Sample Code for Remote Process/Application Monitoring -

I am looking for a bit of inspiration here, a client has requested me to build a simple remote process monitoring application with capability for smtp notification, when monitored processes go down or come back on-line. Can anyone point me in the direction of some sample code to get me started. I have briefly looked at .net remoting as a potential development path, from my understanding of how this works, the remoting architecture would require both a client and remote server component, (though I am not a 100% sure on this one), however if this is the case, then it will not fit the bill, as one of the fundamental requirements is that no additional software can be deployed on the servers which are to be monitored.
Alternatively, if you know of a finished 'lightweight' product out there, which would deliver this sort of functionality then this would probably work as well.
Kind Regards
Paul J.

Net-SNMP actually has the ability to monitor processes and send out notifications now. If you look in the snmpd.conf manual page ( under "process monitoring" ( and "disman event-mib" support ( to get the two features you need. Also the notification sending support (
I don't remember the windows support for it and how well it works though (it looks like you're aiming for windows).


Continuous device and connection issues with routed Tokbox session

We’ve been using the Tokbox platform for several months now with a Javascript web-client as well as an Android phone client, where sessions and connections are managed by a Python server. While integration and bring-up went well on both ends (client and server), we continue to encounter problems with the in-session audio and video experience.
Sessions are always routed and always between two participants only, with much use of a collaborative editor.
The in-session experience is like a coin toss: we never know how it’s going to go, and that’s becoming a business threat.
Web-Client: A/V Resources
The most common problem is the acquisition of audio and/or video: at the beginning of a session, one or the other participants may have problems hearing or seeing the other. Allocating a new connection to establish new streams does not fix that, nor does restarting the browser.
Question: What’s the recommended way to detect possible resource locks (e.g. does another application hog the camera/microphone)?
Web-Client: Network
Bandwidth and packet loss are a challenge, for example this inspector graph:
Audio and video of both participants is all over the place, and while we can not control the network connections the web-client should be able to reliably give useful information.
Question: Other than continuous connection monitoring with getStats() and maybe the experimental navigator.connection property, how can the web-client monitor network connectivity?
Pre-Call Test
We recommend to customers to run a pre-call test and have implemented it on our site as well. However, results of that test often times do not reflect the in-session connectivity. Worse, a pre-call test may detect a low (no video) bandwidth while Skype works just fine.
Question: How can that be?
I'm a member of the TokBox development team. I remember you reported an issue with the Python SDK, thanks for that!
Web-Client: A/V Resources
Most acquisition issues are detected by the JS SDK and if they aren't then we'd really like to hear about it! Please report reproduction steps or affected session IDs to TokBox support (referencing this StackOverflow question):
Most acquisition errors appear as OT_HARDWARE_UNAVAILABLE or OT_MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED errors. Are you detecting and surfacing these errors to your users? There is also the special OT_CHROME_MICROPHONE_ACQUISITION_ERROR error which is due to a known issue with Chrome that has been mostly fixed since Chrome 63 (see
Web-Client: Network
Unfortunately this is one of the more difficult issues to troubleshoot. Yes, Subscriber#getStats() is the best tool we have at our disposal and is a wrapper around the native RTCPeerConnection#getStats() function. Unfortunately we don't have much control over the values returned by the native function and if you think our SDK is returning incorrect values when compared with values from RTCPeerConnection#getStats() then please let us know!
It would be worthwhile confirming whether the issue is reproducible in all browsers or only a particular one. If you have detailed data regarding the inaccuracy of the native RTCPeerConnection#getStats() function then we could work together to report it to the browser vendor(s).
Fortunately we have just released the new Publisher#getStats() function which lets you get the publisher side of the stats. This should help you narrow down the cause of a connectivity issue to either a publisher or subscriber side. Please let us know if this helps with tracking down these issues.
Pre-Call Test
Again, these tests are based on Subscriber#getStats() which in turn are based on RTCPeerConnection#getStats(), the accuracy of which is out of our hands, but we'd love any reproduction steps to either fix a bug in our client SDK or report a bug to the browser vendors.
Just to confirm though, when you say you've implemented a pre-call test in your site, did you use the official JavaScript network test module? This is actually what's used by the TokBox pre-call test.
#Aiham, thanks for responding, I've been looking at the the new Publisher#getStats() you linked to (thank you!), so we too can give our users some way of visibly seeing the network conditions that might be affected the quality of their call (and who's causing it). However, it seems as though bytes / packets sent goes up sharply as the number of subscribers increases, even though we're in a routed session.
Am I wrong to expect the Publisher#getStats() statistics to stay fairly stable regardless of the number of subscribers then receiving that stream in a routed session? I expected the nature of a routed call to mean it's sent once to the OpenTok Media Servers, and the statistics would end there.

