM(no_of_defects) AS no_of_defects
FROM {$table_work_hours}
WHERE date = '2016-06-03'
(Take out the WHERE clause or replace it with a range of dates to get results per operator per date.)
I'm not sure why you are trying to do DISTINCT. You want to know the data, no of hours, etc for a specific date.
do this....
Select Date, Operator, 'SumWorkHrs'=sum(total_working_time_h),
'SumDefects'=sum(no_ofDefects) from {$table_work_hours}
Where date='2016-06-03'
Try this:
SELECT SUM(total_working_time) as total_working_time,
SUM(no_of_defects) as no_of_defects ,
DISTINCT(operator) AS operator FROM {$table_work_hours} WHERE
date = '2016-06-03'

Cummulative sum in report

Hello All,
I am working on a report where I am doing calculations:
Let's take the first line as an example. In the remaining prior column we have 15 and in the taken column we have 0.5, so in the remaining column, we have 14.5.
Now the issue is to use the result in the remaining field and transfer it to the next line in the remaining prior column. So instead of having 14 we should be having 14.5.
Has anyone worked on something similar and guide me on how to work on this? I really want to learn how to solve such an issue.
The ANSI standard lag() function does exactly what you want. SQL tables represent unordered sets, so I need to assume that you have some column -- which I will call id -- that identifies the ordering of the rows.
The syntax for lag() is:
select t.*, lag(Remaining) over (order by 1) as prevRemaining
from table t;
If you have a database that does not support the ANSI standard window functions, you can get the same effect with a subquery. However, the syntax for that might vary slightly among databases.

subtracting in SQL Server

I have a table in SQL Server where I have the scores for some competencies, I have one score for the standard and one for the actual score. For instance S25 is the actual score and C25 is the standard for the score. I need to find the difference between the two so I can see who was above and below the standard and cannot figure out how to get the subtract to work. THe way I tried was
Select (S25) - (C25) AS 25_Score
Which did not work
If table starts with a number, bracket it, and that might work. What error do you get?
select (S25)-(C25) AS [25_Score]
from table_name
Your query should work if your columns are a numeric datatype.
The only issue I see is you are starting the alias with a number. You will need to escape the number value with a square bracket:
Select (S25) - (C25) AS [25_Score]
from yt;
See Demo
It may be that the column is of varchar so you have to convert
select convert(int,[S25])-convert(int,[C25]) AS [25_Score]
from table_name