How do transactions within Oracle stored procedures work? Is there an implicit transaction? - sql

In an Oracle stored procedure, how do I write a transaction? Do I need to do it explicitly or will Oracle automatically lock rows?

You might want to browse the concept guide, in particular the chapter about transactions:
A transaction is a logical unit of work that comprises one or more SQL statements run by a single user. [...] A transaction begins with the user's first executable SQL statement. A transaction ends when it is explicitly committed or rolled back by that user.
You don't have to explicitely start a transaction, it is done automatically. You will have to specify the end of the transaction with a commit (or a rollback).
The locking mechanism is a fundamental part of the DB, read about it in the chapter Data Concurrency and Consistency.
Regarding stored procedures
A stored procedure is a set of statements, they are executed in the same transaction as the calling session (*). Usually, transaction control (commit and rollback) belongs to the calling application. The calling app has a wider vision of the process (which may involve several stored procedures) and is therefore in a better position to determine if the data is in a consistent state. While you can commit in a stored procedure, it is not the norm.
(*) except if the procedure is declared as an autonomous transaction, in which case the procedure is executed as an independent session (thanks be here now, now I see your point).

#AdamStevenson Concerning DDL, there's a cite from the Concept's Guide:
If the
current transaction contains any DML statements, Oracle first commits
transaction, and then runs and commits the DDL statement as a new,
statement transaction.
So if you have started a transaction before the DDL statement (e.g. wrote an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE statements), the transaction started will be implicitly commited - you should always keep that in mind when processing DML statements.
I agree with Vincent Malgrat, you might find some very useful information about transaction processing at the Concept's Guide.


Do default Tranactions in postgresql provide any benefit when only the last statement is writing?

I just learned that in Postgresql the default transaction isolation level is "Read committed". I'm very used to MySQLs "REPEATABLE READ" isolation level. In postgresql by my understanding this means in a default transaction "two successive SELECT commands can see different data". With that in mind, is there any benefit to transactions when only the last statement in the transaction is writing?
The transaction does not prevent you from data changing between statements, the only benefit I see is rolling the transaction back on failure. But if only one writing statement exists at the end, then that would happen anyway.
To make a bit more clear what I'm referring to, lets take a generic simple sequence of (pseudo) queries to a table:
SELECT userId FROM users WHERE username = "the provided username"
INSERT INTO activites (activity, user_fk) VALUES ("posted on SO", userId)
In this sequence and any general sequence of statments where only the last statement is writing, is there a benefit in postgresql to using a transaction with the default isolation level?
Bonus question, is there any overhead from it?
The difference between READ COMMITTED and REPEATABLE READ is that the former takes a new database snapshot for each statement, while the latter takes a snapshot only for the first SQL statement and uses that snapshot for the whole transaction. This implies that REPEATABLE READ actually performs better that READ COMMITTED, since it takes fewer snapshots.
The disadvantage of REPEATABLE READ is that you can get serialization errors. That does not affect your example, but if you had an UPDATE instead of an INSERT, it could be that the row you are trying to update has been modified by a concurrent transaction since the snapshot was taken. The serialization error that causes would mean that you have to repeat the transaction. Another disadvantage of REPEATABLE READ transactions is that a long-running read-only transaction can hinder the progress of VACUUM, which it wouldn't do in READ COMMITTED mode.
For read-only transactions or transactions like the one you are showing, REPEATABLE READ is often the better isolation level. The nice thing about READ COMMITTED is that you can get no serialization errors apart from deadlocks.
To explicitly answer your question: there is no advantage to running the statement from your example in a single transaction. You may as well use the default autocommit mode to run them in separate transactions.
Incidentally, the SQL standard decrees that the default transaction isolation level be SERIALIZABLE, but I don't know any database that implements that.

