Returning external data from a function in ActionScript - actionscript-2

I have the following script that is calling a text file:
/* first create a new instance of the LoadVars object */
myVariables = new LoadVars();
myVariables.onLoad = function(getreading):String{
var ODOMETER2:String=myVariables.ACADEMICWATER;
return ODOMETER2;
trace (ODOMETER2);
The text file contains the following:
I am able to import the value of 3002 into the function and I can trace it. However, I Should be able to trace it outside the function using trace(getreading()); as shown on the last line. This only returns an "UNDEFINED" value. I am stumped.

You are declaring an anonymous function (see AS3 Syntax and language / Functions) which can't be referenced by name. getreading is declared in your code as an untyped parameter of this function.
If you want to trace the result of this function, then you should declare a named function like this:
function getReading(): String {
var ODOMETER2:String=myVariables.ACADEMICWATER;
return ODOMETER2;
myVariables.onLoad = getReading;

getreading is not the name of the function in this case, but the name of a parameter to the anonymous function that is run on the onLoad event of the myVariables object.
Place the variable ODOMETER2 outside the function and set it's value inside the anonymous function. Then you will be able to access it outside the function as well.
/* first create a new instance of the LoadVars object */
var ODOMETER2:String;
myVariables = new LoadVars();
myVariables.onLoad = function(){

LoadVars.onLoad is an event handler. It is called by LoadVars as soon as it finishes with the asynchronous load operation. It takes a boolean argument, indicating success or failure of the operation. It does not return anything.
LoadVars.onLoad documentation
In that function, you typically act upon the data you received, like storing and processing it. Here's a very simple example showing some basic use cases:
var ODOMETER2:String;
var myVariables = new LoadVars();
myVariables.onLoad = function(success) {
function processResults() {
// traces:
// true
// 3002
// 3002


How to define a method with return type in Groovy script in SoapUI?

I need a method that should return a string type value to the caller. For that, I have written the following script.
String getMethodValue = ReturnCountryName("US");
String ReturnCountryValue(String CName)
CName = "Mauritius";
return CName;
// Assign values to the global properties and call the servive
com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI.globalProperties.setPropertyValue( "CountryName", getMethodValue )
// Call GetCitiesByCountry service to run
def testStep = testRunner.testCase.testSteps['GetCitiesByCountry'];,context);
// Message"Testcase execution is completed successfully.")
I'm not able to find the solution for the error message as shown in the following screenshot.
What shall I do to overcome this error in the script?
Karunagara Pandi G
You declare a method ReturnCountryValue
String ReturnCountryValue(String CName) {
CName = "Mauritius";
return CName;
but call ReturnCountryName. Change the name of the method or the name of the invocation.

pass global variable between two function on zf2 controller

I should change on zf2 controller a variable global. In practice, I'd like a function to insert the value in the global variable and another function prints the value of the variable. for example:
protected $variablename;
public function setAction()
$this->variablename = "hi friends!";
public function getAction()
In this example, when I print the variable I always get NULL.
Any suggestions? tnx
indirectly you can't because of the lifecircle in a zend/php request. after you set up your variable in actionA the variable is reseted if you request actionB
if you want to set your variabel data in actionA and make the data present in actionB you need a persistent save storage (like a db, cookie or session. otherwise it is only possible to forward the current request to another request in your controller. then have a look at the forward controller helper in zend.
//edit after comment
you can use a session in zend like this
set session
$session = new Zend\Session\Container('base');
$session->offsetSet('someSettings', 'someValue');
get session
$session = new Zend\Session\Container('base');
if( $session->offsetExists('someSettings') )
$someSettingValue = $session->offsetGet('someSettings');

IBM Worklight - BusyIndicator text value cannot be substituted with a variable?

