GWT Data Serialization - serialization

I'm looking for the algorithm that Google's Web Toolkit uses to serialize data posted to the server during an AJAX request. I'm looking to duplicate it in another language so that I can tie in another of my projects with a GWT project.
Any help is much appreciated!

The GWT-RPC serialization is heavily tied to Java. It even sends Java class names over the wire.
I suggest you use something like JSON to communicate with the server. This way, you can use any programming language with the GWT server.
Update: There are no definitive references to the GWT-RPC format, and a mailing list post explains that decision:
The GWT RPC format is intentionally opaque JSON. This makes it
somewhere between difficult and impossible to add a non-GWT agent to
the RPC discussion. There isn't really a nice work-around for
creating a non-Java server-side implementation but, because your
RemoteServiceServlet implementation just has to implement your
synchronous RPC interface, it's quite possible for non-GWT clients to
talk to the same server-side business logic, just without using the
RPC protocol.
and the little detail which surfaced was
The wire format is plain text. It's actually JSON. It's just
unreadable JSON because the assumption is that both the producing and
consuming code is auto-generated and can make all kinds of assumptions
about the structure of the text.

I've written a design document explaining the GWT-RPC wire format. Hopefully you'll find it useful.


Spring Data Rest Without HATEOAS

I really like all the boilerplate code Spring Data Rest writes for you, but I'd rather have just a 'regular?' REST server without all the HATEOAS stuff. The main reason is that I use Dojo Toolkit on the client side, and all of its widgets and stores are set up such that the json returned is just a straight array of items, without all the links and things like that. Does anyone know how to configure this with java config so that I get all the mvc code written for me, but without all the HATEOAS stuff?
After reading Oliver's comment (which I agree with) and you still want to remove HATEOAS from spring boot.
Add this above the declaration of the class containing your main method:
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = RepositoryRestMvcAutoConfiguration.class)
As pointed out by Zack in the comments, you also need to create a controller which exposes the required REST methods (findAll, save, findById, etc).
So you want REST without the things that make up REST? :) I think trying to alter (read: dumb down) a RESTful server to satisfy a poorly designed client library is a bad start to begin with. But here's the rationale for why hypermedia elements are necessary for this kind of tooling (besides the probably familiar general rationale).
Exposing domain objects to the web has always been seen critically by most of the REST community. Mostly for the reason that the boundaries of a domain object are not necessarily the boundaries you want to give your resources. However, frameworks providing scaffolding functionality (Rails, Grails etc.) have become hugely popular in the last couple of years. So Spring Data REST is trying to address that space but at the same time be a good citizen in terms of restfulness.
So if you start with a plain data model in the first place (objects without to many relationships), only want to read them, there's in fact no need for something like Spring Data REST. The Spring controller you need to write is roughly 10 lines of code on top of a Spring Data repository. When things get more challenging the story gets becomes more intersting:
How do you write a client without hard coding URIs (if it did, it wasn't particularly restful)?
How do you handle relationships between resources? How do you let clients create them, update them etc.?
How does the client discover which query resources are available? How does it find out about the parameters to pass etc.?
If your answers to these questions is: "My client doesn't need that / is not capable of doing that.", then Spring Data REST is probably the wrong library to begin with. What you're basically building is JSON over HTTP, but nothing really restful then. This is totally fine if it serves your purpose, but shoehorning a library with clear design constraints into something arbitrary different (albeit apparently similar) that effectively wants to ignore exactly these design aspects is the wrong approach in the first place.

Generation of client objects for REST

Hi Guys : It seems like the SOAP/WSDL world was very high on generating objects from data models, but I cannot tell wether the REST approach to web services favors the same approach. In my opinion, it seems as though JSON is emerging as the new common, native object format for most languages, thus obviating any need for language specific APIs. However, I'm new to the web services game.
Thus my question is : Are there tools which can autogenerate REST client side objects for us? And secondarily, is it customary in the web-services world, to provide client side objects for dealing with REST data (as is neccessary for dealing with SOAP data) ?
What the "REST world" doesn't quite have in the same way as the "SOAP world" is a service description language like WSDL. At least, it's not quite as uniform.
There is of course HTML. Behind REST is the Web, and it would be unfair to dismiss HTML, since it has precisely the purpose of describing what you can do with the service. The downside is that it's not very computer-friendly in its most common form. Hence, there is no html2java that will turn your forms into objects. In addition, the programming model would be quite different to remote objects, which tools like wsdl2java tend to incur.
There is WADL, but it's not necessarily wide-spread. There is a wadl2java tool (see this question too perhaps).
It also depends on what you call a "REST" web service: does it really make proper use of the hypermedia, or is it just sending XML/JSON to a nice-looking URL.

