Compile dll as earlier build -

When I try to run the dll I compiled in Visual Studio 2010, I get the following message: This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. I'm guessing this means that I am a too recent version of Visual Studio. Is there a way I can build the dll as an earlier version?

All assemblies in your final solution, be they dlls or exes, in different solutions or in the same one, must target the same version of the CLR. You can ensure they do by configuring targeting in your 2010 solution.
Most likely you're targeting 4.0 in your dll's project. Crank it back to 3.5 or earlier and see if that fixes the problem.


ReactJs.NET and server side rendering with V8 throws exception in production

I am using ReactJs.NET in a ASP.NET MVC 4 project. I have disabled the fallback to MSIE javascript engine by specifying this in my ReactConfig.cs that is called on app start:
This works on my developer machine but not in production. The exception that is thrown is:
Failed to initialise ClearScript V8. This is most likely caused by the native libraries (ClearScriptV8-64.dll and v8-x64.dll) missing from your app's Bin directory, or the Visual C++ runtime not being installed
I have ensured that the ClearScript.V8 folder (with ClearScriptV8-64.dll and v8-x64.dll) is copied across to the production server and the bin folder so I am currently looking at whether the Visual C++ runtime is missing or not. I downloaded and installed the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 located here: but the same exception is thrown.
Is there something obvious I am missing here? Is it the wrong Visual C++ runtime that I have installed?
Are those DLL files in a ClearScript.V8 folder? They need to be at bin\ClearScript.V8\ClearScriptV8-64.dll for example.
Alternatively, you can try out the release candidate of ReactJS.NET 3.0, which uses a newer version of JavaScriptEngineSwitcher that changes how V8 is loaded and no longer requires the DLL files to be manually copied over. There's currently no documentation on ReactJS.NET 3.0 but it's pretty similar to the current 2.x version. I'll be working on the documentation for the final release soon.
In my case I managed to resolve this by installing the Visual C++ 2013 runtime, this was the only version that actually worked in this case. I had no luck with neither 2012 or 2015.
I found the answer here:
and the comment that helped me was:
Just another note, ClearScript 5.4.4 readme says VS2015 or 2013 C++
runtimes will work, but in my experience, it only worked when 2013's
was present.

Is it possible to target .NET4.0 in Visual Studio 2015 C++/CLI projects?

I have recently installed VS2015. Yay! \o/
However, one of my C++/CLI projects showed this message when upgrading from VS2013:
The following project(s) uses an earlier version of the Visual C++ compiler and libraries. The project(s) will be upgraded to use the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 compiler and libraries. Any managed or native code project(s) using C++/CLI extensions will be automatically upgraded to target .NET Framework 4.5.2. Note: If you do not upgrade the project(s), building your project(s) will require the corresponding version of Visual Studio to be installed.
I ok'd the warning, but now code which compiled previously in VS2013 no longer compiles, for instance:
void WritePixels(array<unsigned int> ^ rgbaData);
has the error
'std::array': too few template arguments
'^': cannot use this indirection on type 'std::array'
Also the project properties do not allow me to switch target .NET framework version (it is grayed out).
Is it possible for C++/CLI projects to target .NET 4.0 using Visual Studio 2015? Are there any syntax changes in C++/CLI since Visual Studio 2013 that I need to know about?
Just an update for posterities sake.
I solved this by workaround, by not using C++/CLI at all, but using the amazing, adaptable SWIG Platform Invoke Generator library.
No C++/CLI = no issues with .NET Framework versions, no issues with x64/86 bit and .NET Any CPU.
Problem Solved ...

Why can't MSBuild ToolsVersion 4.0 build older projects?