WAN/GAN IM application in

Hi I have started a project which connects to a database and creates/logs in a user at the moment i have a LAN messenger that works very well, and a FTP chat which is not exactly what i was hoping for.
my idea now is to create two tables in the database message 1 and message 2 both of which display the user who is sending and the message sent. and the program uses threading to connect and download the messages.
My question is, is there a better way of completing this task (if so could you send a link or two this way? or express your opinion).
and or any problems you guys/girls think i would run into. Cheers :D
If you require to see some code just ask and i'll edit the post thanks
Although its easy on paper to do a chat application that uses a 'DB' as a backend/comms layer .. its not really the best approach. It will work... but with load, it may not be a very good approach.
Most chat clients uses a peer to peer connection, or even client server with the coding and implementation of a server that handles what happens with messages going/destined where ever.
If you really want to get low down and dirty, google for 'TCP chat application' examples. If you want to operate a bit higher (not handle the really gritty low down mechanics), then look for some 'wcf chat' examples.

Dynamic server discovery list

I'd like to create a web service that an application server can contact to add itself to a list of servers implementing the application. Clients could then contact the service to get a list of servers. Something similar to how minecraft's heartbeats work for adding your server to the main server list.
I could implement it myself pretty easily, but I'm hoping someone has already created something like this.
Advanced features would be useful. Things like:
Allowing a client to perform queries on application-specific properties like the number of users currently connected to the server
Distributing the server list across more than one machine
Timing out a server's entry in the list if it hasn't sent a heartbeat within some amount of time
Does anyone know of a service like this? I know there are open protocols and servers for doing local-LAN service discovery, but this would be a WAN service.
The protocols I could find that had any relevance to your intended application are these:
XRDS (eXtensible Resource Descriptor Sequence).
XMPP Service Discovery protocol.
The XRDS documentation is obtuse, but you may be able to push service descriptions in XML format. The service type specification might be generic, but I get a headache from trying to decipher committee-speak.
The XMPP Service Discovery protocol (part of the protocol Formerly Known As Jabber) also looked promising, but it seems that even though you could push your service description, they expect it to be one of the services mentioned on this list. Extending it would make it nonstandard.
Finally, I found something called seap (SErvice Announcement Protocol). It's old, it's rickety, the source may be propriety, it's written in C and Perl, it's a kludge, but it seems to do what you want, kind-of.
It seems like pushing a service announcement pulse is such an application-specific and trivial problem, that almost nobody has considered solving the general case.
My advice? Read the protocols and sources mentioned above for inspiration (I'd start with seap), and then write, implement, and publish a generic (probably xml-based) protocol yourself. All the existing ones seem to be either application-specific, incomprehensible, or a kludge.
Basically, you can write it yourself though I am not aware if anyone has one for public (I wrote one over 10 yrs ago, but for a company).
database (TableCols: auto-counter, svr_name, svr_ip, check_in_time, any-other-data)
code to receive heartbeat (http://<>?svr_name=XYZ&svr_ip=P.Q.R.S)
code to list out servers within certain check_in_time
code to do some housecleaning once a while (eg: purge old records)
To send a heartbeat out, you only need to send a http:// call, on Linux use wget* with crontab, on windows use wget.exe with task scheduler.
It is application specific, so even if you wrote one yourself, others can't use it without modifying the source code.

Real-time application newbie - Node.JS + Redis or RabbitMQ -> client/server how?