Transmitting SOAP messages over Named Pipes in WCF

I fear I may be displaying my ignorance with this question, but here goes...
I would like to use WCF to implement interprocess communication between a .NET app and a third-party app written in Qt. The Qt app has a plugin architecture that, if I choose to, can be used to bootstrap some .NET classes to handle WCF cleanly at both ends, but I'd rather keep the codebase native and therefore I'm thinking of ways to make sure that whatever I send down the wire with WCF, I can reassemble at the other end using classes available in Qt.
Qt has a SOAP message class, so I figured the preferable solution - and the one that's closest to the one we've hacked together already - is to send SOAP messages and pick them up off a QLocalSocket. Question is, is it possible to force WCF to encode messages as SOAP over a NetNamedPipeBinding, and if so, is it wise to do so?
I'm feeling rather wary at this point that my question might not make complete sense due to my shaky understanding of the technology involved. If this is the case, please take the time to explain why instead of just saying 'no'.
edit #1: I figure an update is warranted, as I've investigated some and should report my findings.
Firstly, I have found that Qt is a pig. The QtSoapMessage class I mentioned, it turns out, doesn't exist in the current version, and is available only as an after-market source package that you have to compile yourself. It took me many hours of googling to find out why this wasn't working. The Qt documentation is utterly dreadful, Qt Creator is counterintuitive in the extreme, and I've all but lost patience with it so haven't pursued this idea any further as yet. Furthermore, it isn't obvious how exactly I am to pass the socket data into the soap message constructor, which takes a QDomDocument, whereas the API for reading XML from a socket uses a QXmlStreamReader or somesuch. There doesn't seem to be any conversion between them.
You actually have a different problem to the one you think you have.
WCF will by default exchange SOAP messages over the NetNamedPipeBinding.
However, the message exchange is layered over some Microsoft proprietary protocols for transaction flow, message framing and encoding, which means that if on the Qt side you pick up a byte stream directly from a QLocalSocket you will have a lot of work to do to implement these underlying protocols before you will be able to get at the SOAP infoset itself.
It is possible to configure the NetNamedPipe binding to remove some of these protocol layers, but not all of them - the framing protocol will always be there, for example.
You might like to read my blog for a lot more detail on this.

how write XML for any website

I am doing Objective C programming and I want send and receive requests(Login/data fetching) over the client/server.
Now the problem is Should I do it using XML or any other Method.
Also I know nothing how to write XML for any particular website.
I am hassling for many days.Can anybody help?
XML particularly SOAP is very bloated and the support in Objective-C is severely lacking. I would recommend JSON for lightweight use and in fact Apple use it for their Push Notification server.
If you DO want SOAP then check for an online objective-c generator from a WSDL.
There's no such animal as "any particular website." Some return data in HTML, RSS, ATOM, or JSON format, others may use a custom XML schema all their own. Likewise with the data you send; they may expect requests via SOAP or HTTP, with any type and number of inputs the creators chose.
In short, you need to find out exactly what is expected by the one particular site with which you're trying to communicate, and give it what it wants. That's why programmers get paid the big bucks, because there's no easy "do what I mean" button. :-)
Your question is whether you should use xml or any other method of communication.
XML has been designed to standardize communication, which is especially handy for communicating between several parties, as the structure of the document can be formally written down in a document and can be validated, so there is no discussion afterwards about the syntax of the document.
Although that is a noble idea, XML is relatively complex and not as light weight as, for example, json.
As long as you are writing your own client that communicates to your own server, the protocol used between those 2 can be anything, and do not need to be XML.
Therefore I would suggest using a lightweight and easy to understand protocol. Json is gaining popularity due to its simplicity.
If you have control over the output of the data on your server, I'd suggest you output the data directly as a plist. Plists are native dictionary objects that can be directly instantiated with [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsofURL:].
Take a look at the PList programming guide for proper formatting.

Consuming web services from Oracle PL/SQL

Our application is interfacing with a lot of web services these days. We have our own package that someone wrote a few years back using UTL_HTTP and it generally works, but needs some hard-coding of the SOAP envelope to work with certain systems. I would like to make it more generic, but lack experience to know how many scenarios I would have to deal with. The variations are in what namespaces need to be declared and the format of the elements. We have to handle both simple calls with a few parameters and those that pass a large amount of data in an encoded string.
I know that 10g has UTL_DBWS, but there are not a huge number of use-cases on-line. Is it stable and flexible enough for general use? Documentation
I have used UTL_HTTP which is simple and works. If you face a challenge with your own package, you can probably find a solution in one of the many wrapper packages around UTL_HTTP on the net (Google "consuming web services from pl/sql", leading you to e.g.
The reason nobody is using UTL_DBWS is that it is not functional in a default installed database. You need to load a ton of Java classes into the database, but the standard instructions seem to be defective - the process spews Java errors right and left and ultimately fails. It seems very few people have been willing to take the time to track down the package dependencies in order to make this approach work.
I had this challenge and found and installed the 'SOAP API' package that Sten suggests on Oracle-Base. It provides some good envelope-creation functionality on top of UTL_HTTP.
However there were some limitations that pertain to your question. SOAP_API assumes all requests are simple XML- i.e. only one layer tag hierarchy.
I extended the SOAP_API package to allow the client code to arbitrarily insert an extra tag. So you can insert a sub-level such as , continue to build the request, and remember to insert a closing tag.
The namespace issue was a bear for the project- different levels of XML had different namespaces.
A nice debugging tool that I used is TCP Trace from Pocket Soap.
You set it up like a proxy and watch the HTTP request and response objects between client and server code.
Having said all that, we really like having a SOAP client in the database- we have full access to all data and existing PLSQL code, can easily loop through cursors and call the external app via SOAP when needed. It was a lot quicker and easier than deploying a middle tier with lots of custom Java or .NET code. Good luck and let me know if you'd like to see my enhanced SOAP API code.
We have also used UTL_HTTP in a manner similar to what you have described. I don't have any direct experience with UTL_DBWS, so I hope you can follow up with any information/experience you can gather.
#kogus, no it's a quite good design for many applications. PL/SQL is a full-fledged programming language that has been used for many big applications.
Check out this older post. I have to agree with that post's #1 answer; it's hard to imagine a scenario where this could be a good design.
Can't you write a service, or standalone application, which would talk to a table in your database? Then you could implement whatever you want as a trigger on that table.