Is it possible to release Transaction-log locks from within an active (massive data movement) stored procedure?

edited terminology for accuracy:
We have large, daily flows of data within our data-mart. Some of the largest, done with Stored procedures managed by SSIS, take several hours. These long-running stored procedures are preventing the transaction-log from clearing (which compounds the issue because we have numerous SP's running at once, which are then all writing to the T-log with no truncate). Eventually this breaks our database and we're forced to recover from the morning snapshot.
We have explored doing "sub"-commits within the SP, but as I understand it you can't fully release the transaction log within an active stored procedure, because it is itself a transaction.
Without refactoring our large SP's to run in batches, or something to that effect, is it possible to commit to the transaction log periodically within an active SP, so that we release the lock on the transaction log?
edit / extension:
Perhaps I was wrong above:
Will committing intermittently within the SP allow the transaction-log to truncate?
Will committing intermittently within the SP allow the transaction-log to truncate?
If the client starts a transaction, it's not recommended to COMMIT that transaction inside a stored procedure. It's not allowed to exit the stored procedure with a different ##trancount than it was entered with.
The following pattern is technically allowed, although I have never seen it used in the real world:
use tempdb
if ##trancount > 0 rollback
drop table if exists T
create table T(id int identity)
create or alter procedure tranTest
insert into T default values
commit transaction
begin transaction
begin transaction
exec tranTest
select * from T
go 5
It would be deeply confusing for client code to rollback a transaction and not have the stored procedure's work rolled back.
If the client doesn't start a transaction, you can have multiple transactions inside a stored procedure, but the smallest granularity for a transaction is a single DML statement. So each INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE would be run in a single transaction.
The practical solutions to this are, in descending order of goodness:
1) Increase the storage available to the log file to accommodate the transactions.
2) Refactor the ETL to use shorter transactions, possibly readying data in stating tables and loading or switching it in in a single, final transaction
3) Refactor the ETL to run in smaller batches.

Rollback to savepoint doesn't release locks

I think I have a misunderstanding about how to use Savepoints. Perhaps someone can clear it up for me. I present my example as what I am trying to do, and what I have experienced.
My app is doing a certain procedure.
Before that procedure (and associated DB operations) I create a savepoint.
During that procedure, I initiate a select for update,
which creates a number of locks:
lock1 - duration=transaction, class=row, type=intent row=big number
lock2 - duration=transaction, class=row, type=WriteNoPK row=big number
Should that java procedure succeed, the associated DB transaction is completed via a commit.
However, if the java procedure fails, I want also to rollback any associated DB operations.
I have been attempting this by:
However, this has not been releasing the table locks created (above) by the DB operations (that I thought I just rolled back by conn.rollback(mySavepoint);)
I have tested this behaviour with two databases: Sybase, and Derby.
Why is this the case?
Do I really need to commit after the conn.rollback(mySavepoint) ???
It just seems a bit counter-intuitive.

when commit will affect actually tables while procedure call?

I am working with ms sql with struts framework.
While calling procedure I put autocommit false in program.
when the procedure run I have to commit one seperate transaction and it must be affect the table externally
But it never be save until conn.commit() statement execute in program.
Is it any other way to commit the transaction in procedure itself, to affect the table on the end of the single transaction in procedure?
Pl. tell me if you know.
You should start and commit/rollback a transaction at the same level, otherwise you are introducing a lot of unpredictable paths - and frankly some bad design. So: if you need to commit at the server, use BEGIN TRAN / COMMIT TRAN in the TSQL to handle the transaction locally.
Note, though, that TSQL exception/error handling is not as rich as handling errors at a caller such as java/C#. If the problem is that you want to disassociate this work from another unrelated transaction, then it depends on how your calling code works:
if it is using connection-level transactions, then you will need to use a separate connection; just run the transaction on a different connection using the java/C#/whatever transaction API (i.e. the same as your existing code, by the sound of it, but on a different connection)
if it is using things like scope-based transactions (TransactionScope in C#; not sure about java etc - but this is an LTM or DTC transaction) then you can explicitly create a new scope that is bound to either a new (isolated) transaction, or the nil-transaction (i.e. the inner scope is not enlisted)
As for affecting the tables... SQL Server generally does optimistic changes, i.e. yes the changes are applied immediately (so that commit is cheap, and rollback is more expensive) - however, the isolation level will generally prevent other SPIDs from seeing the data. A competing SPID with a low isolation level (or using the NOLOCK hint) will see the uncommitted data, but this may be a phantom/non-repeatable read if the data eventually gets rolled back.

