How to use printf with NSString - objective-c

I need to use something like NSLog but without the timestamp and newline character, so I'm using printf. How can I use this with NSString?

You can convert an NSString into a UTF8 string by calling the UTF8String method:
printf("%s", [string UTF8String]);

//public method that accepts a string argument
- (void) sayThis : ( NSString* ) this
printf("%s",[this cString]);
According to the NSString.h ( html version ) the UTF8String method is only available on Mac OSX.
(see below )
All the other methods I looked at are marked as 'availability:Openstep'
There are further methods that will return regular char* strings but they might throw character conversion exceptions.
NOTE The string pointers point to memory that might go away so you have to copy the strings if you want to keep a copy of the string contents, but immediate printing should be fine ?
There are also methods that will return an encoded string, and a method to test if the encoding you want will work ( I think ) so you can check if your required encoding will work and then request a string that has been encoded as required.
From reading through the .h file itself there are many encodings and translations between encodings.
These are managed using enumerations so you can pass the type of encoding you want as an argument.
On linux etc. do :
locate NSString.h
** Note this found the html doc file also
otherwise do a :
find /usr -name NSString.h
NOTE Your mileage may vary :)
From the NSString.h html doc file :
- (const char*) cString;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns a pointer to a null terminated string of 8-bit characters in the default encoding. The memory pointed to is not owned by the caller, so the caller must copy its contents to keep it. Raises an NSCharacterConversionException if loss of information would occur during conversion. (See -canBeConvertedToEncoding: .)
- (NSUInteger) cStringLength;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns length of a version of this unicode string converted to bytes using the default C string encoding. If the conversion would result in information loss, the results are unpredictable. Check -canBeConvertedToEncoding: first.
- (const char*) cStringUsingEncoding: (NSStringEncoding)encoding;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.4.0, Base 1.2.0
Returns a pointer to a null terminated string of characters in the specified encoding.
NB. under GNUstep you can used this to obtain a nul terminated utf-16 string (sixteen bit characters) as well as eight bit strings.
The memory pointed to is not owned by the caller, so the caller must copy its contents to keep it.
Raises an NSCharacterConversionException if loss of information would occur during conversion.
- (BOOL) canBeConvertedToEncoding: (NSStringEncoding)encoding;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns whether this string can be converted to the given string encoding without information loss.


Objective-C / C Convert UTF8 Literally to Real string

Im wondering how to convert
NSString = "\xC4"; ....
to real NSString represented in normal format
Fundamentally related to xcode UTF-8 literals. Of course, it is ambiguous what you actually mean by "\xC4" - without an encoding specified, it means nothing.
If you mean the character whose Unicode code point is 0x00C4 then I would think (though I haven't tested) that this will do what you want.
NSString *s = #"\u00C4";
First are you sure you have \xC4 in your string? Consider:
NSString *one = #"\xC4\x80";
NSString *two = #"\\xC4\\x80";
NSLog(#"%# | %#", one, two);
This will output:
Ā | \xC4\x80
If you are certain your string contains the four characters \xC4 are you sure it is UTF-8 encoded as ASCII? Above you will see I added \x80, this is because \xC4 is not valid UTF-8, it is the first byte of a two-byte sequence. Maybe you have only shown a sample of your input and the second byte is present, if not you do not have UTF-8 encoded as ASCII.
If you are certain it is UTF-8 encoded as ASCII you will have to convert it yourself. It might seem the Cocoa string encoding methods would handle it, especially as what you appear to have is a string as it might be written in Objective-C source code. Unfortunately the obvious encoding, NSNonLossyAsciiStringEncoding only handles octal and unicode escapes, not the hexadecimal escapes in your string.
You can use any algorithm you like to convert it. One choice would be a simple finite state machine which scans the input a byte at a time and recognises the four byte sequence: \, x, hex-digit, hex-digit; and combines the two hex-digits into a single byte. NSString is not the best choice for byte-at-time string processing, you may be better off converting to C strings, e.g.:
// sample input, all characters should be ASCII
NSString *input = #"\\xC4\\x80";
// obtain a C string containing the ASCII characters
const char *cInput = [input cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
// allocate a buffer of the correct length for the result
char cOutput[strlen(c2a)+1];
// call your function to decode the hexadecimal escapes
convertAsciiEncodedUTF8(cInput, cOutput);
// create a NSString from the result
NSString *output = [NSString stringWithCString:cOutput encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
You just need to write the finite state machine, or other algorithm, for convertAsciiEncodedUTF8.
(If you write an algorithm and it fails ask another question showing your code, somebody will probably help you. But don't expect someone to write it for you.)

