Is an If branch that does nothing a code smell or good practice? - conditional-statements

I've responded to threads here (or at least commented) with answers containing code like this, but I'm wondering if it's good or bad form to write a series of if branches with one (or more) of the branches doing nothing in them, generally to eliminate checking for null in every branch.
An example (C# code):
if (str == null) { /* Do nothing */ }
else if (str == "SomeSpecialValue")
// ...
else if (str.Length > 1)
// ...
instead of:
if (str != null && str == "SomeSpecialValue")
// ...
else if (str != null && str.Length > 1)
// ...
And, of course, this is just an example, as I tend to use these with larger and more complex classes. And in most of these cases, a null value would indicate to do nothing.
For me, this reduces the complication of my code and makes sense when I see it. So, is this good or bad form (a code smell, even)?

I prefer doing it like this-
if (str != null)
if (str == "[NULL]")
// ...
else if (str.Length > 1)
// ...
I think you can always "reword" an if with an empty body into it's negation with a body, and that it looks better and makes more sense.

I would normally put a return or something like that in the first if:
void Foo()
if (str == null) { return; }
if (str == "SomeSpecialValue")
// ...
else if (str.Length > 1)
// ...
If you can't do this, because the function does something else after the if/else, I'd say it's time to refactor, and split the if/else part out into a separate function, from which you can return early.

It is indeed good to avoid the following, because it needlessly re-checks one of the conditions (the fact that the compiler will optimize this away is beside the point--it potentially makes more work for folks trying to read your code):
if (str != null && str == "SomeSpecialValue")
// ...
else if (str != null && str.Length > 1)
// ...
But it's also rather bizarre to do what you suggested, below:
if (str == null) { /* Do nothing */ }
else if (str == "SomeSpecialValue")
// ...
else if (str.Length > 1)
// ...
I say this is bizarre because it obfuscates your intent and defies the reader's expectations. If you check for a condition, people expect you to do something if it is satisfied--but you're not. This is because your intent is not to actually process the null condition, but rather to avoid a null pointer when you check the two conditions you're actually interested in. In effect, rather than having two conceptual states to handle, with a sanity provision (non-null input), it reads instead like you have three conceptual states to handle. The fact that, computationally, you could say there are three such states is beside the point--it's less clear.
The usual case approach in this sort of situation is as Oren A suggested--check for the null, and then check the other conditions within the result block:
if (str != null)
if (str == "SomeSpecialValue")
// ...
else if (str.Length > 1)
// ...
This is little more than a matter of readability-enhancing style, as opposed to an issue of code smell.
EDIT: However, if you're set on the do-nothing condition, I do very much like that you included a "do nothing" comment. Otherwise, folks might think you simply forgot to complete the code.

In this particular case I will return early and it makes code easier to read
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { return; }
I like to put an explicit return statement.

Yes it is a code smell.
One indication is that you thought to ask this question.
Another indication is that the code looks incomplete- as if something should belong there. It may be readable sure, but it feels off.
When reading that code, an outsider has to stop for a second and use brainpower to determine if the code is valid/complete/correct/as intended/adjective.
user359996 hit the nail on the head:
I say this is bizarre because it obfuscates your intent and defies the reader's expectations.

Your first example is perfectly readable to me -- doesn't smell at all.

It all depends on context. If putting an empty if statement makes the code more readable, then go for that.

It's readable, whether it is good or bad depends upon what you are trying to achieve - generally long nested "goes-on-forever" type if statements are bad. Don't forget about static string methods baked into the framework: string.IsNullOrEmpty() and string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace().
Your if (str == null) { /* Do nothing */ } line is unusual, but does have one positive point: it is letting other developers know up front that you are deliberately doing nothing for that case, with your long if/else if structure your intentions could become unclear if you changed it to
if (str != null)
/* carry on with the rest of the tests */