Is there a difference between a SELECT statement inside a transaction and one that is outside of it?

Does the default READ COMMITTED isolation level somehow makes the SELECT statement act different inside of a transaction than one that is not in a transaction?
I am using MS SQL.
Yes, the one inside the transaction can see changes made by other previous Insert/Update/delete statements in that transaction; a Select statement outside the transaction cannot.
If all you are asking about is what the Isolation Level does, then understand that all Select statements (hey, all statements of any kind) - are in a transaction. The only difference between one that is explicitly in a transaction and one that is standing on its own is that the one that is standing alone starts its transaction immediately before it executes it, and commits or roll back immediately after it executes;
whereas the one that is explicitly in a transaction can (because it has a Begin Transaction statement) can have other statements (inserts/updates/deletes, whatever) occurring within that same transaction, either before or after that Select statement.
So whatever the isolation level is set to, both selects (inside or outside an explicit transaction) will nevertheless be in a transaction which is operating at that isolation level.
The following is for SQL Server, but all databases MUST work in the same way. In SQL Server the Query Processor is always in one of 3 Transaction Modes, AutoCommit, Implicit, or Explicit.
AutoCommit is the default transaction management mode of the SQL Server Database Engine. .. Every Transact-SQL statement is committed or rolled back when it completes. ... If a statement completes successfully, it is committed; if it encounters any error, it is rolled back. This is the default, and is the answer to #Alex's question in the comments.
In Implicit Transaction mode, "... the SQL Server Database Engine automatically starts a new transaction after the current transaction is committed or rolled back. You do nothing to delineate the start of a transaction; you only commit or roll back each transaction. Implicit transaction mode generates a continuous chain of transactions. ..." Note that the italicized snippet is for each transaction, whether it be a single or multiple statement transaction.
The engine is placed in Explicit Transaction mode when you explicitly initiate a transaction with BEGIN TRANSACTION Statement. Then, every statement is executed within that transaction until you explicitly terminate the transaction (with COMMIT or ROLLBACK) or if a failure occurs that causes the engine to terminate and Rollback.
Yes, there is a bit of a difference. For MySQL, the database doesn't actually start with a snapshot until your first query. Therefore, it's not begin that matters, but the first statement within the transaction. If I do the following:
#Session 1
begin; select * from table;
#Session 2
delete * from table; #implicit autocommit
#Session 1
select * from table;
Then I'll get the same thing in session one both times (the information that was in the table before I deleted it). When I end session one's transaction (commit, begin, or rollback) and check again from that session, the table will show as empty.
The READ COMMITTED isolation level is about the records that have been written. It has nothing to do with whether or not this select statement is in a transaction (except for those things written during that same transaction).
If your database (or in mysql, the underlying storage engine of all tables used in your select statement) is transactional, then there simply no way to execute it "outside of a transaction".
Perhaps you meant "run it in autocommit mode", but that is not the same as "not transactional". In the latter case, it still runs in a transaction, it's just that the transaction ends immediately after your statement is finshed.
So, in both cases, during the run, a single select statement will be isolated at the READ COMMITTED level from the other transactions.
Now what this means for your READ COMMITTED transaction isolation level: perhaps surprisingly, not that much.
READ COMMITTED means that you may encounter non-repeatable reads: when running multiple select statements in the same transaction, it is possible that rows that you selected at a certain point in time are modified and comitted by another transaction. You will be able to see those changes when you re-execute the select statement later on in the same pending transaction. In autocommit mode, those 2 select statements would be executed in their own transaction. If another transaction would have modified and committed the rows you selected the first time, you would be able to see those changes just as well when you executed the statement the second time.