Detect changes in NSArray in ObjC - objective-c

I need to detect change in NSArray object - that is if some object was added/removed to/from NSArray or was just edited in-place. Are there some integrated NSArray hash functions for this task - or I need to write my own hashing function for NSArray ? Maybe someone has different solution ? Any ideas ?

All objects have a -hash method but not all objects have a good implementation.
NSArray's documentation doesn't define it's result, but testing reveals it returns the length of the array - not very useful:
NSLog(#"%lu", #[#"foo"].hash); // output: 1
NSLog(#"%lu", #[#"foo", #"bar"].hash); // output: 2
NSLog(#"%lu", #[#"hello", #"world"].hash); // output: 2
If performance isn't critical, and if the array contains <NSCoding> objects then you can simply serialise the array to NSData which has a good -hash implementation:
[NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:#[#"foo"]].hash // 194519622
[NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:#[#"foo", #"bar"]].hash // 123459814
[NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:#[#"hello", #"world"]].hash // 215474591
For better performance there should be an answer somewhere explaining how to write your own -hash method. Basically call -hash on every object in the array (assuming the array contains objects that can be hashed reliably) and combine each together mixed in with some simple randomising math.

You could use an NSArrayController, which is Key-Value-Observing compliant. Unfortunately NSArray is only KVC compliant. This way you can easily monitor the array controller's arrangedObjects property. This should solve your problem.
Also, see this question: Key-Value-Observing a to-many relationship in Cocoa


Why don't NSSet/NSMutableSet/NSCountedSet force immutable objects as entries?

NSDictionary keys are id<NSCopying> but the value for a set is just id, and the docs indicate their values are retained. According to the Set Fundamentals of the Collection Programming Topics docs:
You can, however, modify individual objects themselves (if they support modification).
If you modify an object, this could affect the hashvalue of the object, which would affect lookups. I assumed that an NSSet is a fast lookup?
Here's an example that shows how things break if you mutate objects:
NSMutableString *str = [NSMutableString stringWithString: #"AWESOME"];
NSCountedSet *countedSet = [[NSCountedSet alloc] init];
[countedSet addObject: str];
[countedSet addObject: str];
NSLog(#"%#", #([countedSet countForObject: #"AWESOME"]));
[str appendString: #" NOT AWESOME"];
NSLog(#"%#", #([countedSet countForObject: #"AWESOME NOT AWESOME"]));
NSLog(#"%#", #([countedSet countForObject: #"AWESOME"]));
NSLog(#"%#", #([countedSet countForObject: str]));
for(NSString *s in countedSet) {
NSLog(#"%# - %#", str, #([countedSet countForObject: s]));
NSSet *set = [NSSet setWithArray: #[ str ]];
NSLog(#"Set Contains string, %#", #([set containsObject: str]));
[str appendString: #"asdf"];
NSLog(#"Set Contains string, %#", #([set containsObject: str]));
NSLog(#"%#", set);
And output with my interpretation:
[64844:303] 2 // Count is 2
[64844:303] 0 // Count should be 2 - if it looks for the literal string
[64844:303] 0 // Count should be 0, but can't find original object either
[64844:303] 0 // Count should be 2 - asking for actual object that's in there
[64844:303] AWESOME NOT AWESOME - 0 // Should be 2 - asking for actual object that it just retrieved
[64844:303] Set Contains string, 1 // Correct, pre-mutation
[64844:303] Set Contains string, 0 // Should be true, object is in there
[65070:303] {(
"AWESOME NOT AWESOMEasdf" // see? It's in there
My take:
The set likely buckets based on hash value, when the hash is changed out behind the set, it doesn't know what to do and lookups are broken. The documentation is lacking in this area.
My question restated:
Docs say you can mutate objects, which is not intuitive.
Mutating objects breaks sets.
That line from the docs is confusing. However, note that three paragraphs down it goes on to say:
If mutable objects are stored in a set, either the hash method of the
objects shouldn’t depend on the internal state of the mutable objects
or the mutable objects shouldn’t be modified while they’re in the set.
For example, a mutable dictionary can be put in a set, but you must
not change it while it is in there. (Note that it can be difficult to
know whether or not a given object is in a collection).
What your code is demonstrating is a known property of the hash-based collection classes. It can affect dictionaries, too, if a key object is implemented such that copying returns the original, which is inherently mutable.
There's no real way to test if an object is mutable. So, it can't force immutability.
Also, as alluded to in the quote above, it's possible to make a mutable class whose hash and equality are not affected by mutations.
Finally, it would too severely limit the utility of those collection classes if they could only be used with copyable classes and made copies of the elements (like dictionaries make copies of their keys). The collections are used to represent relationships, among other things, and it wouldn't do if you tried to establish a relationship between objects but instead established a relationship to a separate copy.
Since the only reliable way of ensuring an object's immutability in Objective-C is to make a copy, Cocoa designers had two choices:
Make NSSet copy the objects - That would be safe, bit it would severely restrict the use of NSSet due to increased memory usage.
Use retained objects - That would keep memory usage to a bare minimum, but it would give the users a way to shoot themselves in a foot by mutating an object inside NSSet.
Designers picked the second approach over the first one, because it fixes a danger that could be avoided by proper coding technique. In contrast, selecting the first approach would be "binding" on everybody, in the sense that inserting a new object would always make a copy.
Currently, users have a choice of inserting copies of objects that they create manually, thus emulating the first approach. However, an implementation that forces a copy cannot emulate an implementation that retains objects, making it a less flexible choice.

