How to determine which databases are being used on SQL Server 2000 - sql

I have a SQL Server 2000 box that houses several databases, some of which are probably no longer in use. I'd like to clean things up by first taking them offline, and then later removing them all together. The problem is that I don't know how to tell which of these are still being actively used (outside sources may or may not be connecting to them, using them, etc.)
Is there a way to tell the time of the last activity on each database? I know that SQL Server keeps records of some things in sys tables, but I'm not sure what exactly is stored there. If what I need cannot be found there, is there something I can set up to track usage from this point forward? Ideally, I'd like to be able to see usage "up to this point in time", but "from this point forward" would be better than nothing. Thanks.

Try turning on auditing for logging into SqlServer. Based on user accounts used, you can see if that database is used or not.
The auditing can be found here:
EnterpriseManager -> Right click database server -> Properties
-> Security -> Audit Level -> set to All
This will fill up the logs that you can see under /Management/SqlServerLogs and that log is typically also saved in here C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\log\, so you could parse & search through it.

As far as I know, there's nothing built in to SQL Server to give you a "last used" date/time. Going forward, you could track usage by running a query like this on a regular basis.
select db_name(dbid), count(*)
from master..sysprocesses
group by db_name(dbid)
order by db_name(dbid)


Fixing Connection Pool maxing out / Finding open connections to SQL Server

I'm having a bit of trouble with an old website that I have inherited from someone.
It throw errors regarding a connection pool being maxed out. When it happens the website would simply then just load the HTML and nothing from the database. When it is left for a while it would then work fine, or when I would recycle the IIS application pool in Plesk.
I have done a lot of reading and research but I can't quite work it out still.
The first thing I read was to look for was any code where the database connection was not closed after it had retrieved the information. I haven't found anything like this so far.
The next thing was I found a stored procedure sp_who2 which I was led to believe would give me the open connection but I'm a little confused as to if this is what I'm actually looking at.
When running sp_who2 I get the below.
Is this an open connection? Or is it simply my connection that is currently looking at the database through SQL Server Management Studio?
This database is currently on a shared hosting platform so I don't have the access needed to run some of the other commands that I found.
Ideally I will move the website off a shared host, but I'd like to find out the reason for this before I do. What I'm hoping to find is where the code needs to be adjusted to make it work.
Is this an open connection? Or is it simply my connection that is currently looking at the database through SQL Server Management Studio?
It's both. Your connection is coming from SSMS, and it is an open connection.
There are ways to get more detailed infomration than this. You can, for example, use sys.dm_exec_connections, along with other DMV's like sys.dm_exec_sessions, and construct a query which tells you a lot of information.
But rather than write a query like that yourself, I suggest you download Adam Machanic's excellent sp_whoisactive. It's just a stored procedure you create, which contains a query to pull lots of useful infomration from the system metadata, with the ability to provide options to customise the output. This procedure is, I would be confident to say, the "default" procedure that everyone eventually uses for this kind of query. I might write my own more limited query against the DMV's from time to time, but most of the time, sp_whoisactive can give you everything you want.
One of the parameters, for example, is #show_sleeping_spids. This will show you connections even if they're not actually running any query. Which is sort of funny given that the procedure name is "who is active", but the usefulness is clear. You would want to execute this procedure like so: exec sp_whoisactive #show_sleeping_spids = 1, and perhaps add other paramters besides. It has powerful filtering options too, but if you don't typically have a lot of connections, you probably can just grab the entire output and eyeball it for relevant info.
If you can't run this because of the permissions available to you by shared hosting, then your options are severely limited. If you are only getting your own session from sp_who2, but you know other stuff is running, then you don't have view server state permission. In such cases, sp_who2 only outputs your own session (because you are allowed to see information about your own session).

Track all logins on to a single SQL Server database

Thanks in advance for any help.
We have a particular database on a SQL Server 2012 box along with about 20 other databases.
What I require is a method/script/audit (open minded about the solution) that will simply track anyone who logs in (successfully / unsuccessful) to this one particular database on the server (the single database is the key as the end user does not want information on any of the other databases that sit on the server), it also has to log time the attempt was made and it must track the logins via SQL Server or the application itself that is attached to the database.
Once we have this information we need to simply store that somehow. I say somehow as the storing part depends on the solutions recommended to me, so I’m open minded about this too.
Any help would be great as I'm scratching my head on this one.
There's actually a tool built into SQL Management Studio for this.
Please see the attached link for Configure Login Auditing
Once it has been setup, all events will be recorded in the error log.

How can I see which tables are changed in SQL Server?