I am a newbie to real-time application development and am trying to wrap my head around the myriad options out there. I have read as many blog posts, notes and essays out there that people have been kind enough to share. Yet, a simple problem seems unanswered in my tiny brain. I thought a number of other people might have the same issues, so I might as well sign up and post here on SO. Here goes:
I am building a tiny real-time app which is asynchronous chat + another fun feature. I boiled my choices down to the following two options:
LAMP + RabbitMQ
Node.JS + Redis + Pub-Sub
I believe that I get the basics to start learning and building this out. However, my (seriously n00b) questions are:
How do I communicate with the end-user -> Client to/from Server in both of those? Would that be simple Javascript long/infinite polling?
Of the two, which might more efficient to build out and manage from a single Slice (assuming 100 - 1,000 users)?
Should I just build everything out with jQuery in the 'old school' paradigm and then identify which stack might make more sense? Just so that I can get the product fleshed out as a prototype and then 'optimize' it. Or is writing in one over the other more than mere optimization? ( I feel so, but I am not 100% on this personally )
I hope this isn't a crazy question and won't get flamed right away. Would love some constructive feedback, love this community!
Thank you.
Architecturally, both of your choices are the same as storing data in an Oracle database server for another application to retrieve.
Both the RabbitMQ and the Redis solution require your apps to connect to an intermediary server that handles the data communications. Redis is most like Oracle, because it can be used simply as a persistent database with a network API. But RabbitMQ is a little different because the MQ Broker is not really responsible for persisting data. If you configure it right and use the right options when publishing a message, then RabbitMQ will actually persist the data for you but you can't get the data out except as part of the normal message queueing process. In other words, RabbitMQ is for communicating messages and only offers persistence as a way of recovering from network problems or system crashes.
I would suggest using RabbitMQ and whatever programming languages you are already familiar with. Since the M in LAMP is usually interpreted as MySQL, this means that you would either not use MySQL at all, or only use it for long term storage of data, not for the realtime communications.
The RabbitMQ site has a huge amount of documentation about building apps with AMQP. I suggest that after you install RabbitMQ, you read through the docs for rabbitmqctl and then create a vhost to experiment in. That way it is easy to clean up your experiments without resetting everything. I also suggest using only topic exchanges because you can emulate the behavior of direct and fanout exchanges by using wildcards in the routing_key.
Remember, you only publish messages to exchanges, and you only receive messages from queues. The exchange is responsible for pattern matching the message's routing_key to the queue's binding_key to determine which queues should receive a copy of the message. It is worthwhile learning the whole AMQP model even if you only plan to send messages to one queue with the same name as the routing_key.
If you are building your client in the browser, and you want to build a prototype, then you should consider just using XHR today, and then move to something like Kamaloka-js which is a pure Javascript implementation of AMQP (the AMQ Protocol) which is the standard protocol used to communicate to a RabbitMQ message broker. In other words, build it with what you know today, and then speed it up later which something (AMQP) that has a long term future in your toolbox.
Should I just build everything out with jQuery in the 'old school' paradigm and then identify which stack might make more sense? Just so that I can get the product fleshed out as a prototype and then 'optimize' it. Or is writing in one over the other more than mere optimization? ( I feel so, but I am not 100% on this personally )
This is usually called RAD (rapid application design/development) and it is what I would recommend right now. This lets you build the proof of concept that you can use to work off of later to get what you want to happen.
As for how to talk to the clients from the server, and vice versa, have you read at all on websockets?
Given the choice between LAMP or event based programming, for what you're suggesting, I would tell you to go with the event based programming, so nodejs. But that's just one man's opinion.
LAMP - Apache create new process for every request. RabbitMQ can be useful with many features.
Node.js - Uses single process to handle all request asynchronously with help of event looping. So, no extra overhead process creation like apache.
For asynchronous chat application, + Node.js + redis pub-sup is best stack.
I have already implemented real-time notification using above stack.

Tools to monitor and debug SaaS Services

What tools will come in handy to debug and monitor SaaS services built on WCF in production environment ?
FYI - No access to the actual server whatsoever. No remoting in, and no access to the file system.
There are dozens of 'dotcom-monitors' (eg but they can only monitor parameters that are publicly available, like site uptime, response times etc.
If you want to monitor memory usage and other parameters known only from 'inside', then you have two choices: either install some monitoring agent on a server (in most cases it would be a pain).
You can also send 'signals' from your code to some external event handling and notification service. I recommend AlertGrid ( for the latter purpose it is very flexible and extremely easy to integrate.
AlertGrid doesn't require installation, access to the file system etc. it just gathers data you send and allows to build some notification rules. Examples:
you can send some parameter like memory usage and built rule 'if memory_usage > threshold -> send SMS to admin'
you can send data related to your applicatioin. If you have application proceeding orders, you can send number of processed orders in the signal and build notification rules around that
If you have some logic trigerred periodically (cron, windows service) you can send signal each time your logic is executed to check if it is executed on a scheduled basis.
(I am a developer in AlertGrid's team, in case of any question, please feel free to ask.)
What exactly do you want to monitor? If you only care about availability then good old ping might be enough :)