Where can I QuickForm2 documentation [closed] - documentation

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I spent the past few hours searching for a tutorial/documentation for QuickForm2 but seems like there is no such thing other than the examples attached with the package itself which are not sufficient at all. I tried looking through the API documentation but I can't find a method called addElement for example which is the most used method there. I just need any good tutorial about the second version of the package or would you please tell me where can i find the methods (addElement, addRule, element specific methods like setValue, setOptions, setContent ... etc).

There is a bunch of examples here (on Ubuntu):
If you are on another distro you can do:
locate QuickForm2

I'm not too familiar with QuickForm, but a google search found this page:
I think you're possibly struggling because the methods you're looking for are in the base classes.
For example:
Element mentions that it Includes Node.php.
Node has an addRule method (and a setValue one).
addElement looks like its in the Container class

The documentation for HTML_QuickForm2 is in the PEAR manual: http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.html.html-quickform2.php
addElement is in HTML/QuickForm2/Container.php.


Where to find reference for PyGObject [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working on a Python based source code editor. I've created a clean layout with a Gtk.Notebook. Creating a main layout was easy with Glade, but right after I imported gi.repository, everything got hard. It's very hard to find documentation. From pydoc I can 't get anything, only method signatures, which are usually *args, **kwargs. I often need to check what a method returns or takes in, and I haven't really started signals and other stuff yet.
Is there a complete/almost-complete documentation, especially for GtkSource? GtkSource is especially undocumented.
You should probably read my answer to a similar SO question: PyGObject GTK+ 3 Documentation. In short, you should refer to the GtkSourceView API Reference for C. Don't worry, it's not hard. When you see "GtkSourceView" in the C docs you know it's "GtkSource.View" in Python. When you see "gtk_source_view_new" in C docs you know it's the constructor in Python "GtkSouce.View()". You can set any GTK+ property in the constructor and there is usually get_foo/set_foo style methods for each property.
Therefore, you can do things like:
view = GtkSouce.View(indent_width=4, show_line_numbers=True)
view.get_buffer().set_text("Hello World!")
Remember, GTK+ widgets are objects so you need to pay attention to the hierarchy to find all the methods and properties for a widget.

clojure.lang, etc. api [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Are the JavaDocs for clojure.lang, etc. available online? Do I need to build it myself from the Clojure source?
if you want descriptions for functions and even examples, visit ClojureDocs
you can even contribute ;)
Javadocs don't exist, per se. If you look at the Java source code, it's very sparsely documented. Certainly you could generate a skeleton yourself, but it probably wouldn't be all that useful anyway as much of the language is self-implemented (in clojure), using Java mostly for bootstrapping the core functionality. I don't think clojure.lang package is really intended to be used directly.
To learn about Clojure functions you can:
Use (doc) and (find-doc) from a repl
Use the API reference at clojure.org
See ClojureDocs, per #Belun's answer

Posting Documentation onto a Joomla Site [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to create some documentation and post it onto my Joomla website. This documentation would be something along the lines of the MSDN documentation: i.e. each page would follow a basic template.
Intuitively I feel I have two ways of achieving this:
1) Creating each page of documentation as a separate article, and then linking them up.
2) Creating some kind of template and filling the information from a database.
The second option being preferable in the long run. Unforunately I have no idea how to achieve what I'm looking for. I hoped that there would be a component out there that woud help me, but Googling for 'Joomla Documentation' just brings up the documentation for Joomla itself.
Has anyone out there put documentation on their site, and how did they achieve it?
You're probably best off using one of the content construction kits (CCKs) available for Joomla: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/news-production/content-construction These allow you to define preset fields for each article.

Where is the documentation for wxAUIToolbar? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I looked in http://docs.wxwidgets.org/trunk/ but could't find the documentation for it.
Does anyone know where it is and/or why it's not there?
I can explain why it's not there in a sense - there's no Doxygen annotations in the header file where the class is declared. As for why not, I'm guessing that the AUI authors isn't a big fan of Doxygen - I believe AUI was developed as a third party addition to wxWidgets, and has only relatively recently been merged in, so a few differences in things like this are to be expected.
The class is declared in include/wx/aui/auibar.h, it inherits wxControl, and from a quick look through the public methods it's probably not that hard to figure out.
There are some wxAuiToolbar examples in the aui sample program (samples/aui/auidemo.cpp). This should give a few more clues.
Until someone contributes some documentation updates, I'm afraid a bit of detective work is probably needed.

JavaDoc to (Doku)Wiki conversion / doclet [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Our company has a very large public Java API which is currently being released standalone and online using (of course) JavaDoc. It is surrounded by product documentation which links into the API.
We are moving our static documentation to DokuWiki - which works pretty good - and want to keep the links.
Now it would be good to have a method (or doclet) that exports the JavaDoc directly into DokuWiki - or a very near alternative.
Question: Is there something like this or do you know a method to do just that?
Here's a Doclet which writes to JSON.
It might help get you started writing a custom Doclet.
You need to write doclet yourself, its not hard - its just html generation from very nice meta-model.
this might help
P.S. doclet api is in lib/tools.jar of your sdk.