Getting set of objects from NSSet using the HASH

this is actually a question that i'd been trying to solve...
i need to implement this functionality in NSSet...
I know how hash tables and sets works.. and NSSet seems to store the pointer to the objects inside the hash table using the HASH as the index of that array... when more than one object falls in that hash.. it uses isEqual to detect which one of the objects is the member we search... that means...
HASH value => gives the index of the array of pointers in the hash table, and each one of those pointers points to an array (or some collection) that holds the objects with that hash (as it iterates over it to detect which object is the member)... this is a fairly common data struct...
My question is... is there a way to retrieve the array of objects that is being pointed by the hash table... i need ALL the objects that have the SAME HASH VALUE inside an NSSet...
i need this in order to quickly process proximity between points...
Is there a way? i know i can use a predicate using
[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"hash == %u",hash];
but this uses an enumeration and is not as fast as it needs to be (real fast)
Is there a way or should i create a HASH TABLE from scratch? (or use core foundation)
Thanks and sorry for the trouble!
if you want the object in an array just call -allObjects, if you want all hashes, then you will have to iterate through them, because they are longs and can't be stored in an NSArray directly.
I had the idea to make a mock object that overrides its own hash, then you could search through an array for the index of this object that is pretending to be your object.
#interface MockHasher : NSObject{
NSUInteger mockHash;
#property(assign,nonatomic,getter = hash,setter = setHash:)NSUInteger mockHash;
#implementation MockHasher
#synthesize mockHash;
-(BOOL)isEqual:(id)object{return YES;}
-(BOOL)isEqualTo:(id)object{return YES;}
NSSet * myset = [NSSet setWithObject:#(1)];
MockHasher * mockObject = [[MockHasher new] autorelease];
mockObject.hash = #(1).hash;
NSArray * allObjects = [myset allObjects];
NSUInteger i = [allObjects indexOfObject:mockObject];
id result = [allObjects objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog(#"result = %#",result);
It is fragile, because it is depending on the array asking the object passed in for isEqual: rather than asking the iterated object... I don't know how reliable this is... but it worked in my test.
As of iOS 6.0 and MacOS 10.5, you now have an actual NSHashTable object to work with. Its modeled after NSSet, but instead is it's own thing. Here's some additional Apple documentation on Hash Tables, as well.