I am trying to substitute the text value in the constructor of the busyindicator with a variable rather hardcoding it. But for some reason the app is not able to understand the variable...
function wlCommonInit(){
var locale = "Caricamento";
var busyIndicator = new WL.BusyIndicator('content',{text:locale});;
WL.BusyIndicator's text option expect a string, so you may not place a variable.
Instead, use WL.ClientMessages. For example:
var busy;
function wlCommonInit(){
WL.ClientMessages.loading = "טוען...";
busy = new WL.BusyIndicator();;
Reading material:
Enabling Translation training module, slide #8

Datatables: How to reload server-side data with additional params

I have a table which gets its data server-side, using custom server-side initialization params which vary depending upon which report is produced. Once the table is generated, the user may open a popup in which they can add multiple additional filters on which to search. I need to be able to use the same initialization params as the original table, and add the new ones using fnServerParams.
I can't figure out how to get the original initialization params using the datatables API. I had thought I could get a reference to the object, get the settings using fnSettings, and pass those settings into a new datatables instance like so:
var oSettings = $('#myTable').dataTable().fnSettings();
// add additional params to the oSettings object
but the variable returned through fnSettings isn't what I need and doesn't work.
At this point, it seems like I'm going to re-architect things so that I can pass the initialization params around as a variable and add params as needed, unless somebody can steer me in the right direction.
Following tduchateau's answer below, I was able to get partway there by using
var oTable= $('#myTable').dataTable(),
oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(),
oParams = oTable.oApi._fnAjaxParameters(oSettings);
oParams.push('name':'my-new-filter', 'value':'my-new-filter-value');
and can confirm that my new serverside params are added on to the existing params.
However, I'm still not quite there.
gives the error:
DataTables warning(table id = 'myTable'): Cannot reinitialise DataTable.
To retrieve the DataTables object for this table, please pass either no arguments
to the dataTable() function, or set bRetrieve to true.
Alternatively, to destroy the old table and create a new one, set bDestroy to true.
oTable.bRetrieve = true;
doesn't get rid of the error, and setting
oSettings.bRetrieve = true;
causes the table to not execute the ajax call. Setting
oSettings.bDestroy = true;
loses all the custom params, while setting
oTable.bDestroy = true;
returns the above error. And simply calling
causes the table to be redrawn with its original settings.
Finally got it to work using fnServerParams. Note that I'm both deleting unneccessary params and adding new ones, using a url var object:
"fnServerParams": function ( aoData ) {
var l = aoData.length;
// remove unneeded server params
for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
// if param name starts with bRegex_, sSearch_, mDataProp_, bSearchable_, or bSortable_, remove it from the array
if (aoData[i]|sSearch_|mDataProp_|bSearchable_|bSortable_/) !== -1 ){
aoData.splice(i, 1);
// since we've removed an element from the array, we need to decrement both the index and the length vars
// add the url variables to the server array
for (i in oUrlvars) {
aoData.push( { "name": i, "value": oUrlvars[i]} );
This is normally the right way to retrieve the initialization settings:
var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings();
Why is it not what you need? What's wrong with these params?
If you need to filter data depending on your additional filters, you can complete the array of "AJAX data" sent to the server using this:
var oTable = $('#myTable').dataTable();
var oParams = oTable.oApi._fnAjaxParameters( oTable );
oParams.push({name: "your-additional-param-name", value: your-additional-param-value });
You can see some example usages in the TableTools plugin.
But I'm not sure this is what you need... :-)

Error loading Variables stage.loaderInfo - AS3

I have a Document class that loads variables from Facebook with the use of stage.loaderInfo
var connect:FacebookConnectObject = new FacebookConnectObject( facebook, API_KEY, this.stage.loaderInfo );
But when I change the Document class (with another one responsible for the layout of my app), and try call the above from a movieclip that exists in my application with the use:
var facebook_class:FacebookAp = new FaceBppkApp
addChild(facebook_class) I get error
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
I believe the error comes fro this line
since I changed the scope...
How I am supposed to fix that?
According to a post by Devonair: Seems 99 times out of a 100 when people have a problem with a 1009 error, it's because the stage property is inaccessible.
so I used this snippet
public function start() {
{(stage) init();}
{ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
private function init(event:Event = null):void {
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
// everything else...
In case sb has the same problem...