SQL Server 2005: How to identify all tables referencing a specified table - sql-server-2005

I have a table which I need to get rid of. But there are several tables in the database referencing this table. Before I remove it, I need to modify the columns in the referencing tables. How can I find out which tables are referencing the table I want to remove?

If they are defined as foreign keys to the database table you can use the command
sp_help TableName
and that will list all of the constraints.


Can't delete table in different schema from Apache Ignite

I try to drop my tables in Apache ignite.
For example;
drop table if exists city
The code is working for PUBLIC schema but I couldn't delete tables from other schemas.
The error says 'Failed to parse query. Table "PRODUCT" not found;'
Here is the screenshot of my PowerShell?
How can I delete the tables belong the different schemas?
You need to fully qualify it:
drop table "Product".PRODUCT;
You need to do the same thing whenever you reference tables in different schemas, for example with a JOIN.

Opentext -Webservice to add Records to Database

I have OpenText ECM with Several Documents, I need to add one more Column to an existing table of OpenText DB.I have another DB in DB2 with all the information, I need a solution for updating Column from DB2 Table to SQL Table of OpenText both tables has a unique value.
Don't change OpenText core tables. Never. I'm sure you can achive your goal by create a new table and a foreign key that reference the table you would like to modify.

Overwrite SQL table within same server

I found this link that could be the solution to my question, but I need some clarification.
I have two DBs on one server, the one DB is a backup. I have a broken table and want to replace the table values/records with the table from the backup DB. Can I use the method from the link above, or is it only if the destination table is empty that I can use the "INSERT INTO destination"?
My goal is to overwrite the table with the backup values.
Since your goal is to replace the entire table with the table from the backup database, you can TRUNCATE the target table and then reload from the backup table using INSERT...SELECT.
You will need to be mindful of foreign key constraints. TRUNCATE is not allowed if FKs reference the table so you will need to use DELETE to empty the table instead.

cannot delete and update records on access linked table

I have access database called road.mdb.
Inside road.mdb, I have a linked SQL table and
the table name is student.
I can insert records using query design in MSAccess
But I cannot update nor Delete
when run delete query below, the error is: could not delete from specified table
delete from student where studentid=303;
and when I run update query below, the error is: Operation must use an updateable query
update student set Name='BOB' where studentid= 303;
I have full access to the sql database and I can run the query OK using sql management studio.
Is it impossible to delete and update using query design inside MSaccess??
The weird thing is I can insert new records using query design inside MSaccess
thank you
I SOLVED this by adding primary key to the SQL table and re linked the table to ACCESS
Thanks everyone...
In the case that you can't manipulated the table on SqlServer, you can get around the problem by telling Access which/s column/s are meant to be the primary key. This is done on the last step of creating a Linked table, the window title is "Select Unique Record Identifier".
You will find that the following steps will most likely solve your problem:
In SQL Server: set a primary key on the table you are working with and make sure the primary key is of type int, not bigint as Access will not properly deal with bigint data type.
In SQL Server: refresh the table.
In MS Access: re-link the table.
(You can easily check if 'things are OK' afterwards by adding a record to the SQL Server table and accessing it through the MS Access linked table. When all is OK you should not see #Deleted when viewing the data from MS Access side.)
Hope it helps ;-)
In my case, the linked table only had keys. I had to modify one of the keys to be a primary key and then I could truncate truncate the table via a DELETE table.* FROM table via access.
In my case the problem was a BIT column. I think the problem occurs when the the bit column contains a NULL value.
To resolve the issue, I either deleted the entire column, or set a default value.

TRUNCATE TABLE query unable to execute in SSIS because of foreign key

I have a table Person which contains 2 fields.In my another database i have a Participant Table(also have 2 columns).From Participant Table i have to insert values into Person Table.
but before every insertion,i want truncate the person Table.
I have try it out with linking Execute Sql task to Data flow task.But it is showing error that a Primary Foreign key relation exists there.
If I understand correctly, SSIS has nothing to do with your real problem, which is that you want to truncate a table that is referenced by a foreign key constraint. That question has already been answered: Cannot truncate table because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint?
If a table in sql server has foreign key references then you can't truncate. instead in your execute sql task use delete without a where clause.
delete from person_table
If you are really adamant about truncating the table, you could drop the foreign key constraints, then truncate the table then recreate the foreign key constraints. Providing of course, that the user you are running the package as has the privileges to do so.
Create an "Execute SQl" task and run DELETE FROM person
after this task, run your import.
DELETE FROM will give the same result as TRUNCATE TABLE, but if the table has a foreign key pointing to it, it cant be truncated. You have to use the delete command
You won't be able to delete either unless cascading deletes is turned on (or you delete the child records first). Why is this a problem you ask, why can't I do what I want to do? Because if you do then you may lose the integrity of the data. Suppose I have records in table2 which relate to records in table 1. Suppose further that table1 has an autogenerated id. If I could truncate that table, then I leave those records i ntable 2 hanging out without any record to reference them, they have become orphaned. Well but I'm putting the data back in you say. But then they will have new id numbers and you will still lose the relatinoship tothe related data.
Can you drop the FK and truncate and insert and recreate the FK. Yes you can but it is a poor practice and you should not unless you are also recreating those related records.
The best practice is to use a MERGE statement to update or insert depending on what you need.
In SSIS Transfer SQL Server Objects Task Set Property DeleteFirst to TRUE