Object keys with NSMutableDictionary (Objective-C)

I want to store a bunch of key value pairs, with the key being my own object (ObjectA) that inherits from NSObject, and the value being an int.
I am trying to use an NSMutableDictionary. I understand that you can only store object types in the dictionary, so I have the following:
id value = [NSNumber numberWithInt:my_number];
[[self dictionary] setObject:value forKey:myObjectA];
Now that gives me an error, saying
-[ObjectA copyWithZone:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
which is fine, I understand that object keys need to implement the NSCopying protocol. However I then read that you can do this by wrapping your objects using NSValue.
Can someone please explain how I would wrap my objects, and how I can then find the value by the key? Am I still able to use dictionary objectForKey:myObjectA or do I have to wrap myObjectA with an NSValue object while I'm searching as well? Or should I be implementing NSCopying on my custom class, or using a string key instead?
I am looking for this simplest and easiest way to use a dictionary, if I have to I'll implement a string key and use setValue:forKey: instead but I'd rather use the object key if I can.
Dictionary keys are always copied. So you simply need to implement the NSCopying protocol for your class, which is just the copyWithZone: method.
Additionally you should implement the isEqual: method for your class.
Edit: How to implement your copyWithZone: depends on a number of factors (main factor: deep vs. shallow copy). See Apple's Implementing Object Copy guide and this SO answer.
You could turn an id into an NSValue with:
NSValue* value = [NSValue valueWithNonretainedObject:object];
id object_ = [value nonretainedObjectValue];
but you need to manage the ownership outside of the dictionary. This is going to be a mess. It's better to adopt NSCopying.
There is also a 4th option: use a CFDictionary, which allows the object only can be CFRetain/CFReleased, not copied.
CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(
kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
CFDictionarySetValue(dict, myObjectA, value);
And if you're programming for Mac or iOS 6 and above, try NSMapTable.
NSMapTable* dict = [[NSMapTable mapTableWithStrongToStrongObjects] retain];
[dict setObject:#"?" forKey:foo];
[dict release];
In iOS 6 you can use NSMapTable (, which allows you to chose weak/strong attributes for the keys and objects.
You don't need to wrap your object using NSValue. What you have will work except you're missing a piece. For myObjectA's class you need to adopt the NSCopying protocol (see the docs for what to add). Once that's added the code you posted above should work correctly.
You might want to consider using strings though over your own object for the key. The key is required to be a string if key-value coding is going to be used to access it at all. So using a string will make life easier if you can take advantage of key-value coding anywhere you're using the dictionary.

