Rails 3 routing based on context - ruby-on-rails-3

I am trying to implement a "context" system similar to the one used by GitHub. For example, a Post may be created belonging either to the User or one of the Companies the User belongs to depending on whether to User is in the "User" context or a context that refers to one of the Companies.
As a part of this, I'd like to be able to do routing based on the user's current context. For example, if the User is in their own context, /dashboard should route to users/show, but if they are in the context for Company with ID 35, then /dashboard should route to companies/35/dashboard.
I could route /dashboard to a special controller responsible for making such decisions, such as context#dashboard which could then do a redirect_to, but this doesn't feel quite right (perhaps because we're taking logic that the Rails routing module should be responsible for and moving it to a controller?)
What would be the proper way to solve this problem in Rails 3?

I finally found a solution to my problem that I like. This will use the URLs from my original question.
First, assume a session-stored Context object that stores whether the user is in a "user" context or a "company" context. If the user is in a "company" context, then the ID of the company they're working as is in the object as well. We can get the context via a helper named get_context and we can get the currently logged-in user via current_user.
Now, we set up our routes as so:
MyApplication::Application.routes.draw do
get "dashboard" => "redirect", :user => "/users/show", :company => "/companies/:id/dashboard"
Now, app/controllers/redirect_controller.rb:
class RedirectController < ApplicationController
def method_missing(method, *args)
user_url = params[:user]
company_url = params[:company]
context = get_context
case context.type
when :user
redirect_to user_url.gsub(":id", current_user.id.to_s)
when :company
redirect_to company_url.gsub(":id", context.id.to_s)
It's easy enough to keep the actual URLs for the redirect where they belong (in the routes.rb file!) and that data is passed in to a DRY controller. I can even pass in the ID of the current context object in the route.

Your approach seems like the best way to me. Anything else would be more cluttered and not very standard.


Rails + Devise - Session Controller explaination

I am playing around with Devise in a project, and am just trying to better understand how it all works. The Sessions controller in particular is doing a few things that I don't understand:
class Devise::SessionsController < ApplicationController
def new
# What benefit is this providing over just "resource_class.new"?
self.resource = resource_class.new(sign_in_params)
# What is "serialize_options" doing in the responder?
respond_with(resource, serialize_options(resource))
def create
self.resource = warden.authenticate!(auth_options)
set_flash_message(:notice, :signed_in) if is_navigational_format?
sign_in(resource_name, resource)
respond_with resource, :location => after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
def serialize_options(resource)
methods = resource_class.authentication_keys.dup
methods = methods.keys if methods.is_a?(Hash)
methods << :password if resource.respond_to?(:password)
{ :methods => methods, :only => [:password] }
def sign_in_params
I assume that these methods are adding some sort of security. I'd just like to know what exactly they are protecting against.
The implementation of devise_parameter_sanitizer is creating a ParameterSanitizer instance. I often find looking at tests to be helpful in understanding the purpose of code; and this test I think illustrates it best-- since you're creating a new user, you don't want to allow users to assign any value they want to any parameter they want, so sanitize means "strip out any attributes other than the ones we need for this action". If this wasn't here, and you had a role attribute, a user could send a specially-crafted POST request to make themselves an admin when signing up for your site. So this protects against what's called, in the general case, a mass assignment vulnerability. Rails 3 and Rails 4 protect against this in different ways but the protections can still be turned off, and I'm guessing Devise is trying to set some good-practice defaults.
The serialize_options method is creating a hash of options to support rendering to XML or JSON. I found this out by looking at the implementation of responds_with, which calls extract_options! which uses the last argument as options if the last argument is a Hash. The documentation for responds_with says "All options given to #respond_with are sent to the underlying responder", so I looked at ActionController::Responder, whose documentation explains the process it takes to look for a template that matches the format, then if that isn't found, calling to_#{format}, then calling to_format. There's a view for HTML, and ActiveRecord objects respond to to_xml and to_json. Those methods use those options:
The <tt>:only</tt> and <tt>:except</tt> options can be used to limit the
attributes included, and work similar to the +attributes+ method.
To include the result of some method calls on the model use <tt>:methods</tt>.
So this keeps you from exposing more information than you might want to if someone uses the XML or JSON format.