Creating single use intermediate variables

I've read somewhere that a variable should be entered into the code if it is reused. But when I write my code for logic transparency, I sometimes create intermediate variables (with names reflecting what they contain) which are used only once.
How incorrect is this concept?
I want to do it right.
It is important to note that most of the time clarity takes precedence over re-usability or brevity. This is one of the basic principles of clean code. Most modern compilers optimize code anyway so creating new variables need not be a concern at all.
It is perfectly fine to create a new variable if it would add clarity to your code. Make sure to give it a meaningful name. Consider the following function:
public static boolean isLeapYear(final int yyyy) {
if ((yyyy % 4) != 0) {
return false;
else if ((yyyy % 400) == 0) {
return true;
else if ((yyyy % 100) == 0) {
return false;
else {
return true;
Even though the boolean expressions are used only once, they may confuse the reader of the code. We can rewrite it as follows
public static boolean isLeapYear(int year) {
boolean fourth = year % 4 == 0;
boolean hundredth = year % 100 == 0;
boolean fourHundredth = year % 400 == 0;
return fourth && (!hundredth || fourHundredth);
These boolean variables add much more clarity to the code.
This example is from the Clean Code book by Robert C. Martin.

Kotlin: coding discussion: elegant way to check multiple variables which could null

I use Kotlin to Programm Android Apps. For null-pointer safety one needs to check if all references are non-null. However if only one is null then we should inform the user that something went wrong.
It is important for me to program in a concise readable manner.
I am looking for a short and easy understandable solution.
The standard way would be:
if (b != null && a != null && c !=null ...) println ("everything ok.")
else println("Something went wrong")
Here are two concise ways to write the condition:
listOf(a, b, c).any { it == null }
listOf(a, b, c).filterNotNull().any()
In context, this is how you can use it:
println(if (listOf(a, b).any { it == null })) "Something went wrong"
else "Everything ok.")

How to avoid !! in a function which returns a non-nullable

In the sample below, the function should return a non-null data.
Since the data could be changed in the process, it needs to be var, and can only be nullable to start with.
I can't use lateinit because the first call of if (d == null) will throw.
After the process it will be assigned a non-null data, but the return has to use the !! (double bang or non-null assertion operator).
What is the best approach to avoid the !!?
fun testGetLowest (dataArray: List<Data>) : Data {
var d: Data? = null
for (i in dataArray.indecs) {
if (d == null) {// first run
d = dataArray[i]
} else if {
d.level < dataArray[i].level
d = dataArray[i]
return d!!
If you don't like !! then supply a default value for it. You'll realize you can only supply the default value if the list is not empty, but, as you said, the list is already known to be non-empty. The good part of this story is that the type system doesn't track list size so when you say dataArray[0], it will take your word for it.
fun testGetLowest(dataArray: List<Data>) : Data {
var d: Data = dataArray[0]
for (i in 1 until dataArray.size) {
if (d.level < dataArray[i].level) {
d = dataArray[i]
return d
Normally, you can and should lean on the compiler to infer nullability. This is not always possible, and in the contrived example if the inner loop runs but once d is non-null. This is guaranteed to happen if dataArray has at least one member.
Using this knowledge you could refactor the code slightly using require to check the arguments (for at least one member of the array) and checkNotNull to assert the state of the dataArray as a post-condition.
fun testGetLowest (dataArray: List<Data>) : Data {
require(dataArray.size > 0, { "Expected dataArray to have size of at least 1: $dataArray")
var d: Data? = null
for (i in dataArray.indecs) {
if (d == null) {// first run
d = dataArray[i]
} else if {
d.level < dataArray[i].level
d = dataArray[i]
return checkNotNull(d, { "Expected d to be non-null through dataArray having at least one element and d being assigned in first iteration of loop" })
Remember you can return the result of a checkNotNull (and similar operators):
val checkedD = checkNotNull(d)
See Google Guava's Preconditions for something similar.
Even if you were to convert it to an Option, you would still have to deal with the case when dataArray is empty and so the value returned is undefined.
If you wanted to make this a complete function instead of throwing an exception, you can return an Option<Data> instead of a Data so that the case of an empty dataArray would return a None and leave it up to the caller to deal with how to handle the sad path.
How to do the same check, and cover the empty case
fun testGetLowest(dataArray: List<Data>)
= dataArray.minBy { it.level } ?: throw AssertionError("List was empty")
This uses the ?: operator to either get the minimum, or if the minimum is null (the list is empty) throws an error instead.
The accepted answer is completly fine but just to mentioned another way to solve your problem by changing one line in your code: return d ?: dataArray[0]

