Best free database management system for beginners (with capability for 20gb DB) [closed] - sql

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm trying to "open" (?) a 20gb database with a .sql extension and can't find any documentation for beginners that doesn't already assume database access. I think as a first step I need some database management system. It don't need to have any development type capabilities - just the ability to compile (right word?) SQL.
Any suggestions?

The best RDBMS system to use as a beginner is probably going to be either MySQL or SQLite.
MySQL is an excellent database system and is capable of holding an extremely large amount of data. The data however is not stored in a movable file as you have described here.
SQLite is also an excellent database system and is capable of creating database files that you can move from one machine to another quite easily. The downside is that for a data set that large, you will likely have performance issues.
Based on the size of the file you mentioned, it sounds like what you have is a file with a whole bunch of SQL statements in it. Without seeing the contents of the file, it is extremely difficult to say which RDBMS it came from, but at the very least you should install MySQL and learn how to use it.


Reporting off of an in memory data store? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I need to generate reports based on a dataset pulled from a third party API, but I can't store the data on disk. (If not storing the data were not a requirement, I would be storing the data in a relational database, and writing a query to join several tables to generate the export as a CSV, for instance.) I've been reading about Redis and I wanted to know if that is a potential solution here as a temporary datastore? Or would I have a hard time putting the tables in the dataset together? If not Redis, what is the recommended way to cache data for reporting purposes in an Azure environment?
I'm filling in a lot of the gaps with assumptions, but to answer your question, yes.
Azure Redis Cache could be used to run your reports "in memory" generally speaking.
For the solution, "it depends" on:
the type of data
how you ingest the data
the type of reports you are trying to run
You have a platform that can run reports with Azure Redis Cache, but you still need to model the data properly to build your reports. Redis is not a relational database. Without more details, you should start here:

Dealing with .mdf databases [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am coding 2008 some small database-based applications. I can not decide which database management system to use that can give me the best performance (MS Access, Excel, SQL).
My application will be a multi-user database system where more than 3 will be running the software at the same time. The database may contain up to 25.000 records.
I was thinking about .MDF database but I am not sure what exactly they are! My questions about them are:
1) Is it possible to deploy this type of databases to a server so that multi users can use it at the same time(read,edit and add data)?
2) Will it give me high performance if I input about 25.000 records?
Any suggestion about this subject will help a lot.
Thanks in advanced.
.mdf files are Microsoft SQL Server databases.
In other words, they are intended to be put on a server for multiple users, and they are intended to be used with high load.
(for SQL Server, 25.000 records and "more than 3" users is nothing)
Compared to the alternatives you mentioned, you will definitely get the best performance with SQL Server.

Ready web query interface to SQL databases [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Do you know any free tool which would constitute a web-based SQL database generic query interface, incl.:
(mainly) allowing to type in an SQL query and display the result in some nice way
the interface should allow for some basic security - allowing only SELECT queries
the very need is to support MS SQL Server, but Oracle support would be useful
should run against an existing database instance without any re-configuration needed
might be simple, no need to browse tables, analyze database columns or anything else you would experience in SQLDeveloper or SQL Server Management Studio
Platform / language / etc. is of second importance.
The StackExchange Data Explorer has this functionality (example) and it is open source, so you may be able to just install and make use of it, or even extract the relevant code.
Perhaps something like the SQL Fiddle?
Obviously, this is mainly for demonstration purposes - it won't help you if you want to install it on top of your own database.
Re:dash (Redash) is a promising new open-source player on the market. From their own website:
re:dash is our take on freeing the data within our company in a way
that will better fit our culture and usage patterns.
Prior to re:dash, we tried to use traditional BI suites and discovered
a set of bloated, technically challenged and slow tools/flows. What we
were looking for was a more hacker'ish way to look at data, so we
built one.

Freeware Query Builder [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for some freeware Query Builder.
Query Builder in Aqua Data Studio allows you to visually build queries:
select the column you want returned
generates joins for you(you just select by which columns you want to join it)
Good question! I thought there were many DB tools that fit your description, but when I checked a commonly-sourced Wikipedia article (see comment below), I found that most free/open source DB management software does not have a visual query builder feature! (I build my queries from scratch, so this is not a feature I particularly need.)
The freeware version of Toad for Data Analysts is a good bet. You can download and use it for 120 days. After that time, you need to reinstall on your PC. You might need to check to see if you will get write-access to non-Oracle databases, but I do know you can at least get read access to most non-Oracle DBs.
You might also like SQL Developer, which has a more robust community of users than that of the Freeware Toad for Data Analysts. That will only give you read-only access to certain non-Oracle databases.

Additional SQL Server sample databases to practice with [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm helping a friend learn SQL, and need more databases to help him get more practice.
We have of course AdventureWorks, Northwind, and Pubs.
Does anybody know of any other SQL databases samples that might be available to download?
I know some sites have some databases where you can practice queries on the site, but I was looking for something he can run locally.
Try downloading and importing some of the free data sets the Census bureau, US Geological Survey, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or other large data gathering agencies provide for free on the web.
Why not work with a billion record table of all the elevation points in the US? Not only do you get the practice your DB skills, you can get real world types of indexing and performance issues.
Here's one called the Chinook Database. It has scripts for SQLServer, Oracle, MySQL, SQLServer Compact.
As I find more, I'll post here.
I think it is much better Idea to create a database from scratch ,Taking sample project say a simple inventory management system and then building tables finally creating then in db ,It would be much practical way to learn then to directly play with a ready made database.