objective c UTF8String not working with japanese

I would like to show the NSString below on my UILabel:
NSString *strValue=#"你好";
but i can not show it on my UILabel i get strange characters!
I use this code to show the text:
[NSString stringWithCString:[strValue UTF8String] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
I tried [NSString stringWithCString:[strValue cStringUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] and it worked
but i can not show emoticons with cStringUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding so i have to use UTF8String.
Any help appreciated.
Your source file is in UTF-8, but the compiler you are using thinks it's ISO-Latin 1. What you think is the string #"你好" is actually the string #"你好". But when you ask NSString* to give you this back as ISO-Latin 1, and treat it as UTF-8, you've reversed the process the compiler took and you end up with the original string.
One solution that you can use here is to tell your compiler what encoding your source file is in. There is a compiler flag (for GCC it's -finput-charset=UTF-8, not sure about clang) that will tell the compiler what encoding to use. Curiously, UTF-8 should be the default already, but perhaps you're overriding this with a locale.
A more portable solution is to use only ASCII in your source file. You can accomplish this by replacing the non-ASCII chars with a string escape using \u1234 or \U12345678. In your case, you'd use
NSString *strValue=#"\u4F60\u597D";
Of course, once you get your string constant to be correct, you can ditch the whole encoding stuff and just use strValue directly.

Cocoa base64 decoding. And NSString initWithData:encoding: return nil

I have MIME header:
Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCJzEnYidWJ1UnWSdRJ1wnURsoQg==?=
When i try to decode first string GyRCJzEnYidWJ1UnWSdRJ1wnURsoQg== (base64 decode and then NSSring initWithData: encoding:), all right. My code works fine for hundreds of different MIME headers except follows...
...When i try to decode second sring GyRCJ1kbKEIgGyRCLWIbKEIxNzUzNTk=, NSString initWithData:encoding: return nil
For example, decode all strings correctly (dont forget encode this strings from base64 befor using this site).
This isn't a base64 problem, it's an ISO-2022-JP problem. Actually it's a JIS-X-0208 problem. If you look at the base64-decoded (but still ISO-2022-JP encoded) string, you'll see that it contains the sequence ESC $ B - b (bytes 9 through 13). The first three are the ISO-2022-JP shift sequence to shift into JIS-X-0208-1983 (see RFC 1468 for details), and the next two are supposed to be a 2-byte encoding of a character, but if you work it out it's on line 13 of the kuten grid, which isn't defined.
tl;dr: That's not a valid character.
Maybe you are missing a final = in your string?

Storage Allocation in Objective-C

Can this statement ever fail?
if (#"Hello") foo(); ?
In other words can there be a situation where in the compiler fails to allocate enough storage space for literals. I know this sounds ridiculous for short length literals but what about really long ones.
NSString literals are "allocated" at compile time and form part of the text segment of your program.
To answer the other part of the question, if the compiler fails to allocate enough memory for the literal, the if statement won't fail, but the compilation will.
I don't know what the effective upper limit to the length of a string literal is, but it's bound to be less than NSIntegerMax unichars because NSNotFound is defined as NSIntegerMax. According to the clang docs, the length in bytes of a string literal is an unsigned int and NSString string literals are sequences of unichars.
I'm pretty sure if you try to compile a file with the literal
#" ... 1TB worth of characters ... "
the compiler will fail. The C standard available here says that any compatible compiler needs to support at least 4095 characters per string literal, etc. See Section I'm sure GCC and clang allows much bigger literals.

NSString Decoding Problem

This String is base64 encoded string:
NSString *string=#"ë§ë ë¼ì´";
This is not show the orginal string:
NSLog(#"String is %#",[string cStringUsingEncoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]);
That's not a Base64-encoded string. There are a couple other things going on with your code, too:
You can't include literal non-ASCII characters inside a string constant; rather, you have to use the bytes that make up the character, prefixed with \x; or in the case of Unicode, you can use the Unicode code point, prefixed with \u. So your string should look something like NSString *string = #"\x91\xa4\x91 \x91\x93";. But...
The characters ¼ and ´ aren't part of the MacRoman encoding, so you'll have trouble using them. Are you sure you want a MacRoman string, rather than a Unicode string? Not many applications use MacRoman anymore, anyway.
cStringUsingEncoding: returns a C string, which should be printed with %s, not %#, since it's not an Objective-C object.
That said, your code will sort of work with:
// Using MacRoman encoding in string constant
NSString *s = #"\x91\xa4\x91 \x91\x93";
NSLog(#"%s", [s cStringUsingEncoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]);
I say "sort of work" because, again, you can't represent that code in MacRoman.
That would be because Mac OS Roman is nothing like base-64 encoding. Base-64 encoding is a further encoding applied the bytes that represent the original string. If you want to see the original string, you will first need to base-64 decode the bytestring and then figure out the original string encoding in order to interpret it.