Nested Routing for Single Table Inheritance model rails 3.1

I created a Single table inheritance model in my model file and am having difficulty with the routing. When I use :as in my resource, it renames my named path.
Model file:
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
class AdvertiserAccount < Account
class PublisherAccount < Account
resources :advertiser_accounts, :as => "accounts" do
resources :campaigns
I used :as in my routes because it is a single table inheritance and I want to pass the account_id and not the advertiser_account_id. My link is
However, using :as renames my named path from advertiser_account_campaigns to account_campaigns. My route looks like
account_campaigns GET /advertiser_accounts/:account_id/campaigns(.:format) campaigns#index
So when I create a new item using form_for, I would get "undefined method `advertiser_account_campaigns_path'"
Edited: current hacked solution
A hack around way that I am using is to duplicate the code in the routes file. Anyone have suggestions?
resources :advertiser_accounts, :as => "accounts" do
resources :campaigns
resources :advertiser_accounts do
resources :campaigns
If you run "rake routes" with your setup you'll see this:
account_campaigns GET /advertiser_accounts/:account_id/campaigns(.:format) campaigns#index
POST /advertiser_accounts/:account_id/campaigns(.:format) campaigns#create
new_account_campaign GET /advertiser_accounts/:account_id/campaigns/new(.:format) campaigns#new
edit_account_campaign GET /advertiser_accounts/:account_id/campaigns/:id/edit(.:format) campaigns#edit
account_campaign GET /advertiser_accounts/:account_id/campaigns/:id(.:format) campaigns#show
PUT /advertiser_accounts/:account_id/campaigns/:id(.:format) campaigns#update
DELETE /advertiser_accounts/:account_id/campaigns/:id(.:format) campaigns#destroy
accounts GET /advertiser_accounts(.:format) advertiser_accounts#index
POST /advertiser_accounts(.:format) advertiser_accounts#create
new_account GET /advertiser_accounts/new(.:format) advertiser_accounts#new
edit_account GET /advertiser_accounts/:id/edit(.:format) advertiser_accounts#edit
account GET /advertiser_accounts/:id(.:format) advertiser_accounts#show
PUT /advertiser_accounts/:id(.:format) advertiser_accounts#update
DELETE /advertiser_accounts/:id(.:format) advertiser_accounts#destroy
So you should use "account_campaingns_path" in this setup, the ":as" actually changes the calls in the code not the paths in the url. If you want to change the paths you should use ":path =>" rather than ":as =>".
The Rails guide on routing also shows some examples with ":as" and ":path" and the resulting paths and helpers, you'll need to search a bit because think they only use in in examples explaining other cases.
Edit: rereading your question, I think you may also want to look at member routes, I'm not sure if that's what you want to mean with it being a single inheritance and not wanting to pass the advertiser_account's ':account_id'?

Rails - One Main Redirect Controller for all half finished routes?

I have two main controllers for my app, AdminController and ApplicationController.
My proper routes are /admin/merchant/1, admin/merchant/1/shop/1 (Nested 1 level deep only =P)
However, many users will conveniently type site.url/admin or site.url/merchant out of convenience.
Is it pragmatic to match a few routes to a method in my admin controller and route them based on user? i.e. match "/admin" => "admin#route_me"
before_filter :require_login
def route_me
if current_user.role?(:merchant)
redirect_to admin_merchant_path(current_user.merchant)
elsif current_user.role? :customer
redirect_to admin_customer_path(currrent_user.customer)
Is there a good implementation out there to universally catch-all half entered routes and try to "complete" the path for them?
E.g. if the user types in admin/merchant/shops (missing merchant ID), my smart route knows he's trying to access his shop page, checks his ID and fill it up for him if he has one.

Create a 'Random User' button on my Rails 3 web app

I want to have a button which goes to a random user on my site. I am using the friendly_id gem so the URLs are, for example, /users/dean and I've also set it up so its /dean.
I'm guessing I would add something similar to this in my routes.rb file:
match '/users/random' => 'users#index'
And then some extra code in the user controller?
How would I go about doing this?
Many thanks.
I'd do this:
Define a class method random on User model (or in a module that's included into your model if you'd want to reuse it for other models later).
class User
def self.random
offset = rand(count)
first(:offset => offset)
Other ways of getting a random record, if performance becomes an issue.
Add a random action in your UsersController like this
def random
redirect_to User.random
And finally create a route
match '/users/random' => 'users#random'
I would have a specific action random in the user controller and localize the logic for choosing a user there. Return a redirect to the route to that user from that action. I would prefer this over complicating the index action with extra logic to handle a different action.

Rails 3 route scoping and/or nesting

I am having trouble scoping routes that I don't want to nest.
I have the following routes:
resources :foos
resources :bars
resources :bazs do
resources :hellos
resources :worlds
The foo, bar, and baz models all belong_to a user model. I don't want to nest another layer, but I do want to have a prefix in my url that corresponds to a user's permalink attribute (similar to each github repo prefixed by a username). So I have a before filter on all of my controllers
def get_scope
#user = User.find_by_permalink(params[:permalink])
Modified to_param thanks to #cowboycoded
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_param
I wrapped those routes with
scope ":permalink", :as => :user do
#nested routes here
Now everything works fine as long as I pass #user to every non-index route. It doesn't seem very dry to have to go back to all of my views and replace (#foo) with (#user, #foo) when it is already scoped.
Unless I am mistaken, the to_param method simply replaces :id so that urls such as /users/:id appear as users/permalink instead of users/1. I attempted to use this :id in my scope, but it conflicts with foo's :id param and breaks everything. Maybe there is a connection to paths that I am missing?
Thanks for any suggestions that you may have!
Have you tried using the to_param method in your model? This will allow you to override the default and use something other than id, and will work with the URL helpers
Example from documentation:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_param # overridden
user = User.find_by_name('Phusion')
user_path(user) # => "/users/Phusion"
I'm not sure how well this plays with scope, since I haven't tried it, but I guess its worth a shot.