We're using Cruse Control to manage our build process.
AS we convert vs2008 projects to vs2010, we're leaving the target framework set at 3.5 for web and class library projects.
At this point we're not going through and converting all our solutions to vs2010; not if we don't have to.
I recently updated the MSbuild project files that cruise control uses to point at MSBuild 4.0 so our build process would be able to build vs2010 projects.
All was well until a web project that was targeting the 4.0 framework was committed.
At which point this error popped up:
CS0433: The type 'System.Web.Routing.RouteCollection' exists in both c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_32\System.Web\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\System.Web.dll and c:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5\System.Web.Routing.dll in Global.asax.cs(15, 43)
At which point I became aware of the Windows/Microsoft.NET/Assembly folders.
Now... All the MSBuild projects, even though they were using MSBuild 4.0, still had the tools version set at 3.5.
So why was a 3.5 targeted build looking at the new 4.0 assembly folders and finding this conflict? Probably because I was using MSBuild 4.0. But if I can change the toolVersion that MSBuild uses, you'd think I can tell it to target 3.5 without worrying about these potential conflicts.
To resolve this issue, I went to the relevant MSBuild project files that cruise control uses and changed their toolsVersion to 4.0. This got passed that conflict error. But now everytime it tries to build a project that's in a solution that we haven't yet converted to a vs2010 project, it breaks with an error like this:
MyProject.csproj in SomeFilePath:
LC0000: 'Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded.' in LC(0, 0)
If I open the solution that contains that project in Visual Studio 2010 and do the conversion, build it and commit that and force another build, I get passed that error only to find that another not yet converted project is tossing that same error.
So now I am for sure using MSBuild 4.0 and for real targeting the 4.0 framework. Why can't 4.0 build 3.5 projects or vs2008 solution projects?
The issue is that you have migrated part of your projects to to visual studio 2010. Any 2008 project that references a 2010 project (by project reference) will give you this compile time error. Try updating all .csproj files to 2010 and try rebuilding again.

.lib and .dll Backward Compatibility

I currently have a VS6 unmanaged C library that I deliver as either a .lib or .dll. I want to upgrade to VS2010 but I still have users that are in VS6, VS2005, and VS2008.
Can a .lib or .dll built in VS2010 be used in VS6, VS2005, or VS2008?
It depends on the runtime used to build the libraries. I would typically run into this problem when upgrading solutions from VS2005 to VS2008. The default runtime libraries are different from edition to edition.
When you're building the .lib and .dll, those files are getting linked against those editions of the runtime. Problems will typically be found when you're debugging the program between different VS editions or running it on a non-developer machine when assemblies built with different runtimes attempt to pass information across boundaries. See for details.
I know this is an old post but if anyone else comes across it this may be useful, upgrading from vc6 to vs2010 is a nightmare, but there is an alternative. You can upgrade to VS2010 environment while still using vc6 compiler. the tool you need is Daffodil and can be found here
This was our solution because the VS2010 environment is way more productive.

Visual Studio 2010 64-bit COM Interop Issue

I am trying to add a VC6 COM DLL to our VS2010RC C# solution. The DLL was compiled with the VC6 tools to create an x86 version and was compiled with the VC7 Cross-platform tools to generate a VC7 DLL.
The x86 version of the assembly works fine as long as the consuming C# project's platform is set to x86. It doesn't matter whether the x64 or the x86 version of the DLL is actually registered. It works with both. If the platform is set to 'Any CPU' I receive a BadImageFormatException on the load of the Interop.<name>.dll.
As for the x64 version, I cannot even get the project to build. I receive the tlbimp error:
TlbImp : error TI0000: A single valid machine type compatible with the
input type library must be specified.
Has anyone seen this issue?
I've done a lot more digging into this issue and think this may be a Visual Studio bug. I have a clean solution. I bring in my COM assembly with language agnostic 'Any CPU' selected. The process architecture of the resulting Interop DLL is x86 rather than MSIL.
May have to make the Interop by hand for now to get this to work.
If anyone has another suggestion let me know.
This issue can be resolved by opening the CSProj file and adding the following node to any of the '(Configuration)|Any CPU' nodes that are missing it:
If this node is not present TlbImp will default to x86 and cause issues.