I have a database which I didn't make and now I have to work on that database. I have to insert some information, but some information must be saved in not one table but several tables. I
can use the program which have made the database and insert information with that. While I am doing that, I want to see that which tables are updated. I heard that SQL Server Management Studio has a tool or something which make us see changes.
Do you know something like that? If you don't, how can I see changes on the database's tables? If you don't understand my question, please ask what I mean. Thanks
Edit : Yes absolutely Sql Profiler is what I want but I am using SQL Server 2008 R2 Express and in Express edition, Sql Profiler tool does not exist in Tools menu option. Now I am looking for how to add it.
Edit 2 : Thank you all especially #SchmitzIT for his pictured answer. I upgraded my SQL Server Management Studio from 2008 R2 express edition to 2012 Web Developer Edition. SQL Profiller Trace definitely works.
I agree with #Lmu92. SQL Server Profiler is what you want.
From SQL Server Management Studio, click on the "Tools" menu option, and then select to use "SQL SErver Profiler" to launch the tool. The profier will allow you to see statements executed against the database in real time, along with statistics on these statements (time spent handling the request, as well as stats on the impact of a statement on the server itself).
The statistics can be a real help when you're troubleshooting performance, as it can help you identify long running queries, or queries that have a significant impact on your disk system.
On a busy database, you might end up seeing a lot of information zip by, so the key to figuring out what's happening behind the scenes is to ensure that you implement proper filtering on the events.
To do so, after you connect Profiler to your server, in the "Trace properties" screen, click the "Events Selection" tab:
You probably are good to uncheck the boxes in front of the "Audit" columns, as they are not relevant for your specific issue. However, the important bit on this screen is the "Column filters" button:
This is where you will be able to implement filters that only show you the data you want to see. You can, for instance, add a filter to the "ApplicationName", to ensure you only see events generated by an application with the name you specify. Simply click on the "+" sign next to "Like", and you will be able to fill in an application name in the textbox.
You can choose to add additional filters if you want (like "NTUsername" to filter by AD username, or "LoginName" for an SQL Server user.
Once you are satisfied with the results, click "OK", and you will hopefully start seeing some results. Then you can simply use the app to perform the task you want while the profiler trace runs, and stop it once you are done.
You can then scroll through the collected data to see what exactly it has been doing to your database. Results can also be stored as a table for easy querying.
Hope this helps.
Although you describe in your question what you want, you don't explain why you want it. This would be helpful to properly answer your question.
ExpressProfiler is a free profiler that might meet your needs.
If you're looking to track DDL changes to your database, rather than all queries made against it, you might find SQL Lighthouse useful, once it is released in Beta shortly.
Disclosure: I work for Red Gate.
Do you know something like that? If you don't, how can I see changes
on the database's tables? If you don't understand my question, please
ask what I mean. Thanks
Red gate makes a lot of great tools. You can always make a database comparison. That will require that you make a backup, then doing whatever you want to do, and the compare the two databases, there is a free trial, works perfect to compare which tables has changed (deleted/inserted and modified)
what you might maybe be looking for is "SQL Server Profiler". It's a SQL monitor where you can see all the SQL queries running real time.
Hope that helps you.
As far as I know SQL Profiler tool is not included in the Express edition of SQL Server (only Developer edition contains it). Maybe you can purchase it separately.
If you want you can try this free tool for profiling. Maybe it has limitations, but it you can check it.
There are also some profiling tools for integration with Visual studio, and also the ReSharper has InteliTrace (if you are using the tool at all).

InRecovery SQL Server Database Mode

there is a database that work with it from before to know. know this database (ms sql database) was in InRecovery Mode. in this mode, when i can see it in SQL Server Management Studio, but i cant do anything else. this mean that i can not see tables, i can not see data for each table, ... . in abstract, the plus button beside of database name does not exist. and you can guess other things that i can not do. this problem is from where? and how i can solve this. (note: i have not any backups for this database)
You'll have to wait for it to come out of recovery mode. Basically, something bad happened to it and SQL is trying to recover from that. If it can't recover, and you have no backups, then you are pretty much out of luck.

Problem with an Access 2007 Project connecting to Sql Server 2005

So I've created an Access Project for one of my users so he can connect to a reporting database. The .adp project connects to the DB and he can query data to his heart's content. The problem is, no queries can be saved. Whenever he opens the project, he is presented with the following error:
"This version of Microsoft Access does not support design changes with the version of Microsoft Sql Server to which your Access project is connected. See the Microsoft Office Update Web site for the latest information and downloads. Your design changes will not be saved."
Again, this is Access 2007 and Sql Server 2005. My googling efforts - which are coming on a day when I seem to be especially stupid - keep bringing up information regarding this error for Access 2002/2003 trying to connect to Sql Server 2005, which is clearly not my problem.
I'm seeing that one can connect to Sql Server with the normal Access databases (.accdb in 2007 or some such), but I'm seeing mixed information regarding whether I want to do this or not. And since I can't get a copy of Access 2007, I can't really test this (topic for another time).
Before I do down that road, I'd like to get to the bottom of this one. Anyone have any suggestions, useful links, or useful knowledge? Or an older developer who knows the answer that is no longer needed, so I can eat him and absorb his knowledge and powers?
The account being used to connect to the DB was only a db_reader. I changed it to DBO and that fixed the problem - user can now create and save queries, and sleep at night knowing that tomorrow will bring a new day with new querying possibilities.
I'm not super crazy about this though the reporting database has been set up on a separate install/server from impotant App databases. I'm not worried about the user (or anyone on his group) blowing anything up. I'd like to understand why this is, and don't (outside of the obvious - reader is read only! I didn't expect that to extend to work in Access), and will try to do so at a later time. One of the unfortunate aspects of working at a dev shop focused on internal app development is, "well, it's working, you have other things to see to".
I am not sure if I can be of help here.
But you can have a view inside Access which connects to SQL database and use that view.
Alternatively, you can go the other way. Have a DB project with SQL Server & create a linked server to MS-Access DB.
Did you try linking to the tables through an ODBC connection?
CodeSlave, I did not. The attitude from higher up is "it's working, move on". I'm not sure the boss really wanted to go down that road anyway, but it's a moot point. I should probably try granting the account dbreader and dbwriter access and see if that accomplishes the same thing, but it being dbo isn't really a huge deal. Or rather, it's not a big enough deal that The Powers That Be want me to seek an immediate change.
I was going to try linked tables until changing the SQl Server account permissions "fixed the problem" (quotes very deliberate; it feels like one of those solutions you arrive at without a proper understanding of what it worked, which vexes me).