NSSet -member to check equality of NSValue

I have a NSSet containing many thousands of NSValue objects (wrapping CGPoints). I would like to very quickly find if a given CGPoint value exists in the NSSet. It seems to me that the member: method of an NSSet might do the job here, except that it checks for equality using isEqual:. NSValue objects use isEqualToValue:, and so when I execute the code:
[mySet member:valueToCheck];
it actually causes Xcode to crash.
1) Is there some way to use a custom equality check to make this work for NSValue objects?
2) Is this even the best approach (i.e. is member: quick enough in the first place)? The scenario is that I have a NSSet containing a large number of points representing pixels on the screen (iPad). Later on I need to bombard that set with many thousands of points per second to see if they exist in the set. My approach seems crude for achieving this. I thought about creating something like a huge 2-dimensional bit array, with each index representing a pixel on screen. Once I know the point I'm testing for, I can just jump straight to that point in the array and check for a 1 or 0... does this sound better or worse?
Can you get this to a simple reproducible case? For example, I just tried:
NSValue *v = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(1, 1)];
NSSet *s = [NSSet setWithObject:v];
NSLog(#"%#", [s member:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(1, 1)]]);
But it works just fine.
-isEqual: is not the problem:
NSValue *v1 = [NSValue valueWithPoint:NSMakePoint(1, 1)];
NSValue *v2 = [NSValue valueWithPoint:NSMakePoint(1, 1)];
NSLog(#"%d", [v1 isEqual:v2]); //logs "1"
-hash is not the problem:
NSLog(#"%d", ([v1 hash] == [v2 hash])); //logs "1"
They are different objects:
NSLog(#"%d", (v1 != v2)); //logs "1"
The problem is in your code. Try cleaning and rebuilding.
To answer no. 2:
I don't know how NSSet is implemented internally, but considering that you know you are storing points (with X and Y), I think you would be better by implementing your own partitioning algorithm. Personally I would choose my own implementation over NSSet if you say you have thousands of points.
Storing huge 2-dimensional arrays for each pixel, would probably be the fastest way, but it will kill you in terms of memory consumption. You need something fast, but also lightweight.
There are a lot of algorithms out there and you can find them by searching "spatial partitioning algorithms" on wikipedia or google. It also depends on your programming skills, and how much time you are willing to invest in this.
For example, a pretty simple one would be to implement a quad-tree, where you start by diving your screen(or area) in 4 equal parts. Then if and where is needed, you divide that specific cell also in 4 parts. And you do this until each cell contains a small enough number of points so that you can brute-force test all of them.
You can find a very good description on wiki:
Hope this helps,
[mySet member:valueToCheck] should not be crashing. NSValue's isEqual: works fine when I try it here, and in fact probably calls isEqualToValue: when given another NSValue to compare to. Is valueToCheck really an NSValue, or is it a CGPoint?
There is no way to override the default hash and comparison methods for NSSet. But NSSet is toll-free bridged with CFSetRef, and you can easily specify custom hashing and comparison methods there:
CFSetCallBacks callbacks = kCFTypeSetCallBacks;
callbacks.equal = customEqualFunction;
callbacks.hash = customHashFunction;
NSMutableSet *set = (NSMutableSet *)CFSetCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &callbacks);
The constraints on these functions are presumably the same as on NSObject's hash and isEqual: methods, anything that is equal must have the same hash. The C-style prototypes for customEqualFunction and customHashFunction are described here and here.
One solution would be to subclass NSSet and override member: to do your own comparison. Your own comparison could then simple call isEqualToValue:. Have a look at the subclassing notes in the NSSet documentation.
Another approach would be to add a category to NSValue that implements isEqual:. In this case I'd prefer subclassing because it's a more constrained solution.
It's not just a problem with -isEqual:, you may also have an issue with the -hash method. If you want to use an NSSet, you should probably create a custom class that wraps the CGPoint. -isEqual: is then trivial and -hash could be implemented by some method of combining the bits of both coordinates and then treating them as a NSUInteger.
You'll also want to implement the NSCopying protocol which is also trivial if your points are immutable (just retain and return self in -copyWithZone:).

What is the difference between valueforKey:, objectForKey:, and valueForKeyPath:?

