Automatic SASS to CSS in RoR 3 without sass --watch - ruby-on-rails-3

I've read all topics re. SASS + RoR, but there are no answers for my small question. I'm running Rails 3 and using alternate syntax, without SCSS. Haml gem included in the project. What else should I configure to have autogenerated css files without "sass --watch"?
Thanks in advance!

You just need to put gem "haml" in your Gemfile, then put your Sass files in public/stylesheets/sass.


gem react on rails: webpack.config.js

I use Rails 5.1 and the react_on_rails gem v10.0.2
I want to use css modules and css-loader and I'm wondering where to put the webpack.config.js - File?
As I see it the current version of the react_on_rails gem doesn't have the client directory (where the webpack.config.js file used to be stored) anymore.
The react components are stored in /app/javascripts.
I met the similar problem, and I found out there is no such thing called webpack.config.js in rails webpack. Instead, they manage their configurations in the config/webpack/*.js files.
More details can be found in the link: rails-webpack-config

Use Haml files in Redmine plugin

I am creating a Redmine plugin and would like to use Haml for the view templates. There is an existing plugin which has Haml views (ekanban) and it does not contain any special code to get Haml working other then having you add require 'haml' to your main application's Gemfile.
So here is what happens -- the templating system loads the .html.haml file correctly but renders the HAML markup (like it was rendering ERB).
I've tried to insert the require 'haml' at various intervals to no avail. I've even tried manually trying to activate Haml.init_rails(...) as suggested in this SO question. I've tried inserting that in a few places, tried it in a Rails.configuration.to_prepare block in the plugins' init.rb file. I've tried telling the Gemfile to not require 'haml' and attempting to do it during plugin load to no avail. What gives?
The view template had Textile in it and I did not notice because the markup for <h2> is similar (h2. vs. %h2). Including gem 'haml_rails' in the plugin's Gemfile is sufficient with no extra code.
Read carefully Installation instruction for this gem :)
Add "gem 'haml'" to your #{RAILS_ROOT}/Gemfile
I can't agree with this strategy: plugin can't change Redmine core! Any Redmine plugin can have own gems (defined in own Gemfile) - so I think you can create Gemfile in your plugin, run bundle install from the Redmine root and I believe you will manage to use Haml

How to use SASS, HAML, and CoffeeScript in Rails 3.2.x Engine?

Currently, I have a Rails 3.2.9 Engine which is using sass-rails. When I generate a controller with a couple actions, the assets are also generated (i.e., javascript and CSS). However, both the Javascript and SASS are *.js and *.css files. They're not CoffeeScript (* or SASS (*.css.sass). Any ideas how to get this work?
Here's a different solution which will use the coffee-rails and sass-rails gems by default - also fixes haml-rails.
I added this to the top of my engine.rb file:
require 'rails'
require 'coffee-rails'
require 'sass/rails'
require 'haml-rails'
What I did was inspect the source code of these files to see how they work in a normal Rails application. For example, in haml-rails I looked at lib/haml-rails.rb and saw the following:
require 'haml'
require 'rails'
module Haml
module Rails
class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie
if ::Rails.version.to_f >= 3.1
config.app_generators.template_engine :haml
config.generators.template_engine :haml
Similar files exist for sass-rails (lib/sass/rails/railtie.rb) and coffee-rails (lib/coffee/rails/engine.rb).
Just append --stylesheet_engine=sass --javascript_engine=coffee to your generator command (I'm assuming rails g controller).

Asset pipeline won't even try to compile SASS

My setup is fairly simple default rails 3.2.1 setup. All my .css.sass files are in /app/assets/stylesheets/. I have the sass-rails '~> 3.2.3' gem in :assets group.
There's no application.css, just main.css.sass (used for main layout).
When i issue:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
it compiles my coffeescripts and javascripts. There are no error messages in the log. It's like it doesn't even try to compile sass files.
The main.css.sass file header looks like this:
//=depend_on "_globals.css.sass"
#import globals
The _glocals.css.sass exists in the same directory.
James is right and it's one of the possible solutions.
The drawback of adding all files to one manifest file is that all will be precompiled to single file - which isn't always what you want.
In my case I needed separate files (one file for each layout).
Heres how to add new manifest files:
config.assets.precompile += %w( file1.css file2.css )
You don't need to have actual file1.css, if you have file1.css.sass it will be precompiled.
I think sass needs a manifest file and by default that's application.css for a rails 3.2 app. So creating application.css and //= require 'main' might dove your problem.

Getting SASS to work with Rails 3

I am trying to get SASS to work with Rails 3.
I have added gem 'haml' to my Gemfile (and ran bundle install) and I have added a styles.scss to my public/ directory, but it does not seem to be working. Can someone help me out? Thanks!
By default, Sass expects sass/scss files to go in public/stylesheets/sass, which are then compiled into css files in public. You can change this path by setting Sass::Plugin.options[:template_location] in your config, though.