joomla url rewrite more friendly? - seo

I have url structure like index.php?option=mycomponent&id=12
I would like to rewrite id=12 to something like "blue car" where blue car I can place somewhere in mysql.
Is it possible?

The core Joomla SEF URLs build urls based on the alias of your article/menu item. Instead of it would be
To turn that on:
In the root of the directory Joomla is installed in and look for htaccess.txt and rename it .htaccess
In the admin > global configuration > site tab look for SEO settings and turn them all on (unless you dont want the .html extensions, that one is optional)

If you have some $ to spend definitely look into sh404SEF extension for Joomla, terrific component.
If not then stick to Joomla's native SEF, see Joomla's SEF URLs tutorial.


Changing site URLs in Joomla with Apache mod rewrite

So I'm trying to clean up the URLs on my site, and have digged around for information here and not figured out why I'm still getting errors.
Basically, I have a site that revolves around a search engine, and once the user sees the results and clicks on one, it goes to a URL that looks like:
Well, sort of, but you get the point.
I want to clean this up for each result, so it looks like
I'm using the Joomla platform on my backend, and enabled 'Search Friendly URLs' and there was no problem (although it did almost nothing for me). Then before I enabled 'Use APACHE mod rewrite' I put the following code into my .htaccess file
RewriteEngine On
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteRule ^Joomla161_2/joomla\.html [R=301,L]
(The last rule was just to see if the rewrite rule works, which it does)
First problem - My host automatically overrides the Options command, saying I can't do it for security reasons - but I figure maybe this isn't big because the rewrite rule still works.
But then when I try to enable 'Use Apache rewrite' my whole site breaks. Worse yet, I have no idea what to do next to actually CHANGE the URLs of my search results.
Options +FollowSymLinks
It is very possible that your host has this enabled by default and
adding to your .htaccess file is causing a conflict.
If your mod-rewrites are working without it then there is no reason
to add it.
Joomla Apache Rewrite
Change the seo settings and htaccess back to default setting.
BEFORE! you change any of the options in the Joomla admin for seo friendly url's or Apache rewrite you must FIRST! rename your htaccess.txt to .htaccess
In some cases you may have to give the server a min or two to notice it.
Now change the Joomla admin settings to seo friendly and enable rewrite.
Search Rewrite
If the above setting are configured correctly then your websites search results will have landing pages with nice urls.

Add on domain mod rewrite to create pretty url

I have a main website and one of my add on domains is Site has an htaccess as does addon. The folder of which from the root would be ..I think!
Anyway currently I can do redirects within addon htaccess file fine, but its a database driven site and im trying to create pretty urls for it, so:
would become:
The mod I have in the addon htaccess file is the following:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^id/([^/]*)/$ /addonsites/some.php?id=$1 [L]
But this has no effect.
Well, the mod_rewrite module will perform translations on requests to the server, so when anyone requests the resource located at the server will know that is the place to go.
However, mod_rewrite does in no way modify your existing links. I.e., you should rewrite the HTML (or scripts generating the HTML) to match the "new" way of linking. E.g., if you have ... somewhere on your site, you must make sure it is changed to ....
mod_rewrite handles incoming requests; it does not modify your output (HTML).

Apache URL Redirect Alternatives

One of my clients (before I came along) decided to use htaccess redirects as their form of URL shortening/search engine friendly URLs. They have literally thousands of them.
The new version of the site now has friendly urls but they aren't equivalent to their redirects so they still need them.
My question to you all is: Is there another way than to populate this file with thousands of lines of "Redirects /folder1 /folder2"?
If you cannot make simple rules to catch all of them as in the #chris henry solution you can use the RewriteMap utility of mod_rewrite. You'll be able to write these thousand rules in a text file, then make this text file an hash file, and mode_rewrite will try to match url in this file (if it's an hash file it's quite fast). After that mode_rewwrite can generate a redirect 301 with the [L,R=301] tag.
Yep, look at using the Apache config (httpd.conf or httpd-vhosts.conf) to set up site wide folder aliasing. Eg:
Alias /folder1 c:/www/folder2
Look at for more info.
Depending on how different the URLs being redirected are, one solution might be to come up with an rewrite rule that covers all of them, and maintain the short / long URLs in your application, or even a database.

How to use relative URL's in website with two base URL's

I have our basic corporate static html website installed in our web root directory and our billing software installed in /portal. I have integrated the websites to look like a single site by including the /menu.tpl smarty template file in the /portal/header.tpl file. However, if I use relative URL's, the menu sysem doesnt work as the base url for the billing script is /portal. i.e. if I create a link to faq.php in the menu.tpl and I load a page on the portal site, the link in the menu back to the faq page is now /portal/faq.php whereby if I load a page off the root site the link is just /faq.php as it should be.
The obvious answer is to just use absolute URL's, but I need the site to be portable as I have many developers who need to install and test it.
I cant find anyway to resolve this. Any ideas?
I ran into the same problem as you a while ago, and after trying a lot of dead ends, I finally ended up with the following solution:
For any URL you need to be a chamelion, i.e. change its path depending on the environment, insert a PHP function that writes out the correct URL.
If you include the PHP function from a single central file, then you can change all of the URL's in the entire site automatically, based on a setting, or some pre-detected switch such as the current domain name, etc.
<?php print_base_url_plus("/menu.php"); ?>
... where print_base_url_plus() is a function which appends the base URL onto the output.
You may find that you have to change some of the URL's to be php, so they are preprocessed by the PHP engine, or, you can alter the web settings so that standard .htm files are piped through the PHP engine, just like .php files.

How do I map a subdomain to Wordpress Posts?

Slightly strange question, I want my Wordpress blog to use subdomains as permalinks, a bit like the popular website "The Setup".
I already have Apache configured to load the site irrespective of the subdomain, I just need to work out how to make Wordpress load the right post. I have my permalink structure set as "/%postname%/" as I will manually ensure the post names are unique.
All I need to work out is how to get the subdomains mapped to the postname - I'm guessing it requires mod_rewrite? But I'm unsure how to proceed.
I'm using nginx for The Setup, so I'm not sure if that will help you much at all (nor can I guarantee that this is the best way to do it) but my config looks something like this:
location = / {
if ($host ~* "^([a-z0-9+\.\-]+)\.usesthis\.com$") {
set $interview $1;
if ($interview !~* '^(www)?$') {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /interviews/$interview.html;
The best way to accomplish this with Wordpress core features seems to be the "Create a Network" feature - formerly Wordpress Multi-Site (MU).
All you have to do is add a line to your wp-config.php file to begin the setup options from the Wordpress dashboard.
There are details here:
However, be advised that at this time they are slightly out of date in terms of what the screens look like, and the workflow. (For example, once you've gone through the process, now instead of entering the Network Admin interface from the top left link in the admin dash bar, the link is in the top right and looks a bit different).