I have 2 questions:
What is the difference between valueForKey: and objectForKey:? Is it that one is for NSDictionarys (objectForKey:) and for others it is valueforKey:, or is it the reverse?
Also what is the difference between valueForKey: and valueForKeyPath:? Has it got something to do with Core Data?
Please help.
valueForKey: is part of the NSKeyValueCoding protocol and is therefore part of the key-value coding framework, which allows you to access class properties by name at runtime. That's how NIBs are loaded, for example — the names of properties associated with connections are loaded and then the values are set directly by name. This contrasts with the way that visual interface design tools often work in other languages, generating lots of hidden statically compiled code.
objectForKey: is defined on dictionaries only, and looks up an object by its key. An NSDictionary is a class that stores connections between values and keys.
So, valueForKey: could be used on an NSDictionary to return meta information about the dictionary, such as the count of objects inside it, the list of all keys, etc. objectForKey: would be used actually to look into the dictionary.
At runtime, the difference is that objectForKey: is a method with a completely opaque implementation. valueForKey: explicitly relies on subsequently calling named getters and setters. The reason for the latter is that you can extend key-value coding to key-value observing, where you ask to be informed every time a particular property on a particular object changes. At runtime that's achieved with a method swizzle, where the original setter is replaced by a new one that calls the previous setter and then sends out the required messages. Because all messages are dispatched dynamically, that's just achieved by modifying tables within the object instance.
So any object that is key-value coding compliant (which just means declaring and implementing your properties in the proper way, which the new-ish #property/#synthesize syntax does automatically) can be observed without the object itself having to implement any code.
There's further Apple stuff that uses key-value coding to achieve various things, including CoreData, but it's not specifically to enable any one other technology.
valueForKeyPath: is like valueForKey: except that it can traverse several objects. So you can have a root object with a bunch of properties, each of those properties is another object with another bunch of properties, etc, and using a key path you can retrieve a value way out at the leaf of that data structure rather than having to iterate through object after object for yourself.
In summary, valueForKey: and valueForKeyPath: provide information about object instances and interact with the dynamic nature of the Objective-C runtime. objectForKey: is a dictionary specific method that does dictionary tasks.
An example, coded as I type and assuming that NSDictionary is key-value coding compliant:
NSDictionary *someDictionary;
// create someDictionary, populate it, for example (note: we assume photoOfKeys.jpg
// definitely exists, not a good idea for production code — if it doesn't we'll get
// a nil there and anything after it won't be added to the dictionary as it'll appear
// that we terminated the list):
someDictionary = #{ #"favouriteGarment": #"hat",
#"#allKeys" : [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameDotMac],
#(2) : };
NSObject *allKeys;
// we make no assumptions about which type #allKeys will be, but are going to assume
// we can NSLog it, so it needs to be a descendant of NSObject rather than 'id' so as
// to definitely respond to the 'description' message — actually this is just compile
// time semantics, but if someone else reads this code it'll make it obvious to them
// what we were thinking...
// some code to get all of the keys stored in the dictionary and print them out;
// should print an array containing the strings 'favouriteGarment', '#allKeys' and
// the number 2
allKeys = [someDictionary valueForKey:#"#allKeys"];
NSLog(#"%#", allKeys);
// some code to get the object named '#allKeys' from the dictionary; will print
// a description of the image created by loading photoOfKeys.jpg, above
allKeys = [someDictionary objectForKey:#"#allKeys"];
NSLog(#"%#", allKeys);
// `objectForKey is analogous to `objectForKeyedSubscript:`, aka
allKeys = someDictionary[#"#allKeys"];
allKeys is a property of NSDictionary as described here. I've also added a mapping from the NSString allKeys to a photograph of some keys. Whether I use the key-value coding valueForKey: methods or the NSDictionary objectForKey: lookup method dictates whether I read the property of the object instance or whether I send the object instance a message asking it to do its unique job.
objectForKey: is a method on NSDictionary for accessing the object associated with a key. valueForKey: is a method on NSObject for accessing any value associated with any object, through the name of a accessor method, property, and/or instance variable.
valueForKeyPath: can be seen as a shorthand for several calls to valueForKey:. You can think of it as sort of a xpath, if you will.
These two statements will result in the same output:
// Using nested valueForKey:
NSLog(#"%#", [[myObject valueForKey:#"foo"] valueForKey:#"bar"]);
// Can be done with a single valueForKeyPath;
NSLog(#"%#", [myObject valueForKeyPath:#""]);
valueForKey:and valueForKeyPath: are part of KVC (Key Value Coding). Introduction and in-depth documentation can be found here:
valueForKey: and valueAtKeyPath: are methods defined in the NSKeyValueCoding informal protocol, and default implementations for both are provided by the root class NSObject.
objectForKey: is a method on NSDictionary.
valueForKey: takes a key to a property, while valueAtKeyPath: takes a so-called keypath. A keypath is a period-delimeted path to a specific property, like #"".