Alternative to nested if for conditional logic

Is there a design pattern or methodology or language that allows you to write complex conditional logic beyond just nested Ifs?
At the very least, does this kind of question or problem have a name? I was unable to find anything here or through Google that described what I was trying to solve that wasn't just, replace your IF with a Switch statement.
I'm playing around with a script to generate a bunch of data. As part of this, I'd like to add in a lot of branching conditional logic that should provide variety as well as block off certain combinations.
Something like, If User is part of group A, then they can't be part of group B, and if they have Attribute C, then that limits them to characteristic 5 or 6, but nothing below or above that.
The answer is simple: refactoring.
Let's take an example (pseudo-code):
if (a) {
if (b) {
if (c) {
// do something
can be replaced by:
if (a && b && c) {
// do something
Now, say that a, b and c are complex predicates which makes the code hard to read, for example:
if (visitorIsInActiveTestCell(visitor) &&
!specialOptOutConditionsApply(request, visitor) &&
whatEverWeWantToCheckHere(bla, blabla)) {
// do something
we can refactor it as well and create a new method:
def shouldDoSomething(request, visitor, bla, blabla) {
return visitorIsInActiveTestCell(visitor) &&
!specialOptOutConditionsApply(request, visitor) &&
whatEverWeWantToCheckHere(bla, blabla)
and now our if condition isn't nested and becomes easier to read and understand:
if (shouldDoSomething(request, visitor, bla, blabla)) {
// do something
Sometimes it's not straightforward to extract such logic and refactor, and it may require taking some time to think about it, but I haven't yet ran into an example in which it was impossible.
All of the foregoing answers seem to miss the question.
One of the patterns that frequently occurs in hardware-interface looks like this:
if (something) {
if ( the result of step1) {
if (the result of step2) {
... and so on
This structure cannot be collapsed into a logical conjunction, as each step is dependent on the result of the previous one, and may itself have internal conditions.
In assembly code, it would be a simple matter of test and branch to a common target; i.e., the dreaded "go to". In C, you end up with a pile of indented code that after about 8 levels is very difficult to read.
About the best that I've been able to come up with is:
while( true) {
if ( !something)
if ( ! result of step1)
if ( ! result of step2)
Does anyone have a better solution?
It is possible you want to replace your conditional logic with polymorphism, assuming you are using an object-oriented language.
That is, instead of:
class Bird:
def getSpeed(self):
if self.type == EUROPEAN:
return self.getBaseSpeed();
elif self.type == AFRICAN:
return self.getBaseSpeed() - self.getLoadFactor() * self.numberOfCoconuts;
elif self.type == NORWEGIAN_BLUE:
return 0 if isNailed else self.getBaseSpeed(self.voltage)
raise Exception("Should be unreachable")
You can say:
class Bird:
def getSpeed(self):
class European(Bird):
def getSpeed(self):
return self.getBaseSpeed()
class African(Bird):
def getSpeed(self):
return self.getBaseSpeed() - self.getLoadFactor() * self.numberOfCoconuts
class NorwegianBlue(Bird):
def getSpeed():
return 0 if self.isNailed else self.getBaseSpeed(self.voltage)
# Somewhere in client code
speed = bird.getSpeed()
Taken from here.

if-statement with OR and NOT conditions combined

So this is probably a silly question for anyone with decent knowledge of Objective-C.
I have an if-statement where I check if the NSString equals anything but "John" or "Michael".
I tried the following code and it didn't work.
if (![selectedName isEqualToString:#"John"] || ![valtNamn isEqualToString:#"Michael"]) {
However this does work
if ([selectedName isEqualToString:#"John"] || ![valtNamn isEqualToString:#"Michael"]) {
} else {
What am I'm missing about using NOT together with OR?
The negation of condition "John or Michael" should be
!([selectedName isEqualToString:#"John"] || [valtNamn isEqualToString:#"Michael"])
(not (John or Michael))
or, in other words (see the AND instead of OR)
![selectedName isEqualToString:#"John"] && ![valtNamn isEqualToString:#"Michael"]
(not John and not Michael)
This should be obvious but it is also formally described in logic by De Morgan's laws
To understand this, you can simplify it a bit:
BOOL isJohn = [selectedName isEqualToString:#"John"];
BOOL isMichael = [selectedName isEqualToString:#"Michael"];
if (!isJohn && !isMichael) {
//do something
The condition you have written actually means "if it's not Michael or if it's not John", or "not (John and Michael)" and evaluates always to YES since the name cannot be "John" and "Michael" at the same time.